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Sniper shot; The Dream - FuqWitCha - 01-20-2020

Been lurking for a while and I figured I'd repost one of my stories from the old Arenafighter!  I got more pictures to add but I gotta split, I'll add them in later.


James was standing outside the barracks, he had been working out on the gym equipment out front.  He was shirtless, as he always was when he worked out... the warm Iraqi sun doing little to warm up the day, but he still liked the feel of the cool air on his skin.

It was eerily quiet.  There didn't seem to be anyone around... but just then, coming from around the corner of the other tents, was Damien.  He was shirtless, too, as it seemed at first as though he were just coming up to work out with James.


As soon as he rounded the corner, Damien's eyes had locked on to James, and he slowly approached James like he had something to say.  The whole thing seemed to happen in slow motion;  it was weird.  There was no one else around but the two of them.

Damien came to a stop standing right in front of James, their eyes never left each other's.  James stared into those dark, handsome eyes, curious as to what they were about to say... but after several seconds, Damien said nothing.

Inexplicably, James slowly reached his hands up above his head to grab the chinup bar;  he didn't pull himself up to do a set, he just raised his arms and grabbed the bar, and as he did, his well defined torso was perfectly exposed.  Every ab muscle, every seratus muscle, and especially that deep "V" cut in the front of his flawless torso was on perfect display for Damien... including James' perfect innie... an innie that had a solid rim, and a thin fold of skin with a crease right down the middle.


James just stood there, exposed.

After several more seconds - their joined gaze never breaking - Damien slowly brough this right hand up to James' stomach, and extended his index finger - Damien had big hands, and his finger was not small.  To James' surprise, Damien brought it right up to James' bellyhole, right into it, and slowly applied a small bit of pressure.

The sensation was very sensual - there was a bundle of nerves larger than those found in male nipples directly behind the bellyhole wall, and in that moment, James sensed as though every one of those nerves was feeling Damien's finger in his gut.  Immediately, James began to get hard.  Even with Damien's finger poking his bellyhole, James ignored his instincts and did nothing to move his hands from the chinup bar he grasped above his head.

Just then, Damien began to slowly swirl his finger around and gently-but-firmly started to increase the pressure he was applying, and the feeling instantly sent a shockwave of plesaure through James' balls.  He shut his eyes and let out a quiet, soft, deep grunt that sounded almost like a moan.


The pressure grew firmer and firmer, Damien continuing to swirl his finger around as it grew, and the harder Damien pressed, the harder James got.  He was soon as hard as a rock, and the top end of his dick began to poke out from waist of his low-hanging pants.

The pressure continued to grow, and James rocked up his ab muscles to provide some resistence, but in a sudden sensation of shock and pleasure, Damien's finger began to push through that tiny slit of skin and wiggle its way through and into James' belly.  James was shocked at first, but his shock soon gave way to ecstasy as he suddenly realized there was no pain, only Damien's thick, manly finger force its way into his gut.  Damien continued to wiggle, and soon, his entire finger was all the way inside James' belly, and the level of pleasure he felt was so great that he could not open his eyes... he was blissfully enjoying the stud probing his guts.  He was overcome with surges of head-numbing pleasure each time the stud wiggled his thick finger inside his stomach.  He had no idea what was happening, but he knew that he did not want it to end.  He was awoken suddenly, with a start.

"James!!" shouted Damien.

"Huh?!" James awoke, blinking and scanning his surroundings, as would any warrior waking from a slumber.

"Get up, man, we gotta move out..." Damien said, and he lingered for just a brief moment to secretly take in James stomach and chest, as he sat hunched on the floor, arising from his nap.

After Damien walked away, James realized he had been dreaming, and in another second, he realized his cock was hard as a rock and felt cool at the tip.  After seeing nobody was looking, he quickly jammed his left hand into his pants and slicked off the ooze at the tip of his dick with his left thumb... he had apparently let out a huge wad of precum during his dream.

In Iraq, on patrol, there were usually a lot of hot guys in close quarters, spending lots of time with each other, forming emotional bonds that in other places might be questioned... but out here, when your lives could end at any minute, a lot of things happened that might not be common out in the real world.  James had formed a deep man-crush on Damien, and while he didn't really know it for sure, the feeling was completely mutual.

James climbed to his feet, dusted himself off, and readied himself to get back on patrol.

