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the swords going through one and the one in back of him is great, the sword stuff is great!
Hot Abs.
You fall ass down on top of your buddies like that, don't be shocked what may end up in your ass as you die. Arrowshaft or leaking dead cock.

I'd love to see you mix in more unmodified/non-extreme faces in your pics! The teeth can be a little off; I think some of the men can be good with angry scowls or gentle, asleep expressions for more variety.
Thanks for input...
As you might guess from my screen name, POW executions are a big turn-on for me. The fourth pic of the captives being run through with a sword is hot, partly because it's a less than glorious death for warrior studs. Awaiting their turn to take a blade through the gut, the captives wish they’d died on the battlefield. (I love the irony that the doomed men wear helmets, and their executioners do not. Fat lot of good their battle gear has done for them.)
"Ready your breakfast and eat hearty, for tonight we dine in hell!" -- Leonidas at Thermopylae

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