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Another Garbage Firm Gladiator Game - Printable Version

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Another Garbage Firm Gladiator Game - bare chested warrior - 04-21-2020

Another Garbage Firm Gladiator Game 

The fighters started off feeling a degree of excitement. At long last they were on the grease field. In the centre of the grease field seven fighters sat in a circle facing one another. The seventh fighter was an umpire named Sammy. They awaited the arrival of the Garbage Firm CEO and Dino. These two would declare the Gladiator Game open. Arnold was the umpire allocated for V.I.P. duties. He escorted Dino and the alternate bodyguard to the central point with the Garbage Firm CEO and requested them all to pull down their black shorts. Everybody could see their cocks: the CEO’s was uncircumcised whilst Dino’s was circumcised. At a distance it was hard to tell how big the balls were—both sets of balls looked bull sized. The Garbage Firm CEO smiled at the alternate bodyguard. It was clear that they had a prior, private, arrangement. The surprise was the size of the alternate bodyguard’s cock. It was a whopper; however, the balls were an ordinary size; his chest was free of hair. A minor disappointment. The onlookers agreed that the representatives in front of them would look even better when greased. The fighters chosen for the CEO and Dino to piss over went straight into the fighting team. They were big men with brawny chests. Nobody was counting that the garbage team now had extra fighting power. The other men went into a reserve with specific duties to top up grease vats and containers. Sammy hoped that the team members would piss over the fighters in the circle including himself. The Garbage Firm CEO called for five volunteers to piss over the remaining fighters. He ordered them to pull down their black shorts and let everybody see their cocks and balls. Dino with the Garbage Firm CEO’s permission manhandled all five cocks and balls. Dino wanted the fighters to see that he was a cocksucker so he went down on the last cock. Dino’s team clapped as he swallowed. The Garbage Firm CEO felt obliged to follow suit. His team reciprocated the clapping as the cock spurted all over his face. Only then did the pissing start. Sammy was pleased that the cocks’ piss drenched their chests and shorts. Sammy ordered the four wet fighters to assemble beyond the grease area awaiting further instructions. The Garbage Firm CEO and Dino raised clasped arms and declared the opening of the Gladiator Game.

The fighters now felt a degree of apprehension. The tension started in their heads and worked its way down to their balls. Some of them plunged their hands behind the shorts and fumbled with their balls. They were still there and ungreased for the moment. Others stroked their hairy chests wondering when and who by would apply the grease. The feelings were universal across both teams. For the moment they had not felt nor smelt the grease; they looked forward to using it.

Arnold, the veteran and now an umpire, had a few words for the fighters.
“Welcome. The bulges look splendid.” A number of fighters fondle their cocks and snigger.
“Wait a minute. A few of you over there are sporting exposed cocks and balls. Congratulations. It’s manly to fight naked. Heard of an objective? Today’s objective is to fight dirty. Enjoy the experience especially when it includes strangling, immersing and choking fighters on grease.”

Raymond, the umpire, smiled as he heard the word “strangling”. Somehow or another he would find the opportunity to strangle a fighter.

Horace stated that the first half of the gladiator game included the ball play. Wolfgang bought grease barrels which are positioned in the playing zone. Some are empty; some are full; some have enough grease to make a difference to your lifestyle. The important thing is to make use of them.

Horace, the umpire, handed the Garbage Firm’s team over to Wolfgang. He could see that Wolfgang would need help in critical phases of the fighting. Wolfgang was far too wordy for the fighters who, after all, were garbage firm employees. Looking at the situation from another perspective Wolfgang’s chest was going to look good when greased properly. In fact the chests of most fighters would look good when greased properly.

“Our team intends to thoroughly grease the chest, cock and balls of our opponents. Team work will be necessary to capture, spread-eagle and hold the targets down firmly. Fighters will manually collect and apply the grease at the beginning of the Gladiator Game. What happens as the game develops is a different matter...”