The two men were alone on their patrol, they had decided to take a quick break, but it was time to get back to work.  The two of them both started out on their way again through the ravaged city, to make it another 2 miles to the edge where they'd double back and start the whole thing again.

The two of them marched off in the direction of the edge of town.  Both men were shirtless... it was against regs, but it was warm enough, and they were in such a remote area that nobody would give a shit.  The two men were built solid... "The Chippendales", others in the platoon used to call them, because they loved to strut around half naked (and sometimes fully naked) showing off the bodies they had worked so hard on.

They had resumed their patrol and had been under way for about 30 minutes.  James was in lead, Damien behind him.  It gave Damien a great chance to take in James' beautifully muscled back, and at often times he would just watch his fellow warrior walk in front of him, soaking in every muscle as they flexed and moved.


Things seemed quiet and normal... until heard a deep thud and stopped abruptly.  Instantly he felt like he had been punched in the gut, and he doubled over slightly and uncontrollably grunted slightly... he was startled.  It didn't register for what seemed like several seconds, but was only a few, until suddenly he felt a deep, growing pain from deep inside his belly.  In shock, he looked down his perfect chest and muscular abs to see a spot of crimson begin to ebb from his bellyhole.  He immediately realized he'd been shot in the gut - a perfect slug right through his rimmed innie.

He quickly took his right hand and covered the hole in his gut as he fought for the ability to call out "sniper!" to Damien behind him.  He quickly hunched over and huddled behind some cover, and got to one knee as the pain in his gut suddenly started to grow.  He grunted hard and winced, hunched over, still on one knee, when Damien came running up behind up.  Damien saw his friend, hunched over, down on one knee, abs crunched tight, lats flexed, and a look of pain on his face.

"Dude!  You alright??  What happened?" Damien blurted.

"No," James winced, "I took one right in the gut..."

"Fuck!  How bad?" Damien gasped as he quickly looked over his friend, trying to assess the situation.

"The slug went prety deep, man," James grunted.

It took Damien only a second only a second to realize the gravity of the problem.  "Dude, sit back, lemme see," Damien said as he eased his friend back against the cover.  James clumsily sat back on his ass and grunted and winced as his but hit the ground.  Damien peeled James' hands back so he could get a look at the hole in his friends belly.  When his bloodied fingertips came away, he could see a small dark hole right in the center of his rimmed bellybutton.  It had to be a small caliber weapon.


"Fuck man," Damien blurted, "it looks like it was a .22... yeah you took it right in the gut..."  James could feel the hot slug still burried in his stomach.  It didn't go all the way through.  "I'mma call for backup..."  James continued to wince as Damien fumbled for the radio, occasionally scanning the landscape looking for the shooter.  As he frantically but methodically called for backup, both men knew from their reply that it was gonna be a while before anyone could get to them.  Instantly, the look of fear in their eyes was obvious in that James could bleed out before help arrived.  They stared into each others eyes for a few moments, the gravity of the situation sinking in as they both thought of what to do to buy them some time.

Suddenly, it hit him... James had no idea why he had the dream that he did, but whatever the reason, it was the perfect option to buy them some time.  James looked at Damien's manly, thick finger and knew exactly what to do.

"Dude," James said firmly, "you gotta stick your finger into my gut..."

Damien paused for a brief second, "Dude... are you sure?  It's gonna hurt like fuck..."

"Yeah man... I gotta stop the blood... if we don't do somethin' I'm gonna bleed out before anybody gets here..." James said deeply.

The two men never broke their gaze.  Knowing what he was about to do for his friend, that it would hurt like fuck, but that it just might save his life, Damien responded.  "Ok man."

After another few seconds, Damien asked "You ready dude?"

"Yeah man, do it..." James gritted.

Damien took his index finger and placed it right into James perfectly rimmed innie and placed his fingertip over the hole in his gut.  He could feel the warm blood coming out, and could immediately feel that the hole was smaller than his finger.  His digit was definitely big enough to punch in and staunch the flow of blood, but instantly they both knew James was gonna feel it.  Without another pause, Damien jammed his index finger all the way into James bellyhole.

"Uuunnnngggh!" James grunted, and the sensation he felt with this stud's finger inside his belly was even more powerful than it was in the dream.  This hot young musclestud had jammed his finger all the way inside him, as far as it could go, and though they had never actually fucked yet, this still felt equally as though his friend was inside him.  The feeling he experienced deep in his muscled belly had to be what it was like having him otherwise inside him.  James grunted tough as the pain he felt seemed merely a strong, dull ache, when paired with the other lustful feelings he was experiencing.

