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PINS Chapter 1
Chapter 1

A beach stretched endlessly south before Taylor as his truck meandered down the loose sand. The afternoon sun showered the landscape with bright light. With his windows down, his classic rock blaring -- the hot & humid gulf air swept through his hair and the salty, sandy particles clang to his bare chest.

He had driven to Padre Island National Seashore for the weekend to escape realities, civilization, and responsibilities. He was miles down the beach and all but alone, only occasionally passing another 4x4 or secluded campsite. A metal necklace bounced on his firm chest, the air swept across his exposed stomach, his toned abs accentuated by his tanned skin. He hung his left arm out the window and let it "fly" in the wind.

Taylor's truck had traveled several miles now and he found himself in total seclusion. Pulling over, he found a spot on the beach to setup camp -- not another vehicle or soul in sight.

As he unpacked, his back glistened in the setting afternoon sun. Broad shoulders framed his V-shape, his muscles tight and defined as he unloaded the tuck bed. Sweat perspired from his chest, beading up into cool beads and streaming down his torso, following the lines of his abs, they pooled in his deep innie navel, and slid down his v shaped-obliques.


Taylor finished setting up his tent and campsite, he stripped down to nothing. His entire bare form exposed to the setting sun. His butt was accentuated by a sharp speedo tan line, the white skin in contrast to the bronze of his legs and torso. His v-shaped obliques framed out a bush of pubic hair, underneath which a long cock hang freely.

He sprinted into the salty water, splashing and diving into the first crest of waves. The tumultuous ocean crashed over him, his naked body enjoyed the cool flow of the water. He swam out to the second sandbar, where the water was only knee deep. As he stood, his body glistened in the setting sun, the warm salty water dripping off his hands, his chin, and his dangling cock. His torso flexed as he stretched his hands skyward, shaking his wet hair and hollering into the horizon. It had been months since he felt so free.

The setting sun turned into twilight as Taylor dried his soaking body. He slipped on a pair of sport shorts, his bulging privates clearly visible as he was commando. He threw a couple of firelogs into a small pit he had dug earlier. The earth continued to rotate and the starry sky appeared, the milkyway stretched across from the horizon, the immensely dark skies revealed it's intensity.

The fire gave the campsite a warm orange glow, illuminating every crevice of Taylor's toned body. He looked up at the dark sky, the warm coastal breeze blowing on his soft sport shorts, he fingered his deep innie navel. He toyed his index finger in and out, swirling it around. Taylor had always had an odd fetish, one he kept secret. He got off to the idea of being stabbed in the belly.

As he walked around the camp fire Taylor reached down to grab his hunting knife, his veiny forearms flexed in the orange glow as he rotated the stainless metal blade in front of him. He traced the point gently down the center crease in his abs, then placed the tip inside his navel and twirled it gently. The roaring fire illuminated his profile, the curvature of his butt as it met his lower back, his handsome face on top of his broad, defined torso, as he arched back slightly, each ab protruded from his belly and he gently twirled the blade in his navel.

His crotch grew in his silhouette, as he slowly became erect. He swirled the blade and applied a little pressure as his long cock pushed outward on his loose sport shorts, he arched back a little more and cock peeked out of the top of his shorts.

A crunching of sand startled Taylor, as he pulled the blade away from his navel. Looking south he saw a man become illuminated by the glow of his fire. Tall, disheveled short hair -- a large backpack strapped over his firm, shirtless torso. His broad shoulders and narrow waist were as attractive as his defined muscles, and short brown body hair the trailed down the center of his belly.

"Howdy", the stranger said as Taylor stepped back a little startled.

"Can I help you?"

"I was walking north back to my campsite and couldn't help but notice the show you were putting on."

Taylor reacted sheepishly, unsure of what a stranger would think of him holding a blade to his belly.

"I, uh, it's a..."

"Don't worry brother", the stranger said cutting him off.  "You don't need to explain as I enjoyed the display. My name is Neil"

Taylor grinned, still sheepishly. "Neil, hello. My name is Taylor. I had thought I was...alone".

"Do you mind company?", Neil asked, as he gently unloaded his pack from his back. His firm muscles grabbing the straps as he gently set it on the sand. The waves crashed behind him and the cool nighttime breeze rustled his light body hair. "I can offer whiskey, and maybe some more fun..." he said wryly.

"I guess I don't mind if I have not already scared you away.."

