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What was your "first" adventure??
Wow! You had me hard from the time you took off your shirt and dispatched bad guy until you shot your load at the end. Great mental images. Thanks for posting.

As kids we used to play War.

There were always new homes being built on nearby empty lots, and the excavations for the basement always had high mounds of dirt next to them.  These hills were our battlefields. War always had to be played shirtless. I didn't make the rule, but I definitely agreed with it . I liked seeing the bare upper bodies of my friends. I liked the feeling of the breeze and the warm sun against my own skin. In War it was usually the older kids against the younger kids. My brother with with the older kids on top of the hill.

The younger group's job was to take the hill. We would charge up the hill, and either get shot on the way up, or bayoneted if we made it to the top. In either case, everyone in my group always died in the attack. We didn't die in place. We clutched our gut, then rolled down the hill and ended up in a pile with our shirtless buddies.

Some, but not all, of the hill defenders were also killed and they rolled down the hill and landed on the same pile with the rest of us. I really enjoyed being in that heap of shirtless guys. We were all a little sweaty. We were kind of grimy with dirt from rolling down the hill, and our chests were usually heaving a little from the excitement.. I liked the feeling of my bare torso rubbing against another guys'. If I was lucky I would get an armpit or bellybutton in my face.

Messages In This Thread
RE: What was your "first" adventure?? - by garyj - 08-23-2019, 10:17 AM
RE: What was your "first" adventure?? - by gladiatoratticus - 08-23-2019, 11:38 AM
RE: What was your "first" adventure?? - by CHASE - 08-23-2019, 12:03 PM
RE: What was your "first" adventure?? - by jim825 - 06-30-2021, 10:38 AM

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