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ChatGPT Story
ChatGPT wrote this story for me through a few prompts. 

Alex struggled against the ropes that bound him, his heart racing as the man approached him with the electric drill. He watched in horror as the man pulled up his shirt, exposing his bare torso to the cold air. Alex's muscles tensed as he felt the man's fingers probing at his waistband, pulling his pants down to his hips.

The man leaned in closer, his face just inches from Alex's bare skin. He studied the contours of Alex's belly, his eyes lingering on the small indentation in the center. Alex tried to pull away, but the ropes held him fast.

The man positioned the drill above Alex's navel, the whirring sound of the motor echoing through the small room. Alex felt a cold sweat break out on his forehead as the drill bit made contact with his skin. He could feel the sharp edges digging into his flesh, tearing through the layers of skin and muscle.

As the man twisted the drill back and forth, Alex's belly bulged and puckered around the hole. He could feel the hot sting of blood welling up, spilling over the edges of the wound and pooling in his belly button. He wanted to scream, to thrash about and escape the pain, but the ropes held him still.

The man's face was twisted into a grotesque sneer as he continued to drill, his fingers gripping the tool like a weapon. Alex felt like he was going to pass out, his vision blurring as the pain overwhelmed him. He watched in horror as the man widened the hole, tearing through flesh and sinew like it was tissue paper.

Finally, the man pulled the drill away, leaving Alex's belly a bloody mess. The wound pulsed with pain, sending waves of nausea through Alex's body. He looked down and saw the gaping hole where his navel used to be, surrounded by a sea of blood and torn flesh.

Part 2

Alex lay there, his body wracked with pain, as the man stepped back to admire his handiwork. The wound in Alex's navel was deep and ragged, blood oozing out in a thick stream. The man laughed, his eyes gleaming with malice as he watched Alex struggle to catch his breath.

"Pathetic," he spat, kicking Alex in the side. "You're lucky I'm feeling generous today. I could have killed you if I wanted to."

Alex gasped in pain as the man's boot connected with his ribs, the force of the blow sending him sprawling across the floor. He curled into a ball, trying to protect himself from the man's vicious kicks.

But the man wasn't done with him yet. He reached down and grabbed Alex by the hair, dragging him back to his feet. With a quick flick of his wrist, he produced a long knife, the blade glinting in the dim light.

Alex's eyes widened in fear as the man pressed the cold steel against his abdomen, tracing a line across his flesh. He could feel the sharp edge cutting through his skin, tearing through his muscle and slicing into his organs.

The pain was excruciating, a hot, searing agony that threatened to consume him. He could feel his blood spilling out in a thick, dark stream, pooling around his feet in a sticky puddle.

The man stepped back, his knife still dripping with blood. Alex stumbled forward, his body convulsing as he gasped for air. He could feel his strength leaving him, his vision growing dim as the darkness closed in around him.

As he collapsed to the ground, Alex knew that he was dying. The last thing he saw was the man's cold, emotionless face, as he stepped over Alex's broken body and disappeared into the shadows.[/font][/size][/font][/color][/size]

Another version it wrote:

Alex awoke to a blinding light shining down on him, disoriented and unable to move. He found himself strapped to a cold metal table, surrounded by strange, otherworldly machinery that hummed and whirred ominously.

As his eyes adjusted to the brightness, he became aware of the sensation of cold metal against his bare skin. He was completely naked, his body exposed to the sterile atmosphere of the alien ship. He shivered, feeling vulnerable and exposed.

He tried to move his arms and legs, but found that they were restrained by tight metal cuffs. Panic set in as he struggled against his restraints, but they held firm, trapping him on the table.

He glanced down at his body, trying to assess the extent of his injuries. He was covered in bruises and lacerations, evidence of the struggle that had brought him to this place. But what caught his attention most was the large wound on his abdomen, the result of the alien's brutal probing.

His belly button had been stretched and pulled apart, leaving a ragged hole in his abdomen. Blood and other bodily fluids leaked from the wound, pooling around his hips and thighs. He could feel the cold metal of the table against the exposed flesh of his belly, making him feel even more vulnerable.

As the alien approached him with its drill-like device, Alex tried to scream, but his voice was muffled by the restraints that held him fast. The creature seemed unconcerned by his fear, its attention fixed solely on its scientific investigation.

With a sudden movement, the creature activated the drill, and Alex watched in horror as the device pierced through his skin and tore into his flesh. He could feel the metal biting into his abdomen, cutting through muscle and sinew. The pain was overwhelming, and he writhed and screamed as the drill bit dug deeper and deeper into his body.

As the creature worked, Alex could feel his belly button being stretched and pulled apart, the edges of the wound fraying and tearing as the drill bit dug deeper into his abdomen. He could feel his skin growing slick with blood, the metallic tang filling his nostrils.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity of pain, the creature pulled the drill away, leaving Alex's belly a bloody, gaping wound. He could feel his lifeblood spilling out of him, pooling in his lap as the alien examined the drill bit with clinical detachment.

As Alex gasped for breath, he watched in horror as the alien reached for another tool. This one was shaped like a long, curved needle, and as the creature approached him with the instrument, Alex realized that the nightmare was far from over.

The needle plunged into his abdomen with a sickening squelch, and Alex screamed as he felt the sharp point of the tool pierce his flesh. He could feel the needle snaking through his body, probing at his organs with cold, alien precision.

As the hours dragged on, Alex felt his body growing weaker and weaker. His muscles were twitching and jerking uncontrollably, spasming in agony as the alien's probes delved deeper into his flesh. He could feel his skin growing cold and clammy, his heartbeat slowing to a sluggish, irregular thump.

The creature seemed fascinated by the way Alex's body responded to its probes and injections, observing him with a cold, scientific detachment that made Alex's blood run cold. He could feel himself slipping away, his consciousness fading into darkness as the alien's experiments pushed his body to its limits.

And then, with a suddenness that made Alex jump, the creature turned and left the room. Alex was alone once again, trapped on an alien spacecraft
Fascinating piece of work. How long did it take for the creation and how many prompts / cues did you have to provide to build the context of the story? You are the first I know of to have used AI for a story along "our lines of interest."
How'd you get it to write a story with violence in it?

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