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Brutal Ambush
One of my favorite stories, I've shot so much semen in my life reading and re-reading this one it's amazing I have any left.

Not really a gunfight story, more death by wrestling.  Maybe if we add a wrestling category we can move this.


The German Elite Special Unit squad was behind the Russian lines. They had infiltrated it the night before and were about to approach the enemy, which they knew was the Russian’s equivalent to them in skill and fighting ability. The German squad known as ESES (Elite Special Execution Squad) was made up of the following men. Eric, 6’1” and 2l5 lbs, crew cut blond hair, blue eyes, solid upper torso with broad shoulders, rock hard abdominals, thick muscular thighs, and large meaty hands. He was expert with the knife and stealth attack. He hated any white race other than Aryan and all blacks. He had a 6”x1” cock when limp but 8”x1-1/2 when engorged. Karl, 5’10” and 225 lbs, crew cut top but shaven side brown hair and brown eyes. He had a chunky muscular upper torso with large rock hard pectorals and massive shoulders, a bull neck, three trunk legs and thighs, and hands of steel. He was good with the knife but preferred to strangle his opponent with arms or hands. He had a 5-l/2”xl-l/4” cock when limp but grew to 7”x1-3/4” when fully roused.

Hans, the third in the group, was 6’3” and 250lbs. He had straight blond hair military cut, blue eyes, solid body from head to toe, muscles of steel, long muscular legs and thighs, rock hard hands. As with the others in the squad he was good with the knife but his specialty was garroting with a steel wire. He had a 6”x1” cock that grew to 8”x1-1/2 when rock hard. Rolf, who was the leader, was 6’2”x 225lbs, black crew cut hair, black eyes, muscles like steel springs, large muscles but particularly in the biceps, and a body that didn’t have an inch of fat on it. He was deadly in all forms of fighting but his favorite killer holds were chokes, sleepers, and suffocation but oral stuffing with his mammoth cock which was 7”x1-1/2” that swelled to 9”x2” when fully engorged.

The other two in the group were Emil and Conrad. They were the youngest of the group but were just as deadly, if not quite as strong, as the other four. Emil was only l8 yrs old but had a body that was muscular without being outstanding. He was a blond crew cut, 5’11”xl95 lbs, blue eyes, a hard body, strong legs, and great stamina. He had a 6”x1” cock that looked small when not engorged but swelled to 8”x1-1/2” when roused. As with the others he was well trained but liked to kill his opponents with his bare hands. Conrad was the sixth member of the group and differed from the rest in that he was smaller and quicker, had a leaner body, and was 35 yrs old. He had a blond crew cut, was 5’10”xl80 lbs, very supple body, but deadly with his arm and leg holds. His cock was 6-1/2”x3/4” and swelled to 7-1/2”x1” when stiff. His favorite killing hold was the backbreaker after subduing his opponent.

As the group waited to ambush their Russian enemy encampment the day became very hot. With this kind of heat there was no question of them wearing any more clothing than was necessary so they all stripped to the waist leaving only their combat fatigue pants on over jock straps. They also left on their socks and combat boots. Even after doing this they were quickly overcome with sweat that made their bodies look as if they had been oiled up. They had sent Conrad to scout the Russian encampment and when he arrived back they knew what the Russians were up to. Conrad reported that there were 8 of them in the group. Four of them were around the perimeter while 4 of them were engaged in wrestling matches. This news fit in beautifully with Rolf’s plan for two reasons. First, they could dispose of the 4 on the perimeters and then attack the 4 wrestlers. Knowing his men Rolf knew that they all had a lust for man to man combat and were at their best when they could test their fighting skills, muscles, and killing techniques man to man.

Meanwhile at the Russian encampment Yuri was sitting next to a tree about 30 feet from the wrestling action going on between four of the group. Ivan was locked in combat with Boris and Petra had Viktor pinned to the ground. Yuri was 6’3” 250 lbs, black hair and eyes, broad shouldered and muscular in his upper torso, slim waist and average size thighs and legs. He was stripped naked except for his fatigue shorts and boots. His shorts were very tight and displayed a bulge where his 7”x1-1/2” cock pressed up against the material. He was lethal with martial art training and had the reputation of maiming his training partners and killing his opponents. Opposite him, 30 feet away and hidden from his view Serge was also lounging watching the fights. Serge was 26 yrs old, black haired and eyes, 6’ x 225 lbs, a body rippled with muscles, great looking pectorals and biceps, strong legs and thighs, and big feet. He too was stripped down to fatigue shorts and jock strap. His crotch bulged even more than Yuri’s because he had a monster cock that always bulged. Serge was expert at night fighting and stealing up on his enemy.

