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The games we played 1 (knives)
Like almost every young boy, the kids on our block liked to play army. We would each get something to use as a gun, split up into teams and act like we were shooting at each other. And also like every game of war, we would end up bickering and arguing over who-shot-who and “oh-no, You missed!!” The long and the short, it ended up being no fun, until we decided to play using “swords”.

The only problem was that it hurt to get hit with a stick, and some of the boys complained about the scratches, so we finally decided to use just our hands, pretending that we were holding knives.

And thus, the game that we called Knives was born. The rules were simple. Everyone acted as if we had a knife in each hand. (We originally started by using our thumbs, but “stabbing” each other tended to hurt. Since we didn't want any broken thumbs, we started keeping the thumb tucked instead. It all worked the same.)

At first we played as groups. Since there were usually 6-10 of us, the teams were of a decent size. When there were less, we would combat one-on-one or do a free-for-all. It was a great time to be had by all.

Most of us playing were straight, though two of us later proved to be bisexual, (myself and Randy)

The rules were simple, any “stab” anywhere on the torso was a kill. If you were stabbed, you had to play like you died. (Some of the boys were quite good actors.)

Some of my more memorable kills/deaths were......(I will use pseudonyms to protect identities.)

1. In one game, it started as five-on-five. I had mostly the younger.weaker kids and my brother led the group of older/bigger boys. My brother was the first to die. (I think he was getting called inside for something and just let two of the younger boys kill him.

Greg and I teamed up to go against Randy, who was the oldest/biggest one on the other team. Unfortunately, this left the three youngest on our team open. The other three boys from the opposing team charged at them and killed them all off in a single sweep. Each one acting out his deaths with “Uggh”s and “Arrghh”s.

Meanwhile, Greg made his move against Randy, who was preoccupied keeping me back. Unfortunately, He turned just in time to ram his blade into Greg's gut. Greg's face was in a state of shock. He had not expected Randy to catch him, let alone kill him. By the way, Greg was one of those smaller kids with well-defined features, including a six-pack. (I think the hand to the gut may have actually hurt him, but the expression on his face was priceless.)

I then stabbed Randy in the back, since he had turned away from me. He arched his back and let out a holler (one of frustration for having been taken out by me who was three years his younger. He fell down acting dead, lying across Greg's legs.

I had no moment to revel in my victory as one of the other boys stabbed me in the back. I also let out a frustrated yell and arched my back. (It was a good hit.) Then the other two ran in front of me and both stabbed me in the gut. I acted out the death and fell on top of Randy, chest-to-chest. Dead on the heap of my one vanquished enemy.

2. Another memorable death was a four-on-four match. My team, again, had the disadvantage. I had myself, Dirk, Vance and James. Randy and two other boys (Jake and Chad) were the opposing team.

I was able to use Dirk to distract Randy. When I approached him from behind, he tried to surprise me as he had done Greg, but I knew it was coming and dropped to the ground.

I reached up and stabbed him just below the belly-button. It was a great death. He fell on top of me. (Mind you, Randy was a well-built muscular boy about three years older than me.) I struggled to get out from under him. (He seemed to enjoy feeling me squirming to against his bare chest.)

Before I could get out, Dirk was killed by Jake and Chad. I noticed also that Vance was being killed by Greg, who had him backed against a wall and was stabbing him repeatedly in the gut. James was already laying dead on the ground. (He must have been killed by Jake and Chad.)

I faced off against the two closest to me, Jake and Chad, who attacked as a unit. Again, I slid down on the grass and planted a blade into each of their abs. Both acted out their deaths wonderfully.

However, this left me on my back on the ground. Greg (who had been on my team in previous fights, planted a blade right in the center of my body, between the belly-button and sternum. I kicked my legs up and grabbed his hand and acted as if choking on blood before dying.

3. Another memorable battle placed myself, Jake, Greg and James against Randy, Scott, Dee and Dirk. We had done some one-on-one battles earlier, so the other group determined that I was their biggest threat. (I had a longer reach than some of the others, which gave me an advantage.