Neil reached down into his pack and he too was clearly not wearing underwear. His v-shaped back, his defined triceps, flexed as he shuffled around his items. Neil popped up with a grin on his face, a bottle of whiskey, and two tin coffee cups.

"To a great night and new friends!" he said, as he toasted Taylor. The two sat beside each other, their masculine bodies illuminated by the warm glow of the fire. They would laugh, and converse, and drink for several hours before Neil asked,

"Taylor, about earlier... that display... it was erotic", Neil touched Taylor's bicep gently, traced his finger up towards his shoulder, then down again. "I have...similar interests if you desire to explore?".

Taylor stood up to retrieve more fire wood, as he contemplated the conversation happening before him. Neil admired his tall, defined body as he threw more logs into the fire. It cackled from the fresh wood as sparks flew into the starry night sky.

"what is it you have in mind?", Taylor inquired as he stood before Neil. His tight abs illuminated under the glow, the defined crevices of his abdomen flexed with each breath. Neil rested his hand gently on Taylor's lower belly, he slid his hand up sensually and wriggled his index finger into Taylor's navel. He pressed firmly and watched as the bulge in each of their shorts grew.

"Just a little fun, nothing beyond your comfort zone... but also... no limits if you desire." Neil responded, as he stood up, twisting his index finger in Taylor's navel, poking it aggressively as he pulled him in for a quick kiss.

Neil wandered back to his pack, "we'll save your beautiful blade for...later play." Neil stood up from his pack and unsheathed a small ice pick. He walked back to Taylor, gripping the hilt in his right hand, his strong forearms glistened in the glow of the fire.

Neil placed his left hand on Taylors right shoulder, he traced the icepick around Taylor's nipple, sliding it gently across his chest, and then gently down Taylor's belly. The two stood silhouetted in the orange glow of the fire, their greek bodies accentuated by the lighting, Neils hand held the hilt of the ice pick gently as the sharp point rested in the crevices of Taylor's abdomen just above his navel.

Neil pressed firmly and slowly as Taylor grunted lightly, he rested his head gently on Neil's shoulder and looked down at Neil's grip on the ice pick, it pressed gently onto his belly. Neils forearm flexed as he increased the pressure and the skin indented around the sharp point, Taylor groaned sensually and looked on in ecstasy when suddenly there was a small pop and the sharp point broke through the barrier of the skin. The indented skin swallowed the first couple centimetres of the ice pick. Neil kept a firm, controlled grip as Taylor shuddered in ecstasy and shock. He looked down at the pick piercing the skin, right between the crevices of his abdominal muscles and just above his navel. A pleasurable pain ensued, he looked up and kissed Neil.

The two stood silhouetted, their muscular bodies now in-sync. The warm glow of the fire illuminated their profile, Neil's strong arm gripped the ice pick tightly, as the slender point pierced into Taylor's defined midsection. The two kissed as Taylor breathed excited, anxious breaths.

Taylor again rested his head on Neil's shoulder, and looked down at his belly, heaving under his gentle breaths. Neil began to apply pressure to the pick. Taylor watched as it slid in more gently for a few centimetres, as it had already broken the skin. Taylor again groaned in pleasure, but also pain, as the pick seemed to meet some resistance.

"There is some resistance here as I poke through the abdominal muscle, the pleasure and pain will be worth it. We will stop before I damage your guts", Neil reassured.

Taylor nodded and kissed Neil again, then looked down at his belly as the ice pick wedged itself between the crevices of his abdomen. Neil's forearm flexed as he gripped the ice pick and shoved with surprising force. Taylor felt the pop as the point pushed past his abdominal wall and grunted as he watched the pick sink another few centimetres almost immediately. The pick seemed to slide more freely into Taylor at this point, his belly swallowing the pick centimetre after centimetre as Neil slowly pressed. Taylor's cock popped out of the top of his sport shorts, pre-cum dripped freely from his tip.

Neil removed his hand from the grip of the ice pick, with about two inches of pick inside him, the hilt bounced gently as Taylor took shallow anxious breaths. The orange flames of the camp fire danced, the light accentuating the shadows on Taylor's musculature, each ab as pronounced as ever, as the center crevice of his belly swallowed a portion the long pick, the rest stuck out perpendicular from him. His erect cock pried out of the top of his shorts, dripping in precum.

