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TRIO   29

"C'mon Pare, get up, they friggin called you three times already," Aoi
pulled Pare off a bench where he was wrapped around Evan, Percival, and
Christo. All four stood up. "Everyone else is out there already!"

"Oh man," Pare rubbed his eyes and stretched his body, making his outtie
belly button change shape. "I'm freakin tired."

"Can you still fight?"  Christo asked him, fingering his own belly button,
which had a thicker upper ridge lip than any lower ridge, in fact, it
didn't seem to have a lower lip. But it had plenty of folds inside, looking
almost like butt cheeks inside his navel.

"Oh, of course," Pare smiled and patted the boy's head and his own
stomach. "Of course."

"Pare!"  Beni yelled, "Will you get out here!"

Jolo called in, "Stop playin' round with the sissies and get your ass out

Pare passed them, "Oh hold your dicks, willya!"  He grabbed a thin long
sword from Beni and looked out at the massive arena, "Hey I thought
everyone else was already out..."  Beni pointed up and Jolo smiled. Pare
looked up. Squinting because it was even sunnier than usual outside and the
sun made it difficult to see, he eventually made out all the gladiators
assembled...all of them standing on top a thick series of ropes, all of
which formed a giant net over the arena, blowing in the wind. It appeared
crisscrossed, looking like a giant chess or tic tac toe board. "You gotto
be shitting me."

A Thoros from above shook a hanging a net ladder for Pare to climb
up. There seemed to be 30 boys already up there, every age and every size,
and it seemed every nationality. Jolo pushed Pare, "Get up there..."  Pare
looked back at him as if he wanted to kill him. "Oh but ahh, first, you
might want to..."  Jolo walked inside to the waiting group of boys who were
in Pare's barrack, " this one up with you for he's called too!"  It
was Christo. He stood behind the boy and pushed his bare back.

Christo cried as he was pushed outside by Jolo and then by Beni. Pare
grabbed Christo's shoulders and turned him around to push him back,
"No. You can't. He's way too young yet...he needs more training."

Nolo called out, "What's the fucking hold up!?!?! I want both of them up
here now or cut their belly buttons out!"

Christo wiped his tears with his arm and turned to look up at Pare,
"'s okay. I can do it."  He went over to Beni and took a short
sword. Christo moved past Pare and began to climb the rope
ladder. "Cah...cahc'mon, Pare."

Pare looked at Jolo, who smiled and chuckled, "I'm gonna kill you for this,

"More vain threats from one of the Trio," Jolo smiled.

"No," Pare pointed his sword at Jolo's face and moved at him...serious

"Huh...hold it right there!"  Jolo backed up.

"I mean it!"  Pare yelled, "I'm gonna kill you dead!"  Beni picked up
another sword and came out and pointed it at Pare's chest as six Thoros
warriors came out and pointed very sharp headed spears at Pare's chest and
stomach. "Just wait...Jolo, soon you won't have these goons around to
protect you..."

"Bring it on," Jolo snorted, behind Beni.

"Your big muscles don't scare me!"  Pare yelled.

"Pare, come on," Christo called from the ladder, "Come on before..."  He
saw the albino and mulatto archer boys stretching their arrows across their
bows with loud creaking sounds. "Pare please!"

Pare looked up at Christo. "Yea, Pare, please," Jolo said, "Better get
going..."  Pare turned to look at Jolo again. This time, Pare began to
control himself and he closed his mouth and moved toward the ladder. As he
climbed up, he turned down to Jolo and pointed his sword, "Remember,
Jolo...what I have and my sword point have an appointment..."

Jolo just laughed but when he caught sight of Beni's serious face, he
dropped his smile. "What?" Beni shrugged.  "You don't think..."

"I'd watch my back is all I'm sayin' man," Beni said, puffing his chest out

Pare heard this exchange and smiled as he climbed. At the top, Christo gave
him a hand out to pull him up. Pare didn't need the help but he thought it
charming that this kid did this. He smiled and allowed Christo to pull him
up. On the top, even Pare sucked in shocked air at the amount of boys on
the net ropes. The ropes were thick but large squares in between, like a
chessboard with open spaces, were expanded enough to drop through. Pare was
glad to see that most of the boys who were going to help in the escape were
not on the ropes but a few were.