Two other Russians were there in the encampment other than Yuri and Serge and the four wrestlers. They were taking a nap closer to the wrestlers but were out of sight of Yuri and Serge. Both had stripped down to only jock strap and combat boots and were lying on their sleeping bags. The first of these, Nicolas, lay on his back with his arm shading his eyes. He was brown haired and eyes, strong shoulders, beautifully rounded pectorals, strong arm with good looking biceps, a hard flat abdominals, broad hips flaring down to good size thighs and legs. His cock was huge and the pubic hairs so plentiful that they sprouted out around the fully packed jock. Nicolas was the main scout of the group and a lethal fighter. The other member of the group  was Paulus and he too was stripped to just a jock and boots. He lay on his sleeping bag also but was face down with his hard rounded ass fully exposed except for the strap going between his ass cheeks and around his waist. Paulus was 6’2” 235 lbs, was totally bald with dark brown eyes. He was massively built with hard muscles all over his body. His 9”x1-1/2” cock underneath him was known to split a man’s asshole from its enormous size. He was the “strongman” of the group.

That left the four wrestlers who were locked in hard wrestling. They were all very much alike in build, muscles, hair color, and fighting ability. They were wrestling in a space that had been ground down to dry dirt by the constant wrestling action. The first pair, Boris and Viktor, were locked together in a test of strength to see which could break the hold of the other, as each had a head scissor on the other. In thesecond pair Petra had Ivan pressed into the dirt and was fully on his back with a brutal full nelson holding Ivan down

As for all four wrestlers their mammoth cocks and balls were very evident as the wrestling had roused their lust for man to man combat. Although most wrestling between soldiers was on a friendly basis this was not true of these four. The wrestling that they did was all-out with lethal type holds, muscle straining intensity, and brutal dominance for the winner. All 8 of the Russians wrestled to keep in shape. In addition, they added the ingredient of sexual release as the winner fucked the loser. This was the norm for groups like this because they remained away from female contact which was supposed to drain them and make them effeminate. Thus it was that eight Russians, unaware of the presence of six Germans, was about to be ambushed.

When Rolf’s squad crept close enough to see and hear the Russians Rolf used hand signals to instruct Hans to dispose of the Russian closest to them, which happened to be Yuri, and then hand signaled Conrad to dispose of the Russian on the opposite perimeter, which was Serge. Hans immediately moved silently toward the unsuspecting Yuri while Conrad headed around to get at Serge. Their movements were drowned out by the loud groans and wild thrashing noise of the wrestlers. Hans carried his favorite killing tool, his steel wire, in his hands as he inched his way closer to Yuri. When he was about three feet from Yuri his prey suddenly sensed danger, but it was too late as at that moment Hans sprang upon him looping the wire around his neck from behind. Yuri’s reflexes were good, however, and he managed to get two fingers under the wire before it was fully tightened. Yuri’s reflexes were also good enough for him to flip Hans over his shoulder toward the ground. But it was too late as the tight wire pulled Yuri over too so that they landed on the ground together. Biceps of both men bulged instantly as Hans pulled on the wire and Yuri fought with his fingers to keep the wire from strangling him. As they thrashed in the deadly contest Yuri’s fatigue shorts, which were unbuttoned against the suffocating heat, slipped halfway down his thighs exposing his naked cock and balls. Hans then added a brutal abdominal scissor to the garrote which locked Yuri even tighter into the lethal embrace. Yuri tried to scream for help or at least to warn the others in his squad but the steel wire cut that short. Slowly Hans’ garrote began its deadly work as a line of blood started to seep from the wire that ringed Yuri’s neck as it kept digging deeper and deeper into Yuri’s flesh. Yuri’s face started to get red as oxygen stopped getting to his brain. As Yuri slowly slipped into his death throes his cock grew to its full size and throbbed wildly out of his shorts. Then with a brutal final twist Hans strangled Yuri to death just at the moment when Yuri’s death spasms triggered his cock to shoot a 12 inch shower of cum over his now garroted corpse.

