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PINS Chapter 5 (final)
Taylor wrestled with the bonds tying his hands behind his back.

The afternoon sun rose high in the sky, it's intense heat beamed through the canopy onto his bare shoulders. Sweat dripped from his brows, coalesced in little beads on his chest, and dripped down his bare stomach.

He had made a fatal mistake, inviting Alec and Jonathan to partake in their fun, two men he had met online and thought he could trust.

Arriving in the canyon to meet with them, Taylor immediately felt uncertain. Alec, the blonde, approached Taylor menacingly -- at first, he assumed it was part of the play. Alec dug his fingers deep into Taylor's belly button, he traced his fingers up and down the scar in the center crevice of Taylor's abdomen.

He felt Alec's hot breath on his neck, breathing in excitement as he aggressively massaged Taylor's torso, feeling each muscle and crevice, trailing his fingers down Taylor's deep v-obliques, shoving his hands in Taylor's pants and squeezing his cock and balls.

Alec pushed Taylor back gently and in a flash, he felt a searing pain on the back of his head as Jonathan whacked him with a hard branch. The world spun around Taylor before his vision went black and he collapsed in the orange dirt.

Hours must have passed as his shoulders seared red in the hot sun. Alec and Jonathan were nowhere to be seen. Taylor's head ached immensely as he aggresively rubbed his bonds on a nearby rock, attempting to break free.

In the distance he heard his name, "Taylor?!"

It was Neil.

Frantically now, he rubbed the rope bonds against the coarse rock. The threads slowly sliced away. His torso flexed, contorting and revealing each defined muscle, glistening sweat in the hot sun as he rubbed away the bonds.

It took several long minutes but finally, his wrists ripped apart the weakend rope.

Taylor clamored to his feet, sprinting in the direction of Neil's voice. His long legs flexed with each stride, his short hiking shorts clung low to his skinny waist, his large cock bounced freely with his movement through the forest.

He approached the clearing near the clear, blue pool. The cascading waterfall muted his movement through the underbrush of the forest.

He watched in horror, intrigue, and pleasure as Jonathan, the brown head man, sucked off Neil -- while Alec, the blonde, kissed Neil erotically. Blood pooled below the three men. The two men's finger explored Neil violently, pushing in and out of two wounds in his stomach, as blood was smeared and streamed down Neil's toned abs. Neil groaned in pleasure and agony, helpless as he was tied tightly at tree.

Taylor knew he couldn't take on the two men alone, now was the time to strike while they were distracted -- but before he could act, Alec, stepped away and pulled Jonathan away with him.

The two men admired their work, Neil hung his head in exhaustion, his hard cock stuck out straight before him while dripping in gore and precum.

Alec approached Neil again, with a much longer blade. Taylor watched in horror as he placed the sharp tip in the wound above Neil's navel.

Alec pressed the blade in aggressively, piercing Neil through. The blade slid in effortlessly before meeting some resistance. Alec's forearms flexed as he applied more pressure, the blade slipped further into Neil, slicing through him entirely. Taylor watched Neil groan in agony and pleasure, he saw as his seed erupted from his hard cock, splattering over Alec's ripped abdomen.

He watched on in horror as the two men hammered the blade further into Neil, piercing him to the tree. The two men admired their work again, unbuttoning their pants, and spilling their own seed all over Neil's naked ravaged body.

Alec kissed Neil, fingering the deep wound in his navel one last time, before pulling away and looking to Jonathan. "Let's get back to the other one", he said.

Taylor watched as the two shirtless men sauntered back off into the woods, back to where they had left Taylor.

Taylor approached Neil quickly, he knew it wouldn't be long before they discovered his absence and headed back this way.

Neil's head hung low, his body sagged gently on the sharp blade, his legs still trying to support himself to prevent the weight of his body from having the blade slice him further.

Taylor admired his ravaged, naked body. His muscles defined as ever, his large pecs and broad shoulders sagged gently. His torso moved with each shallow breath, his ripped abdomen pierced right in the middle, down the center crease of the muscles, right above his bleeding navel. The blade plunged entirely through him, even some of the hilt had entered into the wound. Blood streamed down his lower belly and dripped slowly from the tip of his long cock, pooling gently in the dirt beneath him.

"Neil..." Taylor whispered, as the injured man looked up cautiously.

Taylor ran his fingers down Neil's side, feeling each muscle along his rib cage, he slid his fingers into the mess around the hilt sticking from the middle of Neil's torso, gently following the streaming blood he lightly fingered Neil's navel. Neil winced, and smiled -- his cock still hard between them.

"I take it... this wasn't... the plan..." Neil stammered.

"No." Taylor said, as he kissed the man.

He backed away from Neil, and walked around the tree. He quickly undid the bonds.

"We don't have much time."

Taylor came to the front of Neil again, he rested his palm around the hilt of the blade.

"Put your arm around my neck, I will need to remove this."

Neil did as told, resting his left arm around Taylor's neck, supporting himself. Taylor placed his left hand on the tree above Neil's shoulder, and with his right he gently grasped the hilt.

