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The games we played 5 (hunters and killer)
The games we played #5

        As I mentioned before, not everyone was entirely happy with the game of knives. Some of the older boys hated losing and the younger ones hated dying all of the time. However, we found that all of us loved re-enacting awesome kills and deaths.

        The second evolution came about during a game of knives (free-for-all style) in which one of th younger kids hid very well. After about 20 minutes of the last remaining person trying to find him, we all chipped in and searched. Once we found him, we all took turns stabbing him. (nothing great and spectacular, but it did lead to the next two incarnations of the game. We called the new games “hunters” and “killer”.

       In the game of Hunters, one person would hide while every one tried to find them. The first one to kill him was the winner and got to hide next. It was sort of an all vs one, but the “one” was not able to kill. Also the “one” had to be shirtless so we could identify who it was. (this was more of a shirts/skins team thing than anything particular.) I can't recall any single game that stood out as great, but it was a lot of fun, especially if you were the one and the group finally caught you. You got stabbed by several different people, which made it more brutal (and dramatic).

        There was one time when I was the hunted, When they found me, I was pulled out of my hiding spot and the kid who caught me shoved me towards one of the others, who caught me on his blade in my gut. He, then, turned me around and shoved me back and the other guy held his blade out and stabbed me the same way. A third one then grabbed me by the shoulder and stabbed me in the center of the back. I arched my back the the first two again buried their blades deep into my gut again. I fell to my knees and they all started stabbing me in the chest and back until I fell dead.

        In the game Killer, everyone hid but the killer, who then searched for everyone and killed them one-by-one. It was sort of a hide-and-seek type game. Somtimes we would try to hide, especially when the killer was one of the faster guys. Othertimes, we might just sneak around and try to get away.

        Since Greg and I were good friends, we often hid out (or snuck around) together. There seemed to be safety in numbers, though we all knew too well that everyone who wasn't the killer was going to get killed.

        It was a hot summer's day and we had been playing in the sprinklers at one of our friend's house when we decided to play. There were about 10 of use all together, so it was a good game. We had played a few rounds of knives and decided to play killer instead.

        During the first game, Greg and I were hiding in a small cabinet that was in a garage. We could hear the killer take out another kid just outside. I think the victim was Jason, but I'm not really sure. I just remember thinking the sounds he made dying were awesome.

        Greg and I were quietly squeezed side-by side in the cabinet. Greg put his arm around my back to make more room . The sides of our chests were pressed together. I could feel his breathing and could tell when he was holding his breath. We were both sweating heavily in the hot cabinet as we listened carefully. We could hear the killer roaming around in the garage. It was kinda exhiliarating to be hiding from him together.

         After a few minutes, we heard him go up the stairs to the attic of the garage. We both let out a sigh of relief. We could still hear his footsteps upstairs, so we didn't dare to say anything to each other. After some more time had passed, we heard him come back down the stairs. He again searched around but never checked the cabinet. We heard him shut the door to the garage.

         Thinking he had left, I slowly opened the cabinet and peaked out. But he was still in there, checking behind the door. He immediately turned when the cabinet door opened and spotted us. He came running at us.

         Our eyes widened with the shock of being discovered. “Oh, Fuck!” was blurted out by both of us. We quickly pulled the double doors to the cabinet shut and each of us held onto each side. After a short struggle, he was able to yank open the door.

        Greg and I were backed against the back of the cabinet and he reached in and stabbed Greg twice in the gut. Greg let out a gasp and clutched onto me with the arm he had around my back. The killer then looked at me. I tried to raise my arms to defend myself, but he was able to ram his blade into my gut as well. I let out a “huaghh!”, trying to act out the best death possible.

        The killer placed one hand on my shoulder, holding me against the back of the cabinet and pinning Greg's arm behind me. He then took turns stabbing each of us, back-and-forth for several minutes before letting us both die.

        On the same day, one of the younger guys was the killer (he was actually only one year younger than we were, but to us, that was a lot), so Greg and I decided to roam about instead of getting ourselves trapped again. (Although, I must admit, I kinda liked being trapped with him in the cabinet.

       We limited the playing field to just half the block. Greg and I found ourselves a spot near some bushes. We figured if the killer came after us, we could jump over the bushes and get away. After a couple of minutes, the killer did come. When he came around the bushes, both of us leaped over the bush, thinking this guy wouldn't be able to.

        To make a long story short, two things went wrong. First of all, Greg didn't jump high enough and tripped over the edge of the bush falling down in the grass. I stopped and bent down to help Greg up. That's when the second thing went wrong. The killer was able to leap over the bush and landed on me piggyback. He wrapped his arms and legs around me and began repeatedly stabbing me in the chest. I let out a startled yell as he killed me. I fell to my knees with him still on my back.

        He hopped off and I fell face-first into the ground. Greg had just gotten up and the killer grabbed his arm and stabbed him in the gut several times. Greg fell dead on top of me. What was going to be one of our greatest games ended in a quick death for the both of us.

        While both games (hunters and killer) were fun and exciting, we didn't play them very often. Hunters faded out of style and Killer quickly evolved into something even better, but I'll save that for another story.
And As Always,
Happy Battlings and a Glorious Death to You All!!!!


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The games we played 5 (hunters and killer) - by BattlesandDeaths - 01-07-2020, 07:52 AM

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