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You and the sniper
We were bitter enemies in a heated battle. I am an infamous sniper, you are the last survivor of your unit who hasn't fallen to my aim. Your commanders have continually spoken about how dishonorable your unit has been for having all fallen to one man. Your anger towards me is unquenchable.

You embark on a personal mission, vowing to your commanders that you will kill me and return my head to them. It is a hot and humid evening when you finally find the secret entrance to my outpost. You take off your shirt and wipe the sweat away from your sleek, muscular body and sneak inside. Armed only with your bayonet, you sneak through the building and spy me standing, looking out the window for my next victim, my bare torso glistening with sweat and reflecting the moonlight.

As you step slowly towards me, there is the crunch of a piece of glass under your boot. I turn to see you and quickly take aim and fire.... For the first time (and the last time) ever, I miss and the shot whizzes past your head. You let out a war-cry and run at me with full force, not wanting to give me any time reload, as you know I would never miss twice. You aim your bayonet straight for my glistening abs and drive the blade deep into my upper gut, causing me to lurch forward and holler out in pain and shock.


After the initial shock, our eyes connect and I stare at you, wide-eyed in disbelief. I had known this day would soon come. But I had not been expecting it so soon. I arch backwards as you rip your blade out of my gut. My shocked glance leaves your eyes as I look down to assess the damage. I feel the deep burning in my gut. I cup both hands over the wound and bend slightly forward, flexing my abs to apply pressure to ease the searing pain.

You drop your bayonet to the floor at our feet and pull out your bowie knife.

"This is for my friends," you say.  Placing one hand on my shoulder, you drive the full six inch blade into my navel. I am pushed back against the wall and unto my toes as the crisp blade pierces into my guts. I step forward as you pull it out and desperately reach out to hold your knife hand away. You shove me back against the wall. My arms fall to the sides, to keep myself up, exposing my bare torso to your next strike. “Is that all you got.”

My cockiness infuriates you and you press your sweaty body, chest-to-chest, against mine, pinning me between you and the wall.

You drive the blade in-and-out of my navel several times in a fury of rage, until you tire, short of breath.

You lean your tired, hot sweaty body against mine and strive to regain your breath. You can feel my breathing becoming heavy and course. You look again into my eyes seeking some sign of remorse or surrender, but only find a defiant stare. I place both hands on your chest and try to push you away, but your stabs have already weakened me.

"This is the end of you." You say, staring into my eyes, catching a glimpse of loss and confusion in them.

You then place one hand on my bare chest and drive your blade just below my navel. I arch my gut backwards and my chest presses hard against yours, our sweat sliding down our bodies, flowing down my bloody abs. My eyes have widened as semen stains the front of my pants. UUUHHHHH!! 

You mercilessly rip the blade out of my bowels as I let out a grunted moan.

As you back away from me, my arms wearily wrap around you as I slide down your body to the floor, bringing me to my knees before you. "That's right," you say. "Kneel before me, bitch. Look into the eyes of the man who you weren't able to kill."

You revel in your mind of the glory you have brought yourself and your unit by laying waste to the flesh of your enemy. The adrenaline builds within you, as you realize that you are the one who has done what so many others were unable to. The dreaded sniper who killed off your whole platoon now kneels before you with bloody flowing from his bowels.

You look down again into my eyes, hoping to see some sign of remorse, sorrow, or even pain, but what you do see surprises you.

In my eyes, all you can see is a final flare up of rage. You stare into them curiously for a mere couple of seconds before you realize that the bayonet you had dropped on the floor at our feet was now in my hand.

Before you can react, I ram the full blade upwards into your navel with a thrust so hard, that the full, cold blade pierces you through and instantly brings you onto your toes with a loud gasp of pain and surprise. You drop your knife as you arms hangs out to your sides. You can feel the end point sticking out of your back. Your breath becomes ragged from the shock. I give the blade a slight twist, which sends a second shutter through your body. You feel your manly juices explode into your pants.

I place one hand on your pulsating upper abs, and pull the blade out with a single jerk. You fall down to your knees on the ground with me, with your torso arched backwards, exposing your abs to another blow from the blade.

This time, you see it coming and flex your abs and let out a grunted cry from between your teeth. You, do not want me to have the pleasure of seeing you writhe, but the pain was so unbearable. You stare into my eyes in unbelief, knowing that you had lost all the honor of killing me and had become another one of my victims.

You place your hands on the blade, trying to pull it out, but I have a firm grip and am intent with keeping the blade in you . You place your hands on my breasts and try to push me backwards.

I twist the blade again, causing a final shock of pain ripping through your guts. We again, stare into each others eyes, knowing full well what the other is feeling and thinking.

I begin feeling light-headed and fall backwards pulling the blade from your guts. You look down and watch the blood pouring out of the wound. You know you have only moments left and fall forward with your head against my body.

In your last effort, you have to know for sure that I am dead. So you slowly crawl forward, your sweaty and bloody body sliding against mine until you can see into my eyes. Struggling to find something to hold onto, I reach my arms around you broad shoulders in a tight embrace, I can feel you gasping breath against my face. My torso begins to shake and tremble as the last bit of air finally leaves my lungs and my stare blankens.

You lay your head against me as the world around you darkens and you go limp.

Our muscular bodies lie there, embracing each other, in complete and eternal surrender.

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