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Death with a loved partner? - Printable Version

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Death with a loved partner? - bigkitten - 06-21-2021

I'm curious, does anyone like scenarios where you are sharing death with your loved one, someone you actually care about? No matter who kills who, I find dynamics and emotions involved very satisfying. Mutual suicide, offering life for the other one, or "playfight to the death", there are many possibilities. Curious if anyone else likes to explore more, hmm, cute dynamics like that? :3

RE: Death with a loved partner? - gladlover - 06-21-2021

I've had a story kicking around in my head for years now, about a pair of gladiator/lovers who meet in the arena for a fight to the death. There are a million different scenarios in this story, the main one being, who kills who. Too lazy to put pen to paper though.

RE: Death with a loved partner? - Stabano - 06-21-2021

Here's a story where a lover pair die:


Maroon, Jamaican, and very dark wore only a g string with leather
boots. Maroon's perfect ten abs flexed with anticipation. His big outtie 4
inch navel moved with the hot summer like breeze. Rafe, with big blue eyes
and a dark wooden hair, straight bangs over his eyes and ears, came forth,
wearing only a thong. Rafe was the same size as Morgan. Rafe knew he was in
love with the new boy, the blond Sole. Rafe had a big round innie navel and
no fat on his whole body. He was sun tanned to match his hair. His blue
eyes stood out. Maroon was smiling in an evil manner. It was morning. The
morning after Sole's all night sleep out on the deck. He dreamed and
creamed of Rafe all night. A gathering of the entire crew and all the cabin
boys in an open area just off the ship's turn wheel grew around Maroon and
Rafe. Rafe was nervous but determined. As the captain, Fargel came forth
and clapped his hands, the din of the furor of the crew calmed down. The
white haired young Justin smiled, "Trouble, I knew you was trouble, blond

Sole came forth, "You can't do this, cap'n! I won't let you!"

"Brave blond boy," Fargel put a hand on Justin's abs, "See, he wants to die
in place of his friend or is it both of them?"

"I don't want either of them to die!" Sole came forth toward Maroon and

"Come closer so I can stab at thee," Maroon joked and waved the knife he
was holding.

Rafe got in front of Sole, "Come no closer!" He too had a knife similar to
Maroon's. It had a strange point, pointed on both ends of the tip. One
point higher up than the other.

Sole smiled, "You won't hurt me."

Maroon pushed Rafe out of the way, "No, but I will, right in your navel
hole, gut hole, belly button!"

Sole stopped. It was with fascination he watched this brash, bold boy come
at him with the knife tip pointed right at his half outtie, half
innie. Fargel nodded to his first mate, Jonas, the ugly traditional
pirate. He had a long pointed reed and he swung it at Sole and a few others
en route to Sole. Those others, one a big Muscleman came forth and pulled
Sole back by his arms. Sole gasped, "No, let me go."

"It's too late," The muscleman told him, "Let the course of the battle run
it's fate."

"What?" Sole asked, "What's that s'posed to mean?"

The Muscle Man shrugged. Maroon swung at Rafe and Rafe backed up,
surprised. "See, it starts."

Sole gave up trying to shake off his much bigger crewmen. Rafe saw the
cabin behind Maroon and realized Maroon could be backed into it and maybe
disarmed. "I will fight back. I won't let you kill him."

Fargel looked at them, "If he slays you, it's his right to kill the one you
stood in for."

"I don't care, don't do it, Maroon!"

Maroon smiled, "You should have taken his place."

"I wanted too!" Sole yelled. "Please!"

"Let's get this over with," Rafe said, serious, steeling himself.

Maroon swung, "You forget, I know all your secrets. I know you have never
killed anyone, mon!"

