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*Synopsis: My complex relationship with the late great SM artist Greasetank*

I've been thinking about Mitch's blog entry comparing my work to Greasetank. Aside from being flattered, I thought it might be interesting to explore that comparison a bit. There are some undeniable similarities, but in other ways we are poles apart.

First, the similarities. There is one Greasetank image that has inspired many of my own renders and which I will refer to by the caption he gave it: "Why don't you officers just eat me!"

I encountered this image very early on while learning 3D and it greatly inspired me, so much so that I have often riffed on his caption:

It's actually my avatar!

As you can see, I've been strongly influenced by this one image from Greasetank. But only this one image, and no others; as a rule I find much of Greasetank's work a major turnoff. Why is that?

For the most part it's because Eat Me contains elements that do not appear in any of his other renders: bravery, defiance, stoicism. Masculinity too, but all his works have that. Almost all of Greasetank's other work is about sadism, fear, brutality, bullying, and redneck gangs inflicting homophobic violence on a victim. Not so with Eat Me. Here the handsome, masculine young prisoner is cocky in the face of death; he is cuffed and facing an impossible situation that may very possibly result in his death, but he is unbowed and undefeated. He may die, but he has already won.

*That's masculinity for me. I want his sperm. What bottom wouldn't want to be impregnated by him?* And that's the key to understanding my art.

Greasetank is problematic. He's racist, he's vulgar, he's violent, he fetishizes fascist symbols and he uses homophobic imagery. He is also incandescently talented, and I don't mean just from a technical perspective although given the 3D tools he had to work with at the time he's quite adept at that too.

I mean he's talented because he puts it ALL out there. Greasetank holds nothing back with no quarter asked or given. He does not apologize. I think that's what I admire most about his work, and it's probably the thing he and I share the most in common: not the extreme nature of our images, but the way we just put it all out there and don't give a rat's ass about the niceties. We come from vastly different places but we both end up in some similar, brutally cold places.

The question of motive is of central  importance for me: the why of the violence. In Greasetank's work the motive is private murder. That is the reason I am repelled by most of his pictures; I can't eroticise murder. It's a turnoff. I am not a sadist and derive no pleasure from inflicting pain, nor do I get off on humiliation. I identify with the victim in these renders, and in every case there is a sexual tension between the top and the bottom and the victim dies with honor. In my work the violence is fully integrated with the sex. This is sexual consummation in its most literal sense, i.e. the top consumes the bottom in a perfect union. Nothing is wasted and nothing is tainted by extraneous moral considerations like homophobia. This is why I so often use a ritualistic military setting for these; the characters are obeying orders. The system bears the guilt, not the characters. Just as warrior societies often have purification rituals to absolve those who have killed in battle from any moral social violations and protect them from being pursued by the ghosts of those they have slain, so too does my work take place within a highly ritualized context. Parallel WWII is a context I carefully constructed to support gay mating where one party must sacrifice his life to complete the act.

In other words: *spawn and die*. I deliberately anchor my erotica in the deepest, most ancient part of the human mind, the fish-brain. That is what gives my work its power, why so many guys go WOW when they view it. It resonates so deeply that they can't put it into words; but this is a form of mating immediately familiar to other species from salmon to spiders. All I have done is to create a context where spawn-and-die reproduction is logical in a gay male context. This is why I must absolve and purge the moral violation of murder. To create the proper setting the characters must act as nature compels them. If Stravinsky's Rite of Spring ballet were adapted for an all-male cast, it might not be too far off from my renders. And we are protected from being haunted by the ghosts of the dead through using the same characters over and over. These men aren't being killed: they are being reborn.

In my mind that is why Greasetank and I are poles apart. I'm not motivated or aroused by crude animal brutality. There are larger and older wheels turning here, both in terms of character motivation and artistic motivation. I know where I am coming from and where I am going. I must have the element of sacrifice to be fulfilled - preferably virgin sacrifice but at least heroic. It is the quintessence of masculinity to give your all to protect your progeny. I've simply used the psychological tools that are already there, deep in the human mind, to create a uniquely powerful erotica that is private to a gay male milieu. *Yes, boy, the officers will accept your invitation and eat you. They will devour you in the act of mating, a story as old as animals themselves.* But who is the top, and who is the bottom? *It is the female who eats the male.*

It has long struck me as odd that guys won't think twice about seeing some really violent movie and are happy to watch porn afterwards, but they can't make the connection or face the idea of combining the two. It's just too out there and scary, they're afraid of the power of these images. I suppose it's fear of the Id, of losing control to the subconscious mind. That fear is well taken. Certainly we've all seen some very dark things on the internet. I turn away from that darkness and reject it. To keep from getting lost in that it's vitally important to understand yourself and know where you are coming from, and where you want to go.