Neil looked at Taylor and kissed him, he gently rested his right hand on Taylor's chest and traced it down to the ice pick pierced inside of him. Taylor wrested his head on Neils shoulder and watched as Neil, using his index finger and thumb, caressed around the skin where the pick had entered Taylor. He massaged around, feeling the warm skin of Taylor's belly, then wrapping his two fingers around the cold metal and tracing it up to the hilt. He toyed with the hilt some, rotating it gently, twirling it inside Taylor. Taylor admired the metal pick, unreal as it was, embedded into him.

Neil tugged lightly on the ice pick, pulling it gently from Taylor's belly. Taylor watched the skin, tight around the pick, pull gently with it -- turning into a kind of stretched tent shape as the ice pick was gently tugged out of him. His erect cock pierced out of his pants, ready to explode at any moment. He watched down the center crease of his abdomen as the pick tent poled his skin, almost half of the 2 inches had come out now and was slick with fresh red blood. Centimetre by centimetre it slid out, but with more ease now as the blood lubricated its exit. Taylor watched as the pick nearly exited his belly, when unexpectedly Neil's grip grew firm and he slowly pushed the ice pick back in. Taylor moaned in pure ecstasy, his head fell back, and his back arched slightly. His abdomen flexed as he moaned, the light of the fire accentuating each crevice of his abs. Neils left hand slid down Taylor's torso and rested on his hip, holding him in place as he pushed the ice pick slowly. The pick sank the entire two inches into Taylor again, and Neil began to pull it again, it gently slid from Taylor's belly with more ease now as blood lubricated the pick. Taylor moaned in pleasure as the pick slid out of him, centimetre by centimetre.

The fire flicked in the background, the orange glow illuminated the two men, Taylor's back remained arched as Neil held him firm around the hip, and again more violently pushed the ice pick into Taylor. Taylor leaned forward in sudden reflex, resting his head on Neils shoulder and moaned in ecstasy as the ice pick slid not two but three inches inside of him. His erect cock exploded white cum up his belly and over Neil's torso. He shuddered in pure pleasurable pain and looked down as his cum dripped down his torso, following the crevices of his toned abs, dripping into the middle crease and around the ice pick stuck deep in his belly, melding with the crimson red blood, all pooling into his deep innie navel and dripping down the crevices of his deep v-obliques.  Taylor heaved in exhaustion, watching the hilt bounce around as he tried to catch his breath.

Neil had dropped his shorts now and was vigorously jerking his cock with his left hand, with his right he grabbed the ice pick firmly and slowly pulled it from Taylor. The metal came out centimetre by centimetre, Neil clearly enjoying the display. Two inches out, Taylor watched in disbelief as the pick continued to escape that middle crevice of his belly. Finally, with a light suction, the ice pick exited Taylor, dripping in crimson red. Neil dropped the ice pick and his cock exploded in cum, shooting all over Taylor's belly. He rested his hands on Taylor's shoulders and shuddered as the last bits of cum squirted from him.

As blood pooled gently out of the small prick in Taylor's belly, Neil hugged him tightly. Their ripped abdomens rubbed together, mixing the cum, blood, and sweat. They swayed there in the ocean breeze awhile, Neil felt the warm flow of blood as it dripped steadily but not too violently between them.

Neil peeled himself away from Taylor, the sticky mix of blood and semen separated in a tacky fashion between them. A small crimson hole now existed on Taylor's belly, just above his navel, right in the crevice between his defined abs. Blood flowed freely, pouring into his navel and pooling over, dripping into his pubic hair. He heaved heavy breaths, his chest rising and falls as his body glimmered in sweat, and cum, and blood.

"Let's get you cleaned up.", Neil said -- exasperated.

He grabbed Taylor's hand and led him to the water. The two men, now both naked, walked into the moon lit ocean.

About waist deep, Neil began splashing Taylor's torso to clean the cum and blood. Taylor looked down at his firm chest, his defined abs as Neil gently scrubbed. Neil got himself clean, and then held a firm finger over the hole in Taylor's belly. Taylor winced slightly, but allowed Neil to guide him back to the beach.

The two men laid together as Neil gently patched the wound. A small hole, it should heal quickly. The two would rest, as Neil hoped that tomorrow Taylor would be open to exploring this desire again.

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PINS Chapter 1 - by Chadzormick - 07-14-2020, 10:10 PM
RE: PINS Chapter 1 - by CHASE - 07-14-2020, 10:50 PM

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