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As I've noted elsewhere, I use custom 3D models I built myself based on actual guys I've drooled over (but usually never got to fuck.) An exception are my selfies. I have several self portrait models, each of me at a different age. I thought I'd show you how that's done.

To begin with: here's the Foo at age 32.

A nice pic but no good for modeling. What's needed are two pics of the same approximate age, one full profile and one full face, like so.
(The Foo at age 25.)

From there you superimpose a grid over the face side by side with the target model, also with grid. Next, you rig the 3D model with hair and a skin mat that resemble the photo as closely as possible. Start shaping the skull and face first, getting progressively more detailed. It's not just about reproducing the mechanical details of how big is the chin, how closely set are the eyes, etc. - you have to step back from time to time and take in the whole effect.

Here's the finished model, the Foo at age 18.

As you see, I'm almost always wearing glasses even in these real pics I was wearing contacts.

Skin texture is key. Me at age 24:

Me at the same age, as a Planet of the Apes character:

And me at the same age again, about to not get any older:

I hope you enjoyed my little show and tell!
wow! A HUNK!
Love your nipples!
I appreciate that you gave up smoking at age 24, but dude - did you think of maybe trying nicotine patches?
You know how to die like a real man!
Just a couple of things I think I mentioned in other threads - yes, I was a weight trainer in my younger days, and I also used to fence in college in my early '20s.
Wow thanks for the modelling insights, very interesting.
So the shooter in "Shot to pieces" was modeled of you, handsome chap for sure, well you might not be Harry Potter but you sure are a Wizard when it comes to your imagery work.
Again Thanks for all your efforts.
Found another one of me, this is a test I made with a darker skin tone. Going for an Asian Indian look.

Wow.. a beautiful lean muscle slab u r... would love to think more about how you’d want to hava a bayo shoved into your prime belly beef by another hot muscle stud ... damn..  I love/lust to think about this..  gut up and take it like a man

Just lookin at this post and can’t help but think about having you shove whatever into my tight strong young body. Had a bodybuilder and a BOXER as friends in college & we REALLY got into it a few times. My first gut stab was by the BB (Jim) .he never wanted me to d him. But he could sure take a small sledgehammer well… Damn, I’m gettin hot thinkin about Jim and Phil. GUT UP

Btw, Jim (BB) was the subject of a couple of my drawings. Guess which one…
a totally hot man!
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