Sammy, the umpire, had a few words before the game began.
“Chin up guys. It’s too late to change your mind. Franz, the waste disposal truck driver, can’t drive you back as he has transported the visitors. Make sure the visitors have a memorable experience. You want their chests, cocks and balls to look good when fully greased. You know how I love piss. My idea of bliss is a number of greased cocks pissing together over a spread-eagled target. Get to it!”

The piss drenched Sammy and four volunteers discovered that their topping up grease duties were somewhat demanding. The Garbage Firm CEO ordered them to position small containers of grease throughout the game field. Two of the full grease barrels stayed in the vats; they positioned one full grease barrel on either side of the vats. The empty grease barrels were no longer empty. They had about a foot of grease—enough to submerse a head. Again they positioned two barrels on either side of the vats. The umpires had immediate access to the balls; two could be played at once. The balls were circular like soccer, soaked up the grease and splattered chests when fighters caught them. They were heavy—during the match balls landed on balls. Ouch! There were two spare balls in case they were needed.

The idea of wearing protective eye glasses was discarded. It was simply too hard. For that reason rolls of paper towels were strategically placed for those who needed to use them.

The medic “Doc” approved the line up of the thirty or more official fighters. He sniggered when he saw the reserve fighters who were grease fodder. To a man they looked the part as gladiators.  The game would take awhile before the fighters warmed up to the killing. He could tell that Dino’s team was motivated. Raymond was allocated to be their umpire but it was clear his services were superfluous. Dino had a bodyguard escort plus a leader called Hall. There was a confusing rumour circulating that Preston, Lev and three hitmen were prime, terminate, targets. “Doc” knew for sure that the Garbage Firm CEO was no slouch when it came to terminating targets. “Doc” himself knew Lev and the three hitmen from a previous event at the Grease Factory. “Doc” had not been invited to the Gladiator Games before so he knew none of the garbage firm fighters. “Doc” made the same assessment of the bodyguard escort as Hall. There was something fishy about him but his chest would look good fully greased.

Both Horace and Raymond spread out their fighters on opposite side of the vats. Sammy had designated two volunteers to grease two balls to throw at the players at the beginning of the game. They were clumsy and managed to grease part of their chests. The grease was sticky and stuck to the hairs on their chest. It smelt good. The colour varied from a dark grey to a lighter shade of black. It wasn’t in the script but both Horace and Raymond had the same spontaneous idea. They wanted the troops to see that they joined in the greasing. The two volunteers held up the greased balls with their arms raised; Horace and Raymond walked over, dipped and collected grease in their hands, pulled down the two volunteers’ shorts and greased the cocks and balls.
“Bastards!” What did they expect? 
Sammy and the other two volunteers pointed at the greased cocks and balls. Looking good… 

Arnold blew his whistle. His bull-sized balls took note but who would grease them? The fighters took this to be an invitation to advance on one another. Sammy looked worried for a moment as the other two volunteers were manhandled, pushed to the ground and spread-eagled. Was Sammy envious? Well, yes. Horace was impressed when his fighters pinned down the two volunteers. Another two fighters brought across grease containers. There wasn’t a lot of grease but enough to smear the chests thoroughly. Horace indicated to another two fighters to bring more grease. The last one knocked himself against one of the tall grease barrels. He was lucky for the moment. Raymond’s fighters were on the other side of the vat. They would shortly mingle and fight in close quarter. For the moment the two volunteers kept their cocks and balls grease free but Raymond’s fighters would take care of this in the fulness of time. The four volunteers kept their duties to top up the grease containers. Sammy thought they looked splendid with greased chests.

Wolfgang turned his attention to the two volunteers with the grease balls. He pulled up their shorts, slapped their chests and ordered them to refresh the balls with extra grease. He moved them onto the top plank beside the vats. They threw the balls at the teams. In both instances the team members caught the balls but some grease stuck to their chests. The team members refreshed the balls with extra grease and threw them back at the opposing side. Wolfgang was wondering how to lure fighters into the vats. It would take awhile.

Arnold had specific instructions to escort Dino onto the greasing field. The Garbage Firm CEO wanted Dino to share the gladiator killings with him. Arnold wondered whether there was more to the story. For the time being Raymond led the visiting team.