He pulled, the blade didn't budge.

He pulled harder, pushing with his hand on the tree. With a suddenness the blade dislodged from the tree, and slid quickly from the flesh of Neil's belly. 3 inches of the blade slid out with the violent thrust. Neil folded over and groaned in agony, his head rested on Taylor's shoulder as he watched the 12 inch blade slowly exit the gory wound. Inch by inch it slid out, before finally he watched as the pointed end escaped him, dripping his blood.

Neil's full weight collapsed on Taylor, he struggled to hold the muscled man. Gently, he lowered him to the ground, propping him up against the tree. He watched with each shallow breath as the blood pulsed from the wounds in Neil's belly. He would need to get him help very soon, and even then he wasn't sure if Neil would make it.

Lost in the moment at the erotic nature of pulling the blade from Neil's ravaged body, Taylor's cock stiffened in his shorts.

He needed to help Neil, but he had more pressing concerns, as Alec and Jonathan would likely be back at any moment.

With that thought, Taylor heard the crashing of brush and broken branches, swiveling on his feet he turned and raised the bloody blade. His body taught, each muscle flexed on his abdomen, his reddened broad shoulders gleamed in the sun. He held the gorey blade before him and waited in anticipation as Alec came charging out of the woods.

Taylor stepped to the left a moment too slowly, as Alec's right hand, armed with the tiny triangular blade, crashed into Taylor's abdomen. Taylor grimaced & spun away quickly, spinning the blade in his hand at the same time, he felt as the weapon sliced across Alec's belly from his left oblique and up across his navel.

The two men faltered and staggered back from each other, looking down at their wounds. Taylor watched a deep cut just above his right obliques bleed profusely. At least 3 inches across, he fingered it gently, peeling it open he noted it wasn't too deep and had not penetrated beyond his muscled abdomen.

He readied his stance again, and looked across at his opponent.

Alec looked at his ravaged belly, his mouth agape. A deep wound, 8-10 inches in length, starting from his left oblique, cutting diagonally up across his ripped abdomen, slicing his belly button in half before coming to an end. Blood began to flood out from the wound, soaking his pants and streaming down his legs.

Taylor took this moment of distraction and charged Alec, aiming the blade squarely in the center of his torso. Alec looked up a moment too late, as the blade sunk violently into his belly button. Taylor pushed it with violent force, vengeance for what they did to Neil. Alec doubled over, Taylor supported him with his left hand, grabbing his shoulder, he looked over and down Alec's toned back, he shoved the blade again and watched as the sharp tip pierced out of Alec's lower back.

Alec groaned in agony and pleasure, Taylor felt his cock hard against him as he held him closely. He gripped the hilt of the blade tight again and yanked it upwards, like slicing through watermelon the blade cut through Alec's toned abdomen, up the center crease of his muscles, creating a long deep wound from his belly button to just below his sternum.

Taylor then gently pushed Alec away with his left hand, while pulling the blade from him with his right. While Alec stumbled backwards, the blade eased out of his belly slowly, with a slight slurp the tip of the blade escaped him.

Alec looked at the crimson red gore dripping from the blade, he saw the rage in Taylor's eyes as the man stepped back and admired his work. Alec wobbled in place before collapsing to his knees. He looked down at his ravaged torso, the deep scar diagonal across his belly bled lightly, the even deeper wound from his navel and straight up to the bottom of his sternum pulsed a constant flow of crimson red. He felt the warm blood dribble from the wound in his back, soaking his pants and the ground beneath him. He noted the wetness in his pants, his cock had exploded in excitement.

Taylor watched as Alec, on his knees, explored his wounds with his hands, tracing the scars, meandering his fingers through the gore, his mouth agape, his pants wet with fresh jizz, before slowly collapsing backwards and resting in the dirt. His shallow breaths began to fade as the blood streamed over his torso and pooled in the dirt around him.

Taylor stood in the harsh afternoon sun, his chest heaving up and down from excitement and exhaustion, sweat streamed down his ripped body, pooling into his navel and soaking his shorts. Splatters of blood covered his face and torso as the small slit on his lower belly bled gently. He held the long blade in front of him, it dripped in gore as he watched Alec take his last breaths.

Neil moaned loudly. Taylor went to turn his attention towards him, but felt a sharp pain in his back before he could do so. Taylor arched his back in agony, his ripped abdomen tight, each muscle illuminated by the afternoon sun. He stumbled forward a step as he felt another shove from behind, as he looked down at his torso he saw the tip of a slender katana piercing through his belly, slicing through the tender spot above his navel.

Taylor gasped in shock and pleasure, slowly he teetered around, feeling the weight of the sword inside him. He faced Jonathan, now unarmed. The man smiled a sinister grin.

"pierced straight through. Quite a sight to behold".

