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Hitmen gladiators - bare chested warrior - 01-18-2020

Hitmen gladiators
This story is strictly for adult men whose cocks are aroused by dark fantasies. The Organisation exists beyond the law. Old fashioned community members judge it as criminal whereas new fashioned community members appreciate its style, emphasis on privacy and lack of publicity. Of course, the organisation itself is man-eating, employs hit men and bodyguards across a wide geographical area throughout the country. Lawyers registered the Organisation as a legitimate business company with a hierarchical structure at the top for its macho leaders. The occasional terminal events organised by the six men are essentially powwows where hit men and bodyguards bump each other off. Sorry, any North American readers, but powwows happen outside your culture. By and large the broader community is unconcerned with the welfare of either hit men or bodyguards. The six men agreed to a rotating roster system whereby Number One joins in the fight first and so on. Outside this circle Number Seven has been appointed to assume responsibility in the unlikely event of the termination of the six leaders. The organisation requires its employees to operate at a high level of violence. In order to sustain the business over a long period of time it arranges these terminal events where managers, hit men and bodyguards let off violent steam. The powwow has minimum talk and maximum action. The hit men and the bodyguards must obey any summons to fight. The hit men do not mix with one another. It’s unusual for them to congregate: they work stealthily and have little interaction with bodyguards. They instinctively know that any “summons” from the organisation could be life threatening news. But, they are professional killers and killing is what they enjoy. It’s a shame about the two managers with a price on their heads. They are physically outstanding specimens of tough men; it goes without stating the obvious that they already have a track record for killing for the organisation. Basically there are two opposing teams comprising hit men and bodyguards. The role of the hit men is to protect their manager but at the same time attack and terminate the other manager and his bodyguards. It sounds simple but, in practice, it takes time and considerable dunking in the pool water before there is an outright winner. In past incidents the leaders terminated each other.

The organisation has a location which is ideal for a killing zone away from prying eyes. The venue is an enclosed, full length swimming pool. It is hidden away in a well-protected, gated warehouse area. The hit men and the bodyguards know that there is no escape. Past events proved the value of having thirty or so swimmers. It’s true that this can lead to a multiple body problem but then they have a foolproof system in place for disposing of any bodies.

The organisation has pretensions beyond their civilian status. They wish for fully trained marines and/or veterans to run the aquatic side of the powwows. Occasionally they can call in favours from friends within the military. They admire the Military Cattle Cut Club for its activities. It’s reasonable to ask them for seasoned marines who are usually well-built, expendable and keen to get on with the job. As part of a reciprocal arrangement the Club may request permission for spectators. The organisation is sometimes “touchy” about spectators; it reasons that men like to fight without distractions. A condition for the marines and Club members is that they expose cocks and, if they like, balls during the swimming event. It’s true that some Club members may wish to join in. In this case they take life threatening chances. The hierarchy stipulates that any Club member bodies will not be returned; however, the organisation will forward dog tags with the owners’ cocks and balls to the President of the Club. The President will be responsible for processing any military paperwork. The hierarchy recommends that the marines inspect the swimmers before the swimmers dive into the pool. A marine could compile a short list of swimmers who might be suitable participants at a future Club event. The Club nominates four broad-shouldered marine veterans to run the event for the organisation—serving marines are elsewhere on operations in the field. The veterans know exactly what to expect: in important respects they remain wound up for combat. The veteran marines wear boots, camouflage trousers, white caps with whistles strung across their bare chests. They are trained swimmers very much in shape whereas the hit men and the bodyguards mostly flounder in the water. This fits in with the organisation’s intention. In a further twist the managers and their hit men are shy about full nudity in the pool. The two teams agree to wear either red or black caps in the water. They will wear boxer shorts and be bare-chested. The two managers are surprisingly nervous: they have not worked with either the hit men or the bodyguards. Both managers are big men with large torsos. The first one has a thick, hairy chest whereas the second one has a hairless chest. The pool is deep enough for treading water, diving in the centre and drowning.