Horace, the umpire, took great delight when watching fighters from both sides greasing each other. He particularly liked it when the fighters took the extra step: the extra step was essential when greased cocks sprung to attention. He himself was an experienced hand at guiding the greased cocks from the attention position to spurting cum. It was important that the white coloured cum mix with the dark grease. There were a number of clashes today where the fighters spreadeagled full length torsos on the ground. The grease was a good fit for chests; it was thick enough to tangle hairs; the colour was macho smart for otherwise natural coloured balls. The volunteers kept up the supply of grease even though the fighters were by now spread out over a wide area. Horace wondered how soon alien paws would rub grease into his hairy chest. It had happened before and he had coped.

Wolfgang had deliberately left one grease barrel empty. He thought that this would be a joke and lighten up the terminal game. The fighters took it in their stride. The three unofficial hit men from Dino’s team got their wishes with respect to dumping players into grease barrels. All it required was to capture a fighter, drag him to the nearest grease barrels, enlisting a buddy or two to raise the fighter, pull down the shorts, and tip him upside down. In the first instance the grease barrel was empty of grease so they manhandled the fighter’s cock and balls; in the second instance the grease in the barrel was higher than the fighter’s head. Consequently the capturers had to force the head to stay below so that it asphyxiated in the grease. This required both strength and determination. They congratulated themselves. Now that they had passed the First Blood test they were heading in the direction of the vats. This was exactly what the Garbage Firm CEO hoped would be the location of a mass greasing finale.

The Garbage Firm CEO was concerned that so far the vats were unused. He summoned Sammy to pass on the word that fighters must start going there. The problem was that the fighters were engaging in a playful manner with each other and for the moment lacked the drive. The vats were a no-holes-barred destination out of which few fighters would emerge breathing. In fact the grease in use for this match was highly toxic. The medic “doc” had already attended to a number of fighters whose breathing was compromised by inhaling the smell of the grease. Not that “doc” was that concerned; he knew that many of these fighters would be vulnerable and less effective as fighters.

The distinction between the Garbage Firm team under Horace and Wolfgang dissipated in relation to the outsider team under Arnold and Raymond. Did it really matter? Dino’s team member Lev who up to this point had not greased any fighters attracted the attention of Sammy and his volunteers. Two of the volunteers filled a small bucket with grease and closed in on Lev. The chests, cocks and balls of the two volunteers were already greased. Lev was happy to apply more grease to their chests. To his surprise they expertly pulled his shorts down. He was slightly embarrassed. His cock was fully erect and welcomed the grease. One of them pulled the cock whilst the second greased the balls. Lev’s cock spurted profusely. Only at that moment did other team members attempt to rescue Lev. They dropped the shorts of the two volunteers, scooped up a handful of grease and reapplied it to the already greased cocks and balls. Yes, the two cocks were primed for pulling. Raymond interrupted and positioned himself behind the neck of a volunteer. As the refreshed greased cock spurted Raymond strangled the volunteer. To the amazement of the nearby fighters Raymond attacked and strangled the second volunteer. Both Dino and the Garbage Firm CEO watched the stranglings and were impressed. Dino could see that the Garbage Firm CEO was out to trap him; Dino decided to be patient and see what happens. Hal may have trained the team but he too was slow to engage in the game.

 Arnold was surprised about the antagonism between Dino’s designated bodyguard and Raymond. The feud came out of nowhere. In truth Raymond had decided to strangle the designated bodyguard if and when the opportunity arose. As the sun rises every morning it was certain that such an opportunity would arise. Indeed Arnold would be a protagonist in the strangling episode.

Raymond attacked the designated bodyguard who counter-attacked. For the first few minutes the strangling was a joint exercise; then Arnold stepped in; his hands around the bodyguard’s neck were too late to save Raymond. The sound of Raymond gurgling for the last time was a turn-on for both the bodyguard and Arnold. The bodyguard turned his hands onto Arnold’s neck. They fought ferociously. To Arnold’s surprise his cock stiffened; now he noticed that the bodyguard’s cock was hard. Both cocks spurted as they applied the final pressure. The bodyguard slumped forward onto Arnold before slowly falling to the ground. Wolfgang missed out on seeing Raymond strangled. The Garbage Firm CEO took the casualty in his stride; he knew that Raymond was a strangler. He expected further casualties.

