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December updates
Merry Christmas to everyone (or whatever holiday you are celebrating).

This past year, the forum has had some ups and downs.  Our membership continues to increase.  We've done very well with ridding our beloved forum of spam and spammers. (A special thanks to all the moderators who have helped with this.) 

While new content has been slow, it is still coming in.  We truly appreciate everything that everyone contributes.  I would like to put out a couple of challenges to the membership.

Challenge #1 Post a short story.
     This need not be some elaborate prose of the shakespearian type.  Just something short and sweet.  Something you enjoy.  It doesn't even have to be that good.  Who knows, you just might inspire someone. Or you just might find out you're a better writer than you knew.

Challenge #2 Post an original artwork.
        Create your own work of art using DAZ, sketch your own characters using a pencil and scanning it to your computer.  Maybe you can even use Paint, Photoshop, or some other software to alter a pic.  If you don't have a way to post it to the web (so you can place it here), contact me via email and I will post submissions on my blog and you can post them here from there.

Challenge #3 Invite new talent
        I know, you don't want to come out of the closet on this fetish and start proselyting.  That's not what I mean by this.  Instead, approach others online and let them know about our forum.  There are plenty of creators online who post on youtube, instagram, or other blogs, forums, and even adult websites.  Some of you even pay for content.  Let them know they can present some of their work here.  (Please, only the work related to the content of this forum.)  Just mention the forum in their comments, you'd be surprised what this can do.
        For example, if you know of a webcam model who has done work for you, invite them to post something short here in order to drum up some new clientele.

Let's all make this our challenge for the new year. 

Also, if you have any additional ideas for the forum, let me know.  Together we can make this forum awesome.
And As Always,
Happy Battlings and a Glorious Death to You All!!!!

Merry christmas to everybody,
Nedeleg laouen d'an dud all
Joyeux noël à tous
Feliz navidad.

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