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Dead in bed
I was tied to the bed, naked and horny. Bryce had told me he would be back soon. My heart raced with anticipation, and my cock was ready and waiting.  Would he stick it in his ass and ride me again? What was going to happen?

He appeared after five minutes, carrying a long knife and an ice axe.  He was quiet, walking to our bed and placing the items on the nightstand.  I was so hard now, and he smiled.

"Patience, Mikey," he said.  "It'll be over soon."

He straddled my hard stomach, rubbing my cock with ass and dragging his manhood over my belly.  He leaned over, his smoothe, chiseled face touching mine.

I wanted to touch him desperately, but I couldn't move.  He ran his hands over my pecks, gently teasing my pierced nipples.  My cock strained hard as he grinded on me.

"You better do it before I cum in your ass," I told him.

He smiled and picked up the knife.  He teased my stomach with it, tracing it to my shallow innie belly button.  He leaned over the blade, touching its tip to my belly and sinking the handle into his deep, hairless innie.

The pain was incredible as the sharp tip slowly pushed its way inside my stomach.  My belly felt like it was on fire.  The pain made me scream.  Suddenly, Bryce collapsed on me as the knife went all the way into me and into the bed.

I bucked and that added another agonizing wave of pain.

"Oh fuck!" I gasped.

"How does it feel?" he asked.

"Like heaven," I managed.  "It's so painful, but I'm gonna cum..."

And then I did.  My cock squirted up his stomach and dropped onto mine.

"Do it," I said.

I had seen a film called Death on Demand, and one of the female characters was gutted with an ice axe.  I had envied her, and in that moment, knew that was going to be how I died.

Bryce stood up and grabbed the axe.  He raised it above his head and swung it into my upper stomach.  The impact knocked the wind out of me, and blood spewed from my mouth, just like the lady in the movie.

He pushed the blade and handle deep into my body and yanked hard.  My body lifted as the axe exited my body.  I yelled in pain as I watched my entrails tear free of my body.  

"Oh, fuck, oh fuck..." was all I could manage as more of my insides came out.  He dropped the axe and my guts beside me and yanked the knife free.

Then, he stabbed my chest repeatedly, collapsing my lungs and finally, my heart. I was dead the moment he pierced my heart.  

It was a glorious way to die.
Dude this is so damn hot! And bro if you want to fight again and die let's fight on chatfighters again it was super erotic dying with you!

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