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TRIO: RICHARD's team VS BEAMER's team - Printable Version

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TRIO: RICHARD's team VS BEAMER's team - CHASE - 12-24-2019


These were the gladiator masters in Nolo's arena: Jim, Innout, and Igno and
this is the first story arc of Beamer and later Richard, this should come
before their escape from the gladiator camp

Jim heard the challenge. He was still brooding over the death of Joey to
the Robin & Seth but thought this would be a good way to get his mind off
it. If Innout thought his lone fighter could defeat not just two of Jim's
warriors but also two of Igno's and possibly a fifth from GG then Jim would
let the kid try. He knew it was suiside though but if Innout wanted it to
proceed Jim had no objections. Jim announced his reply to Innout's

"If Innout wants to see his solitary fighter dead in the dirt of the arena
then so be it. My only concern is that 1 of my two boys will slay Beamer
before Igno's even get the chance! I give you two boys who are relatively
new to my stable but come ready to fight and die if need be. First I
present Johnny! Johnny is 19 years old will fight with a traditional
fencing foil. And his partner is a sturdy 18 year old named Blaine. Blaine
will fight with a stiletto only!"

The two boys walked out and presented their weapons to the cheers of the
crowd wearing only skimpy loincloths that showed off their fine 
forms. They glared at Beamer as all awaited to see which two warriors Igno
would send forth.

"Three cut, handsome boys in so far... and with your Beamer alone against
all of us, I like both the ante and the odds Innout, as they are both in my
favor!" Igno stated.

"I contribute two fighters to this "battle", or, as I should say for poor
Beamer, slaughter: 20-year-old Kamil, wielding a bo staff, and 19-year-old
Derek, who fights with two shortened spears."

The young gladiators enter from Igno's camp, Derek in a tight blue speedo,
Kamil wearing a thin red thong. They both share cocky grins, knowing that
this fight will be over in a matter of seconds. Igno is excited to find out
whether or not the patron the others call "GG" will enter a combatant, and
if so, whom; the arena is always in need of more boys for Igno's gladiators
to slay, after all...

Beamer stood in the center of the four warrior boys that flanked him to
each side in front and behind.

Much competition was generated between the stables. This exercise looked
like a simple killing execution. None believed Beamer had much of a
chance. Yet he stood confidently with nothing but his scant loincloth. No
weapons did he wield. He was stoic in expression yet glanced about slowly
taking in the 4 boys circling, measuring him.

Jim's warriors gave each other the nod. Lately things had been tense
between that squad and Igno's. They were under orders to "secure the kill".

Johnny raised his rapier and moved in at Beamer's flank while Blaine
readied his stiletto and moved closer.

Upon seeing Jim's warriors moving in Igno's, not to be outdone, did the
same with Kamil lowering his staff and Derek lunging in with two short, but
very deadly looking spears.

All four boys converged at once and through the middle of it none seemed to
find the agile Beamer who tucked and rolled out of harms way amid the
swiping and stabbing of weapons and charging bodies.

Beamer ended up behind Blaine. He pinched the boy's neck using his
knowledge of pressure points. Blain crunched his neck to one side and
grimaced in pain. Beamer quickly spun him around and ripped the long,
slender stiletto from his grasp. With one fluid motion Beamer plunged the
full eight inches of steel deep into Blaine's  belly. Beamer
wasted no time and quickly pulled it free. Blain slipped to his knees with
both hands cupping the bleeding new orifice just below his cute navel.

But the other three boys were trained well and wheeled about at him. But
Beamer reacted quickly and flung the stiletto with expertise and the blade
found a new home, sunk deep into the center of Derek's breadbasket. The
hilt wobbled as the blade penetrated the hard belly muscles.

"AAGHHH!" Derek grimaced as one hand went to his wounded gut.

Beamer leap frogged over Blaine as Kamil's staff whooshed over his
head. Beamer wrenched both spears from Derek's grip and immediately flung
them one to the left one to the right.

Thump! Thud! Followed by two differing tones of pain filled groans.

Both Kamil and Johnny sported the new look of a spear shaft protruding from
their hard muscled, masculine, hairless bellies. Both were hit just barely to the
right of their belly buttons.

"Holy shit that hurts!" Johnny said and he fell to his ass clutching the
spear with one hand yet still trying to maintain hold of his fencing
foil. The spear tip was a good four inches inside his guts. Fire seemed to
radiate out from deep inside him.

Kamil dropped to his knees. The tendons on the sides of his neck bulged as
he gritted his teeth and thrust his torso forward almost as if trying to
draw attention to the wood stick that seemed to grow from his young brown

As incredible as it seemed Beamer stood watching his four would be slayers
who all were groaning in pain clutching at the wounds on their young
bellies. The crowd roared in approval as Beamer took control. But then
Beamer noticed something wet on his leg. He looked down to see the source
and discovered his own belly had been punctured. The wound was very small
and red blood flowed like drips of water from it. Apparently Johnny's foil
had not missed after all. The red dot was practically in his button, just a
shade below it. Beamer noted with curiosity that there was pain deep inside
his tummy but found the feeling as much erotic as painful.

His cock swelled a little as he fingered the tiny hole. But he quickly had
to redirect his attention back to the matter at hand, that being polishing
off four still very much alive boy gladiators who even now were fighting
off the effects of their respective belly wounds and were back on their
feet. None looked too pleased at all to have been stabbed in the stomach
and wanted nothing more than to show Beamer how pissed off they were. With
bellies bleeding and cocks dripping precum they advanced on the lithe boy
from Innout's stable

Facing Derek now for reasons of his own, Blaine was intent getting his
dagger back "Hey that's mine!"

Unopposing him, Derek juts his tummy out and said almost cutely, "Please
take it back!"

The dagger stuck out and shook a bit as the boy bulged his belly. Blain
tried to touch it without hurting Derek but since Derek was Igno's he
didn't mind causing him some pain so he grabbed it roughly and
pulled. Derek tried to show his manliness by not uttering a sound and only
partly succeeded. A slight strain was necessary to clamp down his whimper.

Then Derek turned to his own business. Beamer could strike again at any
second and he needed to get his weapons back. He turned realizing this and
wanted his protection fast. He turned to Johnny and Kamil, without
realizing the pain his buddy Kamil was in and not caring the pain Johnny
was in. So he rips his spears out and the boys scream "EASY for gods sake!"
at the same time. He noticed with growing pleasure pressing hard against
his tight speedo with an even quicker growing wet spot on the point, that
Kamil's belly button even looked hard and creamy in a way. At once. It also
looked like it could take a lot of torture from Beamer. And it looked like
a floating cavern, waiting to be filled with something: water, any liquid
really, or a hard spear point.

Derek laughed a bit, a shy laugh, quick and short, "Ohh, sorry, guys
but...we hafta..."

Beamer had his navel throbbing from the hit of the foil but it spurred him
on. Johnny had a spear hit of four inches to the right of his belly
button. He had regained his fencing foil and with his long blond hair flung
back by a nod of his head, a move which made everyone think he didn't care
that he was wounded already, he moved toward Beamer with pouty lips and his
own throbbing freckled, lean belly.