Damien had apparently gotten his finger in far enough to feel the warm slug that had made the hole.  He wiggled his finger a bit, inside James, to feel out the size and placement. "Ullll!"  James grunted with the painful and odd sensation, but was incredibly aroused from the feeling of Damien's finger probing his insides.  "Dude!  I can feel the slug in your gut!" Damien exclaimed.  "Yeah man," James winced back.

It was in that moment that Damien noticed that James' huge cock was hard as a rock, and had begun to poke out of the tip of James' low-hanging pants.  And the instant he saw it, he realized that his own, sizable cock was also as hard as granite, clearly visible under his pants.

In that moment, the two men realized they both had feelings for each other... more than the feeling of being buddies;  more than the feeling of being friends.  It was a testosterone-heavy, lustful feeling of wanting each other in sexual ways that they had not yet experienced with each other.  As James caught Damien's glance at his exposed cock, and Damien his, their eyes spoke voulmes.  They both finally knew that their strong sexual attraction was mutual.

After the brief moment of silence that seemed like an eternity, James was suddenly reminded of the hole in his gut as a deep sharp surge of pain kicked up in his belly.  He winced, and his mind started to drift towards thoughts of not making it before help arrived.  Damien saw the pain and concern in his buddy's eyes, and he felt afraid.

James looked on at Damien's beautiful dark eyes, muscular body, hairy belly... and blurted out what he wanted to say.  "Dude... I want you to suck me off..." he said.

Damien paused for a moment, realizing what it was his friend was asking, and why.  "Are you sure?"

"Yeah man, I wanna feel you... in case I don't make it..." James responding.

"Dude, shut the fuck up," Damien said quietly, trying to half-heartedly reassure the stud.

"No, come on man... do it... do it for me... I want it..." he said as he stared deeply into Damien's eyes.


After another pause, Damien, keeping his right hand and finger stuck in his friends guthole, slowly brought his left hand up to where James' cock was poking out and carefully unbuttoned the pants that were holding it in place.  First the first one, slowly, then the second, then the third, fully freeing James' generous manhood from its restraints.  He grabbed it in his left hand, slowly pulling it away from James' lower belly.  He could see a glistenening wad of precum on the tip.  Slowly, he bent his head down and eagerly slipped his warm, wet mouth onto James' granite-hard cock.  He slurped the wad of precum off the tip with his tongue, tasting his fellow warrior's salty seed in his mouth, and as he sucked and slid his mouth slowly down the thick shaft, the sensation sent another surge of precum shooting through his dick, and Damien willingly swallowed it down his throat.

James' head fell back in ecstacy as the stud before him swallowed his entire cock and began to slowly, firmly, and skillfully suck him up and down.  James' looked down to see the muscled warrior he had been daydreaming of for 6 months now linked with him in a way he never thought he would... down at the back of his buzzcut-head, his thick, muscled neck, and his rippling back.  The lustful sensation of the man on his cock, together with the dull ache and the probing sensation of the stud's finger in his bellyhole was an experience so sexually arrousing he could never have imagined it possible.  Given the testosterone high that they had both been feeling, and the inexplicable sensations of all of these things, it took almost no time before James' nuts seemed like they would explode.  He could feel the surge building, but he fought it off as long as he could... he knew that if he relented to the onslought, he might pass out, and the encounter would be over... but as the stud worked his way up and down on his dick, he finally approached the limits of his ability to hold back...

"Fuck man, I'm gonna cum..." James grunted.  He half-blurted it out as a natural reaction, but also to warn his buddy.  To his surprise, his buddy didn't stop slupring. Instead, he only quickened his pace and sucked even more strongly than before... and in an unexpected move, the warrior stud quickly poked his index finger further into James' flexed belly.

"Unnnnngh!" James grunted, and he lost all ability to contain himself.  An enormous load of seed burst from his groin and into his hard, thick shaft.  Damien could feel the surge on its way, and as it emerged from the tip of James' head, Damien slurped it all and sucked to pulled it out of the shaft, swallowing his slick seed all the way down his throat, tasting the full load of the man.  The sensation of Damien's tongue on James' head, as well as the strong suction pulling the load out of his cock made his balls ache, and several more loads emerged from his dick.  Damien sucked the muscled warrior dry.

