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Forest Stabbing
Been practicing posing since the last time I posted. Was able to create a simple scene to share. Pictures were too big of a file size for the forums so gonna try sharing it via google drive. Hope it works.
Good sequence. Thanks for sharing.
great color and design but why are they animals?
(03-12-2021, 06:41 PM)Stabano Wrote: great color and design but why are they animals?

Its because I play Final Fantasy 14 Online, and that's what I use to visualize things like this. I also use a program to change things client side so I can do custom poses and screenshots like this. One of the races in game is Miqo'te, which are pretty much humans but with cat ears instead of normal ears and a cat tail. I'm just so use to seeing them in game that I didn't even thing about it when I used them for the scene.
Yes very nice work !!!!

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