Rafe grabbed Maroon's forearm, the one with the hand that held the knife as
Maroon moved in closer. He used his other arm to hit Maroon between forearm
and bicep, this bent the arm and as he did this, Rafe pushed himself into
Maroon, pushing Maroon back toward the cabin wall. Maroon was shocked and
surprised at this but he tried to break free. Now, Rafe had his chance. He
knew Maroon's other arm was behind him, trying to hit his kidneys but this
didn't hurt even as Maroon effected the hit. Rafe ignored it. The only
thing he could do now was take his knife and push it between himself, his
own smooth belly and the smooth belly side of his lover Maroon. Once he got
the blade sideways in between them, he turned the point into Maroon's belly
button, finding the large outtie at its center and he churned it and
pointed it straightways into Maroon and hesitated. Maroon's knife hand
was free now and Rafe knew it. So he did what he could: plunge. He stabbed
Maroon deep and he knew it. Sole looked down but found he couldn't look
away for long. He felt many things at this moment. He thought it would be
relief but while that was present, there were other mixed feelings there:
guilt, fear, sadness, and a growing VERY GROWING desire. He didn't want
Rafe to have to kill his own lover, his only friend among the crew and
cabin boys that he knew really knew Rafe. And loved him.


Maroon made a stuck puppy sound. It was up in his upper belly hole now and
pushing that way upward. Sole found that he also had hate, hate for
Maroon. But he also envied him. The feeling of that knife from Rafe in
him. Rafe looked stunned that he did this himself and his vulnerable look
of one who would be defeated changed into sadness, shock at what he'd done,
and then a kind of indestructible invulnerability, a type of victory
conceit. He smiled. Maroon's smile was evil but then he turned his smile to
one of pained love. He threw his head back and as Rafe unstuck him, he
gasped a fem gasp. Rafe moved back to watch and his thick dick grew in
girth, size, and weight. Rafe's desire grew too, out his G string, his head
wet with pre cum and soon cum striving to get out the dick slit before
Maroon died. "Maroon, what have I done?" Rafe stepped in closer t o hug
Maroon. "I...I'm sorry."

Maroon's eye brows went down in a vee of evil but then as he stabbed Rafe
as Rafe moved right into it, his face turned to one of love. Love for his
friend. "NOOOOOOO!" Sole screamed! "Rafe! NO!"

Rafe gasped a fem girlie scream and did something instinctively. Something
if he had time to think about it he might not have done: re-stab Maroon
with a quick deep cut in. Maroon yelled a more macho, deep throated huff
out, all his air out of his lungs and belly. He unstuck Rafe and jabbed in
again. And again. Rafe unstuck Maroon again but as he did, Maroon's last
stab was cutting between his navel and his dick start just near where his
pubics, if he had any, would have been. He threw his head back and gasped a
manly gasp. Their knees buckled and all sound of the crew and cabin boys
routing for both of them grew dim in the light of being stabbed.

Sole longed for what Maroon had. He knew it was wrong but he wanted that
brave confident boy Rafe stabbing him in his button. At the same time, he
wanted to be the one who was like Maroon, stabbing a hot boy like Rafe or
like Rafe stabbing a hot dark skinned boy like Maroon. He knew this was
wrong in some fashion but around all these others yelling out for blood and
death in the navel, he was overcome by his lust and growing sex. He cam and
didn't even realize it, just that a great burnin g feeling reached its head
at the tip of his dick. He wanted Maroon to die, then he didn't. Then he
wanted Rafe to die fast and then he wanted Rafe to enjoy it. Which Rafe was
doing. Rafe spat from his dick onto his lover Maroon and the two fell into
each other's arms, knives left stuck in each other's bellies now and the
handles moving aside, forgotten for the moment, except for the unrivaled
pain they continued to cause in each's belly innards. They hugged and
pressed together in pain. They kissed deeply.