The organisation negotiated with the Military Cattle Cut Club about the proposed number of visiting members. They settled on a leader with nineteen Club members plus the four veteran marines all dressed in boots, camouflage trousers and bare chests. The organisation specifically requested that Club members be unarmed and, in keeping with drowning as a main weapon, leave their sharp blades in the barracks. The organisation was quite capable of castrating the cocks and balls of recalcitrant employees; they already had an employee or two in mind to send off to the Club. In keeping with the shared ethos of killing the organisation extended an invitation which cannot be refused to the leader of the Club members; at an appropriate moment he is to join in the swimming event with a member of their hierarchy. Both of them are required to terminate at least one target before they fight each other in the swimming pool. 

There are lockers in the changing rooms for the swimmers to put their clothes. There is a mixed bag of recycled swimming caps and boxer shorts. These come in a range of sizes but most swimmers needed large or extra large. The managers are unconcerned that a few thin men end up with ill-fitting boxer shorts. The changing rooms are spacious enough for the swimmers to assemble in their respective teams. The six leaders stand on the side as the veteran marines carry out a full inspection. The Club members are outside at this point. What’s this? One of the bodyguards wears underpants. The veteran marine tears it and rips it off the bodyguard. Everybody laughs. All right, everybody pull down their shorts. Nobody else wears underpants. The four veteran marines now carry out the inspection which includes manhandling the cocks and balls. The hit men and the bodyguards are unfamiliar with military manhandling. A surprising number of cocks respond to the attention. In the spirit of co-operation the marines identify cocks and balls for fellow soldiers to cut off in a future Club exercise. The two managers are the outstanding candidates. It’s a pity that the veteran marines omitted the six hierarchical leaders. Their cocks and balls pass every Military Cattle Cut Club test. 

At this point one veteran marine bellows to the teams: Welcome, lucky swimmers. A marine will blow the starting whistle in a few minutes time. Are there any questions? A question from a red cap swimmer: can we pull each other off in the water? Answer: yes, but make time to crush your opponent’s balls. You may be unfamiliar with hand-to-hand combat in the water. Let the marines make a quick recommendation. Firmly face your opponent and fasten both hands on each other’s neck. Estimate how much strength you will need to start ducking each other. Apply pressure. It doesn’t matter if you both duck underwater to begin with. You are playing with each other. The critical moment comes when both of you have to drag each other under water and hold the position. The physical test comes when you both swallow water and expend oxygen from the lungs. Maybe one or both of you will lose consciousness. For a successful drowning it is essential to hold down the target under the water. I’m not boasting but the four marine veterans helping you today have successfully drowned enemy targets. There is a question from a black cap swimmer: will the marines join in the fighting? Answer: the marines believe in finishing off targets.

A second marine reminds the participants of the killing rules. They are simple. If you wear a red cap drown the swimmer wearing a black cap. And, vice versa. Capture and drown the opposing manager. The marines as well as the managers are free to drown any swimmers. The managers can therefore discipline any under performing hit men or body guards. In the event of caps falling off heads the marines will excuse swimmers if they make a mistake and attack a friendly target. It happens in real combat! The hierarchical representatives will declare the winning swimming team as the assault unfolds and draws to a close. The marines have been instructed to permit fighters to complete close-quarter encounters. Hence the event may continue past the successful targeting of one or both of the managers. There was a past event where both managers were terminated very early.

The hit men and the bodyguards put their boxer shorts back on before they enter the water. The red cap team starts at one end of the pool; the black cap team starts at the other end of the pool. The objective is to meet in the middle.