Blain retrieved his stiletto, also sporting a belly wound but this one was
below his navel. It and his navel throbbed wildly along with his engorged
dick and sprouting mushroom head out of his loin cloth. His dark eyes
trained, more enraged than Johnny, on Beamer's own belly button outtie, a
long one if he must say. And he thought it would just bounce right into
Beamer's belly as he stuck it...if he could get close enough. He rubbed his
fuzzy short cropped hair as he too moved in.

Kamil hoped Beamer would not notice him, and consider the bo staff a non
knowledgeable weapon. Kamil's hard belly throbbed too but he held it stiff
unlike the other boys. He looked away from his belly button, which to the
right of had a spear hit too, a red gash in his dark tanned belly, ruining
his perfect skin. He tried not to think about it. That big red gash so
close to his intestines and so close to his navel, where he often dreamed
about getting IT. Implanted in there. It was close but no cigar he
thought. The only cigar was in his tight loin cloth and it was outdoing his
loin cloth.

The youngest, Derek, had gotten a stiletto in his breadbasket. With loose
brown hair and skinny body but hard abs and wide nose, he shook himself,
visiably and he puffed his slightly chubby cheeks. He had retrieved his
short spears as noted above. Both in his hands now, he moved, cautiously,
toward Beamer, his shoulders down, his body slightly bent. He was ready to
try again and try again and again if he had to. He shook some more, his
arms and veins tight as he held onto his spear shafts as though it would
save his life.

Beamer had a half smile on his face. Something in his smile was mischievous
and almost sinister. Yet he wasn't after causing death or pain
needlessly. His own fire laden belly made him smile for he knew it would
cause him to burst out against his enemies with even more power, if not
rage. He, like the others, tried to ignore their penises and the
surrounding areas that the penis met, for these areas were all wet and
sticky in their respective coverings, which were not much. Kamil tried to
back off, circle around Beamer and it seemed to be working. The other three
edged away from each other, for a full frontal attack did not work. Thus,
Beamer noticed the trio tried to separate from each other as much as
possible and face Beamer from their own sides so that it would be more
difficult for him to counter any one attack. Then if one did attack, the
others could quickly move in and make short work of his abs...

Derek felt renewed by the pre cum in his dick splashed all around his loins
and he moved in first. Good, thought Johnny, move in and while he's
devouring your flesh with your own spears, I'll finish off his belly
buttono with my foil and jerk it in and out of him more times than any of
the audience could count. But he'd make Derek's death count by
finishing...he was snapped out of his thoughts by what he saw...

Derek moved in and Beamer shocked them all by moving into him too! Instead
of moving back, Beamer leapt forward, grabbed Derek's upper arms as Derek
made a whimpering sound in a good attempt to attack Beamer. Beamer held on
and sprang the arms to him, under his own arm pits. Kamil moved in from
behind with his bo staff but as Johnny moved in, Beamer turned Derek's body
around to Kamil's side, knocking the bo staff out of the way and continuing
the turn, Beamer kicked a leg out from under Kamil who also tried to jump
away but was thrown off balance. He moved in an awkward manner but did not
fall. Beamer didn't care for he pushed Derek away from him and then grabbed
the arms again but this time with opposite hands! He turned Derek fully
around so that Derek's hot back was to his front and then he let go again
and grabbed under Derek's armpits and over Derek's upper arms. He clang to
them as Johnny whipped in with his foil, expertly slinging it and winging
at Beamer.

Beamer now had control of Derek's arms, hands, and weapons. He swung them
and as Johnny did not realize right away what was happening, his foil
struck Derek right in the chest, possibly right into his heart. Derek felt
burning and moved away, his back moving into Beamer but Beamer's chest and
power pushed him forward. Behind him Kamil found his balance and his staff
and moved at them all again. "Get outta the way, fool!" Johnny yelled as he
moved the foil! "I know, I'll just jut it into ya and get it through him

"NONONO!" Derek yelled, "We on the same side!"

A foil found it's home in Derek's nice navel and he bent. He felt fire in
there. Then something solid filled his belly, making it more solid then it
was. Filling it so that it was solid now, with an alien metal in it.

He bent his belly. This time Beamer bent with him, bending over the boy's
back. As he did this, Kamil's rush moved too fast and Beamer back footed
his way at Kamil, who rushed too fast and was finding himself flipped over
Beamer's rock hard back and he could feel the spine of the beautiful

Derek thought, "What a nice way to die! Hot belly turning my meat to minch
meat and a hot guy on my back, trying to beat me. Another guy not caring
bout me but wanting to win, igoring my feelings of pain and death and yet
noticing my hot guts being ripped, torn, cut, and shredded. No fucking
better way to feel it there! To die!"

Beamer knew the boy under him was dying, he could feel the rush of the air
going in and out, the heave of the back as the boy gasped to get more air
in and out of his failing lungs. His heart was punctured. His belly was now
next as Johnny struck out any which way he could to get Beamer. Beamer was
so close to Derek though, the foil missed as Beamer kept him moving and the
foil found its way inert in Derek's navel hard and crunched something
inside and caught on something inside. Johnny had to jerk it hard to get it
off something in Derek and he jerked it free just as Kamil's body came
headfirst into him and he and Kamil collapsed on the ground. Johnny
yelling, "Get off me you dark skinned oaf!!!!"

Beamer wasn't on the ground though, he rose up, still clinging to Derek's
arms and body, hauling the dying boy up, the boy's face a study map of pain
experienced. Derek's eyes went wide in awe of the experience. Behind him he
felt Beamer's hard dick rising up and up and up, tight against his bare
back. Beamer tried to ignore it. It never happened this way to him. He
smiled but he whispered to Derek's ear as Derek jerked and arched backward,
head and all to Beamer's mouth range, "I'm sorry. I didn't want you to die
this way but..." Beamer couldn't finish. He moved Derek's arms backward,
bending them at incredible speeds and unbendable manners. Derek screamed
and died standing. His spear shafts were moving backward with his arms as
they aimed at Blain who was rushing inward. Blain's pecs, on the sides of
his pecs were hit, hard. One pec was torn away and the spear lodged in just
near his underarm. The other side had the spear at his bicep in his left
arm. Beamer let go and didn't plunge. He flung Derek's body away from him
as Johnny and Kamil recovered fast to their credit.

Derek's body flopped to the ground at Kamil's feet. Kamil looked down,
"Damn it! No! I liked him!"

Beamer looked, "I liked him too. I'm sorry."

"Like hell you are!" Blain spun around with two spears in his body, "Get em
out, get em out!"

Johnny went to help him and grabbed both spears. Beamer rushed Kamil
without notice and dove UNDER his legs. He brought his head up and his head
smashed Kamil's balls and lower dick, just where the dick sprouted from the
main body. Beamer then moved back as Kamil collapsed yet again. "Fuck!
FUCK! WWERRGG! What kind of fightin was that!!!" He couldn't talk again for
a bit.

Beamer looked at him, "Don't get up, N' you'll live, man."

"YOU WON'T!" Johnny, rather than pulling the spears from his ally Blain,
moved at Beamer and had his foil aimed right at Beamer's back.

Beamer, instead of moving back, ran backwards at Johnny, "Bad move!" Beamer
running backwards, then turned. He laid the belly he had on Johnny's foil,
"For you to warn me. Shoulda given to me in my back but you might live to
take on another some day and learn from this lesson."