"I love you," they told each other as they buckled for the last time and
fell. Maroon on top of Rafe, pressing, pressing, pressing so that their
bellies touched, their former navels mixing with each other in a goo. Their
tightening bellies continued to flex and unflex until they could no
more. Their heavy breathing, heaving chests, and gasps slowed to a still
slower and slower. Sole watched. The men holding him let him go. He looked
at Rafe and Maroon knowing he could do nothing for either of them. He ran
to them and his dick flopped out of his own flimsy thong and cam again, all
over Maroon's back. To drip down off it onto the bony hips of Rafe, who's
hair flung back off his eyes and down the side of his ears, covering his
cheeks. Rafe blew and died, hair flying off. Maroon's face covered Rafe's
now, mouth to mouth, tongues now entwined in death. They stopped
breathing. Their chests stopped beating. Their legs stopped moving, one
leg amid the other's. Stillness. Silence. At least to Sole. Justin came up
behind Sole and put a hand on his bare sweaty back.

Justin turned his tone to one of sympathy, "Cum now, young one. Leave them
to be on their way to the next world, as one they are reunited."

Sole barely heard him and then turned. Justin put his arm around Sole and
took him away from the dead boys. Jamiel, the Haitian boy, came to them and
helped take Sole away, supporting Sole from the opposite side to Justin. At
first, Justin made an angry face at Jamiel but then he smiled across at
him, across Sole's wantable belly. Jamiel nodded in acceptance to him and
together they took Sole away as the splashes of throwing Maroon and Rafe's
body overboard could be heard even as they moved away. Sole dripped cum but
he went limp at those sounds.

"Why is there so much killing?" He asked his two younger co-horts. They
shrugged and couldn't answer.

Fargel did. "Because....we like it. And so will you."

Sole had no answer for that. He somehow knew deep down Fargel was
correct. He DID like it. Was he always this way? He wondered what he was
like, to have survived in this kind of place and he wondered for how long
he survived. Or will survive. His two friends brought him to the cabin boy
quar ters, a cramped affair of wood. They slept with him and they relaxed
well into the night calm.

But before that fateful night Fargel stood at the bow and shouted orders
for his ship to stop. He opened up a hand telescope and looked out to
sea. He saw a rowboat and two boys fighting in it.

Morcan appeared to punch the smaller Sok, toppling Sok over the rim of the
boat. Morcan appeared to be about 23 and had bushy black hair and a more
bulky body, but with solid abs. If anyone realized, they would have known
him on real Earth as an actor named Jason Marsden but not the popular Jason
Marsden of X MEN and X MEN 2 or a lesser show about a family who lived on a
preserve. This was the Jason who played in a tv show called EERIE INDIANA
as a white haired stranger from another dimension and in a movie called

Sok for his part looked like a young 23 year old Leonardo Dicaprio, when he
was known as Leonardo DiCapriso. He had a friendly open face and was quite
skinny. As he fell, Sok pulled Morcan down. The two vanished beneath the
blue water, only ripples where they were. A crewboy, the third mate joined
the taller Fargel on the bow. Phipps was slight and light skinned, with
blonde hair feathered in the middle, and crystal brown eyes. Beneath the
fooling bony ribs, which stuck out was a soft but well defined, bumpy trunk
of a stomach area, leading to harder hips, high on his body. His fair,
golden body held a navel that indented far above those hipbones. His
innocent face held an impish nose which slanted upward somewhat, then
rounded at the sides. So this was Sok, a freckled, slight 21 year old boy
with waved back sandy hair, a youngish countenance and a near-friendly

"Is it a trap?"

"Looked like boys cast adrift but apparently they've killed each other."

"Do we go in?"

"Yes as we were before." Fargel said in a calm, confident voice. "I'd
liked what I saw of them. I'd like to see if they are alive. Use them as we
intend to use the others who survived the torture below."

Fargel moved his ship in as twilight hit and the strange suns of this land
began to go down. The sea was mild and calm. Sole, Justin, and Jaimiel
slept below deck in the cabin boy's cramped quarters. There were others
sleeping too. They were all in one large area, cramped into only two or
three small beds and very tired. They heard only the chomping of the waves
of the sea against the bottom hull.