Hal was annoyed when Sammy removed Raymond’s whistle from his chest and tried to take over Raymond’s job. Hal complained to Dino who took the matter up with the Garbage Firm CEO. The CEO compromised and allocated Arnold who, after all, had proved his gladiator skills. Arnold already had a whistle; Dino collected it and said he would award it as a souvenir to one of his team members at the successful end of the game. Sammy sulked and moved away from the visiting team.

The medic “doc” enjoyed watching the panorama of fighters greasing one another. His medical skills were required for three fighters who collapsed. The diagnosis was standard: they breathed in toxic fumes from the grease, suffered a severe headache before falling. He used the oxygen machine to pump air back into their lungs. They took a five minute break to recover then resumed fighting. “doc” was happy that his skills had repaired their lungs. Also, he knew that their fighting days were over. Their bodies were now vulnerable and inflexible in an attack. Nevertheless the three fighters put up a heroic effort before they were terminal casualties. So far “doc” had missed out on greasing a fighter during this gladiator game. No matter. There would be a future occasion. In fact shortly. He hoped the Garbage Firm manager had ordered enough bodybags. They were very efficient in disposing of the bodies. All he had to do was sign off the legal paperwork.

Now that Raymond was no longer available as a Captain leading Dino’s team Hal assumed full responsibility. A Captain’s duty was to kill an opposing fighter in full view of his own team. Wolfgang took this seriously as, so far, he had not scored a kill. The kill was meant to motivate the fighters as well as convincing them of their leadership skills. Both Captains faced a formidable foe. The hunting down, capturing and greasing took longer than the Captains expected. They needed brawn as the targets had both physical strength and supporters. The Captains were unable to score without support from fellow team fighters.

The Garbage Firm CEO was crafty. He seconded Dino to join in during this episode. It was a greasy opportunity for both of them to score a kill. Dino understood perfectly when he saw the Garbage Firm CEO stuff a handful of grease into a fighter’s mouth. The fighter gagged, swallowed some grease and started to choke. His face didn’t look pretty as his eyes watered. The Garbage Firm CEO was an experienced choker and finished him off. Dino reciprocated with a copy-cat choking. A few minutes later they smiled at one another; they anticipated both Captains scoring. After all that was why they were fighting. Hal’s hairless chest was free of grease until his opponent succeeded in wiping thick grease across it. By way of comparison Wolfgang’s hairy chest copped a wallop of grease; Wolfgang’s opponent opened up the front of the black shorts and ditched grease over the cock and balls. The fighter left himself vulnerable when he did this. Wolfgang moved in for the kill. The strangling required maximum strength. The opponent fought back and tried to strangle Wolfgang. It was touch and go. The opponent nearly made it but “not quite” was not good enough. The Garbage Firm CEO shouted instructions to Wolfgang. He was pleased to see his manager fighting so well. Dino was disappointed when the outstretched arms of his team fighter slackened off. Wolfgang applied more pressure. The fighter’s face was by now coloured purple. His end was near.

The volunteers who were by now partly greased enjoyed the feeling. It was their duty to speed up the greasing of the remaining fighters. Sammy got annoyed when one volunteer tripped over a body. The small grease container emptied all over the chest. Sammy ordered the volunteer to scoop up the grease back into the container and recycle it. The volunteer tested the chest out for breathing. Yes, the torso was breathing. He called for “the Doc”. Now the volunteer could see that “the Doc” was squeaky clean. That didn’t seem right when most fighters sported some grease. “The Doc” asked the volunteer to raise and support the head. He put the stethoscope against the chest. The thick grease made it difficult to get an accurate result. The breathing was very slow then it stopped. “The Doc” and the volunteer looked at one another. “The Doc” could tell from the stare that he was lined up to be a future target.