As the last of the man oozed into Damien's mouth, it took only a grab and squeeze of his own cock to force it to empty its contents into his pants, and in the moment that he allowed himself to feel the pleasure of spending himself in his pants, he heard the rustle of activity coming from behind them.  He used his warrior's training to snap himself to altertness, even as his dick continued to drain the last of itself.

It was their backup.

James and Damien looked at each other in a slight panic, and within short order, James brought himself to his senses and quickly buttoned up his pants, once again trapping his now slippery wet cock back in his pants.  Even after the exchange, he was still hard as a rock.  James had barely finished the last button before the medic had kneeled before them.

The medic looked in to check on James' belly.  "Shit guys, looks like you guys got into some trouble... ah, smart as fuck, you stuck your finger in there.  You may have saved your buddy's life." he said.

"Yeah?" Damien said, "Is he gonna make it?"  James listened on anxiously.

"He seems alert enough, we've got blood with us, he should be ok if we can get that slug out of him and stop the bleeding.  Let's get him on his back."  Damien and the medic focused on the wounded warrior in front of them while the backup infantry secured the area.

As they eased James onto his back, he winced and grunted with the pain, but still felt the connection of the warrior stud he was with and his finger in his belly.  "Ok, on three, I want you to pull it out.  Ready?  One, Two, Three..." said the medic, and with a quick jerk, Damien plucked his muscled finger from his friends bellyhole, and it made an audible sucking noise.  "Uuuuuungh!" James grunted, and his abs rocked up solid as he struggled with the sensation.  When Damien's hand became free, it was clearly obvious that James cock was still rock hard, and its generous size made it very obvious through his pants.  Damien and James exchanged a quick fearful glance, and checked on with the medic to see if he noticed.

The medic, seeing the exchanged glance, explained it away.  "Yeah, that happens a lot with gut wounds, especially when it goes through your bellybutton.  There's a big bundle of nerves there that shoots right to your dick.  We're used to it."  The tech grinned and continued on his work.

Damien never left James' side until they moved him out.

RE: Sniper shot; The Dream - CHASE - 01-20-2020

a well written detailed and character driven story. HOT!

Great pictures, too! VERY VERY STeamy!

RE: Sniper shot; The Dream - gunplayfetish - 01-20-2020

Thats why better to shoot muscular guys with airrifle: after metal pellets they can be repaired and used again and again

RE: Sniper shot; The Dream - Dino Slaughter - 01-20-2020

FuqWitCha Wrote:I really missed your gutshot stories (with hot pics added). Thanks for this one. It's great! More when you get time, please.


James was standing outside the barracks, he had been working out on the gym equipment out front.  He was shirtless, as he always was when he worked out... the warm Iraqi sun doing little to warm up the day, but he still liked the feel of the cool air on his skin.

It was eerily quiet.  There didn't seem to be anyone around... but just then, coming from around the corner of the other tents, was Damien.  He was shirtless, too, as it seemed at first as though he were just coming up to work out with James.

As soon as he rounded the corner, Damien's eyes had locked on to James, and he slowly approached James like he had something to say.  The whole thing seemed to happen in slow motion;  it was weird.  There was no one else around but the two of them.

Damien came to a stop standing right in front of James, their eyes never left each other's.  James stared into those dark, handsome eyes, curious as to what they were about to say... but after several seconds, Damien said nothing.

Inexplicably, James slowly reached his hands up above his head to grab the chinup bar;  he didn't pull himself up to do a set, he just raised his arms and grabbed the bar, and as he did, his well defined torso was perfectly exposed.  Every ab muscle, every seratus muscle, and especially that deep "V" cut in the front of his flawless torso was on perfect display for Damien... including James' perfect innie... an innie that had a solid rim, and a thin fold of skin with a crease right down the middle.

James just stood there, exposed.

After several more seconds - their joined gaze never breaking - Damien slowly brough this right hand up to James' stomach, and extended his index finger - Damien had big hands, and his finger was not small.  To James' surprise, Damien brought it right up to James' bellyhole, right into it, and slowly applied a small bit of pressure.

The sensation was very sensual - there was a bundle of nerves larger than those found in male nipples directly behind the bellyhole wall, and in that moment, James sensed as though every one of those nerves was feeling Damien's finger in his gut.  Immediately, James began to get hard.  Even with Damien's finger poking his bellyhole, James ignored his instincts and did nothing to move his hands from the chinup bar he grasped above his head.