"Well," said a stocky boy with a thick gut, Raymon, next to them, "This
isn't so bad--it's a clean fall so death will be quick once we hit."

"Oh not so," Nolo said, waving, "I heard that."  Nolo waved his left hand
to an engineer who was at the right side of the arena wall. The engineer
hit a large Thoros muscle man on the bare back and the mucle man in his
stone thong cranked a large turning pole. From the floor of the arena sand
came large black spikes---thin points that rose up with thick bottoms so as
one would fall onto the thin part, and fell down it, their body would be
opened up more and more as they slid down. The spikes seemed to glisten in
the sun--just a tint of an unearthly greenish glow.  Nolo laughed. "Oh," he
announced loudly, "Just so you may want to slay yourself before you hit the
spikes of belly death I'll give you this warning...these have been
magically attract navels no matter what way one of you
falls. Therefore your navels will be drawn to the tip of one of the

"It'll still be fast," Raymon told Pare.

"It will not be as fast you might think," Nolo smiled, "The spikes also
cauterize any wound so that you will be alive and stuck on it for a very
long time before, well," he chuckled, "Before you finally do die with your
blood stopping around the base of the melded spike...melded to your insides
through your lovely belly buttons."  Nolo sat down.

Dark haired Yule clasped his hands together and sat on Nolo's lap, "What a
great way to go!!! Who's first then?"

Nolo moved him to the side of his seat, "Sorry, love, I don't wanna miss a
bit of this."  Yule frowned.  "You," Nolo pointed to a muscled Thoros
clone, so muscled it was impossible. "Demonstrate."

The guard Thoros who was standing near Nolo's throne, moved away, another
was on the other side of Nolo's throne. The first guard walked up toward
the end of the arena wall. At the end of the arena wall, were other Thoros
warriors, some normal guards, and spearboys. The first Thoros moved up
behind another Thoros warrior who stood at the wall and smirked at the poor
bastards who had to die in the arena. This second one was happy he wasn't
going to die on the spikes in the arena. The left side of his mouth curled
up with happiness and sadistic pleasure. He never knew that the first
Thoros was quickly walking up to him without hesitation or fear. The first
one just pushed the second one. Over the wall and into the arena under the
net. Screaming, this Thoros spiraled but his belly turned toward one of the
black spikes. He felt it as it ripped quickly into his gut hole and chumped
into his strong muscle. Yet he slid along it with the momentum. The first
Thoros looked over the side and smiled. And watched. As did everyone
else. The one on the spike was wriggling, every vein standing out on his
bulging muscles. He kicked. He flailed his arms. The penis he had rose out
of the stone thong, between stone and hairless rubbing lower belly
flesh. Wet. The blood on the spike and around his navel was very little as
the wound was immediately shut by burning heat on the spike. The Thoros
warrior was stuck on the spike and he groaned, moaned, screamed, and
grunted for a very, very long time into the battle. It took him a long time
to die and even while the battle started, he was still making his death
sounds. Pain sounds. Squawks even.

"Oh God, Pare," Christo gulped, "I don't wanna die..."

"Don't worry, just stick with me, kid," Pare turned to look at him, "You've
never done this before, have you?"

"No, and I am not so sure I can kill anyone like you guys do so well,"
Christo swallowed.

"Just do what I say and you'll live."

"But...but you know it's gonna be like all the other fights...only one can
be alive at the end..."

"I'm not gonna kill you, Christo..."

"Okay..."  Nolo was about to start the fight as Yule found his way to
Nolo's knee..

"Well, no time for waiting," Pare said and used his right hand to grab
Raymon's shoulder and jabbed with his left hand the sword right into
Raymon's thick belly button.

"Whaaa?"  Raymon was wide eyed with shock.

So was Christo, who moved back with shocked, wide eyes. "No."

