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PINS Chapter 4
Neil fingered his navel, twirling his pointer finger around, gently caressing his fuzzy happy trail. His eyes fluttered awake, a blueish tinge shown intensely on his bare skin as the light of the morning sun flooded through the canvas of his tent.

He propped himself up, his hands fumbled for the zipper before grasping it and gently unzipping the tent. Neil was blinded for a moment, he squinted as his eyes adjusted and the harsh orange lands of Utah revealed themselves.

The sun rose gently to the east as Neil exited the small blue tent, his bare naked body matched the orange landscape, tanned by days in the hot sun, his cock hung impressively between his legs still surging with some morning blood. He stretched his arms skyward, his defined abdomen squeezed tight against his core as he yawned and let his arms fall to his side.

Neil meandered down to the nearby creek, crystal clear blue waters flowed in contrast with the rocky desert landscape. He splashed his unshaven face, his light beard taking form after 4 days of not shaving. He scrubbed gently, clearing his pores. He dunked his head in the stream and crouched in the water, he washed between his privates, massaging his balls and hard cock. As he exited the stream, beads of water dripping between the crevices of his defined muscles, he shook his unkempt hair, releasing the water.

His white butt framed by a speedo tan line flexed impressively as he marched up the path back to his campsite, water dripped gently down his hairy calves.

Neil grabbed a towel and dried himself before reaching back into his tent to grab his shorts. He pulled his shorts on foregoing underwear, they clung loosely to his tight waist, sitting beneath his deep v-shaped obliques, resting just above his bubble butt.

He began to pack his camp. He had a long day ahead of him and the morning sun was already rising quickly. He had agreed over a year ago to meet Taylor on this trail. The two had not seen each other in that time, since a rather bloody, erotic evening in Neil's home in Colorado. Taylor had said he wanted to surpise Neil with his own experience. Neil wasn't entirely sure what to expect on this day.

Neil finished packing and strung his pack over his bare back, the straps framed his broad chest and the defined creases of his abdomen. 8 more miles he noted, before setting off.

Each sinew of his muscles twitched in the sunlight as he hiked along the path, his body fat had dropped to sub 5% and his body was as tight and as athletic as it had ever been.

Neil he approached a gorgeous canyon, it's red rocky walls towering in front of him, the clear blue stream meandered out as a small forest of trees took refuge on it's banks in the shadows of the canyons walls. Neil heart raced with anxiety and excitment, he had to be nearing mile 8, and therefore Taylor.

A cascading chorus of water filled the canyon as Neil edged around a corner, a deep blue pool revealed itself between the trees, a 30 ft waterfall plummeted into it.

Awed, Neil's heart stopped racing as he took in the serenity of the sight. He felt the coolness of the air as the breeze swept the air across the top of the pool, the hair on his arms stood straight as a slight chill took him and goosebumps formed. He set down his pack as he took it all in.

A crunch of leaves disturbed his trance, he swilved on his feet quickly, only to be met by a quick blow to the chest, a strong forearm pushed him forcefully into the trunk of a nearby tree -- his back scratching against the rough bark. Dazzed and the wind knocked out of him, he expected to see Taylor grinning, but was surprised to see a stranger.

Before Neil could react another man had grabbed his hands and had begun tying them behind the tree. Neil gasped, his muscles flexing tightly as he struggled to pull away, his heart raced in fear. It was too late, as his hands were bound quickly and tightly behind the tree. The man in front of Neil pushed away harshly. Neil's broad, defined chest heaved up and down as he took in the scene around him.

The two strangers stood in front of him, dressed in modest hiking gear -- pants and t-shirts. They were handsome men with broad shoulders and clearly defined musculture. Neil could count the abs of the men as their shirts clung to their sweaty bellys. They too took in the scene, as Neil's defined torso flexed with each heavy breath, and sweat dripped erotically down the crease of his pectorals, gently down the crease of his abdomen, pooling in his deep navel before spilling down to the top of his pubes.

"Taylor?!" Neil called out, half excitedly and half out of fear. He could still not read the two men in front of him.

The men grinned a wide, conniving grin. Neil saw something sinister in the smile. His mind raced.