Just then, Damien began to slowly swirl his finger around and gently-but-firmly started to increase the pressure he was applying, and the feeling instantly sent a shockwave of plesaure through James' balls.  He shut his eyes and let out a quiet, soft, deep grunt that sounded almost like a moan.

The pressure grew firmer and firmer, Damien continuing to swirl his finger around as it grew, and the harder Damien pressed, the harder James got.  He was soon as hard as a rock, and the top end of his dick began to poke out from waist of his low-hanging pants.

The pressure continued to grow, and James rocked up his ab muscles to provide some resistence, but in a sudden sensation of shock and pleasure, Damien's finger began to push through that tiny slit of skin and wiggle its way through and into James' belly.  James was shocked at first, but his shock soon gave way to ecstasy as he suddenly realized there was no pain, only Damien's thick, manly finger force its way into his gut.  Damien continued to wiggle, and soon, his entire finger was all the way inside James' belly, and the level of pleasure he felt was so great that he could not open his eyes... he was blissfully enjoying the stud probing his guts.  He was overcome with surges of head-numbing pleasure each time the stud wiggled his thick finger inside his stomach.  He had no idea what was happening, but he knew that he did not want it to end.  He was awoken suddenly, with a start.

"James!!" shouted Damien.

"Huh?!" James awoke, blinking and scanning his surroundings, as would any warrior waking from a slumber.

"Get up, man, we gotta move out..." Damien said, and he lingered for just a brief moment to secretly take in James stomach and chest, as he sat hunched on the floor, arising from his nap.

After Damien walked away, James realized he had been dreaming, and in another second, he realized his cock was hard as a rock and felt cool at the tip.  After seeing nobody was looking, he quickly jammed his left hand into his pants and slicked off the ooze at the tip of his dick with his left thumb... he had apparently let out a huge wad of precum during his dream.

In Iraq, on patrol, there were usually a lot of hot guys in close quarters, spending lots of time with each other, forming emotional bonds that in other places might be questioned... but out here, when your lives could end at any minute, a lot of things happened that might not be common out in the real world.  James had formed a deep man-crush on Damien, and while he didn't really know it for sure, the feeling was completely mutual.

James climbed to his feet, dusted himself off, and readied himself to get back on patrol.

The two men were alone on their patrol, they had decided to take a quick break, but it was time to get back to work.  The two of them both started out on their way again through the ravaged city, to make it another 2 miles to the edge where they'd double back and start the whole thing again.

The two of them marched off in the direction of the edge of town.  Both men were shirtless... it was against regs, but it was warm enough, and they were in such a remote area that nobody would give a shit.  The two men were built solid... "The Chippendales", others in the platoon used to call them, because they loved to strut around half naked (and sometimes fully naked) showing off the bodies they had worked so hard on.

They had resumed their patrol and had been under way for about 30 minutes.  James was in lead, Damien behind him.  It gave Damien a great chance to take in James' beautifully muscled back, and at often times he would just watch his fellow warrior walk in front of him, soaking in every muscle as they flexed and moved.

Things seemed quiet and normal... until heard a deep thud and stopped abruptly.  Instantly he felt like he had been punched in the gut, and he doubled over slightly and uncontrollably grunted slightly... he was startled.  It didn't register for what seemed like several seconds, but was only a few, until suddenly he felt a deep, growing pain from deep inside his belly.  In shock, he looked down his perfect chest and muscular abs to see a spot of crimson begin to ebb from his bellyhole.  He immediately realized he'd been shot in the gut - a perfect slug right through his rimmed innie.

He quickly took his right hand and covered the hole in his gut as he fought for the ability to call out "sniper!" to Damien behind him.  He quickly hunched over and huddled behind some cover, and got to one knee as the pain in his gut suddenly started to grow.  He grunted hard and winced, hunched over, still on one knee, when Damien came running up behind up.  Damien saw his friend, hunched over, down on one knee, abs crunched tight, lats flexed, and a look of pain on his face.

"Dude!  You alright??  What happened?" Damien blurted.

"No," James winced, "I took one right in the gut..."

"Fuck!  How bad?" Damien gasped as he quickly looked over his friend, trying to assess the situation.

"The slug went prety deep, man," James grunted.

