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Really good!!!!
Your questions here are great. They've made me look at my own writing process. I think character and their design as well as story and plot and timelines of events in stories are all equally important. I never really think about each character in such detail until it's needed in a scene. I wanted to answer these a while ago, as soon as you posted them but had trouble because I have so many characters and they all differ from each, sometimes wildly wide and sometimes by only a hair of a fraction. I'll try in general and maybe I will try to create one character but I like variety and find trouble in doing just one. 

 1.  Age:  Either give me a specific age or say if they are young, old, middle-aged, etc. (Please no minors).
I tend to like anything over legal age, though that law definition changes from country to country and state to state. I tend to make them over 18 but anywhere from that to about 29, after that I don't find, with exception, that anyone over that age is specifically, story wise, hot or desirable. 

2.  Build:  Are they tall or short (yes, you can give me an exact height).  Are they skinny, muscular, swimmer's build, bodybuilder, average, chubby, etc.  do they have body hair, how much etc.

I like tall or short and anything in between. Skinny, lean, muscular, swimmer-wrestler-gymnast-body builder builds are great. I tend to like muscled and lean or skinny and slim and usually NO body hair, love smooth, but don't mind a trail of hair at times from under navel to down lower but I also don't mind a few characters with more hair but nothing overtly "bear" hairy, though again, there are exceptions, based on how hot the face and body actually are. VERY hairy is just not my thing. Average is okay, too, and sometimes guys with A SMALL amount of fat are hot, too but if a guy is too fat, I find it gross, unmanly, lazy, and unhealthy. It's not attractive to see a hanging gut over belt or no lines on the abs or no abs showing at all buried under a mountain of gross bloated stomach fat. In short, the fatter a character is overweight, the less interested I am. Just part of how I'm wired. Fat=total turn off. Some fat-sometimes a nice variety but my choice will always be skinny, lean, muscled, cut, ripped, defined, body builder or well taken care of rather than someone who doesn't take care of themselves and does not care if they die early and eat what they want despite how it effects them. 

3.  Hair color: Also include if the hair is long, short, straight, curly, wavy, if you have a specific style you like, let me know.
Again, love variety, short, long, straight, curly, a mix of all of that, even bald, though I don't think I'd ever make my main character bald. That said, I also think if my character has a long series of adventures (most of them do, the main ones, the minor ones and enemies often die with a sword, spear, knife, sometimes arrows and tridents through their navels and out their backs usually). 

4.  Eye color:  Also let me know any details about eyelashes, eyebrows, or other similar details.
Same as above. Love variety so I used all kind of eye color. Never really thought much about eyelashes but I will now so this post has changed my writing for the better. I also never think about eyebrows until they have to make an expression like lift one or both in a reaction to someone or something. I tend to love blue and green eyes, but brown is great too and if a character is a demon boy, let's say, I used red eyes or yellow if they're a magic boy.

5.  Ethnicity and/or nationality:  Is your character black, white, asian, native american, pacific islander, or heck, some fantasy group would even be cool.
ALL and I do mean all ethnic groups and nationalities. Again, variety makes me not lose interest and I've had characters who were from Easter Island, South Pacific, China, Japan, the Philippines, Ireland, Greece, USA, UK, Scotland, the Mid East (though I admit that I usually make them villains who die without sexuality in it and don't use them as much due to personal reasons), and all over, though I haven't used Eskimos much.  

6.  Clothing preference:  (Yes, this is a gladiator story taking place in Roman times, so keep the clothing to the period.  Spartacus never wore Adidas.) Does your character wear just a loin cloth, maybe some cloth shorts?, a kilt?.  Is he barechested, maybe a few straps, or a simple or fancy breastplate?  Is he barefooted or does he wear sandals or some type of fur boot?  Also tell me any other details about their preferred wardrobe.  (body markings, jewelry, etc.)