"AHHHH!" Johnny pressed his advantage, "Hahahah! We'll see who'll not live
to fight another day!" His foil point was wedged in Beamer's tough
outtie. It sort of made Beamer's outtie flex inward! "Haahhaha!" This
suprised Johnny, "What?"

"Trained it to do that!" Beamer was sweating now and he gulped as he felt
the foil get into his belly. He looked down at it, "Go on, do your worst,
Johnny. You can do worse than this, right?"

"Too right!" Johnny pressed his elbow and he felt the foil enter Beamer but
then it sort of just...stopped. "I will not relent until you are sprawling
in the dirt, kicking for...hey what the hell?"

"Feel like you hit steel?" Beamer asked, "You might just have."

"What? Why don't you get it in you?"

"Hard stomach!" Beamer sweated and his dick pouted and ballooned up until
he felt it would burst. As good as he felt from this, he was able to
squeeze his balls so that he held back the firing rocket that he knew would
erupt from this. Any second now. No, he thought, hold on, it'll be all that
much better when you reach victory over these tender but able bodied and
admirable warrior boys. Beamer was fascinated with Johnny's lower
ridge. Wonder what poking it would feel like?

"Hey ready to die with my metal to your meat?" Johnny asked, his mouth
curling at both ends. "I win over you!"

"Hasn't gone far has it?" Beamer WALKED at Johnny and the foil moved his
elbow back.

Johnny looked, "Damn it! Why won't you let it go in?"

"Don't know. It'll feel good in there, won't it?"

"JUST LET IT!" Johnny pressed and then he retracted it and stabbed at
Beamer's navel again.

Beamer stood there, stood his ground and got it there again. Air escaped
from his belly. A long huff that engulfed Johnny who took it in and
breathed the great smell from this beauty boy in. The pair admired each
other. Each other's bravado, each other's manliness, boyishness and smooth
able bellies. Johnny shook his head as if to acknowledge that Beamer's
challenge was stupid, he should never have done it. Beamer was

"Oaohkay...oh...kay..." Beamer stated, "I think you had your shot, enough
time to give it you best shot..."

Johnny was getting red in the face, "Why won't it sink in there!??? Fuck
you can't take that much! No one can take that much! It's not human!!!!"

Beamer nodded, "Enough time." Beamer did some kind of jig under the foil,
like a dancer trying to limba under that stupid stick. He came up to
Johnny, face to face, "Hiya, Johnny, it's over."

Johnny was wide eyed, "NO! NO! IT's not over!"

Beamer hit Johnny's sides with his palms and that hurt him. Johnny took it
and tried to move his foil, tried to move back too. Beamer grabbed Johnny's
back, wrapping him around the back and he turned Johnny as though they were
dance partner, holding hands just as Kamil was there and coming at
them. The staff made contact with Johnny's nice navel, smack in there and
while it wasn't deadly, it hurt. Beamer let Johnny go and body slammed
Kamil. Both went down to the ground. Beamer stared at dead boy
eyes...Derek. Kamil stared at the pained face of Blain on the ground. "Get
them out, I'll help you," Blain said, "Together we can finish him even as I

"Johnny's still..." Kamil felt Beamer's foot on his side, "Don't!"

Beamer looked, "You guys give? Give willya so I can let you live. I don't
wanna have to kill you all. I mean three of you are still alive."

Johnny was up and he had his foil again and he licked the end of it, "FUCK
YOU!" He ran at Beamer....

Beamer immediately turned to Johnny, who quickly rushed in with his foil
extended. To the surprise of all, instead of meeting his opponent head-on,
Beamer started backtracking. Johnny kept on moving forward, slashing and
stabbing his foil in but barely missing his target each time.

"Come on! I thought you were tough? Don't run," Johnny taunted, forcing
Beamer farther and farther back. Finally, Beamer's back met the arena wall,
giving Johnny an open invitation to claim a piece of those hot steel abs
with his sharp sword. He lunged in, swinging forward.

Rather than fear, however, Beamer simply displayed a confident
smirk. Johnny realized far too late that the experienced fighter was not
running away at all - he was luring Johnny away from the aid of his two
remaining teammates... and in his anger, Johnny had foolishly taken the

Beamer expertly ducked under the blade and darted in from Johnny's side. As
quick as lightning, he pelted the 20-year-old's side with multiple
punches, nailing him in the kidney each time. Johnny groaned, slumping to
one knee, clutching his ribs. Beamer wasted no time in spinning around the
dazed male to retrieve his foil. He grabbed Johnny's wrist and pinched down
on the inside of his elbow, causing Johnny unbearable pain. Johnny was
taught by his master never to quit, however, and kept his grasp on his

"Come on, you're already defeated - just give up and I won't have to kill
you!" Beamer huffed, struggling against Johnny's powerful arm with his
own. Johnny kept on fighting, inching the foil blade closer and closer
upward to Beamer's taut belly. Just as the tip touched his firm abs, Beamer
twisted Johnny's elbow, causing him to hollar out in pain and let go of the
sword, which Beamer promptly grabbed and flipped around. Johnny suddenly
felt an intense sensation inside him, instantly causing his seven-inch cock
to become even harder and spring out from its cloth. He glimpsed down to
see the blade of his foil completely embedded inside him, straight through
his tight ridged navel. The situation finally occured to him, and he
realized that sensation was that of incredible burning pain inside his gut,
combined with twisted pleasure as he felt the cold metal invading him.

"Ugh - my belly - can't believe you stuck me right in my button...!" Johnny
grunted, passively grabbing on to Beamer's wrist in what appeared to be a
weak attempt to somehow undo the irreparable damage that had already been
done to his muscular  abs.

"I'm sorry..." Beamer half-whispered. "Just relax, I'll take it-" "No!"
Johnny gasped. "Leave it in... twist it around... I'll die like a man!"

Johnny forced Beamer's closed fist to jerk and sway around, forcing the
thin blade to dance around inside the blond boy's gut, slicing through his
insides and producing a gruesome swishing sound. Beamer couldn't believe
that Jim's brave young fighter actually wanted to die like this, in so much
pain, but deep inside he understood to a degree, especially after this
battle's events thus far. He nodded solemnly and helped Johnny guide the
blade around inside him, making him gasp and moan in agony. Both were
intensely aroused, whether they wanted to admit it or not. Johnny finally
let go of the sword, allowing Beamer to poke it around even further with
both hands, while Johnny grasped his thick seven-incher and began pumping
like there was tomorrow - which, in his case, was correct. Within seconds,
Johnny felt his loins explode with pleasure, and he immediately blasted
everything inside his big, tight sack out and all over the arena wall, as
well as Beamer's hot chest and tummy. Beamer finally stopped twisting the
foil, and instead gently lifted it out of the gaping slit that was once
Johnny's navel. A thin jet of blood and gore squirted from the
ravaged belly, but he didn't dare to clutch a hand to it, instead just
laying there, spread-eagle, enjoying the last few moments of his death.

Meanwhile, Kamil and Blaine watched in a mixture of horror and arousal as
Johnny met his quick, but incredible end.

"Fuck... I can't believe it!" Blaine cried. "Get these things outta
me... let's kill this bastard!"