Below the surface of the calm sea, were forms, swimming. Like fish. First
came Kickai. In a more mundane venue, he would be the one in front of any
boat, standing proud and staunch, his hand holding a trusty spear up
straight and stiff. He sported wide, wild eyes which all his crewboys
seemed to possess. This leader normally wore a brown leather loin cloth,
snug under his bony hips. With a buckled pair of black boots, a vine-like
belt with a longer knife and a smaller knife in holsters, and a gold chain
around his neck which held a small, white marble skull. His hair was thick,
black, and wild in the wind which cropped it up and backward, his wide blue
eyes looking over his victims. The partly freckled face looked boyish,
almost baby-like, helped by his pert nose. This is Captain Kickai. For now,
he wore almost nothing but a rope like affair.

Kickai and his attack team were only dressed in ropes, hung low around
their hips and waists, that held skin pouches, one each, made from the
skins of their slain enemies. Kickai rose up from the water, head, eyes
darting, pug nose sniffing, and hair wet back. He tossed a wet rope as he
kicked for his balance in the open sea, his feet beneath it. He flung it to
an open cannon hole and the rope with a sucker on the end, stuck to the
wood near it. The sucker was actually a blackish sea life form, large and
not unlike a barnacle, only less of a sticker. All around the clipper were
Sem, Stefo, Cron, and Mall. They followed Kickai's lead and did the same.

Sem: 20 year old with straight blond hair usually wearing a golden vest and
alligator skin shorts and shoes. Serious and frowned he favored a long 18
inch knife and often sharpened it infront of potential victims or males he
was about to torture. Sem had freckles too but not the kind that made a
face softer, only harder. He too could have been of Iris h descent if he
were from Earth. He was light skinned, a bit meatier than his pirate
buddies Leoni, Gobi, and Stefo, only he was shorter with broad shoulders
and hazel eyes. He used to be a white rap star with blond hair named Big E
Smallz, not the more famous African American.

Stefo looked older than the entire group, possibly 25 or 26, with black
wavy hair, blue eyes, and freckles. His face and features seemed almost a
mix of Italian and Irish classic looks. He never smiled and seemed as if he
never would. He wore only a folded pouch across his crotch tied to a back
covering over his rectum, and usually wore boots on his feet. Stefo was
taller than Kickai and the others, with a slender, skinnier body laced with
muscular definition that would fool enemies---he was stronger than his body
looked. His muscles were well hidden but on close inspection, one could see
that he did indeed have a fighters', swimmers' build. Had anyone
remembered, they would have noted that this boy used to be an actor named
Eric Foster who appeared in a short lived tv show with Barbara Eden and he
also made a movie called GRANDMA'S HOUSE, a horror movie about a killer
grand father. Now, he was the killer.

Mall looked almost Hispanic with a huge wave of curly dark brown
hair--almost black in places---and it hung infront of his face. He was
alittle larger than Gobi, not as tall as Stefo, and more stocky than any in
the boat, with far apart shoulders and a tann ed brown body. With his
weight he looked bloated when compared to the others yet he was finely
built, too. In a fight he would be the power and strength.

Cron was a bit chubby but he used to be the actor Ethan Randall who starred
in a number of movies, the most famous being DUTCH. Now he was the watcher
of weapons. And these pirates, sneaking aboard Fargel's ship had many
weapons. Strange exotic weapons as well as the usual more well known ones.

A smaller boy, actually the smallest, smiled every chance he got. His smile
normally did not give off warm feelings. This boy made sure his victims
always saw his smile from his pouty lips, a smile that looked unnatural. He
was the youngest and named Lokeen. He normally made his comrades fill with
guffaws of laughs. And not because he was funny but because he found fun
and joy in his killing. Small with vacant eyes, Lokeen usually wore what
looked like a row of leaves all around his thin waist. Green and brown
colored, they were usually tied to a vine with two odd weapons in leafy
pouches at each hip. Lokeen was dark suntanned all over his body and his
dark brown hair was long, straight at the sides and slightly curly on
top. He had a mouth that seemed to protrude with cheeks stretched out to
follow. He had dark eyebrows far over his greenish-hazel eyes. His whole
face though looked cute. Lokeen's most notable ornament--a thick roped
noose hung about his neck, even in this attack. He used to be an actor as
well named Robert Steinmiller and he appeared in a movie about a dog BINGO
and a movie with Danny Devito. All but forgotten by him and everyone
else. He was having too much fun slaying now to let memories ruin it all. Now he was 19.

