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He is an ex-Bieber.
This is from some TV show I never watched in which the Biebs played some snotty little brat you'd just love to kill. (I know, they cast against type, right? ?) I only showed the back view because it wasn't quite his finest moment as an actor.

I must say Justin Bieber makes a very attractive target though.


He also gets shot up in zoolander 2
And As Always,
Happy Battlings and a Glorious Death to You All!!!!

(03-23-2020, 04:19 AM)BattlesandDeaths Wrote:

He also gets shot up in zoolander 2

I pity the poor people who paid to see that. The overkill is mildly fun, but the stench of stupidity is overwhelming.

On the subject of overkill, wasn't there a nice bullet-riddled overkill scene in one of the Matrix films? I saw a clip of it once but could never find it again. Sexy boy connected to a computer shudders most provocatively as he get virtually machine gunned to death. Ring a bell?

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