Kamil nodded, and without reluctance grabbed on to the half-spears inside
Blaine's once proud chest. Blaine nearly screamed as Kamil tore the cruel
weapons out, taking a good part of his pecs with them. Instead of letting
the pain shut him down, however, Blaine became even more furious and
snatched the spears from Kamil's hands. He lifted himself up despite his
wounds, and Kamil stood up with him. Kamil twirled his bo around his head,
while Blaine pointed the spears toward Beamer.

"To the death!" Blaine growled. Kamil repeated, "to the death!" Both
fighters prepared themselves and lunged toward the lone Beamer, who stood
confidently, sword in hand, ready to take the boys' challenge, but also
dreading having to kill two more this already bloody day. Regardless, the
two were infuriated by the deaths of their friends, and might prove to be a
greater challenge than the two slain youths. He would do what he had to, he
decided, and sprinted forward to meet them head-on...

"You're kidding me right?" Beamer stretched his legs out along the ground,
lowering his body just as his two opponents came as close as they could
get. He used his left foot to trip up Blain and this worked but Beamer's
main body was at Kamil, "You get to be the lucky one!" Beamer, at this
close range, held out the fencing sword and Kamil drove himself right onto
it. Beamer beamed as he felt Kamil's youth drain from his body, a nice hard
body. He shoved the hilt up fully so that the fencing foil went out the
back and WANGED in the wind and wavered. Kamil's body was already sagging
to his death, his dick stiff and wanging upward, in contrast to his dying
body, his dick came alive with energy. As he wavered bodily swaying, Beamer
used his free hand to grab the bo staff which was horizonatally above his
head, uselessly. Beamer shoved the sword in some more, pressing hilt into
dark tan belly. He pulled out a bit and shoved it in some more, "Sorry, I
don't want you getting up again!" He pulled the foil out and saw two
stilettos coming at his belly, aimed for both sides of his navel.

"ARGGGGG! DIEFURIT!" Blain yelled as he shoved the two stilettos into the
stomach of Beamer but Beamer hardly reacted at all. A mere wince later, he
looked at them and looked up. Blain was wincing from his pain, "You die
after all!" He leaned in and shoved!

Beamer brought the foil up between their pressed bodies. "Are you done?"

Blain just swallowed in answer.

"Now it's my turn," Beamer shoved his belly at Blain, putting his flesh
onto Blain's stiletto's some more and making them take them into
himself. "This is good! Better than I thought. See if you are as much a man
as you think, you are, Blain!" The foil vanished but it was replaced by
Beamer's arm going around Blain's shoulder and back holding him as he
shoved the foil right into Blain's bare belly button and upward, through
the chest but from inside. Beamer then moved it down and around, jutting it
awkardly out between Blain's shoulder blades. Blain bent and used his arms
to shove into Beamer' s navel area some more but didn't hit the navel
itself, just side and other side. Beamer gasped for the first time and
stepped back fast, ripping the stiletto's from his stomach, "You are better
than the others, I'd say...but...." Beamer in stepping back, tore the foil
fully from Blain's gut hole. Blain grabbed at the hole left
there. "But....not good enough!" Beamer moved in fast and swung the foil
back around and shoved it directly straight into the navel. He moved down,
got on one knee and let the sword rise inside Blain's guts. His hand,
forearm and very chest, felt Blain's guts and reactions along it as the
foil delivered the vibrations of Blain's hard stomach and entered flesh
along it to Beamer's veined arm and muscly chest. Beamer liked it...."I
like this! First time for everything I guess, just needed the right turn
on! YOU!"

"OhOhoh!" Blain said, "Glad I could...helppuhhh!" Beamer shoved the sword
out and pulled back again to examine his handiwork.

Beamer moved off a ways but as Blain suffered, Beamer looked at him, rose
his eyebrows and shoved, coming back fully with his whole body at Blain,
moving him toward the wall and he shoved again but this time let the foil
enter downward, down, down, down, smushing away intestines from the hole
and within, pushing them down toward dick but from inside Blain's torn
belly. Visible on the outside: not much, just the hole but Beamer did his
damage using Johnny's foil. "Feel that cold steel in your belly! Now I know
what you guys get outta turn me the fuck on!" He got in close as
he let the sword go down and then he jerked it in a new direction without
letting it come out.

"OhoHOOHHHAHHH! ERRGGH!" Blain, against the wall, jerked as the new
direction was found. His dick rose hard between them, Beamer pressed in
some more. "OH!" He jerked. His dick found new senations as did
Beamer's. Pinpricks all along the mushroomic head stinged him and tingled
along the top and then sent vibrations all the way down. It felt like a
marble ball was passed upward along his dick vein and then down the front
side only to come up the outer side again under the head, enter the head
and seem like exploding outward...this the jism load burst forward...

Beamer gasped, "C'mon Blain, show what your made of! Empty your fucking


"Empty yyY-ye-ur fucking nuts as I empty your fucking guts!!!!" Beamer
breathed deeply on Blain.

What Beamer didn't focus on was that Blain had the stilettos still in his
guts. BLain crossed them over Beamer's outtie and cut it from both sides,
leaving it a very promenint island in the middle of a sea of blood and more
importantly hard flesh that withstood the blades. Blain cut some more and
then in one last ditch attempt to be a man and win some points toward
exiting Beamer from this world, he grit his teeth, clenching his jaw and
grunting a grunting manly from the stomach grunt as he forced at
Beamer. This hardly moved Beamer a bit but it did. Beamer laughed out loud
and presseed Blain. Blaine's dick blew up between them sprouting white
wings between the boy bodies and it looked like wings spraying outward from
the pecs and the lowre neck. Beamer's dick ran itself dry with a thick
cumly load that seemed to have some solidness to it, it wet all over
Blain's neck and hit his mouth, going over his lips and dripped down it. It
rained on them. Beamer put his head against Blain's. "This is so fucking
good! FeelNSoFuckinGReat!!!! I fucking love it! Do fuck me up!"

Blain obliged or tried to and he unjerked the stilettos but the foil did
him in and he fell---- his body held by Beamer's pecs only. Beamer laughed,
dropped the foil and grabbed the stilettos out of Blain's limp gimp
hands. He moved from the wall and Blain fell. As the boy fell, Beamer stuck
his chest out. "This..this is I'm like all you other assholes
you like this shit! Only difference is...I live! I'm alive!"

"Sorry I'm late!" Ralph came jumping out from behind Beamer, jumping off
the gate top, which had opened while Beamer finished himself and BLain
off. Ralph had a black speedo, long dark hair and a big navel, long
outtie. He held a long knife in his hand and jerked up behind Beamer, his
dick going out from the top of the speedo and into Beamer's butt hole as
Ralph used his free hand to pull the remainders of Beamer's cloth off. He

"What? Who the???" Beamer tried to turn around. His body arched. From
behind, Ralph used both hands to jerk the knife into Beamer's belly button
and shove! "SHOVE IT!" Beamer yelled loudly, "SHOVE IT IN ME GOOD!"

"Fuck yueah! I like ya already!" Ralph stated, "You'll let me in on this,
huh? I'm glad I got out here in time...cause GG' wasn't sure he wanted me
in this but I was always late to a fight anyway. Boys to fuck first that's
what I always say!"