It took Damien only a second only a second to realize the gravity of the problem.  "Dude, sit back, lemme see," Damien said as he eased his friend back against the cover.  James clumsily sat back on his ass and grunted and winced as his but hit the ground.  Damien peeled James' hands back so he could get a look at the hole in his friends belly.  When his bloodied fingertips came away, he could see a small dark hole right in the center of his rimmed bellybutton.  It had to be a small caliber weapon.

"Fuck man," Damien blurted, "it looks like it was a .22... yeah you took it right in the gut..."  James could feel the hot slug still burried in his stomach.  It didn't go all the way through.  "I'mma call for backup..."  James continued to wince as Damien fumbled for the radio, occasionally scanning the landscape looking for the shooter.  As he frantically but methodically called for backup, both men knew from their reply that it was gonna be a while before anyone could get to them.  Instantly, the look of fear in their eyes was obvious in that James could bleed out before help arrived.  They stared into each others eyes for a few moments, the gravity of the situation sinking in as they both thought of what to do to buy them some time.

Suddenly, it hit him... James had no idea why he had the dream that he did, but whatever the reason, it was the perfect option to buy them some time.  James looked at Damien's manly, thick finger and knew exactly what to do.

"Dude," James said firmly, "you gotta stick your finger into my gut..."

Damien paused for a brief second, "Dude... are you sure?  It's gonna hurt like fuck..."

"Yeah man... I gotta stop the blood... if we don't do somethin' I'm gonna bleed out before anybody gets here..." James said deeply.

The two men never broke their gaze.  Knowing what he was about to do for his friend, that it would hurt like fuck, but that it just might save his life, Damien responded.  "Ok man."

After another few seconds, Damien asked "You ready dude?"

"Yeah man, do it..." James gritted.

Damien took his index finger and placed it right into James perfectly rimmed innie and placed his fingertip over the hole in his gut.  He could feel the warm blood coming out, and could immediately feel that the hole was smaller than his finger.  His digit was definitely big enough to punch in and staunch the flow of blood, but instantly they both knew James was gonna feel it.  Without another pause, Damien jammed his index finger all the way into James bellyhole.

"Uuunnnngggh!" James grunted, and the sensation he felt with this stud's finger inside his belly was even more powerful than it was in the dream.  This hot young musclestud had jammed his finger all the way inside him, as far as it could go, and though they had never actually fucked yet, this still felt equally as though his friend was inside him.  The feeling he experienced deep in his muscled belly had to be what it was like having him otherwise inside him.  James grunted tough as the pain he felt seemed merely a strong, dull ache, when paired with the other lustful feelings he was experiencing.

Damien had apparently gotten his finger in far enough to feel the warm slug that had made the hole.  He wiggled his finger a bit, inside James, to feel out the size and placement. "Ullll!"  James grunted with the painful and odd sensation, but was incredibly aroused from the feeling of Damien's finger probing his insides.  "Dude!  I can feel the slug in your gut!" Damien exclaimed.  "Yeah man," James winced back.

It was in that moment that Damien noticed that James' huge cock was hard as a rock, and had begun to poke out of the tip of James' low-hanging pants.  And the instant he saw it, he realized that his own, sizable cock was also as hard as granite, clearly visible under his pants.

In that moment, the two men realized they both had feelings for each other... more than the feeling of being buddies;  more than the feeling of being friends.  It was a testosterone-heavy, lustful feeling of wanting each other in sexual ways that they had not yet experienced with each other.  As James caught Damien's glance at his exposed cock, and Damien his, their eyes spoke voulmes.  They both finally knew that their strong sexual attraction was mutual.

After the brief moment of silence that seemed like an eternity, James was suddenly reminded of the hole in his gut as a deep sharp surge of pain kicked up in his belly.  He winced, and his mind started to drift towards thoughts of not making it before help arrived.  Damien saw the pain and concern in his buddy's eyes, and he felt afraid.

James looked on at Damien's beautiful dark eyes, muscular body, hairy belly... and blurted out what he wanted to say.  "Dude... I want you to suck me off..." he said.

Damien paused for a moment, realizing what it was his friend was asking, and why.  "Are you sure?"

"Yeah man, I wanna feel you... in case I don't make it..." James responding.

"Dude, shut the fuck up," Damien said quietly, trying to half-heartedly reassure the stud.

"No, come on man... do it... do it for me... I want it..." he said as he stared deeply into Damien's eyes.