Horace, the umpire, had the authority to blow the whistle, to call the equivalent of “half time” in a match, stopping the fight and determining the extent of the greasing. The Garbage Firm CEO had suggested to Horace that, at a certain point, the fighters grease each other before stepping into the vats. Horace realised that somebody would have to grease Dino, the Garbage Firm CEO and he himself. Oh, there was no reason why “the Doc” couldn’t be greased.

Horace permitted the fight to continue whilst three sets of fighters were using three tall grease barrels.  This time there was enough grease to drown in. Horace took a special delight in watching the legs of the upside down fighters struggling. The cocks and balls were already greased; in fact the second and third cocks were conspicuously rigid. The attackers took care of that—pulling erect cocks off was only fair. The white cum blended in with the grease colour. The grease drowning still took a few minutes to complete. It was easiest to leave the legs over the edge of the barrels.

Arnold could see that the game was heading in the direction of the vats. The Garbage Firm CEO wanted the fighters to fight to the death in the enclosed space. The grease was heavy enough to check mobility. The toxic smell was overpowering. If anybody fell into the grease, well, that would probably be the end. On the other hand Arnold appreciated the look of greased chests. It was even better when the cocks and balls joined in the grease festival.

Hal was wary of the vats but there was nothing he could do to avoid the grease excesses. He wondered whether Preston and Lev would be sacrificed. Dino was unconcerned about that outcome. The three hitmen, well, what did they expect? The blind truth was that Hal was energised by all the greasing and over the moon with the killing. In particular he decided to grease Sammy but missed out. “The Doc” beat him to it. Sammy put on a good show; he greased the chest of “the Doc” with meticulous care to entangle the hairs; he tried to pull down “the Doc’s” shorts but “the Doc” struck back. A volunteer thoughtfully provided extra grease. “the Doc” scooped up a handful and thumped Sammy’s chest. He followed this up with old-fashioned punches to the gut. Sammy did not expect this assault. The shorts of both men fell to the ground. The volunteer took advantage when he saw the erect cocks; he just scooped up grease and shoved it at the cocks and balls. The volunteer was now unguarded when he used both hands. “the Doc” seized the volunteer’s cock and balls, squeezed and pulled hard. The volunteer was a bit thrown with the pain. Remember the old saying: when you have got your man by the balls…Sammy wanted to punch “the Doc” back but found he was physically unable. He slumped to the ground and tried to catch his breath. The toxic fumes poisoned his head. He lost consciousness. “the Doc” had no intention of trying to revive Sammy. But, he did revive.

Horace blew the whistle to have a pause in the game. The Garbage Firm CEO made it clear to Dino that they step right into the vats. As a mark of respect to the vat fighters they could grease their chests, possibly pull down their shorts and grease their cocks and balls. Dino was happy to expose his big cock and balls at all times. In point of fact it would be difficult for him to stop masturbating as he watched the fighters greasing one another. The Garbage Firm CEO had a similar feeling except that the grease enhanced it. Horace and Hal respectively greased their leaders as a consensual act.

The other grease free chests belonged to the following: Horace, Arnold, Hal and three fighters. Wolfgang upset the applecart. He ordered the remaining fighters to grease these chests before the game recommenced. The fighters pinned the targets so that the chests were totally exposed. It was a simple matter of bringing grease supplies to the targets. The grease was applied methodically but with an extra thick coating. Wolfgang was unsure about greasing the cocks and balls. He asked the Garbage Firm CEO for permission. There could only be one answer. The remaining fighters pulled down the shorts, stocked up with more grease and then applied the grease to the cocks and balls. Wolfgang insisted that the remaining fighters pull off the newly greased cocks. Horace was dismayed when his cock abruptly discharged; on the contrary both Arnold’s and Hal’s cocks enjoyed a prolonged pulling session. Dino interrupted proceedings: permit the other three fighters to show us their cocks, balls and grease free chests. There was a hush. It may have been a coincidence but all the balls were bull-sized. Dino had a thing about bull-sized balls. They looked good and would look even better when covered in grease. He scooped up a handful of grease, walked across to one of the three fighters and applied the grease to the bull-sized balls. The Garbage firm CEO followed suit. “the Doc” dared to grease the third set of bull-sized balls. They left the pulling of the cocks and the thorough greasing of the chests to the remaining fighters.