Pare put his free hand on Raymon's bare body, to the side of the kid's
belly button, which was now gone under Pare's sword.

"Wait! He didn't wait for me to say go!"  Nolo yelled and stood up,
dropping Yule off his knee.  Yule frowned.

"Oh God, you didn't just do that?"  Raymon said.

"Yeah I did and enjoyed it. Nothing personal," Pare jabbed in deeper, "I
just wanna be the one alive at the end of this battle."  He twisted. Raymon
sucked in air, "On second thought...."  Pare unstuck him and stuck him
again, "It is personal...personal care! Die!"  Pare moved the sword around
and unstuck the kid again, letting him sink to the ropes on his knees. Pare
turned to say something to Christo but Christo was far off from him, "Oh
no!"  A big kid, purple dyed hair, dark features, and tall, with thin
stomach, launched himself at Pare. Pare yelled, "Get outta my way!"  Pare
held up his sword and the kid launched himself onto it.

Quickly impaled through the navel hole, Raymon was next to the Thoros,
beginning their duet of dying sounds.

Pare yelled as the boy was on his sword, "AHHHHHHH! Haaaaaaa! Die fool!"
Pare removed his sword quickly and kicked this purple haired freak out of
the way and the boy fell to his spike. "Christo, where are you?"  Around
Pare now, began other boy battles. Two against one. One on one. Swords,
spears, daggers, knives, tridents. Grunts. Moans, groans, gurgles.
Bodies. Arms. Legs. A forest of bodies for Pare to get through to get back
to Christo.

Christo backed up but hit something...someone. He turned to see a boy his
own age and size. A boy with dark hair but a white strip down the center of
his head. The boy was a mixed Spanish-Japanese boy, dark faced, hairless
body and a long sword. "'ve never killed before, have you?"


"Don't worry, it'll be fast..."  The kid smirked and put a hand on
Christo's shoulder, "Or maybe not, maybe you be enjoyin a good long death
in the belly button, no?"

"Christo!"  Pare saw him, "Christo stick him! Stick him now! In the gut
hole! Do it!"

Christo raised his hand and said, "No," but realized as he did that his
vision saw his sword rising to and going slowly into the belly button of
this kid. The kid was talking, not knowing what was going on, "For my age,
I'm the best and I'm not only gonna kill ya, but also...hey, you..."  He
looked down and his eyes went wide. He gulped and his shocked face stayed
that way for a few moments.

Christo's face was as shocked. "No, I didn't mean...."

"No," The kid said quietly. His eyes got bigger.

Christo's did also, "I...I don't like this!"  But as he adjusted to the
fact that he was alive and this cocky kid was going to die on the end of
his sword and as his whole arm felt the kid's futile stomach resistance as
he pushed in more, Christo's face began to register that he felt
ease that he was going to live. He had the faintest of smiles on his
lips. And when he took his eyes off the kid's belly, slim and hairless, he
looked at the kid and noticed the kid's face had changed from shock a happy look too. They had the same face on. "Maybe I...I do."

"I stronger...can't believe got me good. I...I feel good. It's
great ...."  The kid gulped and shut his eyes, "Do me."

Christo shoved the sword in as far it could go. A taller, older kid with
washboard abs was sneaking up behind Christo--his knife up and ready to dig
into Christo's back and into his belly button from behind.

"Damn!"  Pare saw this as he was slashing the belly open of a bigger, older
boy, with blond hair and as he slashed, he cut across the belly of a tall
redhead who was trying to sneak up on him. Balancing himself and then
bouncing from rope to rope, Pare ran from them, all cut by him. He ran past
a kid on his back, a light skinned pale boy with sandy hair, nice body. A
kid was over him, the same size and with darker hair and even more ripped
abs and a shallow belly button that almost looked like it wasn't going to
become a belly button when the kid was born.

The kid on the ground said, "Damn!"

"Say your goodbyes," The kid overhead snorted and grunted.