Beamer got Ralph's dick up his ass, Ralph's outtie up along his spiny back,
and Ralph's knife inside his guts. "I've had it!" Once Ralph exsqueezed his
sperm into Beamer's ass, dripping cum out Beamer's hole, he cam hardily and
as he did, Beamer arched more and more, racing to finish as Ralph finished
him from behind in the ass with his thick dick and from the front in his
navel with the pointed LONG knife! Both boys arched so much it seemed they
would fall over. "YEAHHHHHHHHH! OH
and when done, Ralph backed off Beamer, strings of cum keeping them tied

But the cum twined around Beamer as he turned. He looked at Ralph's button,
"MY! Is that a fucked up belly button or are you just glad to see me?"

"Slay you. I'm glad to slay you!" Holding the blooded knife, Ralph gripped
it greater and moved in.

But Beamer was faster and he moved in and grabbed Ralph's wrist, turned it
with a loud snap and used the limp, gimp hand to bend the knife at Ralph's
own navel. He planted it right at the outtie where the skin came out from
the belly button and the abs. He cut awkwardly at the skin and plunged it
in HARD! "Join the fun! Your outtie is joining your interiors! DIEEEEEEEE!"
Beamer let go and picked up the stilettos and joined them along the knife!

Not knowing what to do, Ralph still clung to the knife hilt. He jerked it
up but felt more pain so he jerked it back, felt more pain and then thought
about it. He smiled up at Beamer who returned with the foil, tired, and
ready to die himself. He put the foil into Ralph who gasped, smiled, and
said, "I don't wanna die but if I hafta I'm glad it's this way and with
you! DO IT!" Beamer cut the foil in and then got so close...he grabbed the
handful of hilts jagging out of Ralph's guts and jiggled them all around to
gut him up, "GUT ME" As he shook, Ralph's yells echoed in a strange shaking
melody. Beamer tore them all out and watched as Ralph looked at him, not
sure what to do with his pained feeling. Ralph nodded and fell.

Beamer came over to him and saw the exits that were on Ralph's back, "What
the hell?" Beamer fell front down onto Ralph's back. He jigged a jig on
Ralph as Ralph danced his belly into the soil of the arena sand. The two
cummed and cummed. Pain filled their guts where there once was solid meaty
muscle and sinew. Then silence.

But somehow...some way ....Beamer fight another day

Beamer returns to challenge three of Jim's most experienced warriors to a
3-on-1 battle...

Hector...foreign looking, Italian-ish Spanish face, smooth body and flat
belly. Skinny shoulders and arms but thick strong legs, long free flowing
dark hair and dark eyes. Dark tan, thick eyebrows and serious look on
face. Wears gold chain around neck and a light green-ish gray speedo that
stick out in front. Slight hint of moustache and chin hair but not
much. Oh, yeah and the gray speedo sticks out in front...ALOT. In his hand
he is tossing the hilt of a thin foil, great for thrusting into belly
buttons as hard as his opponent's...Beamer from Innout's

Casey gets a crossbow with bolts...blond fuzzy thick but somewhat short to
the ears hair. Actually thick hair on the sides and thin in back. Boy next
door face and freckles but attractively placed. A less serious smile and a
charmer to the audience. Smooth body, tucked in but outtie belly button
with a lower circle that looks innie, almost a double button. Wearing a
thin bathing suit with what looks like a belt on the top but not really a
belt, just part of the decor of the bathing suit. Bright blue eyes and
blond yellow shocking yellow hair. Outstanding nipples. A quiver strapped
to his thigh holds many bolts for his crossbow. They rub against his hip
and knee at times.

Richard has a long spear with a rounded head that is like a giant
toothpick, no fancy spearhead. He holds it triumphantly in both hands and
feels it up good. Innocent, young looking, deceptive appearance. Short
cropped light brown hair slightly spiked as one. Silk black speedo is all
he wears and it is tight. Outstanding not yet fully developed chest, the
best body of the three of Jim's boys standing in the arena ready to slay
Innout's one weaponless contender...Beamer. Richard is also the handsomest
of the four and with a smile full of dimples and perfect teeth. Thin slits
as he surveys all around him, slits of handsome brown sexy eyes. Smooth
belly, hard bone leading down to lowest of pelvic area, almost all bare.

Jim's three guys shake their heads in jokingly sarcastic way that Beamer
has no weapon. It's the ultimate insult to have one come out against such
three high caliber killers with no weapon. Not that Beamer meant to insult
them. He just knows he's better without a weapon to start with.

Beamer has a ten pack, there's no other way to describe it. It's full
bodied and he has these bony hips leading to a vee showing the way down to
his dick area. In the middle of it all is supreme belly meat, somewhat
sticking out, but hard. All of his dick area is almost totally on
display. His shoulders are bony and could be better developed. He is
getting a faint thin hairline from his outstanding outtie navel which is an
outtie point like a knife-within an outtie. He has very boyish puffy cheeks
and chin as well as jawline. His hair is golden yellow, almost white. He
has long hands and fingers, which do him good in battle. Low hung classic
tan short kneed pants which are strategically ripped and small boots are
all he wears. He nods respectfully to his three opponents with a serious
face. He needs no boyish show of power or strength. He is not here to
kill...unless he has to. He had a slight vein coming off his right hip. His
arms also show some vein but could be better muscled.  Beamer is not the
traditional mean ass who loves violence and hatred. He is confident not
cocky. He's not mean spirited and will let someone live. He does hurt those
who keep coming and coming at him. He's not really into being sexually
aroused by fights but he's killed before. If someone stays down, he'll let
them live. He's cold and calculating and somewhat noble however he will not
give someone their weapon back, nor would he be above kicking in the balls
or dick. He is not above stabbing in the back. Beamer is more happy than he
looks and is somewhat a bright spot among social circles but he's very
serious. Beamer knows all about pressure points and how to disable the body
very quickly and easily. He knows how to kill this way too but rarely uses
it. He also is lightning fast and quick, moving so fast others almost don't
see him until he's already hurt them. He wears what he is in in the pic
except that it is all cut off, the legs are cut off, the thing almost looks
like a loin cloth but he's comforatbale in it..He doesn't taunt the boys
much at all and doesn't curse if he doesn't have to. He's almost immune to
pain and can take a lot in his guts and navel. He doesn't like bullies and
those who shoot off their mouths and he's not anti gay. He is a good friend
of the effeminate Korel. At times he needs to get his training by being put
in tough situations or he gets bored, thus this match.

Beamer stood... firm...hard, muscled and protrouding a little. He waited
for the sound to echo and then he was all over the arena, kicking up the
walls, running around and around. Diving off the wall sides, running,
hopping, jumping.

Casey looked bewildered, "What the fuck's he doing?" Hector laughed,
"Trying to live a bit longer?" Casey put a last arrow in the
crossbow. "Well, he ain't got long if that's his strat." Richard yelled
out, "Look, will you stay still so we can fight and kill ya!" Beamer
suddenly stopped and was right in the midde of them. Casey jumped back,
"Whoa!!" He needed room to fire. Beamer hit the arrow down. It fell and
Casey jumped further back. "This guy's not afraid!" Hector saw Beamer very
close to him. "Fuck, you're history!" Hector moved his elbow back and
readied his rapier at Beamer's chest but Beamer got close and grabbed his
other elbow and twisted. He grabbed the rapier with his other hand and it

Casey scrambled to find one of his already fired arrows and found one and
began to place it.