I tend to like naked battles but honestly, I like or tend to like SOMETHING on them but don't mind it being ripped, ripped off the hot vibrant body, or torn in some way and eventually the cock comes out in time or right away or inches upward and can't be contained. I usually like bare chested and bare abs but sometimes I don't mind open vests with no shirt undernreath, short crop, short cut, half shirts, or shirts that have a gap between shirt and pants or bottom wear (denim shorts, unbuttoned; loin cloths, thongs, speedos are best for lower wear. if in real world, which I don't use a lot) sometimes sweats or denim pants are good, the body and belly button leaning against them. Leather straps and the usual SandM gear is sometimes great. Short sleeves or no sleeves on upper wear but usually love the navel showing of half showing (tha'ts hawt!) either side of shirt or pants or shorts. I used to make and draw my own clothes for some of my fan fic for Tomorrow People and adapt those for TRIO and other stories but normally it's shirts off from the start. I write what I want to read and what I want to see. 

Feel free to post a pic, if necessary.
1.  Does he want to be a gladiator? was he forced? volunteered?
Hmmmm. This made me think a lot, too. Some of my characters in arenas are forced, in fact, most are. A small few like it so much they stay of their own free will and get paid or their family gets paid if they die last in a fight. A small few volunteer. Some are forced and then get their freedom and leave but some are forced and get freedom but decide to stay as fighter or an overseer, usually they are smug or evil and cocky (in both meaning of the word) and eventually get their CUM up ance. 

2.  What does he think of the crowds? loves them? hates them? ambivalent?

Some get fueled by it and go things---normally stabbing in navels----to please himself mostly but also the audience. The audience reactions drive this. Most of the time my audiences are ONLY MALE but in early writings there were females---and it never felt right to me. I loathe having females in my fetish stories in any way, though it does happen from time to time. Other fan fic in other uni or multi verses I write for I have no problem with females say in the Irwin Allen universe or Space: 1999 or others but for my X rated stories in the Doctor Who, TRIO (my own creation) and others. Variety is more my tastes so the crowd....I never thought of them much to be honest...they're just turned on by the navel stabbing and encourage it and like whoever gives it but also who get it. They want to see a slow lingering belly stab death no matter who it is. They're fickle. Often individuals in the audience, say Yule in TRIO love the bad evil leader but somehow fall in like or love with TRIO when the audience just wants to see one or all three die and Yule/Yunt does not. He wants them to win. Nolo hates TRIO and wants to see them and their allies die in navel death. I have to admit ambivalent is cool and nothing I've used really, though some admit they don't care and usually they get a stray arrow or other weapon in their navel holes. I've not really thought about audiences much until this post but as a natural parts of my stories. My fetish used to really get driven when I was younger but the thought of being watched in a fight by audiences who call for me to kill the enemy OR/and MY DEATH at the hands of another. I like that they evaluate my performance: if good, they want me to have a warrior death and if bad, they want me to suffer ignobly and if I win, they cheer me on to slay the other guy. In a few rare fantasies, they want me to spare the guy under my spear or sword and I smirk and never listen slaying the guy in his abs, navel of course, and then they turn on me and want me to die. BUT audience reaction, especially wanting me to get punctured at navel is hot!
3.  What does he think of the other gladiators?  friendly and outgoing?  reluctant?  wants to kill them all? etc.

Variety again: he thinks of ones who fight well, even opponents are great and sometimes some of them think ---with their own fetish mind---they want to lose on purpose just to feel that point in their own navel hole. Most are NOT reluctant to kill and do so without compunction. I like one or two to be the pacifist who has to kill or say they will refuse but then at last minute slay that poor bastard who takes advantage of that and rushes them with trident or spear and then not expecting to get his button struck in but he does. There's one great gladiator movie, maybe TWO GLADIATORS (?), where a gladiator refuses to fight and the other is egged on and ordered to kill him. The other entices by hitting trident or spear into the other's shoulder and finally rushes him, only to get the "pacfist"'s sword in his navel and he falls and rolls to a slow death. Hot. I find that killer a hypocrite. He won't fight until he's threatened up close. My evil character or my blood lust characters (and they can be both "hero" or "villain" that do this) do this because they're not sure they really want to die for their beliefs or just use this as an evil trick to get the guy close enough and caught off guard so they can prick them in their belly buddons. I like friendly and outgoing but the opposite is sometimes great, too. I like a silent killer who just stares and only smiles when he stabs in a navel or gets a confident warrior off his confidence or one who never smiles or only talks a small amount. One who never talks is a bit boring but novel.