The hierarchy of the organisation wear the boxer shorts but no coloured cap. The six men are very solid as if they are experienced wrestlers. Their legs are exceptionally strong. The organisation keeps a tight lid on employees. The two managers know none of these hit men and bodyguards. Number One of the hierarchies takes charge at this point. He orders the swimmers to terminate the targets thoroughly with no half-measures. Remove your boxer shorts by all means if you wish to fight naked. When the event progresses the Club visitors will expose their cocks in front of their camouflage trousers. Look at my cock. He pulls down his boxer shoots to expose a whopper. Don’t feel shy. If you want to fight naked, well, so be it. He pulls the boxer shorts back on. The hit men and the bodyguards consider this. Now they feel the slightly cold water tighten their balls. For the sake of harmonious relations between the organisation and the Club the marines conspicuously open up the front of their camouflage trousers. They have something nice to show—clean cut cocks and hairy balls. Number Two of the hierarchy stuns everybody when he demands the Club visitors piss into the pool. The swimmers watch the visiting cocks piss profusely; they realize that some of them would shortly swallow the combination of piss and pool water. Number Three of the hierarchy extends an invitation for everybody present to jump into the swimming pool and join in. The invitation for the Club leader to joust with a member of the hierarchy was extended as a friendly gesture; however, they understand that trained military men enjoy fighting in killing zones such as this swimming pool. As the event unfolds the Club leader and Number Four of the hierarchy will join in. An additional two Club visitors will be prompted by Number Five member of the hierarchy to join in. The bodyguards envied the hit men partly because they didn’t know about the incredible tedium and time required to set up a target. On the other hand the hit men thought the bodyguards had it easy. It was strange to face the opposing swimming team in this way. Of course, every swimmer was fit. By comparison the marines have powerful broad-shoulders and strong arms. Their swimming prowess is adequate to stand above the standard set by the hit men and the bodyguards. The marines position themselves at both ends and the middle of the sides. The marine who blows the start whistle is nearest the hierarchy and the cluster of Club visitors. These will spread out as the swimming teams meet up in the middle.
The swimmers have to cover considerable length before they encounter their opposition. This is deliberate so that they will tire easily. By comparison the marine training is designed to keep them for long periods in the water.

The two managers have the common sense to collect their team together and outline a plan of attack. The swimmers chosen to advance ahead of their teams are a little hesitant. The hit men in particular are very uncomfortable without their sniper rifles; the bodyguards are more comfortable in the role of protecting their manager. Every swimmer has complete confidence in the two managers. The critical criterion for any such managers is their hands-on ability to kill targets in the water. They will meet the criteria with flying colours. The marines were trained to deal with hesitant fighters and would do so after the opening whistle.

There is an unexpected interruption. Two drivers in full uniform bring in three latecomers—a hit man and two bodyguards—and report to the hierarchy. Number Six of the hierarchy flies into a verbal rage, abuses and orders them to undress. He calls for help from the Club leader who beckons that his members can help in any on-the-spot execution.
The Club leader selects six of his members and gives them precise orders. They throw the fully clothed hit man and the two bodyguards into the deep section of the pool; then they dive in and attack the latecomers. The two teams are surprised to see the Club members attempt to drown the latecomers. Two Club members focus on one target; of course, the three targets fight back. One of the bodyguards proves to be capable in the water. One of his attackers is surprised when the bodyguard pulls him underwater, and holds him there for the crucial minutes. The hit man sees this and tries to drown one of his attackers. This time it doesn’t work. The hit man swallows water, tries to chuck it up but slowly loses consciousness. A Club member applies a choke hold to the hit man’s neck to hasten the drowning. This does work. The result is one late-coming bodyguard survives. The casualties are one bodyguard, one hit man and one Club member. The five surviving Club members get out of the pool.

Number Six of the hierarchy with a hairless chest and a thick cock poised for activity signals the marines at either end to blow their start whistles.

The two managers swim upfront whilst surrounded by hit men or bodyguards. The centre of the pool is considerably deeper such that the swimmers have to tread water. The hit men discover that they like killing targets in the water. The drowning is slow compared to a sniper rifle hit but they enjoy the process. Their cocks have now settled down after the shock of the cold water; in another surprise their cocks have resumed upright positions as if they were hunting down targets with a sniper rifle. A few of the bodyguards required remedial training. A marine from the centre of the pool dived into the bodyguards’ area, collected a few bodyguards and showed them positions on the necks to target. The marine quickly demonstrated the use of the boxer shorts as a weapon. The message was basically wasted as very few of the swimmers strangled targets with the boxer shorts. The teams did, however, like empty boxer shorts floating on the surface. As if on cue the manager with the bodyguards advanced on a target, stretched out his arms and firmly grasped the target’s neck. The target struck back and attempted to strangle his attacker. The manager felt as if he was losing consciousness but he persisted and lowered the target into the water. The target blew lots of bubbles but they expended his oxygen levels. Drowning a target takes time, minutes which seem longer than they perhaps are. It takes considerable strength to hold the target’s body down underneath in the water. But, it can be done and the manager derived deep satisfaction from his first kill of the event. Elsewhere in the pool the manager with the hit men impressed them with his first event kill. He tackles the target with a few standard wrestling moves, strangles the bodyguard and orders four hit men to lift up the body for all swimmers to see. The hit men are able to stand on the pool floor at this point. The body is dumped on the side of the pool. In this first phase of the event a number of targets found themselves under attack from more than one attacker. The hit men in particular were quite ruthless in eliminating targets.