Aran, a thinly boy with wooden brown hair and hazel eyes. Aran's normal
outfit was a half shirt with stripes of red and black, as well as a blue
pair of shorts. He was serious too but in a foppish way with an
uncoordinated look about him---which fooled many an enemy. His upper lip
stuck out over his under but he also looked as handsome as the others. Aran
was thin and he seemed to be the Tobey MacGuire while he became the

Others included Mera, who used to be Mike Faustino; Morcai who used to be
Chris Demetral (who starred in THE SECRET ADVENTURES OF JULES VERNE most
notably and a few episodes of LOIS AND CLARK); Phall who was soap opera
star blond boy Matt Crane; Oren who was one of the oldest pirates and used
to be CLARK himself--Dean Cain; Sodac who was Roland Harrah the Third from
a Chuck Norris return to Vietnam movie; the oldest and most cowardly pirate
Rube with long dirty blond hair---and it was really dirty; and Awry who was
Tommy Puett who starred in LIFE GOES ON, a tv show from the late 1980s and
early 1990s. Rounding out this pirate crew was Lect, a long haired blond
muscle boy who used to be Dan Blum on Earth. Somehow these boys became
aliens, not all of th em but something did happen to some of them to make
them slightly alien--perhaps in traveling to this land via the strange ways
of arrival here altered their body chemistry or even their timelines and
made them live a whole new life as aliens on an alien planet. Gobi was
another dark boy and handsome. There was also a redheaded mulatto and a
black haired albino with red eyes. All of age.

Rounding out the crew was Kickai's second, his mate, Leoni. This boy used
to be Matthew Lawrence on Earth. Also a boy and seemingly younger, Leoni
had a smooth, round, open face with perfect teeth showing as he smiled
wide. His normal attire was a gold braided blue coat, open to the waist to
show a slender, tanned chest and stomach, he was usually the one with the
most clothing. He had frail hands but being the quartermaster, he also had
weapons--a short sword and a knife. His usual blue pants would have been
stuck into high heeled boots. His youthful body was completely hairless and
smooth, but he had a head of dark yellowish hair that was tied in a knot
behind his head. He only smiled at enemies and friends alike and it was a
smile that put to rest any hope that this fair haired youth would be a
tender ally to anyone who saw it. Unknown to most, Leoni NEVER killed of yet.

The weapons that were unusual were:

A Fi:a small half star which had a major point in the middle and two
smaller ones to each side.

A Skiver : a long sword with four sharp points splitting out of the end.

A Swoc: glistening silver except for a black rubber hand hold in its
center. Each end held sharp rounded points.

A Macer: a sword held a crossbeam over the end and on the crossbeam were
two serrated points leaning toward each other slightly.

The Vel: a knife with a jagged-ended, circular swivel end,

A Triear: a long spear, triple pointed.

And a torture device: The KIK, which Kickai invented himself: a whip which
attached to a metal square on the end of which were two two-inch, sharp
prongs. The prongs could be whipped into someone's stomach as the square
was flung via the whip, then using two hand holds on the end of the whip
the prongs could be manipulated vertically and horizontally, moving around
inside a guy's belly! In this manner, someone with strong muscles could be
pulled around while being tortured and/or stabbed with this device!

Each attacking pirate climbed up, exuberant in the excitement of the danger
and that they could each be killed rather easily if spotted by the crew
above. Once near the superfluous cannon openings (because cannons do not
work in this dimension), each boy removed a lit fuse from his airtight
pouch and planted it into the former cannon holes. The cannons had long
been dumped overboard since in this land, there were no firearms that could
work. Cannons also did not work. No one was20sure why.