Preston’s chest was well and truly greased before the game pause. In point of fact he was somewhat shattered. Yes, he succeeded in killing the opponent but not before his chest, cock and balls were greased. The smell of the grease was awful; the stickiness on the skin uncomfortable. In spite of everything his cock was rock solid and poised for spurting. The experience was certainly different to those in the mafia’s swimming pool. Preston recognised that he and Wolfgang shared organisational skills in organising terminal events. The question was whether they both survived to another terminal game. He hoped so. Wolfgang had a flair for detail which escaped most administrators. The quality of the garbage firm fighters was outstanding. They were physically attractive in a rough way; to everybody’s surprise they enjoyed killing other men. The grease was an extra weapon. In some cases their hands were adequate for a full-on strangling scene.

The gladiator game ended this time in a different way. Franz, the driver, would return few passengers to the communal showers. The focus in the vats would be on uncompromising greasing. The cocks, balls and chests of both Dino and the Garbage Firm CEO were now fully greased; the cocks in particular responded positively to the application of grease.

The fully greased Garbage Firm CEO addressed all the fighters. The grease was still dripping off his erect cock and balls.
“First of all I want you all to line up as if you are in a military parade.”
The fighters duly assembled with the teams mingling.
“Good. Now drop your shorts.”
The fighters dropped their shorts.
“Now we can see whether there are cocks and balls awaiting greasing. The line up of greased cocks and balls looks good. Yes, I have spotted three sets of cocks and balls needing a fresh application. Go on. Put your hands up so that everybody can identify you. Take note. Everybody put shorts back on if you wish. Otherwise take them completely off but keep boots on.”
A few fighters removed the shorts completely. It’s a fact that they were exhibitionists: their greased cocks were rock solid and nicely positioned above a set of balls. Dino thought that the line up of chests left something to be desired. The chests needed another application of grease.

“A round of applause for Wolfgang, the Captain. He went to a lot of trouble to get the grease barrels. It’s great that you made use of them. At least four fighters swallowed the grease in the barrels. It made a change from swallowing cock. They didn’t complain nor should you about the quality of the grease. The two vats are a play zone for your darkest wishes. Applause.”

The fighters clap with their greasy hands. Wolfgang is embarrassed but pleased that his cock is bulging behind the shorts.

“Wolfgang, any special requests?” asked the Garbage Firm CEO.

“How about some serious fucking? The grease is an effective lubricant. There’s no problem in hosing out the insides of a greasy arse. So fuck the game away. Have no qualms about what you want to do. You are here to drown fighters in grease. Or do you want to strangle them? Another option is to choke them. Enjoy. Leave reservations behind.”

“ ‘The Doc’ gave his imprimatur for all of you to have a deeply satisfying experience including fucking. The gladiator killing ground will now become the vats. You may have overlooked this in your enthusiasm to grease chests, cocks and balls. There will be a winning team. You will see “the Doc” judging the gladiator game from outside the vats. He will blow the whistle three times when he assesses that the game is heading to a conclusion. He is not wearing a watch for obvious reasons. The fighters will have approximately five minutes to finish ‘unfinished business’. Do you understand what I mean by ‘unfinished business’?”

The first fighter states in a firm voice “crush their balls”. Laughter. The second fighter yells out “choke their gullets with grease”. Sounds of approval. The third fighter shouts “finish them off”.

“Wolfgang, allocate the fighters at random into the two vats.”
Wolfgang carried out the order. He was surprised that the Garbage Firm CEO stepped into one vat whereas Dino stepped into the other vat. Both had a token bodyguard but nevertheless they were exposed to danger. Wolfgang and Horace were prompted into Dino’s vat. Arnold was unsure and stood beside “the Doc”. The Garbage Firm CEO butted in and gestured Arnold to join his vat. The mixture of team members ensured that no fighters were safe.