"You won't be seeing Taylor today", one man said as he approached Neil. Neil noted his blonde hair, his starkly green eyes, and clean shaven face. He gently touched Neil's navel, tracing the tiny scar that he would only see or know about had he been told. Neil shuddered, now worried what company Taylor had made and where he was.

The stranger reached into his pocket and flicked open an impossibly sharp triangular blade. Sharp on both edges, thin and angular, the blade 4 inches long and only fractions of an inch thick. Neil's cock immediately began to harden in anticipation and fear.

Tied to the tree and helpless Neil watched down the center crease of his torso as the blonde stranger fondled the blade in his right hand and gently placed the tip of the weapon in the crevice of Neil's abdomen just above his navel.

The second man approached Neil, he made eye contact with his dark brown eyes, his chiseled face covered by a short beard, an unkempt bun of long hair sat on the top of his head. His fingers caressed down Neil's sides, tickling beneath his rib cage, he sent chills through Neil's body. The man rested his index finger gently in Neil's navel.

Neil looked down his chest, his belly heaved with each shallow breath, as the brown headed stranger massaged his body, the blonde gently began to apply pressure to the blade. Neil felt his skin slice easily as the weapong must have been recently sharpened, it sunk effortlessly into the taught skin of his belly. He moaned in pleasure at the sight and feeling of the thin blade entering him, he felt as the sharp point touched the hardness of the abdominal muscle beneath the skin. The blonde man applied more pressure and the blade thrusted slightly, puncturing through Neil's abdomen. Neil felt as the sharp blade cut through his skin and muscle and slipper deeper inside him.

"fuuuck" Neil groaned as inches of the blade entered him, slicing cleanly through, just above the navel. He looked down and saw nearly the entirety of the thin blade inside him, his taught skin on his abdomen held it tight, the blade kept the wound sealed. The blonde let go and all three men watched as the blade wavered in Neil's stomach with each shallow breath.

Neil's cock hardened in pleasure while a burning sensation seared in his gut. He wondered to himself if Taylor had set this up, but surely not, as this wound felt less careful -- he was sure there was internal damage.

The two men approached Neil again, the blonde grabbed ahold of the hilt of the blade as the brown headed stranger gently placed his thumb in Neils navel, twirling it lightly. The blonde pulled the blade from Neil slowly, Neil's taught skin gripping to the blade as it sucked out of him. His abdomen flexed in agony and pleasure, his tightly flexed muscles also gripping the blade, making the blonde have to pull more forcefully. Blood began to ooze from the bottom of the wound as the tip of the blade sucked out of Neil, a few drops of red blood coalesced on the tip of the knife and fell to the orange dusty ground beneath them.

Blood trickled slowly into Neil's navel, where the brown headed stranger continued to twirl his thumb and slowly traced his pointer finger up Neil's happy trail and through the stream of blood. He pressed his finger into the oozing wound, feeling around the fresh slit before pressing into Neil's belly.

Neil groaned in agony and pleasure, he looked down as the strangers long manly finger sunk into his fresh wound. He felt as the mans thumb continued to toy around in his navel, and his pointer finger pressed effortlessly into his gut.

The stranger twirled his finger about, feeling the warm pulse of Neil, he began to finger the wound gently -- pulling his blood soaked finger out, then pressing in again, curling it inside Neil, feeling his pulse, before pulling out again and repeating.

The burning sensation in Neil grew, as hid his cock and his pleasure. The tip of his cock peeked from the top of his loose shorts, resting in one of his deep v-obliques.

"he's excited now. Us too", the blonde stranger said as he peeled off his shirt, revealing a impressive torso. Hairless, white, but incredibly defined. His broad shoulders and narrow waist turned Neil on even more. Even more eye catching were the scars that littered his stomach.

"jesus" Neil muttered under his breath as the blonde approached him again.

The brown headed man finger fucking Neil's belly slowly pulled his finger out of the wound, covered in crimson gore, he wiped it erotically down Neil's side. Neil looked down as the slit in his belly pulsed blood with each heart beat, a stream of red trailed down his happy trail and pooled in his navel, dripping down into his pubes and soaking the top of his shorts.

