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Is it Just the Stab or Bullet??
To elaborate on the title question; I was wondering if any of you, like me, love the aftermath of the stabbing or bullet wound. By this I mean a huge part of my interest in this is how the victim and those around him, the attacker or others who witnessed this behave. I tend not to like those really fast deaths and enjoy seeing or reading about his reactions as it's very intriguing to me. By this I mean (and let's just say a stabbing for conversation sake); 

How does he react to being stabbing; fearful, stoic, even unaware?

What thoughts are racing through his mind' wanting revenge, totally consumed by the pain, thinking about his impending death?

What actions or movements does he make; staggering cupping his wound, still standing tall in fighting form as if ignoring his wound, laying on his back suffering awaiting death....a side note to this one; the visual image of a guy's wounded belly heaving up & down is just incredible for me. I include it in nearly everything I write.

What is his opponent doing; If the wounded guy is down is his slayer taunting him, feeling sorry for him, maybe thinking about fucking him?

What are bystanders if any doing & thinking?

If you are into just the stabbing that's great. I so love that too. Its the reason we're all here right? But I was wondering if anyone else had thoughts about more than just the stab or shooting (I love both BTW!)
As you know from our many and varied interactions and collaborations, I do like the slow deaths but I like varied reactions and situations. I think the fast deaths are less popular even with me but sometimes a fast death is just as exciting in a way. If someone just doesn't care who he is killing and hasn't the time to "enjoy" it, or care that much about the person he's killing, it's just as exciting and there is a thought process going on, stab in navel and then let em die fast and discard and move on. I find that, some of the time, incredibly sexy and a super hot attitude. Uncaring even and free!
Your intriguing question certainly got me thinking. Primarily the aftermath, whatever it is, should enhance the fetish arousal and not go so far as to make it seem real and suppress the fantasy. Your example of the victim’s wounded belly heaving up and down would definitely be a continuation of the fetish arousal for me.

I’ve expressed the fear of a victim quite a few times but in my latest story I particularly wanted to emphasise that fear because it was the main emotion that the slayer could empathise with. In another short story the protagonist, after an arousing kill, took time to admire the victim’s physique so, to a degree, the aftermath is an important part of arousal for me and hopefully my readers too. The interactions of witnesses to the act can of course lead to the next exciting scene, revenge maybe?

Like yourself I also prefer to linger on the act and describe it in as much detail for my readers to savour and enhance within their imaginations. But yes, I believe the aftermath can be as important in enhancing arousal and will endeavour to be more conscious of it in my writing. 
Great question! I always imagine me as my character. A naked hairy Viking often with a tattoo around my belly button. I get stabbed, either in battle or willingly, and at first can't help but stare down in awe at the blade ripping into me. As an incredible agony blossoms deep in my guts, I squirm a bit on the sword coming to terms with the pain. I would probably investigate the wound with my hands. Either that or I'd have my hands behind my head showing off my hairy Viking pits! I'd have to show my opponent how manly I am even in death. As I'm being gutted, and taking it like a fuckin champ I might add, my opponent never let's up. They are vicious intent on my death making it as painful as possible! But deep down they respect me for it and know they might even have to gut themselves to be on par with me. I'd wanna see my intestines tumble out of me and puke blood my enemy is stabbing me even more as I near the end! Guts adorning my cock I simply arch my back and let loose my last cum! An explosion of seed hits the sand as I crash to my back dead.
I love this thread! Everyone lets us know what their fantasies are and it's very sexy!

In my fantasies, there is a beginning, the stab/shot, and the ending (death). In the beginning I fantasize about how I got here, my thoughts about dying and if I'll die today, how I will be killed. I fantasize my opponent. Is he young, muscular, would I like to fuck him, how will I kill him. How will he kill me. When it's time for the kill I decide where I will stab or shoot him, or where I'll be stabbed or shot. It doesn't take long.

An agonizing death will follow. I savor the agonies as my life bleeds away. Will there be a coup de grace. In the chest I hope.
I can think of many ways that a man would think about death. A man facing a firing squad, a man comitting seppuku, entering combat or the arena for the first time, knowing that it will end in death.

When death comes for the killed, he cums his last.
Morituri Te Salutamus - Those about to die salute you. 
I think I would definitely be a bit fearful. Or maybe scared would be the right word? However for me a big part of it is that fear. I would feel it swell deep in my chest as the eve of taking a blade is nigh. I feel as if I experience just a small sliver of that fear (or excitement) when I write like this or read similar stories. Buts it's always the want to take the blade that completely overtakes the fear entirely. Almost like the fear is there for fuel, daring me I won't do it thinking I won't. That I'm too scared. But through pain and willpower I prove that feeling wrong! I welcome the steel into my belly! I need it! Gritted teeth, rigid stance, brow creased in deep concentration the fear is still there but begins to fade. It's lost any claim on me as I perish mightily. I'm proving to myself and to those men around me who is more manly! I feel that feeling even now.
Hey guys just thought I’d also drop in a few personal turn-ons. 

Off course it’s not just the aftermath but the build up to the act of, let’s say, a stabbing that’s exciting; when I say a stabbing, for me, it must be as a result of a Mano a Mano fight and usually wouldn’t involve a helpless victim. 

There’s the arousing anticipation of a visceral male vs male, skin & muscle on skin & muscle with the vulnerability of each opponent to the blade of the other.

The fight itself where that anticipation becomes physical and you feel the intimate squirming power of your adversary against your own body. Your strength against his as you try to prevent his blade piercing your abdominals and guts and vice versa. The sight, the touch, the smell, the sound and the emotions of it all. Both combatants being in a state of aggressive pre-cum arousal.

Then a victor as he overpowers his adversary with, say, his blade thrust deep into the navel of his opponent. The loser’s shock, fear and surprise as the blade is twisted in his belly as he emits a guttural groan. The victor feeling his blade overcoming the resistance of his adversary’s  abdominal muscles while he feels the loser writhing against him as he twists his blade in deeper and maybe taunts the loser. Both combatants can now release their aggression in a way appropriate to their preference; the loser as he he feels his guts on fire but still wanting to get his blade into his antagonist, the victor wanting to play a little with his prey by maybe stabbing him again. 

The aftermath where the victor can contemplate his kill as the loser falls to the ground writhing a little while staring back up to the victor. The victor’s bonus is to do what he will with his defeated adversary.
Thank you to everyone who has replied. I hope to read more as well. But the scenes, thoughts and imagery in the replies so far are just incredibly hot. Thank you all for the fun reads!

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