Climbing back down, the pirates awaited the blasts in the water. As soon as
blasts ripped across the clipper, Lokeen and Mera, the impier, smaller
ones, let their arrows loose, firing from the shoulders of the paddling,
water logged Morcan and Sok. The arrows planted impact on hard and soft
bodies alike, downing many of the crew and tearing huge holes in the
bellies of able older men and younger inexperienced novices. The blasts
that hit were not designed to destroy but just to distract. The ship was
not going to sink.

Tired, but driven by battle lust and nervous tension, the boys had to move
in--or finally drown. All their crew were good swimmers and could stay
afloat a long time but not indefinitely. Kickai's crew had excellent
stamina and could stay underwater very long---he trained them and some of
them were not even from Earth---they had larger lungs and smaller
hearts. They do not need blood constantly pumped through their bodies--only
at intervals, making them quick healers to any stab wounds. Endurance was
key among all the alien people of Aates, but more so with Kickai's
crew. But not all of them were aliens from that planet, including Kickai
himself, who if anyone remembered him would have known him as Harley Cross
from many movies and TV shows including SHRIEK IF YOU KNOW WHAT I DID ON
FRIDAY THE 13TH where he sported a lean, mean set of abs on a non fat body.

Jonas, the pirate's pirate, came laughing, "Who's
coming on board? Whoa? I'm shakin in my boots! These are just boys in their 20s!"

Kickai came up to him and stabbed him deeply in his hairy stomach and
pulled out the knife, "Boys can have bite too, you stupid ugly fool!!!

Jonas fell without another word but with a huff of air.

The Muscleman came running, "We under attack!!!"

"No, you great big clod!" Kickai nodded, "Get him. I'll find the captain."

The Muscleman smiled and picked up a harpoon from the side of the ship and
aimed it but before he could, a swarm of boys were on him. He swat a few
off to the side, for he was big and more muscled than any of them. SO many
boys attacked him, the harpoon was torn from his grasp immediately. A boy
was on his back. He had one boy already under his left arm and he began to
press him, planning to crush his neck but he felt a piercing pain in his
navel. From his front, the Dean Cain lookalike Oren had the harpoon point
embedded lightly in his navel. Oren stood there proudly, both hands on the
harpoon. This alone would not have stopped him but his body was amass with
boys on his shoulders, his hips, their feet wrapped around his muscled
hips. Mera was sitting on his shoulders, on top of Mera and on one shoulder
was Sodac, the Viet-like boy, with straight black hair, a look of pure joy
on his face. Holding the muscleman's arms from both sides was Lect, the
long haired blond muscleboy, who was almost as muscled as the Muscle Man
himself. He held him as he went prone from the impact of the harpoon point.

Oren smiled and locked eyes with the Muscle Man and the Muscle Man's eyes
drew it all in, grew in fear, and then accepted it. The harpoon was soon
driven in. Oren found that he had to really work at driving it in, for the
Muscle Man's abs and stomach were hard and almost like steel. But alas for
the Muscle Man, abs cannot be steel, just close to the feel of steel. Oren
gave it his all and using both hands, his biceps bulging, he found that
even Muscle Man's abs could give way to hard cold steel. "Eat my hard cold
steel, you great big oaf!" Oren laughed, his own heavy chest shaking. The
Muscle Man could hardly move but he did. A great pyramid of boys and that
strong one behind him, holding him and making a good job of it, not totally
able to stop him but he was strong and the Muscle Man felt the harpoon in
his very being, his soulful middle but his thoughts turned to the strong
boy behind him, if this boy survived, it would be another like him. The
Harpoon slid in and slid in, slowly getting through the thick meat of the
Muscle Man.

"Ohhh," he said, "Take it all into me."

Oren obliged, "Finish off and die in your prideful state."

"What does that....that mean?0 The Muscle Man began to slow.

Bones came running, "Hey, all you, that's not...fair play! Low blow!"
Bones had a sword and came aiming at Lect's vee perfect back. Mera back
flipped off the Muscle Man's back shoulders and his feet landed him in
front of Bones, who had a sucked in stomach.