The blondes tight fist suddenly rammed into Neil's navel, Neil gasped in shock, coughing blood onto his captor. A sharp pain overtook his navel, as he looked down he realized the entire blade was again inside him -- this time straight through his belly button. The blonde pulled the blade out quickly, it suctioned out and dripped Neil's red blood.

Neil looked up helplessly but enthralled, his cock still peeked above the waistline of his shorts, dripping in precum. The brown headed stranger peeled off his shirt too, his muscles equally defined. Neil noted less scars, but a prominent one below his navel.

"you guys get off on this too, huh?" Neil said, wincing in pain.

"Sure do." the brown headed stranger answered as he kneeled before Neil, gently tracing both his hands down Neil's sides, over his defined obliques, he gently unbuttoned Neil's shorts and pulled them to the ground. Neil's cock popped up to attention, all 8 inches erect before him. The brown headed man gently teased Neil's balls, while licking the precum from Neil's cock. He opened his mouth and began sucking Neil's cock, as his hands gently traced over Neil's belly. The strangers fingers glided up the bloody trail, before resting along the slit in Neil's navel. The man pressed both his pointer fingers into the wound, and began to push and pry, gently pulling the wound open and closed, toying with the slit in Neil's navel while sucking him off.

Neil moaned in pure ecstasy as the blonde stranger joined in on the action, approaching from Neil's side he leaned over to kiss Neil, while his left hand meandered down Neil's chest, eventually his pointer finger and middle finger found their way into the slit above Neil's navel.

He began to slide his fingers in and out of Neil, kissing him intently, as the other stranger sucked Neil off below him.

Neil's belly was ravaged, blood pulsed from each wound as the mens fingers explored his insides.

The blonde peeled away, Neil hung his head in weakness and watched as the mans bloody fingers sucked out of him. He moaned in pure ectasy as he was on the verge of exploding in the other strangers mouth.

"not just yet" the blonde said, as he pulled the other mans shoulder. The man backed away gently, Neil felt as his erect cock slipped out of his warm mouth, dripping in gore and spit, the mans pointer fingers tickled Neil's insides once more before he pulled them out, covered in gore.

Neil looked down at his wounded torso, each slit pulsed with blood, flowing into his pubes and down his erect cock, dripping into a pool on the ground beneath him. His legs wobbled as his strength weakened.

"this should get you off and help hold you up for awhile", the blonde said as he approached with a much longer blade. 12 inches at least, deftly sharp.

Neil groaned as he felt the man place the tip in the slit above his navel. The blonde pressed and the blade sunk easily into the open wound, inch by inch Neil watched. His cock pounded as he felt new fires in his belly, the blade pierced through his guts. 6 inches in the blonde met resistance, Neil wondered how close the blade was from exiting his back. The blonde shoved the blade with vigor, Neil screamed in agony and pleasure, he watched the blade sink inches into him, he felt as it a coldness pierced through his back and into the hard tree. He watched as his cock exploded jet after jet of hot semen all over the blondes toned abdomen.

Neil sagged slowly, with only the weight of the blade holding him up. So sharp he felt as it cut slowly through him, upwards as he sagged down.

The brown headed man approached him with a hammer, as the blonde steadied the blade. Neil goaned in pain as the men hammered the the hilt of the blade, piercing it even deeper into Neil and embedding it in the tree behind him. With each hit the blade sank another half inch into Neil, he watched even as the hilt began to enter him.

"enough" the blonde said. The two men stepped back, admiring their work.

Neil remained peirced to the tree, his hands tied around the back, slouched slightly forward in his weakened state. The hilt of the long blade sat deep within the wound above his navel, preventing him from falling to the ground. Each wound streamed a constant flow of blood, streaming down Neil's naked torso and pooling at his feet. He breathed shallow, weakened breaths.

Both men had their pants down at this point and began to masturbate, they ejaculated quickly, spilling their seed over the gore streaming down Neil's torso.

The blonde kissed Neil one last time, and fingered his wounded navel. Neil groaned weakly as he watched the mans finger disappear inside him once more.

The blonde then turned to the brown headed man, "let's get back to the other one".

to be continued...

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PINS Chapter 4 - by Chadzormick - 09-01-2020, 01:16 AM

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