Pare was near the standing one and he quickly undid the kid's own knife off
the kid's green vine belt and stabbed the point into the kid's flesh--right
in the belly button. As the kid was stretched out to his fullest and
tightest. Pare felt like he was stabbing into stone and then as the knife
parted flesh, felt as if he were stabbing into hard mud which was giving
way to soft splashy mud behind. "Not fair!"

"Hey," Pare snorted and twisted the knife, "Anyway you can, man..."

The standing kid was stuck in time. He felt the pain in his gut drilling
into him more and more. He sucked in more air and more air as if it could
save him. It couldn't.

The kid with his bare back on the ropes, bent his back a bit as he sat
up. "Thanks for that, for saving me."

Pare thrust his sword right into that kid's belly button, "I didn't do it
for you. I did it for me. Die!"

The kid bent over the sword, "OHHHHHHHH!"

The standing one was still in the process of dying and as Pare slid his
sword out of the one on the ropes, this one fell ontop of him, belly to
belly. Pare laughed and move on. The boys felt penis to penis, cut gut to
cut gut. The one with the knife in him took it out. Their penises rose and
wet with pre cum, continued. They rolled and fell through a square,
spiraling and they landed sideways on the spike but their bodies, together
were twisted on the spike, which magically treated, kept trying to get to
the center of each of their buttons...and failed and succeeded. They were
kept on the spike, moved around and about as the spike butchered their
navels, one at a time and both at other times. They yelped and yelped but
their voices were just another in the choir of boy dying opera. From
spikes' victims, it rained white cum.

Christo moved his sword around in the first boy he ever killed. He cut
sinew and belly button meat. He went wide eyed again and slid his sword out
a bit, fascinated that it was coming out of the kid. "Go for it," the dying
kid said, "Do it. You got me good."

"Real good," Christo said, his throat dry. Christo sort of liked the kid's
Oriental eyes and pert nose, his dark Spanish coloring. The other boy was
still moving up behind him.

"Christo! Duck!"  Pare stabbed his sword into the side of a kid with a
spear, who had another bare youth on the point of his spear. Pare made sure
he got the belly button with his point through the side and removed it. He
also grabbed the spear, "Get off that I need it!"  He shook the kid or
rather the kid's belly off the spear and both boys fell off the net onto
spike death below. "Duck!"  Pare threw the spear and it went into the back
of the kid Christo was stabbing, out his belly button, over the ducking
Christo's head and into the bumpy abs of the natural redhead who was behind
Christo with a curved knife. The belly button of the redhead vanished into
himself and he grabbed at the spear which dangled out of the Japanese
Spanish kid. Christo grabbed the curved knife from the redhead and stood up
more. He then took the spear out of the Japanese/Spanish boy's gut and the
kid fell off the ropes, bouncing on a few ropes first. Christo as he
removed the spear couldn't help but stick the stomach of the redhead more,
for taking one out, made the other go in. He let go and stood back. The
redhead gripped the sword as if it were a part of his body and held it. He
jerked the pole in him up more as if it were a giant penis emitting from
his body.  Pare arrived and kicked the redhead but as he did a big muscled
man came up behind him. Christo tapped this one on the back and the giant
man turned around.

"Hey you!"  Christo buried the curved knife of the red head right into the
upper tip of the man's worked out on ridge and he dug it upward, "Haaaaaa,
I'm not gonna let you hurt Pare!"  He dug it up and out, the curved knife
helping. With his other hand, he swung the sword he still held at the man's
sword arm, wounding it. Soon two more bodies fell for the spikes. The
redhead, with the spear in him, fell onto a spike and had the great feeling
of the spike meeting the spear and twisting different parts of his belly
button and flesh in and around it in different ways and paths. He felt
every bit of it and cam wildly as he jerked, kicked, pounded, swore, and

Other boys were falling before they even got stuck. One boy even saw Pare
in front of him and jumped. Rather than die a long death on the spikes,
many of them had just enough time to remove their own belly buttons or stab
into their own navel holes with knives or short swords en route down. Some,
still had weapons in their guts and these weapons created even more pain as
they brushed against the spikes, swishing flesh every which way!