After another pause, Damien, keeping his right hand and finger stuck in his friends guthole, slowly brought his left hand up to where James' cock was poking out and carefully unbuttoned the pants that were holding it in place.  First the first one, slowly, then the second, then the third, fully freeing James' generous manhood from its restraints.  He grabbed it in his left hand, slowly pulling it away from James' lower belly.  He could see a glistenening wad of precum on the tip.  Slowly, he bent his head down and eagerly slipped his warm, wet mouth onto James' granite-hard cock.  He slurped the wad of precum off the tip with his tongue, tasting his fellow warrior's salty seed in his mouth, and as he sucked and slid his mouth slowly down the thick shaft, the sensation sent another surge of precum shooting through his dick, and Damien willingly swallowed it down his throat.

James' head fell back in ecstacy as the stud before him swallowed his entire cock and began to slowly, firmly, and skillfully suck him up and down.  James' looked down to see the muscled warrior he had been daydreaming of for 6 months now linked with him in a way he never thought he would... down at the back of his buzzcut-head, his thick, muscled neck, and his rippling back.  The lustful sensation of the man on his cock, together with the dull ache and the probing sensation of the stud's finger in his bellyhole was an experience so sexually arrousing he could never have imagined it possible.  Given the testosterone high that they had both been feeling, and the inexplicable sensations of all of these things, it took almost no time before James' nuts seemed like they would explode.  He could feel the surge building, but he fought it off as long as he could... he knew that if he relented to the onslought, he might pass out, and the encounter would be over... but as the stud worked his way up and down on his dick, he finally approached the limits of his ability to hold back...

"Fuck man, I'm gonna cum..." James grunted.  He half-blurted it out as a natural reaction, but also to warn his buddy.  To his surprise, his buddy didn't stop slupring. Instead, he only quickened his pace and sucked even more strongly than before... and in an unexpected move, the warrior stud quickly poked his index finger further into James' flexed belly.

"Unnnnngh!" James grunted, and he lost all ability to contain himself.  An enormous load of seed burst from his groin and into his hard, thick shaft.  Damien could feel the surge on its way, and as it emerged from the tip of James' head, Damien slurped it all and sucked to pulled it out of the shaft, swallowing his slick seed all the way down his throat, tasting the full load of the man.  The sensation of Damien's tongue on James' head, as well as the strong suction pulling the load out of his cock made his balls ache, and several more loads emerged from his dick.  Damien sucked the muscled warrior dry.

As the last of the man oozed into Damien's mouth, it took only a grab and squeeze of his own cock to force it to empty its contents into his pants, and in the moment that he allowed himself to feel the pleasure of spending himself in his pants, he heard the rustle of activity coming from behind them.  He used his warrior's training to snap himself to altertness, even as his dick continued to drain the last of itself.

It was their backup.

James and Damien looked at each other in a slight panic, and within short order, James brought himself to his senses and quickly buttoned up his pants, once again trapping his now slippery wet cock back in his pants.  Even after the exchange, he was still hard as a rock.  James had barely finished the last button before the medic had kneeled before them.

The medic looked in to check on James' belly.  "Shit guys, looks like you guys got into some trouble... ah, smart as fuck, you stuck your finger in there.  You may have saved your buddy's life." he said.

"Yeah?" Damien said, "Is he gonna make it?"  James listened on anxiously.

"He seems alert enough, we've got blood with us, he should be ok if we can get that slug out of him and stop the bleeding.  Let's get him on his back."  Damien and the medic focused on the wounded warrior in front of them while the backup infantry secured the area.

As they eased James onto his back, he winced and grunted with the pain, but still felt the connection of the warrior stud he was with and his finger in his belly.  "Ok, on three, I want you to pull it out.  Ready?  One, Two, Three..." said the medic, and with a quick jerk, Damien plucked his muscled finger from his friends bellyhole, and it made an audible sucking noise.  "Uuuuuungh!" James grunted, and his abs rocked up solid as he struggled with the sensation.  When Damien's hand became free, it was clearly obvious that James cock was still rock hard, and its generous size made it very obvious through his pants.  Damien and James exchanged a quick fearful glance, and checked on with the medic to see if he noticed.

The medic, seeing the exchanged glance, explained it away.  "Yeah, that happens a lot with gut wounds, especially when it goes through your bellybutton.  There's a big bundle of nerves there that shoots right to your dick.  We're used to it."  The tech grinned and continued on his work.

Damien never left James' side until they moved him out.