Once the whistle blew the fighters engaged in a free-for-all, a melee in technical terms. This suited the purposes of both the Garbage Firm CEO and Dino. Horace was an early casualty; he tripped over; two fighters picked him up upside down and drowned him in the grease on the vat floor. An onlooker stood mesmerised with his hand holding out his erect cock. The two fighters moved over to the onlooker. The three of them now had erect cocks. The onlooker bent down and scooped up grease on both hands. He leant over and applied the grease to the erect cocks. He used a hand of each cock. They reciprocated. You would expect three spurting cocks to be a happy ending. No way. The two fighters, emboldened by drowning Horace in grease, gave the onlooker the same treatment. The onlooker took longer to drown. This gave unknown attackers the opportunity to stuff their mouths with grease and proceed to choke them. Wolfgang had been generous with the amount of grease mindful that he had bought four barrels for the price of three. The thickness of the grease slowed down the fighters all of whom wore boots.

Hal proved to be a life-saver for Dino. A fighter attacked Dino from behind. Hal did a copy-cat and attacked the fighter from behind. The greasy paws made it easy to apply pressure to the neck. The strangling was almost according to the textbook. Yes, there is such a textbook but it is kept in medical circles. “the Doc” might have access but he already knew the ins and outs of strangling. None the less Dino had started to lose consciousness. Hal’s cock was paying attention.

Lev was brave but his challenge could only end one way. Was there a method in his madness? It was a nice try but nobody was surprised at the outcome. Two garbage team fighters pinned Lev from behind. A third garbage team fighter applied more grease to Lev’s chest, cock and balls. Then he crushed the balls. Lev shouted out in unbearable pain. The third garbage team fighter scooped up a full handful of grease and shoved it into Lev’s mouth. It was one way of shutting him up. The process of choking takes time. Lev kept chucking up but to no avail. There was a momentary distraction when the shorts of both Lev and the third garbage team fighter fell down. The Garbage Firm CEO saw both sets of cocks and balls. In his opinion thick grease improved them. The other two garbage team fighters had a struggle holding Lev into position. Their struggle got complicated when they were in turn attacked from behind.  Secret hands had an open day on their necks. The attack was a complete surprise. That was the beauty of the vats—unknown assailants struck with impunity. Furthermore the latest attack was deadly effective but not soon enough to save Lev. Strangling as well as choking takes time. The two garbage team fighters attempted to catch breath. It was a losing battle because the toxic grease fumes had already undermined their breathing.

Wolfgang got his well-deserved fuck. He fucked the arse off Preston. In fact he enjoyed it so much that he stopped short of killing Preston. Who would imagine the beginnings of a love story in a gladiator grease game?

The volunteers who had worked so hard distributing grease throughout the game appreciated playing in the vats which were already fully greased. Or greased to a certain height. Sammy had treated them badly. They considered him a pain rather than as somebody looking after their interests. Sammy was located at the far end of Dino’s vat. Dino had no problem when he saw the volunteers hone in on Sammy. It was about time for the volunteers to thoroughly grease Sammy’s hairless chest. Somebody had waved grease at the cock and balls. For Christ’s sake grease them properly. Sammy panicked—a human thing to do but not in this dangerous situation. He tried to break away but no go. The volunteers applied more pressure; finally they had had enough. They picked Sammy up, turned him upside down and lowered him into the grease. The level was just above his mouth. They enjoyed every moment of Sammy’s struggle with the grease filled boots. Sammy was beyond saving when two attackers grasped the volunteers’ necks from behind. The strangling was classic. Dino’s cock rose once again. Hal took the latest combat in his stride. Now that Dino was separated from the Garbage Firm CEO he was more relaxed about the outcome. His particular problem was his cock. It was just too excited in the middle of this terminal gladiator game. He made small talk with Dino but they both knew that they would be engaging in sex in the showers. But, they had to survive first.