Two boys were finding their bellies on the wrong end of a double pointed
spear/sword held by a long haired blond boy. He shoved one end in the hard
gut of one boy and the other end into the softer gut of a bigger brown
haired boy who had a rounded gut with a large belly button. The long haired
boy wore only a loin cloth and a headband. The other two boys were totally
naked. The long haired boy was not smiling but was very serious and
determined. "I'm gonna win!"  Suddenly, he felt the ropes shaking and he
fell off the ropes. On the way down, he quickly took out his small knife
and jabbed the fine point into his own belly button and died before he hit
the spike with a slick THKKKKKK and Harumpf.

The two boys, stuck together, were also bounced by the shaking ropes and
lost their footing. Their legs fell through but the spear, still sticking
both their bellies, stopped them from falling. They writhed but could not
get off the spear and were not stuck so hard that they would die right
away. They held the spear and sort of played a game---one would try to get
it out of his navel which in turn would make it push into the other boy
more. That one would then try to hold it off or push it back so it would
enter into the other kid's belly. As they did this, their exposed penises
grew and grew to over nine inches and wobbled below.

Seeing the blond fall, Pare said, "Hey, I got an idea, Christo!"  Pare
jumped down.

Christo, afraid at first, yelled, "Pare!"

"Okay, I'm okay," Pare held on with one hand. "C'mon down! I can get more
of em off with my idea."

"Many are already gettin off," Christo looked around. A boy behind him
tossed Christo off. "Pare!"

"Don't worry!"  Hanging on with one hand and with his sword dangling
through his loin cloth openings, Pare reached out as the little kid fell
and grabbed his wrist. "I've got ya!"  Pare looked at the kid's eyes and
saw fear. "Hang on, get on my back."  His weapons dropped, Christo was
pulled up. He clung onto Pare's back tight. Pare felt good as his back was
warmed by the boy.

"You shoulda let me drop," Christo whispered.

"No, I told ya," Pare said, good naturedly, "I'm not gonna break my promise
to you, we'll get out of this together, somehow. Now watch."  Pare began to
shake the ropes, holding on with both hands.

As Pare shook, more and more boys fell to their belly doom on the
spikes. The cacophony of death groans rose louder and louder. A boy fell
onto a spike where there already was a boy. A Japanese boy landed ontop the
Spanish/Japanese boy, who was not dead yet. He slid down and his penis made
contact with the kid's back, splashing all over it. Three boys were on the
spike next to them, one with his dick in the other's ass, jerking. The
middle one fucked and got fucked. The spike through all three's belly

"Hey stop that!"  A blue eyed good looking wrestling type kid (who looked
like actor Ryan Merrimen who played the young PRETENDER) with brown hair
came over Pare's fingers, "Or I'll cut off your fingerahhhhh!"  As he got
closer, Pare shook harder and the kid fell off the ropes onto a
spike. "Ahhhh, you fuckkkkkohhhhrrrrr! Someone help me....oh!"  A tall
heavier kid fell on top his back and smashed him into the ground, opening
his belly more and more as he hit the lowest area of the spike, his own
penis meeting the ground, making it wet and a puddle under him. He felt
wetness on his bare, macho back. He arched. "Hey stop that! Oh man! Noaw,
do it more! MORE! OH MY GUT!"

Most boys were gone but there were about twenty more. One, a boy with brown
hair and the muscles of an older MALE, went to the end, "I know how to get
the fucker. He'll not end my life...c'mon as I do..."  This kid
took his sword and put it in his thong and then used both hands to get to
the edge of the ropes and he swung downward, feet overhead and he swung
down...belly first onto Pare's sword. For Pare had taken the sword out of
his loin cloth, stimulating his own penis into thick action, wet already
and pointed it out. The boy didn't feel it yet, "See," he called up to some
pals, "I told you, it's simple just cummmmmmmmming, I'm cumming! Oh that
feelsssssssssssssahhhasigh!"  He looked down and saw the sword middle
ejecting from his belly where his belly button used to be. He looked up and
saw a smiling, white toothed Pare there, a kid clinging onto the Puerto
Rican's back tightly for dear life.