RE: Sniper shot; The Dream - FuqWitCha - 01-22-2020

Thanks Dino! It's good to be back Smile I got plenty of stories in me, I've been hoping to have a place to get them out Smile

RE: Sniper shot; The Dream - Dino Slaughter - 01-22-2020

Another stunner, man! Thanks. I love it! I worked years ago with a guy who was sniped in Viet Nam. He sat against a tree trunk, ate his rations, fired up a cigarette and got a couple of deep drags before a slug ate a hole in his rock-hard young belly (missed his bellybutton by an inch), struck him just to the right of his innie. Thank goodness, he survived it. He was proud of his scars, too.....loved talking about it. I have to wonder if he noticed I got an erection. Haha. Later, after he got home and was a civilian he got into a bar fight and got stabbed in the belly, to the left of his bellybutton. I jokingly told him that I hoped he didn't get shot or stabbed anymore, that he might get it next time right in his bellybutton (at which time I poked him in the navel). It may be my imagination, but I swear that he got aroused when I said that (or maybe it was being poked in his bellybutton). I wanted to run my fingers over his scars, but didn't have the nerve to do it. He's since retired, and I miss our little talks.

RE: Sniper shot; The Dream - garyj - 01-22-2020

(01-22-2020, 01:47 PM)FuqWitCha Wrote: Thanks Dino!  It's good to be back Smile  I got plenty of stories in me, I've been hoping to have a place to get them out Smile
Looking forward to more stories. This one was an excellent start!

RE: Sniper shot; The Dream - FuqWitCha - 01-23-2020

(01-22-2020, 03:55 PM)Dino Slaughter Wrote: Another stunner, man! Thanks. I love it! I worked years ago with a guy who was sniped in Viet Nam. He sat against a tree trunk, ate his rations, fired up a cigarette and got a couple of deep drags before a slug ate a hole in his rock-hard young belly (missed his bellybutton by an inch), struck him just to the right of his innie. Thank goodness, he survived it. He was proud of his scars, too.....loved talking about it. I have to wonder if he noticed I got an erection. Haha. Later, after he got home and was a civilian he got into a bar fight and got stabbed in the belly, to the left of his bellybutton. I jokingly told him that I hoped he didn't get shot or stabbed anymore, that he might get it next time right in his bellybutton (at which time I poked him in the navel). It may be my imagination, but I swear that he got aroused when I said that (or maybe it was being poked in his bellybutton). I wanted to run my fingers over his scars, but didn't have the nerve to do it. He's since retired, and I miss our little talks.

Ha!  Dude that's such a hot story!  I wish I had some experiences like that!  Glad your friend survived all that, regardless Smile  Shitty thing to have happen in real-life.

Thanks man!

RE: Sniper shot; The Dream - Dino Slaughter - 01-23-2020

FuqWitCha Wrote:
Dino Slaughter Wrote:Another stunner, man! Thanks. I love it! I worked years ago with a guy who was sniped in Viet Nam. He sat against a tree trunk, ate his rations, fired up a cigarette and got a couple of deep drags before a slug ate a hole in his rock-hard young belly (missed his bellybutton by an inch), struck him just to the right of his innie. Thank goodness, he survived it. He was proud of his scars, too.....loved talking about it. I have to wonder if he noticed I got an erection. Haha. Later, after he got home and was a civilian he got into a bar fight and got stabbed in the belly, to the left of his bellybutton. I jokingly told him that I hoped he didn't get shot or stabbed anymore, that he might get it next time right in his bellybutton (at which time I poked him in the navel). It may be my imagination, but I swear that he got aroused when I said that (or maybe it was being poked in his bellybutton). I wanted to run my fingers over his scars, but didn't have the nerve to do it. He's since retired, and I miss our little talks.

Ha!  Dude that's such a hot story!  I wish I had some experiences like that!  Glad your friend survived all that, regardless Smile  Shitty thing to have happen in real-life.

Yeah, the real thing does not turn me on, at all, but discussing it with him sure did. He had such a way of saying "belly" and "bellybutton" that really got me aroused. I don't recall him ever using the term "navel"....probably thought it was too benign. I've had several friends and co-workers who were like him, though they hadn't been shot or stabbed in their bellies.  

Thanks man!

RE: Sniper shot; The Dream - CHASE - 01-24-2020

Most men don't say belly button or belly or navel but when they's hot.

Derek once had a video of guys commenting where they'd give it other guys as the looked at pics of guys and every time they said BELLY BUDDON or navel or belly or abs it was so very hot.