In the end, Greasetank is a deeply complicated artist. I owe him a lot, in terms of inspiration and revulsion. Thanks to him I gained a better sense of my attractions and their limits - and I know myself better as a result.
Love to see this but stuff with ne passwords and all doesn’t go well right now
I love look after your product !!!
All looks so exciting and impire me a lot.
Where is Mitch's blog entry?

I find that most guys do not over think it like we might here on this site. They feel powerful when watching a violent movie and some aroused, some make the connect and some do not and get upset by it but go with it anyway? If they think too much about it, they sometimes stop. 

I also don't buy the fact that making it military makes it the system. I think the individual wants the arousal to cum from the violence they can then sometimes let themselves off the hook for by blaming the system but it's not the system it IS them obeying it because they want to. 

Basically they're phonies (the characters) using an excuse to get aroused and kill someone. I don't think your work and Greasetanks are the same. Your's is far greater and more colorful, imaginative and seeing it as you wrote gives us a deep sense of something, but I don't know what the fish mind is or if it's as deep as you say when we look at your art but I do know that while Grease's is repungant and not at all a turn on for the most part (almost 99 percent of his pictures; i'm not a fan), your's is. 

I also think the whole Valhalla thing of revival and birth is nonsense as it has nothing to do with it but on the other hand, I think we have a memory deep down of not fish brain stuff but of having lived lives in the past, reincarnation and all that. I've found a few of my past lives and more than one or two have been young violent deaths in a war like state, mostly NOT in a military type setting but forced on by society norms that I went along with that I had   a CHOICE NOT TO and I think that was the lesson. 

I've listed the lives elsewhere here: caveman in Africa, a pirate, a young Native American, a gladiator slave master who was a slave himself and had to decide which people, male, female, children, teenagers, young adults, were the strongest that might survive if sent into some big arena games and the ones not chosen were angry I sent in the ones I did because they were all somehow friends or related. 

Most of what you write here, I'm not sure I agree with. I think the violence/sex thing is strong in us and not sure why. It could be because of past lives. I do know it is NOT productive for my life and I strongly suspect it's not productive for anyone else's either. I also wrote a chapter of my story DOCTOR WHO, JESSE AND JEREMY where alien muscle men fight to the death and when one is stabbed in the navel, his sperm produces a life growing when mixed iwth the slayer's sperm. 

And make no mistake, while in the sexual throes of thie FANTASTY of all of this, it is NOT murder, IT IS MURDER. We, here, like to sugar coat it as just a fetish that we can stop and not think about and not do if we have to but there is something inately wrong with it like it or not IMO. It's not a psoitive thing, this fetish.  Teaspoon :: DOCTOR WHO, JESSE, AND JEREMY by Innout (   Most things associate with this can be sugar coated as sacrifice, male protection and what have you but however yo sugar coat it in the end, it IS just about "getting off" and jerking it to the cumming and as a fantasy it is one of the darker and more evil minded ones and I don't think anyone has fully understood it.

Sometimes I feel that men, real productive men, leave behind this fantasy as a teenager or younger and replace it with sex with a woman, sometimes with some leftovers such as bondage or domination or both. Stuff from childhood such as the feeling of greatness when you feel something in your navel (and I wonder if that comes from having your umbiblicus cut and tied just after birth) and the wetness (From like age 5 or 6 I felt this wetness and even blood pump to the penis) from fights or fightings or seeing it on TV (batman, gladiator movies, even Power Rangers, Conan, Tarzan) one experiences feels so great that some of us, many on this site, have not left that sexual stage behind and cling to that "freedom" instead of growing up to become productive men who raise the next generation. Instead, we folly in this fetish as if it is okay and who knows? Maybe it is but to me it feels like a stuckness that men who grow up leave behind or at least mostly leave behind. They replace it with women and/or a woman and/or a more society norm of gay man marries gay man (frankly i don't understand gay men who adopt the society norms and brag about it; though on the other hand I find they get more acceptance from the straights who wish us to be like them) and takes on the responsiblity of adult norms. They mostly leave the sword-knife-spear-gunplay-navel fetish behind.