4.  What does he think of dying?  fearful?  spits in death's face?  Doesn't want to die, but doesn't care either?  death is better than being a slave?  Willing to face it head-on?  Just wants to die?
Most of my guys think they will not first. I like that when they see the other warrior better than they, they get slightly fearful and maybe try things to win that is considering unmanly or cheating, like in one TRIO throwing sand in one's eyes or cumming into one's eyes or using a powder from a headband or bandana to temporarily  blind the other. Most of them don't want to die but wonder what it would be like TO DIE a slow linger navel death and most of them want it and want to experience it and often do (and a few are brought back to life due to magic or a curse to keep dying over and over). Almost none want to be a slave unless (and a very small few) fall in love with their master and don't mind staying with him (Yule for Nolo) but aren't about escaping a dangerous situation and leaving. I LOVE mass gladiator escapes that either go wrong or have a lot of fights involved. 

Most are willing to face death head on but again variety is great and I love a guy about to die who knows it and pleads and begs for his life only to get a no mercy response from the hero/villain/whoever who either fakes he is going to spare the guy and then slays him slowly, calling him names or just right out stabs him with cold eyes and no response or a laugh and a snarky comment or calling him coward.
5.  What is his demeanor in the arena?  trying to have fun? down to business?  reluctant?  makes the first move? lets opponent make the first move?  plays to the audience?  Trash talks? etc.

Different demeanors. Some have fun slaying and even the thought of being stabbed in the ring makes it fun for them. A very few are reluctant as that's boring to be honest but it might happen in some of my writing but I'd have to search to find that. Most of them are not. Most of them make the first move. A small few do not smile as they down to business. I like guys who let the enemy make the first move and also those that play to an audience though I haven't really stressed this AT ALL in my writing. Again, your questions now make me confront this about my arena stuff. I guess mostly they do not play to the audience. One scene from a documentary had a spear guy win or thinks he wins and he looks at the cheering audience only to get a spear or trident thrown (mostly I HATE the thrown weapon scenario, I prefer up close hilt in hand spearing, knifing, swording) into his bare stomach, swishing his navel and then the audience, fickly cheers his death, turning on him! HOT. I have to think more about audience responses. One of my chapters in TRIO has the audience so turned on they start jerking on themselves and others and even slaying themselves and others turned on in bloodlust. I like the making the first moves but I think my main good guys always do that so it might be thrilling not to make the first move there. On the other hand, when a villain tries to surprise hit my 'good guys" they THEN make their moves. 

Trash talk is fun and I like and use it A LOT, maybe too much. But on the other hand, I like changes and I used trash talk but I also use the old Robin like approach: puns, jokes, snide comments, even racial slurs (nothing in writing had to follow morality or law or good manners) as they circle each other or even as they clang swords and dicks together. I also like guys who DO NOT do that and just have the confidence they will win and often their confidence is backed up as they DO win but I also like those  type of guys GETTING it in their navels, showing they were either too confident, overconfident, OR that the other guy was just better and hid it well. 

THEN there are the guys who are totally into their hot opponent and are deep down confused as to what to do. They may even fall in love at first sight. This is a weapon of distraction for the good looking, sexy, well built gladiator who uses it to throw their enemy off base but for many reasons, it often backfires on those type of guys. If a guy has a fetish to be stabbed by or stab into a good lover, this will fuel their motivation to do so...and if it is to slay while kissing, it can work against the good looking guys. If a guy has a HOT belly button that's different so much that it distracts, this is sort of the same thing.

Many of my gladiators kiss, jerk, have sex, fuck, blow job the other as they slay or as they die or both in the fights. Literally they fall in love with each other or one for the other or one fakes they do (not common in my stories but hot, too) or realize they enjoy the slaying so much, they give the dying one last thrill by doing these things. Or it just happens as part of an almost involuntary reaction on one or both's parts. in one TRIO Aoi and Sole or Pare and Sole have sex on top of and around dying wounded warriors. At times, they jerk the dying guys and each other while this. Also they jab the knives in the dying around them as they cop it off on each other and more.

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