"Damn!" Beamer wanted to hold onto it. Beamer punched Hector across the
face and Hector fell to Beamer's feet.

Casey wanted to fire but he saw Richard poking at Beamer with his spear,
"Get outta my way, Rich!" Beamer was being held by Hector, "Stick em!
Stick em now Richard! Ya got him!" Beamer made a face like this was no big
problem. Richard came at Beamer, spear pointed right at outtie navel point
but Beamer dropped down a bit, bending at the knees and he reached up and
caught the spear with both hands, and tossed, arching his back. Richard
flew up and landed behind him heavily, the spear still in his
grip. "Ahhh!!"

Beamer kicked Hector but despite the boot pain on him, Hector held
tight. Richard began to recover and jumped up behind Beamer, spear at
spine. He wondered about stabbing him in the back and wondered if he
could. He raced at Beamer's back.

Beamer now open, Casey fired. One, two, as fast as he could. Beamer caught
both in his right hand, both making a nice vee point in his hand, sticking
out near his thumb. He smiled and raised an eyebrow at Casey, who snapped,
"Shit! How the fuck he'd do that! Nevermind!" He loaded another one.

As this happened, Richard plunged with spear behind Beamer. Beamer side
stepped using his body, for his legs were still held tight by Hector
below. "Get him, get him!" Hector was yelling.

As Beamer side moved, he twisted his upper body and spun, with one hand he
grabbed the spear and with the other he dove the two pointed arrows into
Richard's smooth, bare white lovely lower belly, many inches beneath that
nice navel. Why spoil that navel? Beamer thought about not pushing them in
deep but he thought, "What the fuck, these three are the best Jim has! I'm
not taking any chances!" So he drove them as deep as he could, knowing
another crossbow firing was immenent. He shoved them in deep and almost up
to the end. Richard went wide eyed and tried not to scream.

Richard didn't scream but he gasped. "Unngghhhhh! Unga!" Beamer grabbed the
spear but Richard pulled on it and the force floored him onto his back but
he had the spear in his hands. In his grip. He wouldn't let Beamer use it
on Hector.

"Casey! Crossbow his abs!" Hector yelped. "Do it now! I don't know if I can
hold him much..."

Beamer kicked at Hector's arms but Hector held tight. "OFFFAAFFFFF!" Beamer
looked as the arrow landed with a thick thud right in his navel. "Right in
my belly button!" Beamer looked down and up and down. The arrow was deep in
there. He knew, like Richard, that he could live through this pain and
maybe survive. But more was on the way for both boys.

"Fuck yeah!" Casey made a victory fist.

Hector yelled, "AWRIGHT!" He jumped up, scrambling to retrieve his
rapier. As Beamer gasped and grabbed at the ararow unsure if he should
leave it there or if he should just pull it out now, Hector placed his
rapier point. "Now braggart boy...." He put the tip in the lower part of
Beamer's belly button.

"Ohh," Richard struggled with the triceratops like points in his lower

Hector looked at Richard, "This for him." Hector looked as the tip pressed
in but then he said, "No, maybe not there....but..." He moved the tip down,
pressing to scratch skin. It made a line along the belly button underneath
and down, following the hint of trail of hair there and he pressed into the
skin lower, "butbut but tut tut, there!" With a strong heave, Hector
elbowed the rapier in.

"Gasp! OHSHIT!" Beamer jerked but held.

Hector was surprised too. He smiled but dropped it as he saw Beamer's
stomach not give as much as he thought it would.

"Hector, you're in my way!" Casey was shouting.

"It's my party now!" Hector smiled and shoved but found the rapier couldn't
go much more in.

Beamer raised an eyebrow, "I eat good." Nevertheless, he huffed and gasped
and shut his eyes.

"Eat what you want, you can't resist this force!" Hector shoved. To thick

Beamer did something totally unexpected. He launched his upper body
backward, off the rapier, leaving his feet still. He reached back and as he
did, he encountered the ground. He saw the arrows and felt them in
Richard. He moved them around some more and Richard kicked and moaned,
making Beamer's dick grow hard. Something new to him. It was wet. Richard
was wet and now he held the arrows in his lower guts but moving them Beamer
made deeper slits and shoved some more. Beamer let go and grabbed the
falling spear Richard let go of to hold his arrows. Richard tried to get up
and his abs showed tension. Beamer chuckled a bit, "We both got probs,

"What the fuck he'd doing?" Hector said.

"What the fuck are you doin, Hector!" Casey had his arrow ready and started
to move around but Beamer was quicker.

Beamer sprang up, Hector shoved again this time targeting the belly button
under the arrow. The arrow was in the center of the point, making it innie
now. Hector drove the tip into the lower button unmolested by the
arrow. Beamer gasped, "HUFFFFFFAHHHH!" He felt good and he felt pain. This
is probably it, he thought. Oh well, he felt good. Great. Here he was
shirtless, at his prime, springing cum from his dick, his shorts really
low, making hardness his joy, and he was fighting the best of the best and
almost won and even if he died, which was a strong possibility he thought
it was, he was proud that it was they who were killing him. They were hot,
they were handsome and they were mean and cool. And Beamer knew that his
life had been good. As he used the spear to drive into Hector's soft gut
hole, he felt the meat there give like butter. He didn't expect that.

Hector folded a bit and then drove himself upward and shoved into
Beamer. Beamer shoved into Hector.

Beamer knew that he thought he was the coolest kid in the world, the
universe even. And for a long time he was. He had had boys and girls, been
with them both, he preferred boys but he knew he had his fill of a good
life and if it ended now and here and now and then, he knew that it was a
good one and that dying this way was fucking great. "This was the only way
to go! UGNGHBNN! For me!"

"Not me! I ain't dying!" Hector gasped. An arrow hit him in the back.

Casey yelled, "Get outta the way!"

Beamer smiled, "You shot your own guy!"

"I didn't mean to!" Casey yelled and rounded at Beamer, "Move!"

Beamer moved into Hector, knowing Hector's rapier was popping through his
innards and would soon be finding its way out his bare tanned back! He
moved in and drove the spear with both hands now, one before. Now he moved
and he twisted himself and Hector to stay between him and Casey! Hector
gasped and his belly and Beamer's belly met hip to hip and lower belly to
lower belly! Richard groaned. He was not dead yet. Hector was as good as
dead as another arrow hit him.

Beamer yelled, "Hey, you stop that! I wanna win fair!"

"I ain't meaning to! Just drop him!"

"No fucking way!" Beamer hugged into Hector, his own meat burning and on
fire. Hector screamed as an arrow protruded from his shoulder, his side and
the spear tore through, bringing his belly button meat out his back and
letting it hang back there, with long chain of intestine too.


Jer, your part one was quite simply out of this world. I have read yours
and mine togetehr and mine pales in comparison but I hope you and the
others like it anyway. Great work!


"No fucking way!" Beamer hugged into Hector, his own meat burning and on
fire. Hector screamed as an arrow protruded from his shoulder, his side and
the spear tore through, bringing his belly button meat out his back and
letting it hang back there, with long chain of intestine too.


