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The Coward
"Mercy!" he cried, trying to crawl away and escape the mountain of muscle coming at him.

"You have no honor!" the man bellowed.  

The massive Gladiator drove his spear into the coward's leg, crippling him. The force was enough to impale the spear into the ground. The coward screamed in agony. The crowd cheered. They knew this coward wouldn't die an honorable death. He would be tortured.

The coward collapsed onto his back, breathing hard.  His chiseled stomach made the Gladiator highly aroused. That coward was hard too.  The Gladiator knelt down and forcefully rolled the coward onto his stomach. There was a loud SNAP as the coward's leg dislocated from his hip and broke. He screamed and cried in agony.

The Gladiator forced his massive manhood into the coward's rectum and sodomized him. The crowd lost it, as the Gladiator went to town on his opponent.  He pulled out just before he came, wrenched the coward back over, amd spraying his cum all over the coward's stomach and chest. 

The coward was starting to get delirious from the pain.  To the cheers of the crowd, the Gladiator picked up his sword and drove it into the coward's hard navel.  Jizz spurted from the coward's cock in a fountain that shot up and onto the Gladiator's leg.

The coward gripped the blade in his stomach and cried as he stared at it.  The Gladiator kicked him repeated in the side and stomped on his chest.  He heard a CRACK!

The coward gasped and grabbed his chest.  As he struggled to breathe, the Gladiator walked to the weapons wall and picked up a massive axe.  He walked back to his victim and lifted the heavy blade above his head.

Fear filled the coward's eyes as the Gladiator roared in triumph and sent the axe into his stomach, cleaving him in half below the navel.  More shrieks escaped the dying man's mouth.  The Gladiator grabbed his hands and dragged him away from the axe. His guts spilled out over the burning sand.

The trauma was too much.  Blood flowed from his mouth and his eyes rolled back in his head.  The Gladiator bent over, grabbed the coward by the throat, and hoisted him into the air for the crowd to see.  He tightened his grip around the coward's throat until his fingers had crushed his throat.

The dead man fell to the ground as the Gladiator welcomed the cheers of the crowd.  He would live to fight again.

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