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What was your "first" adventure??
Me and best friend never seemeed to have tht moment where we connect with navel idea. We just both knew somehow we were into. Maybe it was a look or looks every time we swam or went shirtless in hot hot hot summers. Maybe that was a connect, I do now knows which. My best friend and I find a ruin in the woods that hadn't been looked after for a long time. It was in area near famously Amendola ruins of castles and arena like area. It was summer and we were not noticed from family group. It was hot and we were not allowed to be shoeless but we were shirtless and we wear, I wear speedo, he wear cut off denims open at top button. We were firm as we are now. He has a mound of six pack. I had eight pack. His outtie was ringed but even thicker outtie. We both uncut. Finding pretend swords (branches) we make believe we were ancient Roman gladiatore but more bare. We end up strength equally and chest to chest stabbing into each other's buttons, the sticks for real pressed against our navel. It was so hot and the air warm against our bodies so long ago now, we were younger. We end up on a slab of rock he on top of me, me using finger to scour out his thick navel flesh and he pressing his stick into mine. We had to wiggle out of our speedo and his denim was open already s
porting his thick, wet massive worm which was against my upper abs, soon to be against my navel ridge. A s he moved his stick, his dick moved in for the kill and fillled my belli button with his cock and then his sperm after we make love for half an hour or more. I kiss him lips and his chest and nipples glands and then his belly which had his my own cum on it as I shot. We did this four more times that day, gone almost all day, almost in trouble. We also exhaoused selves playing swords, knives, spears, and bow and arrows on each other, the n imaginging us on same side and getting kilt dotetgher in each other arms. Dying in each other's arms. Then one die, then the other separately. It was so hot. I never forgot that and maybe he and it haunt me to the day. He moved to Americano with me, too, and we are living in same town. He is gay and I am gay. I magine one day I will want to marry him or live iwht him. We are close to that now after our careers. His navel if anything got hotter as he got more and more muscled, always muscled boy, I not as much as he but 15 percent body fat. He has more like 5. He is sports like man.
Wow. Hot stories. I had the same kid’s games experiences as some of you. Kids from my street were always shirtless in summer. They used to nickname me Muscles. Not because I was big, but because I was so lean that I looked like an anatomical drawing as a kid. The first time I felt “something” was when a buddy stabbed me in the bellybutton in a play fight with a toy knife, but hard enough to draw blood. I reciprocated later in the day and from that day forward, we always aimed for each other’s bellybuttons. A couple of years on, he used to come for sleepovers and we’d play fight usually just in our underwear but later naked too. One day he decided to make the game more serious he started wrestling me armed with a compass (you know the things for drawing circles...this one had an inch long needle on it). Eventually he won the bout and I didn’t think he’d do it but he stabbed the needle most of the way in. The feeling was amazing and I came in my underwear at the same time. That was the first time I got stabbed. But it wasn’t the last.
I know I'm a little late to the game here but, like many of you, I was always infatuated with movies or TV shows where a guy gets it in the gut. But my first real experience was when I was 8 maybe 9 years old. A friend (Scott) and I were playing sword fighting with a couple of sticks. We were just sort of hitting them against one another laughing & having fun like kids do. I kept looking at his belly and kept thinking about those TV shows where guys got it there. He left an opening and I playfully, not hard, jabbed him in the stomach. He played right along and fell over on his back acting like he had really been stabbed and said something like, "You got me!"

I stood over him and just watched him laying there pretending to be wounded. He was groaning softly as if he was really gut stabbed. His little belly was going up & down (imagery which still infatuates me to this day!) and I took my "sword" and poked him in the gut. He was pretty thin and had a fairly tight fitting shirt so the stick made a noticeable depression in his stomach. He groaned like he had been stabbed again. I repeated that over and over making jabs into his belly marveling at the crater the stick made in his gut. He didn't seem to mind as he just kept moaning and groaning every time I did it. That was a long time ago but the memory & imagery is fresh in my mind as if it happened yesterday!
(06-30-2021, 10:38 AM)jim825 Wrote: I know I'm a little late to the game here but, like many of you, I was always infatuated with movies or TV shows where a guy gets it in the gut. But my first real experience was when I was 8 maybe 9 years old. A friend (Scott) and I were playing sword fighting with a couple of sticks. We were just sort of hitting them against one another laughing & having fun like kids do. I kept looking at his belly and kept thinking about those TV shows where guys got it there. He left an opening and I playfully, not hard, jabbed him in the stomach. He played right along and fell over on his back acting like he had really been stabbed and said something like, "You got me!"

I stood over him and just watched him laying there pretending to be wounded. He was groaning softly as if he was really gut stabbed. His little belly was going up & down (imagery which still infatuates me to this day!) and I took my "sword" and poked him in the gut. He was pretty thin and had a fairly tight fitting shirt so the stick made a noticeable depression in his stomach. He groaned like he had been stabbed again. I repeated that over and over making jabs into his belly marveling at the crater the stick made in his gut. He didn't seem to mind as he just kept moaning and groaning every time I did it. That was a long time ago but the memory & imagery is fresh in my mind as if it happened yesterday!

Better late than never! Thank you for sharing. Definitely an amazing experience, I could envision it well in my mind and I think many of us had similar experiences/games when we were boys. I had a similar experience as you and your friend, although instead of sticks, we used plastic light sabers we had as toys. Cool to know how many of us had a similar upbringing and how the memory has stuck with us to this day!
Not entirely sure what started me in the path to wanting to be stabbed through my belly button, but I remember always wanting to play JAWS with my Korean neighbor at some point after his older brother made me suck his dick when I was like 8. Anyway, I liked playing the shark and pushing my fingers into his stomach and belly button, but I always enjoyed being the victim more. From there, I used to put on my sister's bikini top with tennis balls for tits and push pins for nipples. I would use a disappearing blade knife to pretend I had been belly button stabbed. In high school, probably my senior year, we had to make either a video or perform a skit involving Greek mythology. One of my hunky classmates played Hercules in his video and when he killed himself, he jammed a plastic garden spike into his belly button and I knew that would be my fetish forever. Every war video I made after that had either me or my friend Christine getting a bullet in the belly button. Lots of blood too. I also became obsessed with jerking off to the pain of something sharp pushing into my shallow belly button. To this day, having my claymore sword pushing into my guts in the shower is the best way to get off.
(08-23-2019, 10:00 PM)gladiatoratticus Wrote: These early experience stories are great. Everyone remembers their first orgasm.

Mine was when I was around 12 or 13 years old. My buddy and I were down his grandmothers basement. He suggested we take a nap on a cot she had there. He also insisted that we strip down to our jockey shorts. Then I felt his had slipping into my shorts and playing with my cock. Soon we were completely naked and he continued to stroke my dick. This was all completely new to me . I had no idea why, but I knew it felt good. When I shot my load for the first time in my life, it was the most sensational feeling I ever had.

He then had me jack him off. It quickly became something we did regularly all through high school. He was a jock and I was a nerd, but we had a real connection. I lost track of him after high school, but I often think back to that first time down his grandmothers basement.
My first non-wet dream orgasm was with my ex-girlfriend's best friend after high school. We were messing around in the back of my car and she started jerking me off. I shot cum halfway up my belly. I wonder if I could ever get that kind of a cum shot again.

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