Beamer and Hector continued their embrace. Their stabbed bellies pressed
into each other. Hot blood & cum acted like lubricant as the boy's tummies
ground together.

Hector grimaced as the spear through the gut and now the crossbow bolts in
his back killed him. He looked Beamer in the eye, after all their eyes were
just inches apart and said, "I'm killed. I didn't think I would die
today....really I didn't. But I didn't think my own teammate would
help. Kill the little fucker will ya?...Please?"

Beamer's own belly navel had been shot with a bolt and stabbed through with
Hector's foil and said, "I dunno...I was kinda thinking I'd die too. My
belly got hit pretty bad...hurts but sorta feels good too."

Beamer's cock spat more cum as if to accentuate the point.

Hector shook his head `no' then with a quick jerk he pulled his fencing
foil free from Beamer's belly button. Beamer gasped and shot cum yet again
slathering Hector's balls and inner thighs with the white, watery slime.

Hector turned the foil handle around and slipped it into Beamer's hand,
"Please, take it...kill that creep Casey. The little asshole shot me in the
back...fucking killed me. I'd have lived through this!" gesturing to the
spear in his stomach.

"Oh for god's sake let him go!" Casey whined at Beamer.

Annoyed that he could not get a good shot at Beamer Casey took aim and

The crossbow bolt struck Hector dead center between the shoulder blades
piercing his young heart from the backside. His eyes grew wide with a
combination of pain and the knowledge that death was just seconds
away. Hector gave Beamer a wink before his eyes rolled back into his head
and he fell flat on his back dead at last. Casey had his way now.

The cute blonde already had another crossbow bolt loaded and as soon as
Hector fell free he fired. But Beamer seemed to return to his former self
and with one deft move swatted the projectile from the air with the
foil. He did a tuck and roll and came up right in front of Casey thrusting
the long, slender weapon deep into the 21 year olds right breast right
through his outstanding nipple.

Casey's face contorted in pain and screamed, " chest!"

Beamer pulled the weapon out then decided Casey needed a matching set. He
almost hated to ruin another perfect nip but he really didn't like
Casey...he really had liked Hector in the few moments they had spent

With a single thrust Beamer stuck Casey through the left nipple sending the
foil's point deep into the lung.

Casey groaned. With both lungs punctured his breathing became
difficult. Blood bubbled up from the corners of his mouth as two tiny
rivulets oozed their way down his taunt white torso.

Beamer pointed the bloody foil tip right at Casey's cute navel poking it
even, "Surrender now" Beamer commanded still not wanting to slay the
handsome boy even after what he had done.

Casey backed up and with hands trembling got another bolt into his

"I wouldn't if I were you!" Beamer said

"Fuck you!" Casey snarled as blood flew from his lips.

He raised the crossbow but Beamer moved with the quickness and agility of a
feline and ripped the crossbow from Casey's hands even before Casey knew

Beamer pressed the front of the bow right to Casey's smooth, white, firm
yet supple belly meat and fired.

"EEEEEOOOOWWWWWEEEE!" Casey screamed as the full five inches of bolt buried
itself deep in his bowels penetrating right through his beautiful navel.

Casey now laid on his back. His legs kicked the dirt in futility. His hands
cupped his bleeding tummy while his now free five inch cock bobbed freely
sticking straight up from and nest of thick, blonde, immature peach fuzz.

"OOOHHH MY BEEEELLLLLYYY!" Casey groaned as precum oozed out his piss slit
and down the throbbing shaft.

"Told ya not to do it didn't I?" Beamer said picking up the foil again. He
touched the tip of the foil to the center of Casey's heaving chest a point
perfectly bisecting the boy's two stuck nipples.

"I'm breaking my own rule by asking a second time....surrender now." Beamer
jabbed he point into Casey's chest breaking the skin but no further.

Casey knew what happened to those who surrendered and his reply was to spit
a mouthful of bloody saliva up at Beamer. Casey then curled his upper lip
making his beautiful face almost ugly.

Beamer wasted no time in driving the point of the foil deep into the center
of Casey's chest.

Casey let out a long, slow and deep gasp and bucked his hips upward. His
engorged cock squirted what seemed like a pint of cum. It came out in a
steady stream almost like he was pissing, not spurting cum.

Beamer looked at the copious amounts of shot boy semen and shook his head,
"What a waste!"

Casey's hips fell back down and his head fell off to one side as more blood
drooled from his mouth. His eyes closed and pierced chest collapsed with a
gasp never to rise again.

Beamer was nearing exhaustion. The stabbing his own navel took was
reasserting itself again. He pressed a hand to the bleeding hole and turned
around...and saw Richard standing before him with his spear leveled at him!

Beamer tossed his head back in frustration and disbelief, "Don't you guys
EVER give up?"

Richard was now naked too. The two arrows embedded deep in his extreme
lower belly had pumped enough blood out to wet the small but lush growth of
brown pubic hair. His nicely shaped 6 inch cock had a pearl of precum-fluid
at its tip. A hairless ball sack dangled below all that.

Richard said nothing but steadied himself and lunged at Beamer.

Beamer was fading but still managed to dodge the wounded Richard's attempt
and grabbed the spear shaft and pulled it and Richard into him. He raised a
knee and plowed it right into the spot on Richard's gut that had the two
arrows in it.

Richard gasped in terrible pain and folded forward. Beamer scooped him off
his feet and body slammed him down hard onto his back.

Richard lay there groaning as Beamer shoved the spear point to the boy's

Beamer was growing light headed and his stomach throbbed and ached. But his
cock stayed erect and wobbled around with each move he made.

"Do it! Fucking do it! I'm ready to take it like a man!" Richard said
squinting his eyes closed steeling himself against the pain he knew was
sure to cum.

"Fucking have it your way kid!" Beamer said panting.

He shoved the spear into Richard's navel. It took a little more pressure to
pop through the back navel wall but when it did it slid unobstructed
through the 20 year olds guts.

"OOOOHHHHH FUUUUUUUUCCKK!" Richard gasped. As if pushing a button, or in
this case stabbing a BELLY button Richard's member spat its
juice all over his bloody stomach and the offending shaft impaled through
his navel.

"I bet it's a fuckin party every night in Jim's camp isn't it kid?" Beamer
said swishing the spear point through Richard's intestines.

The tendons in Richard's neck stood out. His face grimaced as he withstood
the fiery pain of having his guts turned to mush but still he answered,
"Yeah.....its pretty good every night!"

Beamer jerked the spear tip out of Richard's butchered belly button. It
made a wet sucking sound as he did so. Beamer stood over his fallen
foe. Blood dripped from the spear point onto Richard's chest.

Blood oozed from Beamer's belly wound.

Blood ran in streams down both of Richard's sides from the crater in his
gut where his navel was moments earlier.

Both boy's cocks dripped.

"Fuck Richard, you're beautiful. I DO NOT want to kill you. But you guys
from Jim's camp are so fucking stubborn you're giving me no choice."

Beamer touched the tip of the spear to Richard's flat chest placing it
right over the boy's pounding heart.

"It's over Richard. You know it. I know it. One thrust and you're worm
food. You're about the best looking hunk I've ever seen and there are tons
of them floating around these camps. Please...PLEASE don't make me!"