"Look before you leap," Pare smiled and twisted.


Pare unstuck him and stuck it back in. He then watched as the kid hung on
still, his navel hole dripping. Christo gasped, "Oh Pare, finish him."

Pare broke out of his revere for this kid when Christo said that. He jumped
up and kicked the kid with both feet and the kid fell...onto a spike filled
with bodies, more than could be counted. Only the sharp tip could fit in
his navel and it stuck there as the kid thrashed around. More boys followed
and all 20 were now hanging under the net with no one on top except the two
stuck on one spear, now raining the net with cum. Other exceptions included
bodies that didn't fall, some boys jerking as their bellies hit the ropes,
being cut or wounded and dying on top the net, also adding their cum to the
white rain.

Above, a tall, lean kid cut a rope that was where Pare hung. He swung on it
anyway. Then this kid jumped down, held on with one hand and made a move at
Pare's stab Christo in his back and through...but he missed and
Pare had wheeled around on him and jabbed his sword into this kid's
navel. The kid screamed and fell, ripping off Pare's sword. Pare found his
sword going upward in the kid: up and up cutting out of the navel top ridge
and into the upper abs and hitting sternum. Until the kid fell. Christo
yelled, "Pare, they're surrounding you!"

"Together we can kill the spic!"

"Get him!"

"Gut that outtie of his!"

"He thinks he's so cool!"

"He ain't so hot!"

"Cut his gut out!"

"Line his abs with steel!"

Another kid tried to jab Christo from behind but Pare whirled and
whirled. He held out his sword sideways and as he whirled, he gutted and
slit many navels--at least five solid guys were around Pare, holding on to
the ropes. Before they knew it, they were staring at their slit belly
slits. Guts poured out. As they fell, more boys moved in. One tore Christo
off Pare by grabbing Christo's arm and pulling. Christo kicked the kid off
the ropes but had to hang on. Another kid came at him, a kid a bit older
than him. Christo screamed as the kid pointed his sword right at him and
then he shut his eyes. But Pare swung by at the last second, not that he
planned it that way but he had to gut two more older, much older men and it
had taken longer than usual. Pare screamed, did a Tarzan yell and swung
past the boy trying to gut Christo and as he passed by, he held the sword
across the kid's hips, digging it from hip to hip, encompassing the large
outtie belly button, which came off and fell. Christo looked at
it. Christo's loin cloth was so low his curved lower belly was all the way
out. Pare swung back and stabbed the attacker kid the same way. The kid
hung on. Pare smiled, "If you like it I could it do it all day so just hang
on."  Pare did this a few more times, other boys stopping to watch in

"I...I die....happy..."  The kid said, "I love you."

"Oh hell, feel THIS!"  Pare shoved the sword in point first into the outtie
use to be and kept plugging, his swing having to make it messier than
usual. "Felt good to me and ...."  Pare looked down at the kid's mess from
his shorts, "And to go down!"  Pare shook the kid's thick muscled
arms and the kid fell with a wild happy yelp of joy. To end on a spike, the
last empty one. Bodies below writhed and the flesh looked like one big
thumping animal. Sounds of a chorus as grunts, moans, gasps, hissing, macho
sounds filled the air. Some sounds sounded like sex and joy but others pain
and pleasure. Mixing.

"Pare watch out!"  Christo yelled as a boy swung on a cut rope at Pare's
back. Pare tried to turn but the new attacker, Rom, was already at his
back. Christo kicked out and made Rom drop his sword so Rom was now at
Pare's back weaponless. Rom, bigger and more muscled, bear hugged Pare from
behind as if he were humping him. Funny, Christo thought, he IS humping
him. Pare rose up and arched in pleasure as Rom invaded his butthole. Other
boys moved in. "Pare, stop! He's gonna kill you!"

Using binoculars, Nolo watched, "Oh Yule I am enjoying this!"

