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Hi everyone. Greetings from Poland, I'm new here :)
Firstly, I would like to greet the user of Male Navel. He showed me this forum and it is thanks to him that I am here with you. I met him on this vid page, I have the same nick as here. Thank you very much. I would also like to add that I use a translator, so sorry for mistakes, forgive me Smile

My name is Piotr, I am 28 years old and I live in a large city in Poland. Poland is a small country next to Germany, some people don't know where it is Smile I am an ordinary, probably handsome (hopefully xD) boy. Many of them on the street, I don't stand out. I lead a relatively calm and stable life.

It all started when I was still a child. I have always had a foot and belly fetish, navel. Except I didn't understand it then. While playing with my friends in the yard, I was always curious about someone's navel (it didn't apply to girls at all) so on every occasion, and there were many of them, especially in the summer I was watching. When my parents were away, I would take a pencil or a pen, put it in my navel and pretend it was an arrow, and I liked it very much. I was not sexually developed then, so standing penis or playing was out of the question. I just liked doing it and saw nothing wrong with it. Of course, I didn't tell anyone about it.

Years passed and I was still interested in boys. One time, being in the bathtub (I don't remember how old I was, 15? 16?) I was playing in the same way again, with a pencil and an arrow faking. And that day, I remember it to this day, I got very excited. Holding this pencil in my navel, I imagined so real (a young man's hormones) that I am dying this way. After that my penis shot and something white fell out. Back then, there was no access to the internet and pornography that I still didn't understand. I realized later when I started having fun Smile
When I had the internet, I found a video on YouTube. It was called "Reprint gut stabbed" where a young boy is stabbed in the bathroom. It was the only thing I had then. I have watched it about 100 times Smile Later, when I was 20 or 21 years old and I had my first sexual contacts behind me and also had my first boyfriend, I was still thinking about it. I couldn't tell him that. To him, even the feet were strange XD I also thought at one point in my life that I was the only such person in the world. I was still having fun like this and watching various movies on the internet. It has absorbed me a lot and it still consumes me today. It absorbs so much that "regular" sex is fun, but there's always something missing. Always. However, I found that if someone makes such videos, someone else has to watch them. And so a year ago I came across this vid by accident and I was very happy that I am not alone. I really wanted to meet someone like me, go for a coffee, talk. It even turned out that there are two such people in my country. But you can't meet. We all have one life and one youth. Do we really want to fantasize about it at home for the rest of our lives and not even try to play a role for once? After all this, I used to go to this vid just to watch movies. I have not contacted anyone. Honestly? I was sorry, I thought that I would fulfill my dream. Besides, I was single already, so which was bad for me. After all, I had stage II in my head, which is avoidance. I tried not to watch those movies, not go in there, just have fun in the normal way. And guess what? The longer it was like that, the more my head suffered. It was so bad that I decided not to fight. I won't win anyway Smile And this is how I wrote to the user whom I greeted at the beginning and I'm here now. I would love to meet someone, but I decided that it probably won't work. And if this is how it should be, then at least in this way I will be able to expel some emotions. We are all anonymous here and we are all the same. Let's support each other Smile Normal in live, crazy in bed, so I have no problem with it and I don't feel alone. I just had to get it out.

I hope some of you reached the third moment Smile I would like to move on to the second part of my post now. I would like to describe what I like and quote one example of a scene with my participation. Why one? Because I have a lot of them, I'll leave them for the next time.

