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*Synopsis: metadiscussion of my blogging history*

I recently became aware of the excellent Mitchmen blog, which apparently has been around quite a while and has reviewed many gay male erotic artists. He recently published two blog posts about me featuring some renders from my old Tumblr FSQ. I am deeply flattered to be compared to Greasetank, even if I'm nowhere in his league artistically. Anyway, here's a link to get to both posts on Mitchmen:

A few comments about his take on my work.

First, it's quite interesting and I enjoyed his psychological analysis very much, even if it differs from my own understanding which I've discussed on several previous occasions including my About page here. In fact I found myself getting turned on by this mysterious Mighty Foo he describes, to the point of whacking off to my own images as if they had been produced by someone else. My actual motivation behind these images - being 10 years old again and reliving my childhood play acting "WWII Army Men" or "Captured Spy" or "Old West Cowboys" or "Conan the Barbarian" games with my schoolyard buddies - seems pretty mundane by comparison. The over-the-top bloody entry/exit wound explosions, the highly selective targeting (torso only, usually the heart or abdomen or navel, and on no account inflicting disfiguring head wounds) and other improbable details (e.g. ejaculation at the instant of death; condemned prisoners wearing only fetishistic uniform elements that serve as totems to confer identity and nothing else, like dogtags, helmets, combat boots and tunics open at the chest; heavily ritualized and sexualized executions that invariably involve penetration weapons such as bullets, swords, arrows or spears) seem to me like they should be a dead giveaway. Who wears a combat helmet to their own execution? I intend for my images to simply make manifest what a 10 year old gay boy might fantasize about when he makes a gun with his finger and goes "bang bang you're dead!" to a cute playmate that he's crushing on, but I get that not everyone will see that when these images get taken out of context - hense Mitch's interpretation. One's own creative intent is very often misunderstood by others; that's just the human condition.

Anyway, if these images seem more than a tad unrealistic, then my work here is done. I've no use for realism when it comes to this sort of thing.

Second, I loved how he called me the Scarlet Pimpernel of extreme male erotica for my occasional vanishing-and-resurfacing act - from The Shot Dead Guys Zone, Blindfolded and Alone, Depictions of Death, FSQ, and my spotty appearances on Arenafighter (and a scattering of others over the years.) The reality is that my images aren't everyone's cup of tea and I've had trouble over the years finding the right venue. I've been on FetLife since the very beginning of this site and have been lucky enough to mostly escape censorship here by keeping as low a profile as possible. I am not interested in building up a bunch of followers. I would rather have a smaller number of followers who are following me for the right reasons. Lots of followers draws too much attention - and also there are certain dark and fascist types whom I won't allow to follow me. People who have trouble distinguishing fantasy from reality.

Third, it was nice seeing all those other artists on Mitchmen, especially The Hun. Bill Schmelling was a personal friend of mine and I'm grateful of the role that he and his partner Roland played in bringing me in contact with my husband of over 25 years. (If you've seen the big Black stud in The Hun's work then you've seen Roland.)

Fourth, anyone has free permission to repost my work anywhere, just please tell them I sent ya (and if you see my work posted anywhere, drop me a line and let me know where so I can add a link here.) One of the biggest disadvantages of FetLife is that they don't make it easy to download the renders I post here. If I could have it my way you could keep and repost any of them.

Anyway, I wanted to say thank you to my devoted followers. You have sought me out like moths drawn to a flame despite everything I have done to keep a low profile and avoid being noticed. All I've done is leave a few clues as to my location and you have done the rest. I'm very happy that my shocking little pew-pew-pew 5th grade pictures have helped you with your furtive self-abuse. My notion is that if a given image didn't do the trick for me, then it won't prime the pump for you either.

Regretfully, my current life circumstances preclude me producing much if any new work - all I can do right now is raid the vaults for any past images which might induce swelling. That sometimes involves posting lower quality unfinished drafts that I otherwise wouldn't bother sharing. I've posted almost 900 images here on FetLife, more than I've posted anywhere else, most of which are visible only to Friends so if you want to see my bloodier renders just send me a Friends request and I'll give you access.

Hopefully my current life situation will change in such a way that I can resume producing new images again.

Until then, I remain your naughty-minded childhood playmate,

PS. You can find my work on Arenafighter here:

And here:

And a little bit here.