Taylor staggered in place, he looked down again at his torso, his broad chest heaving with each excited breath, he traced his finger down the lines defining his abdomen, he admired the metallic shiny blade with streak of red gore sticking out of him. He gently caressed around the blade, feeling the cold steel as his warm blood began to stream around it, down his belly, pooling into his navel and soaking into his pubes and shorts. His dick hardened at the sight of it all, peeking from the top of his loose shorts.

Taylor fumbled with the smaller blade in his hand, walking towards Jonathan, swinging and stabbing at him in a haphazard manner. Jonathan laughed menacingly before kicking Taylor in chest. Taylor sliced Jonathans calf, sending him screaming in pain to the ground, but at the same time he stumbled backwards from the kick, loosing his balance his back crashed into a tree behind him pushing the hilt of the katana violently into his back. Screaming in agony and surprise, he saw as the blade exploded out of his belly, 12 inches sticking out before him, blood flowing freely from the wound and cascading to the ground beneath him.

Taylor stumbled back to his feet, and staggered around precariously as he watched Jonathan clamor back up to his.

In a fit of excitement and rage, Taylor charged Jonathan head on. He flexed his abdomen, fighting through the searing pain, as he grabbed Jonathan and hugged him tight.

Jonathan, slightly taller than Taylor, was taken by surprise as he hobbled up from the ground and met Taylor's eyes just before he barreled into him, chest to chest, stomach to stomach. The sharp point of the katana sliced easily into Jonathans belly button, held tight by Taylor's flexed abdomen.

Taylor hugged Jonathan tight, pulling him close until their chests and belly's touched and the katana sank inches into Jonathan's flesh.

The two men felt each other's athletic bodies, they felt each other's pulse as the shared blade pierced their insides. Their warm blood pooled together where their belly's met. Their hard cocks touched, precum spilled from the tip of Taylor's cock.

Taylor reached around Jonathan, hugging him tight. The two men groaned. Unsuspectingly, Taylor grasped his smaller blade with both hands and rammed the point into the middle of Jonathans lower back. The blade sliced through his thick muscles like a hardened fruit. Jonathan yelled in agony. Taylor pulled harder and the blade slid through Jonathan violently, he felt as the point pierced through Jonthans lower belly, just above his groin. Taylor pulled so hard that the point pierced through his own navel.

The two men, interlocked, swayed in the clearing. Heavy, slow breaths as their heaving torsos staggered around. Taylor looked up at Jonathan and began to push away slowly, he looked down between them and watched as the smaller blade gently sucked out of his navel, the point slurped out and dripped crimson red to the ground. He stepped further back, pushing away from Jonathan and watched as the katana slowly slid out of Jonathan's belly button. Inch by inch, covered in gore, it then slurped out of Jonathan.

The two men staggered backwards from each other, each with a blade pierced through them. Jonathan fondled the tip of the blade sticking from his lower belly, with his other hand he reach around behind him and grabbed the hilt of the blade tight. Slowly he pulled it from his back, screaming in agony ash he did so. The point disappeared slowly back into his lower belly. Jonathan pulled with more force before finally the blade slipped out of his back and he dropped it to the ground.

Taylor watched on, mesmerized by seeing the tip of the blade seemingly sink back into Jonathan's taught lower belly. The two wounds oozed blood, soaking Jonathans pants and the ground beneath him.

"help me remove this" Taylor said to Jonathan, referring to the katana inside him that was too long for him to remove himself.

Jonathan nodded in a kind of truce, staggering over to Taylor he gripped the katana's hilt from Taylor's back and began to gently pull.

Taylor leaned forward, stepping carefully in sync with Jonathan as he pulled. He looked down at his defined abdomen and watched as the blade shrank back inside of his torso, inch by inch, he felt it slurp through this flesh, his guts, until finally the tip of the blade completely disappeared inside him. The wound gushed blood and Taylor's cock exploded in excitement as he felt the blade sink slowly through him, his cum spewed in hot spurts all over his lower belly. One last yank and the katana slid out from Taylor's back, dripping in blood, Jonathan dropped it to the ground.

Exasperated, Taylor doubled over and dropped to his knees, gently fingering his own belly wounds. He crawled gently to Neil's side. The two men held hands and watched as Jonathan picked up the smaller blade again. They groaned in fear and helplessness as Jonathan stood up straight and raised the blade. Jonathan unbuttoned his pants and fondled his erect cock. Neil and Taylor watched in a fear of what was to come next before Jonathan brought the blade to his own belly, he placed the tip on the virgin skin above his navel wound and pressed. The blade sunk in inches as Jonathan pleasured himself, he pulled the blade out, it slurped out dripping in blood, before plunging it back in again and again, gut fucking himself until his cock exploded in squirts of hot cum, Jonathan collapsed to the ground on his back, the smaller blade pierced through his gut, his cock leaking, his breath fading, and blood pooling around him.

Taylor and Neil held hands, feeling each others light pulse and shallow breaths, taking in the bloody scene around them -- admiring their own ravaged torsos...

Author's note: this may or may not be the final day for Taylor and Neil. Not sure if it's reasonable they survive this and I am looking to move onto new characters and settings. We'll see!

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