The Club leader walks halfway up the length of the pool to the marine near the hit men. He firmly tells the marine that he himself is about to dive into the pool. As a marine veteran he is expected to defend the Club leader when required. In an unplanned gesture the Club leader grasps the cock and balls of the veteran marine. “I expect you to survive today so that a soldier can get lucky and cut off your cock and balls.”  The veteran marine understands the gesture; on the other hand he has been a trained marine who enjoys killing in water. The Club leader continues walking up to the hierarchy.
One of the hierarchies embraces him with open arms.

“Congratulations. The veteran marines provided by your Club are doing a good job. It’s no secret that some of us would be happy to challenge them in the water. You and your Club members have quickly adopted the killing ethos of our swimming event. Executing the latecomers was the right thing to do. Number Four of the hierarchy will join you in the pool. We expect a minimum courtesy from both of you. Choose two targets; the target and you must position your arms around each other’s neck. We can see your welcome smile. Yes, you must firstly play with each other’s neck and then duck each other. There’s no harm in swallowing some water. Take your time. It is a mark of respect that we give you a target to warm up on.  We anticipate that you will both be successful in terminating the first targets. It is only right that you then challenge Number Four of the hierarchy. You smile again. Number Four is smiling too because he thinks you will be a worthy opponent. It’s time to get moving. We are missing fights between the hit men and the bodyguards.”
Number Four pulls down his boxer pants to show the Club leader his whopper sized cock and bull-sized balls. The Club leader has already noted that he is a beefy, muscled killer. They walk completely around the pool so that they can identify possible targets.

During the last fifteen minutes a number of hit men and bodyguards fought to the death. However, the numbers of casualties are fairly even for both sides. At this point in the swimming event there is no clear winner and both managers are still alive. All four marines are wet after ducking in and out of the pool. In their way of thinking the hit men and the body guards were wimps. A number of swimmers pulled down boxer shorts off targets who then felt more vulnerable. The boxer shorts got caught in the legs of one target. He was unable to defend himself from attack from both sides.

Two Club visitors at the invitation of and presence of Number Five of the hierarchies jump into the pool in the deep section. They unwisely separate and get into a dangerous situation fairly quickly. One of the marines dives in to rescue the situation. There is no way that both the Club visitors and the marine can survive the immediate onslaught from hit men and bodyguards. In turn two bodyguards tackle Number Five. They take great pleasure in terminating him. The Club leader is somewhat dismayed to see his members terminated so easily. He decides to nominate one or both of the managers as targets. This is easier said than done! He outlines his targets to Number Four of the hierarchy. There is an odd question of fair play in this instance. The hit men and the bodyguards are fighting to protect their managers but, at the same time, terminate the opposition. Number Four prefers him to choose a hit man or a bodyguard. The Club leader relents and chooses a bodyguard on the left side of the pool. Number Four chooses a hit man. The targets are located close to one another. They both dive in and swim up to their targets. The bodyguard immediately sees the danger and calls out for help. The manager swims across and tackles the Club leader. The manager positions his paws on the Club leader’s neck and tightens. The Club leader is unable to withstand the pressure; he finds the drowning process intolerable—it takes minutes during which he swallows piss-filled water. He wants to chuck up but is restrained as if in a bondage position. The manager is very pleased with himself. Number Four is very impressed with the manager’s skill. He decides that the manager will be promoted. Unfortunately, he overlooks two marines who move in like sharks to revenge the drowning of their leader. Firstly, the marines knee the manager and Number Four of the hierarchy deep in the balls. This shocks them and throws them off balance. Then the marines duck both of them underneath the water. The manager tries to pull away, Number Four of the hierarchy thrusts out his arms. All the while they swallow and are unable to withstand the pressure of the water into their lungs. They cough up sporadically at various moments but they continue swallowing water. They inwardly cursed but the end was near. The manager was gratified that he terminated targets but furious that he was drowning. The joys of drowning targets came to a water-logged end.
The four remaining hierarchy were secretly pleased when Numbers Four and Five drowned in the pool. Unexpected things can dramatically change the course of any terminal event. The Club visitors took the initiative and threw them into the pool. The remaining manager shouts “Get them!” He personally took on Number One of the hierarchy who was no slouch in the killing department. At this point in the killing zone there was no fair play. The manager with the bodyguards might have overpowered his adversary in a fair fight. They had already fastened their strong arms on their necks. Two hit men swam up behind, ducked the targets’ heads underneath into the water. One hit man had the random thought: are they swallowing the piss? In response to this thought he pissed into the water. Both hit men enjoyed drowning their targets. In turn they didn’t expect bodyguards to attack them from behind. A marine watches with supreme pleasure as the six swimmers fight. This time the bodyguards are very efficient. Four targets drown but it is a slow process and requires extra strength to pin down all the targets.