Mera smiled, "Nice ribs, kid. But I like what's in between them!" Mera
jabbed a curved dagger into the belly button of Bones and he could feel it
go through lots of stuff but not so much. The knife was already out the
back of Bones, for he was so skinny there wasn't much to pass through. "And
so does my blade, skinny one!"

Bones looked down and up and down and up again. "You little...."

"Hey at least I have more of a belly! But you got one thing man, a nice big
belly button!" Mera swished the knife around, "If you can turn around and
look down your back, your lower back, kiddo, you'll see it out there by
now! DIE!" Mera twisted and churned and then pulled the knife out.

Bones twisted with the blade being pulled out of
flopped down and Mera kneed him in the stomach as the kid fell.

"I may be little but I lethal!" Mera said to him as he stepped on him to
join in the killing. Bo nes was on his stomach now and felt intense pain in
his guts and his navel in particular. It reached a climax just as his dick
did. At the same time he shot a nice messy load and felt a burn in his gut
hole like never before, almost shooting it off was the feeling so grand and

Muscleman slooped and stooped. A huge harpoon was bured half way in his
belly and the point was just trying to come out his corded sinewy back.

Crewman Panta, Dutch boy, looking not unlike Noah Hathaway, came running,
"Hey, I'll help ya, Muscle Man!" Panta had long brown hair, sometimes
covering his eyes but now blowing in the warm night air. His smooth body
with able muscles and a fine sculpted set of abs, a ten pack came running
at the MuscleMan. With a thick ridge slit and a fleshy he ran,
Lect got off Muscle Man's back, giving the dying Muscle Man some lead way
to move a bit. Boys were already taking Lect's place in holding the arms
and not having much success. As he let go, Lect sidestepped Panta and hit
him from behind, driving him into The MuscleMan's bare wet back. The
harpoon point, being driven steadily and slowly through Muscle man's back,
finally came out but it went into something...that nice boyish belly of
Panta! Panta yelled, "OAFFFAHHHHHHHHHH!" His body smashed into the back of
the MuscleMan, who's back was so strong, he stopped Panta's flig ht
immediately. Panta convulsed after having his body just STOP dead on the
back of his pirate MuscleMan comrade. For more than one second, Panta just
stood still with the impact, which moved his body from free flight to
sudden stopping and in a jerk he was in a new position.
"GODDDDDDDDOUGH!!!!" Panta was caught on the end of the harpoon and tried
to get off. He pushed on the delts of the muscle man in front of him, that
he was pinned to.

Oren saw this from over the shoulder of the Muscle Man and Sodac's laughing
face, for Sodac was on one shoulder. Oren knew Panta was on the back and so
knowing this he purposely shifted the harpoon and slid it out a bit and
then savagely and cruelly, gave it a swift long jerk back into MuscleMan's
belly "hallway" so that it found a new ab set to pierce. Oren gave it the
same treatment he gave Muscleman but found he didn't need to..for the
harpoon went into the softer guts of Panta, who screamed and hugged the
bare back in his excruitiating pain, gripping, clawing the Muscle Man's
back. Muscle Man found this extremly sexy and he knew Panta did too, for he
could feel Panta's HUGE cock grown against his right butt cheek and
wettening it.

Oren drove Muscle Man back, "Clear everyone!" The boys obeyed and got away
from The MuscleMan. Oren drove Muscle Man into the side of the wood hull
and Panta was crushed and stabbed behind him. Oren shifted the harpoon up,
then down, every way imaginable slanting it. Things, namely skin and flesh,
ripped, churned, twisted and gave way before Oren's onslaught, "NOW feel
that cold steel. Like it in your belly?????"

"IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII! I dooooooo!" MuscleMan died.

"I do toooooo," Panta said but no one was listening.

They were moving on to other fights.

RE: Death with a loved partner? - jim825 - 06-21-2021

I can't say I have thought about mutual suicide. But I have often thought about that "playful fight to the death". I actually find it a very intriguing/exciting idea!