Richard considered his options and decided he would rather try to redeem
himself even if it did mean being ostracized by his teammates for

Richard conceded defeat and the announcer said, "I give you your

Beamer reached down to help Richard to his feet. Richard clapped a hand to
his stabbed navel. The two arrows still inside his lower guts were hurting
bad too.

Beamer held his own stuck button and said with a wink, "Kinda cool ain't

Richard was drawn into Beamer's glassy eyes but was roused from his sexual
fantasy when fellow teammates Craig and Jamal grabbed him by each shoulder.

""I sure would not want to be you Richard!" Craig said as they helped him
walk off the field.

Richard knew exactly what Craig meant as his life was about to get very
difficult. Those that surrendered were not treated well. He would have to
work hard to redeem himself in his teammate's eyes and in Jim's.

Richard returns to Jim's camp after his defeat in the Arena against

Dr. Thompson was the physician for the gladiator camp hospital was a
kindly, older gentleman. He looked down at his latest patient who was ready
to leave and said, "Okay, Richard, you're free to go just watch those
stitches on your belly and no rough stuff for at least three weeks. After
that you should be good as new."

Richard didn't look terribly happy at the news; in fact he looked a little
worried and rubbed his scared stomach, "I don't know Doc. It still sort of
itches a little. Maybe I should stay here a few more days?"

Dr. Thompson knew full well why the handsome warrior was hesitant about
going back to his camp. He had surrendered in the ring instead of taking
death at Beamer's spear point. The Dr. knew how the "quitters" were
treated. He clapped a hand down on Richard's bare shoulder. The lad was
solid and muscular, still strong despite the seriousness of the wounds he
had received, "Richard I know you don't want to go back to Jim's camp
believe me I do. If there was a way I could make it so you didn't have to I
would. But Jim, Igno and Innout all have rules that I have to abide
by. It's going to be hard on you Richard of that I won't lie. But I know
that you took wounds to your belly that would have killed nine out of ten
boys, hell nine out of ten MEN! I have to believe you survived for a
reason. Now you have to find out what that reason is. Maybe before you do
you have to endure some trials. Do you understand what I'm saying son?"

Richard had been looking down as his hopes of not returning to Jim's camp
were dashed. He looked up as the man finished speaking, his wide eyes wet
with tears and said, "Yes sir. Thank you for everything. Thank you for
saving my life."

The man patted his firm back as the boy turned, "You're welcome son. And
Richard! I thought you might want these"

He held out his hand. In it were the two crossbow bolts Beamer had shoved
into his lower belly.

"I had to really dig to get these out of your gut Richard. They should have
killed you but they didn't. If you ever wonder why you're here maybe these
will remind you you're survived for a reason."

Richard took the arrows and forced a smile on his face. He walked out the
door of the infirmary wondering his life really had been worth saving. How
he dreaded what awaited him.

Richard stopped short of the main gate in the cavernous tunnel that opened
into Jim's gladiator compound. The brothers Ryan & Mitch were pulling guard

Richard greeted them as if nothing was wrong, "Hey guys! I see you go stuck
on guard duty. Still wearing those bandanas I see." They said nothing as
they held their spears in one hand and opened the big brass plated door
with the other. Richard hated their cool reception, "Hey maybe after you're
done we can hang out like we used to you know, you guys, Alistair and me."

Still nothing from Ryan or Mitch. It was true that they had spent lots of
fun times with Richard and his roommate & lover Alistair. But Richard was
dead to them now. He had surrendered and become a "quitter". They knew
their own lives would become terrible if they showed kindness to him so
they decided to shown nothing at all in keeping with self preservation.

Upon getting no reaction Richard sighed and entered the compound while the
brothers closed the door behind him.

It was after training hours and the dinner meal finished. Now was the time
the boys had to relax and enjoy some free time among themselves. Richard
encountered a few familiar faces on his way down the stone corridor. They
ignored him after a brief meeting of the eyes.

He stepped to the entry of the recreation room. Inside he heard the
cacophony of boy's laughter and excited conversation. He stepped into the
room. They young gladiators were gathered in groups. Some were playing
cards or dominos or backgammon. Others were wrestling around playfully,
others were just lounging and talking while they snacked on fresh fruit and
bragged about their battle scars.

One by one the boys in the room saw him and ceased talking. As more boys
became quite the others looked to see the reason why the din was lessening
and they too became silent when they saw him. Nobody said a word and the
silence weighed like a metal weight on Richard's shoulders. He passed
through the room to get to the hall that led to his room. The walk though
the rec room seemed like a mile long march as many pairs of eyes bore into
him and loudness of the silence seemed overwhelming. Just as he passed
through the door on the other side someone yelled "Quitter!" and nothing
more. Richard glumly walked to his room. Alistair would be their. Alistair
was his best friend and had been since they had made love a year
ago. Surely he above all people would understand.

Richard approached his and Alistair's room. How he had longed to feel
Alistair's arms around him again and comforting feel of his hard, toned
body next to his own.

He opened the door and saw Alistair on his own bed and another handsome boy
named Danny on his.

Alistair's chin dropped, "Richard...I...I wasn't expecting you."

The sight of Alistair made Richard forget all his troubles. He smiled and
said, "That's it? How about a hug?"

Alistair said nothing. Danny stood up and said, "What are you doing here
anyway quitter?"

Richard bristled, "I could ask you the same thing. This is my room not

Alistair stood up, "Richard this is mine and Danny's room now."

Richard's spirit slowly dropped again as he heard that news. Alistair's
lack of joy to see him wasn't helping either.

"But Alistair...... what about you and me?" Richard asked

Alistair stepped over behind Danny. He wrapped his arms around Danny's
supple waist and fingered the boy's navel. Alistair kissed Danny's neck
then rested his chin on his shoulder. He looked Richard in the eye and
said, "You see Richard, Danny took more than just your bunk if you know
what I mean."

Richard went into almost a panic mode. Alistair's words and affection
toward Danny hurt more than the spear he took in the gut. Danny said
nothing, he didn't have to ,his cocky smirk said it all too well.

Richard's lower lip quivered as a tear ran down his cheek.

"I put your things in a bag over there." Alistair said pointing with one
finger not releasing his embrace around Danny's tummy. He kissed Danny's
throat again and Danny moaned softly his sex rising.

Richard knew the situation was lost. Alistair was lost to him. All his
friends were lost to him, even his bunk was lost. He picked up the bag with
his few belongings and turned away. Danny could not resist one final
parting jab, "Oh Richard, thanks for being a quitter. If you hadn't
Alistair and I would never have been brought together."

Richard took one final look at the two as they turned and faced each other
grinding their pelvises together and kissing deeply. They seemed not to
even notice him anymore.

Richard slumped down against the wall. The cool stone tingled his bare
back. He sobbed slightly and cursed his decision to yield to Beamer and his
gut sticking spear.

"Hey quitter!" a young sounding voice said.

Richard looked up and saw it was Gus the boy lived across the hall and down
a few doors with his roommate Trent. Both boys were just 17 and
two of the youngest in the camp. Richard had never gotten to know them
other than to occasionally order them around as was his right being older
and higher in the camp pecking order. But that was now changed.
