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Cronica de un atraco - How do i buy or find better quality version of this movie
In the second vid it is at 1:21:50. Unfortunately, the post is very low resolution, plus the action is more of a suggestion than a actual view. It probably takes 10 frames of the original film and in that split second your mind has to invent what the eye can barely see. Unless you could obtain the original film, you are never likely to see anything more clearly of this one on YouTube, which automatically drops the resolution, over time, to very low values to save on computer space. It may have been posted in a higher resolution initially, and you might contact the poster of the vid to see if they have access to a better resolution copy.

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RE: Cronica de un atraco - How do i buy or find better quality version of this movie - by gyno9001 - 04-30-2022, 07:05 PM

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