Randy, Scott and Dee all came straight for me. Dirk quickly ran up and killed James. (James was the youngest, so he was always quick to die (except when other people let him win.) James was also a good sport in acting out his death.

I was able to stab Scott in the chest when he got too close, but Dee stabbed me in the side. I acted out the stab and Randy grabbed me from behind and held my bare back against his bare chest. He then reached around and gut-fucked me with his knife.

I acted out each stab and could tell this was turning him on. Meanwhile, Dirk charged at Greg and slid, but Greg jumped up over him and stabbed him in the chest. Dee then started charging at Jake. Jake grabbed both of Dee's wrists and the two were in an evenly matched struggle, until Greg reached around Dee and stabbed him in the gut.

Meanwhile, during all of this, Randy was still holding me up and repeatedly stabbing me, until Jake and Greg approached. He then let me slide down against his body, my back rubbed against his chest, abs, crotch and legs as I slid to the ground. He took a step back and placed his bare foot on my chest, waiting for Jake and Greg to attack.

“Ha, ha. I killed your leader, now I am going to kill you too.” He boasted.

Jake charged first, only to meet Randy's knife in his chest. Greg was a little more tactical in his approach, but he was no match for the older boy. Greg attempted a stab, but Randy grabbed his wrist and yanked him towards him, planting his knife in Greg's abs.

Greg's abs shuddered briefly and he fell to his knees and died with his chest across my belly. Randy finally removed his bare foot from my chest and placed it on Greg's back. We laid there for a little while, until he finally took his foot off.

4. In another one, It was three-on-three. Myself, Zack and Greg vs Jake, Scott and Jason. While Scott and Jason were a couple years older than the rest of us, we had the more lean and nimble group. We played a few games this day and my team wone the first two. But, on this one, our luck ran out and we were bested by the older boys.

The battle commenced with Jake coming after me. I think they sent him after me more to keep me busy. I had proven myself a far better player than Jake in previous battles. (Unfortunately, their plan worked.)

Scott and Jason went straight after Greg. Before he could even react, both of the older boys had nailed him in the gut. Greg doubled over, clutching his gut and fell to his knees. For good measure, Jason grabbed him by the hair and slit his throat. (a move only allowed once someone got stabbed.) Greg fell face-first onto the ground.

Meanwhile, my superior skills bestest poor Jake. My stab nailed him directly in the upper belly. (He was not much of an actor, but at least he fell down.

By the time I looked up, Scott and Jason already had Zack backed up against the wall. Greg was already dead on the ground at Zack's feet. I ran to his aid as fast as I could. Scott's back was towards me, so I went for him first. I stabbed him in the back just a second after he planted his knife in Zack's gut. (By the way, Zack also had a slender 8-pack swimmers build and was a damned good actor when it came to dying.)

He clutched his gut and played out his final moments and fell on top of Greg.

However, Jason saw me right before I killed Scott, who fell to the side. He turned and before I could glory in killing the older boy, Jason planted his knife into my gut. I let out an “Uuugggh.” (This is the one time being killed in this game actually sent me over the edge. nudge, nudge, wink, wink.) I fell on top of my two comrads.

The older boys, well, Jason mostly, made us stay there in the dead pile for a couple minutes while they celebrated.

While we did have several other group battles, these were some of the more memorable ones. We also did some one-on-one, and some free-for-all fights, but I will write about those another time.
And As Always,
Happy Battlings and a Glorious Death to You All!!!!


Messages In This Thread
The games we played 1 (knives) - by BattlesandDeaths - 09-08-2019, 04:28 AM
RE: The games we played 1 (knives) - by CHASE - 09-08-2019, 10:39 AM
RE: The games we played 1 (knives) - by CHASE - 09-08-2019, 04:08 PM
RE: The games we played 1 (knives) - by CHASE - 03-24-2020, 04:34 PM

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