I am a young slave. Unfortunately, my landlord is not satisfied with my job. So he decides to make a use of me, have entertainment and put me to fight 1 vs 1. The audience around us is quite big. When my opponent comes, I know I have lost. I just know it. We both stand in panties only. We both have a sword and a shield with us. He is a young, well-built boy who trains all his life. I am a normal, good looking, tired worker. I have not experience in the fight. I have no condition like him. God, I can't even hold a sword very well. They made me a laughing stock. I don't even know when it started. Very strong hits began to fall on me. One after the other. I cover myself with my shield with my left hand, but the hits are so strong that I can't hold it. In a full of panic, I throw the sword away from my right hand. Now I hold the shields  with my both hands. Hit, hit, hit. I stopped counting. At one point my opponent kicks at me so hard that I fly backwards. Right now, what I feared the most has happened. I am lying on the hot sand, with my back to the ground, all exposed and defenseless. Like a dog that lies on its back and I give up, exposing  weak points. I want to get up. I want to take my shield and stand up. When my back is slightly off the ground, he pinches me with his leg. He puts his warm foot over my chest. "Don't even try," he says. With one foot on top of me, he raises his sword up. It shows that he has won. People are happy, I can't breathe, there's dust everywhere. After a while, he takes his leg and walks around me, very slowly. She looks at me, probably wondering how to end this. I'm starting to slowly retreat over this sand, but what for? I know it's over anyway. He comes over to me and leans down. He puts left knee on my chest so that I can't get up. He presses my head to the ground with his right foot. All I can see is sand in front of my eyes and all those people looking at me. I've never felt so powerless. Fear takes hold of my whole mind. Suddenly she pulls something from behind her back and shows it to me in front of my eyes. It is a long, narrow dagger. "Please, no, don't kill me." I start licking his foot, begging for mercy. I do it with the greatest dedication, because I know that my life may depend on this licking. Maybe it will save me. Maybe a miracle will happen. I feel my penis getting hard. "You lost, keep your dignity" I think even he was shocked that someone was asking for mercy like this. After a while, I felt the blade of the dagger touch my navel and I'll be making a cum shot. "Anything else you want to say?" I keep licking my killer foot. "Please, no. I'll do anything, just don't kill me." He pressed the dagger a little harder, he hadn't stabbed me yet, I started to struggle. I made a strange squeak. Sound of excitement and terror. "You are pathetic". Then he stuck a dagger all the way to my navel. Very slowly. I felt the cold steel inside me. I couldn't believe it. It's not possible that just happened. I was so excited. A shiver ran through my body. I don't know what I was so afraid of. I felt that nothing better could happen to me. "Shhh, it's okay, here you go, hold down" as he took his wet foot off my head. He took my right hand and placed it on the handle of the knife that was sticking out of my stomach. He also took the knee from my chest and they will stand over me. "Look what I did to you." I saw a small river of blood slowly drain from my navel and soak into the dry sand. I felt a fire in my belly. Huge and pleasant pain. I knew I couldn't do it anymore. I pulled my penis out and started having fun. A few moments passed and I had the biggest cum shot of my life. One last cum shot. I wanted to thank him, but I didn't make it. He picked up his sword and with a swift movement cut open my entire stomach. I couldn't say a word. It's good that it happened, I kept at least a little dignity. The sight in front of me was terrible. Suddenly blood spurted out of my mouth. An unnatural crust passed through my body. Once. The second time in a moment. I felt no pain anymore, my head fell to the sand, to my side. Just like when he put his foot down on me. I saw dust again and the same people. Darkness. 

I hope someone enjoys this short story, let me know, maybe it could have been done better. Thank you for being here and thank you for listening to my thoughts as described before this scene. Not all of them are so brutal, please don't get scared Smile If anyone wants to contact with me, I use Skype for such conversations. Parabellum Mirabellum is my nickname. I am waiting for your comments Smile ?
Hey, Navelmavell, im so glad to see you here. Smile I hope you enjoy this woderful website.
[Image: tumblr_nbpbfff8wN1rlvb7yo2_500.jpg]
welcome , glad you found your way here with a little help. sounds like just the place for you.  enjoy Smile
Welcome Piotr, glad you could join us!

I enjoyed your story, thanks for sharing it.
Read my stories at Sweat, Steel & Glory:
Welcome Piotr.

Thanks for sharing. 
And As Always,
Happy Battlings and a Glorious Death to You All!!!!

Hey Piotr,
thanks for your hot story! Let's chat on skype. My username is navelhunter Smile
Hot story. Thanks for sharing.
I love your story. Thanks for sharing.
Good story! Welcome to the group.
Morituri Te Salutamus - Those about to die salute you. 

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