Kneeling with his back to the arena, Yule looked up from between Nolo's
legs, "Me too!"

Reaching behind the struggling cumming Pare, who cam out of his loin cloth,
Rom grabbed Pare's sword and then pulled out of Pare, dripping generous
amounts of white load.  He then swung back and forth and held out the
sword, Pare in front of him. As he moved at Pare, a white load from above
hit him in the eyes and blinded him. Pare took his sword back and stabbed
the kid deeply and happily, "Happened to a friend of mine. It sucks! And so
do you! Suck my sword through your belly button, fucker!"


>From behind, Christo kicked Rom's upper back, thrusting him more onto
Pare's sword. Pare let it loose and the dying Rom fell, yelping like a
stuck pup.

It was an easy job to stab the belly buttons of the other guys moving in on
them. Pare did most of the boys.  Christo had no weapon.

After killing all but four, Pare said, "Come over here," and pulled Christo
to him. Christo had tears in his eyes. They were chest to chest, the boy
wrapping his legs around Pare as Pare held on with one hand, arm
outstretched to hold upward. Cum rained around them.

"I thought you were going to die!"

"No, you saved me," Pare smiled.


"Yeah!"  Pare kissed him smack on the lips.

"Oh well," one of the four boys, Filipino shrugged, "I always wanted ta
know what it felt like to die like this way..."  He threw himself off and
his belly button connected with a spike. He moaned, "Feel good, me get off,
fell feel real good."

Christo wanted more of the kiss as tongues exchanged mouths. Pare pulled
out, "Excuse me."  He thrust Christo behind him again and the boy held on
for dear life, around his neck again. Pare swung and stabbed. Three more
boys had their guts added to the arena floor before their bodies actually
fell and joined the show on the spikes. The spikes seemed alive as though
they were moving. In fact, most of the spikes could hardly be seen there
were so many boys jerking on them.

Christo whispered into Pare's ear, "Kill me."


"You havfta--if ya don't do it, my love, they will kill you and me anyway!"

"I won't do it!"  Pare called up, "Nolo! We won. It's over. Let us both
live now!"

Nolo yawned but then beat his hand onto his throne, "Trio! They always
fuckin win!!!! Well, they can win all they want. I will hurt them one way
or another!"

Christo moved off Pare's back and took the knife from one of the cumming
bodies overhead. He put it to his own belly button and laid the point
harmlessly in it. "I wonder what it would feel like to just...pressssss..."
He started to but Pare took it, putting his hand over Christo's.

"No, as much as I like sticking bellies and killin, I won't do you!"  Pare
took him to him and they hugged, chest to chest, nipple to nipple. "I won't
I tell ya!"  They kissed again and Pare threw Christo upward. Pare laughed,
"Now get up there, bucko."  Christo held onto the ropes and huffing, tired
and afraid, puffed on his side, hip to the rope and the other hip skyward.

As Pare was about to kick himself up to the ropes he looked at Nolo, "Now
Nolo, I declare...."

"Oh my, we all know who would win this battle, if the spic had enough guts
to do it," Nolo waved his hand to the mulatto and albino. The mulatto shot
an arrow. It thudded into Christo's fine belly button.The mini butt cheeks
in his navel were now parted by a thick wooden shaft, the folds of his
navel jutted into by the sharp arrow head which was now vanished behind his
belly button wall behind the former navel. Christo yelped once and grabbed
the shaft. At first, he let go and held his hands out uselessly, groping as
if to find some way to do something with them. Then he regrabbed the shaft
and thought about out....

Pare screamed and pointed his sword at the mulatto, "YOU! YOU! I'm gonna
kill you! YOU'RE FODDER FOR MY SWORD!!! YOU FUCKER! Both you fuckers are
DEAD! I'm gonna kill you and you too NOLO!!!!"

Nolo wasn't laughing but the mulatto boy was and he was being hugged by the
albino who then put his arm around him and later his elbow rested on his
friend's shoulder as they watched the long process of Christo's slow,
lingering death by arrow implant...

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