“the Doc” blew the whistle three times. Was there any “unfinished business”? Yes. Two fighters slumped over the vat edge. They were breathing heavily overcome with toxic fumes. Both the Garbage Firm CEO and Dino strode across to the fighters, positioned their arms around the necks and broke the necks. Surprisingly enough there was another threesome in progress. This time the chests, cocks and balls were greased to perfection. Onlookers noted, however, that the necks were grease free at first. The positioning was ingenious. The three fighters sat upright in the grease. The legs were a bit of a tumble. The outstretched hands locked onto an opponent’s neck on either side. Neat. The stranglers enjoyed the challenge of pressure from two different hands. They smiled contentedly as the pressure intensified. At one point they poked their tongues out as if referring to a classic hanging. “the Doc” gave them extra time to finish the job. It was difficult to apply enough pressure to strangle but not impossible. “the Doc” wondered why they continued fighting. He concluded that they probably liked strangling. Why not? The three fighters had breathing difficulties as the threesome progressed. Gasp. They could tell when one fighter weakened. They increased the pressure. The fighter fought to keep consciousness. He moved his body such that the cock and balls flopped. The cock took on a life of its own; in spite of the grease it adopted the erect position. The cock shot a load of cum before the fighter slumped over. They dumped him into the grease; the second and third fighters felt their balls tighten and the cocks poise to erect. They had to continue fighting if their cocks were to spurt spontaneously. First of all they rearranged their hands around the necks. There was no point in pretending. They wanted a kill. They didn’t expect that their cocks would follow suit. The cocks spurted whilst they intensified the pressure on the necks. The feeling was bliss. After that they drifted in and out of consciousness. Gasp. It was convenient when the bodies slumped over into the grease. The nearby fighters stroked their cocks to reassure themselves that they still had working cocks. “the Doc” blew the whistle again. The whistle had collected grease on his hairy chest. He tasted the grease whilst he blew it at the fighters.

End of gladiator game (or so they thought). Every fighter who survived was a winner. “the Doc” would be busy with the paperwork. The Garbage Firm was very professional in collecting and disposing of the bodies. Dino could see that “the Doc’s” services were valuable and could be used in future terminal events. The Garbage Firm CEO was pleased with the success of today’s gladiator grease game. There were no shirkers. The fighters had thrown themselves into the gladiator grease game. However, he was genuinely surprised about the survivors. They would be given a grease soaked pair of shorts to take home as a souvenir. And they could keep the free pair of socks. He might include them in future events. Unless…

Both the Garbage Firm CEO and Dino knew that fighters who were wound up to kill would have difficulties winding down. That was one reason why there could be further incidents in the showers. The degreasing was an essential part of the finale. Arnold survived again. He was especially proud of his greased bull-sized balls. Time for a shower. He was thunderstruck when a cock thrust up his arse. The cock showed no mercy; nor did the hands wrapped around his neck. Bugger. His arms were strong enough to attack the assailant. The two men grappled, slipped on a cake of soap on the shower floor. The cock slid out of the arse. Arnold threw some punches first to the gut and secondly to the head. The assailant dropped to his knees.  Arnold cracked the head open against the concrete floor. Then he noticed the naked fighters surrounding him in a circle. The circle jerk reminded him of frat days except that the fighters’ s cocks were now well worn. Every arm and hand extended across and held up the nearby cock. Arnold was pleased to see the line up of erect cocks watching and poised before spurting. The degreasing exposed the panoply of cocks and balls.

Franz, the driver, interrupted.
“The transport leaves in thirty minutes.”
“How come your chest is grease free?”
A fighter pulled down Franz’s shorts.
“Well now. The cock and balls are grease free. Who wants a cocksucking opportunity?”

Two naked fighters tackled Franz. A third fighter pinned Franz from behind. The two naked fighters took it in turns to suck the cock. They missed cocksucking during the game. They had to admit that cocksucking was a low key experience compared with killing another fighter. Yes, they would be putting their hands up to fight in any further gladiator grease games. The second naked fighter swallowed the cum. Franz was thrilled when his cock spurted profusely as he had missed out on the killings. At least this time around. He knew that the Garbage Firm CEO would arrange another gladiator grease game after an appropriate length of time.

Franz almost forgot. His vehicle had a supply of grease stained shorts. He was to give the surviving fighters a pair as a souvenir. Yes, they could specify the short size. It was important that their big cocks fit into the shorts. Franz imagined that these cocks would once again fire up with a new application of grease.