The two drivers forgot that they opened up their trouser flies by request on arrival. The two cocks jutted out rock solid hard in response to the killings in the swimming pool. They couldn’t believe their luck when they stumbled onto the swimming event. They had heard unsubstantiated rumours of the existence of these events but the reality was mind-boggling. The drivers avoided vanilla sex as a rule but it was difficult to hold back the erect cocks. They rationalised that the following vanilla moments were grounded in men killing one another. They hold onto each other’s cock but continue looking at the killings in progress. They bravely attempt to hold back their cocks whilst two targets near them in the water fight it out. They take a break, grasp each other’s balls and squeeze until it hurts. The cocks spew in unison as the victorious target surfaces.

The Club members are now spread out around the pool with their flies open. Sure they sport erect cocks but they avoid vanilla moments as a rule. If they were on home Club territory erect cocks would spurt in response to knife threats. Nevertheless erect cocks are a welcome sight and distraction for the swimmers.

Elsewhere in the pool Numbers One and Two of the hierarchy take on one of the marines. Again the fight isn’t fair play but who says killing has to be fair? The marine swallows a lot of water but is able to stabilise himself. The marine surprises himself and the two hierarchies by butting their heads together. Nice! He kicks them in the balls for good measure but that is incidental to the main thrust. Now that they are slightly stunned he dunks both of their heads in the water and holds on for minutes. A few bubbles of air surface but shortly Numbers One and Two of the hierarchy drown.
Numbers Three and Six, from the remaining hierarchy believe in the power of hands-on killing. They tackle a hit man and a bodyguard respectively. The four targets enjoy the man-to-man grip, the dunking in the water, the swallowing, and the drift into unconsciousness. The marines seize the opportunity to complete the event. They move in and finish off the four targets. The six leading members of the hierarchy are now dead. One of the marines climbs out of the water, blows the whistle and declares the swimming event at an end.

Ironically the two drivers are called upon to update the results to the HQ of the organisation, arrange the removal of the bodies and attend to special requests. The Club visitors miss their leader, one marine and two members. What had the marines done with the list? The managers were both on the list as prime candidates; two bodyguards and one hit man were shown as “possible”. No matter. One of the marines took charge and ordered the survivors to line up beside the pool. Two marines inspected the line-up and found the two bodyguards and one hit man on the list. They asked for and wrote down the names. A formal invitation will be processed so that they can join in any official Military Cattle Cut Club exercise. Three lucky soldiers will enjoy cutting off their cocks and balls! Subsequently the Club’s director took delivery of a package from the organisation. When he opened it up he found dog tags accompanied by the relevant cocks and balls. A note is attached to the remaining two sets of cocks and balls.

“Enclosed. The managers were disappointed that sporting soldiers didn’t slice them off with the latest blades. A few men with prime cocks and balls will take part in the Club’s future exercise. Be assured that the fallen soldiers fought with military professionalism. Salute to future exercises.”