Meanwhile Conrad was circling around to the other side of the encampment to reach his target. At that time Serge was busy unzipping his shorts so that he could urinate. His shorts were open in the front and he had pulled out his cock just as the moment that Conrad sneaked up behind him and wrapped a bicep bulging arm around his throat from the rear. Serge was a veteran fighter and the instant that Conrad’s arm went around his neck he slammed a hard elbow back into the stomach of his unseen assailant. This caught Conrad off guard and lessened the hold just enough for Serge to twist around to face his attacker. Serge then wrapped his bulging arms around Conrad’s lean front bear hug. But Conrad struck back with a knee smash to Serge’s stiffening cock and balls. Although this did not break Serge’s bear hug it allowed Conrad to ram the palms of hands into Serge’s chin and force it back. Then the two fell to the ground locked together. Arms and legs entwined as they struggled to gain the advantage. Fighting, but especially wrestling always got both of them rock hard as they both lusted after physical body contact. As they continued the struggle Conrad’s jock got twisted around so that his cock sprang out along with his large amount of pubic hair. Serge’s cock was also fully exposed and a sexual dominance element entered the fight. Both fighters strained to the max and muscles bulged as they rolled back and forth on the ground. Finally Conrad wound up with Serge locked in a Japanese strangle hold. With one arm executing a half nelson the other wrapped around the throat so that when the nelson was pushed it pushed it into the neck strangle like a closing vise. Serge reached back and tried to secure some part of Conrad’s head to escape but he slowly weakened until his arms fell uselessly at his side. Then Conrad continued strangling him until Serge’s cock, like that of Yuri, ejaculated his death throes explosion. Conrad dropped the corpse on the ground and headed for his next victim.

His next prey, as it turned out, was Nicolas who Conrad had seen resting on his sleeping bag with his arm shading his eyes. As the sleeping bag slowly came into view Conrad noticed that Nicolas had moved, but before he had an notion of where Nicolas might be a muscular arm wound around his throat from behind and a hand that wielded a knife appeared before his eyes. As that knife came down at him Conrad grabbed it and the struggle was on. Conrad had to contend with the arm strangling his neck and preventing the knife from plunging into his naked chest. As Nicolas pressed his naked body into Conrad in the struggle Conrad felt Nicolas’ great cock and balls mash into his ass, his shorts having been ripped off in his fight with Yuri. With biceps bulging and thighs straining the two of them grappled and fell to the ground with Conrad still stopping the knife from plunging into him. At the same time he grabbed the hand that Nicolas had around his neck and bent the fingers back until they snapped at which time Nicolas dropped the strangle hold. Conrad then twisted Nicolas’ down and over his knee in a back breaker. As he bent Nicolas over his knee Nicolas’ cock stood straight up in the air and this engorged Conrad’s own cock to throbbing with the lust of the fight. The two were not locked in a lethal hold and Conrad released the hand he was using to keep Nicolas’ hand held knife so that he could snap Nicolas’ back. Both cocks were ready to explode as the deadly fight continued but it was Nicolas that erupted first as he felt death coming to him. The lust of man to man contact and killing triggered Conrad also but as he started to shoot his thick cum on his beaten foe Nicolas in his death throes had just enough strength left to bring his arm up and plunge the knife into Conrad’s back driving it into Conrad’s heart. Then both dying fighters collapsed together locked in death with each others cum.

While Conrad and Nicolas were locked in their deadly combat Hans had moved around to find the other non-wrestling Russian, who turned out to be Paulus. Unlike Nicolas who had sensed danger before his attacker arrived, Paulus was still face down on his sleeping bag with his rounded hard pack ass fully exposed. The reason for Paulus being so tired was that he had earlier wrestled Viktor and had been beaten thus suffering the penalty for that by being fucked. Now his round, muscular ass, still cum smeared, was the target of Hans as he crept closer. If Paulus had not been so worn out he would have heard Hans’ approach but he still slumbered on. Hans was within three feet of Paulus when he stopped and took a good look at the man he had come to kill. What he saw got his massive cock fully engorged again after the killing of Yuri had emptied his balls. So, as he launched his attack his cock was out in front of him like a gigantic spear.

Hans threw himself on Paulus’ back with his mammoth cock aimed directly at Paulus’ asshole that was still in a relaxed state from the recent fucking he had received from Viktor. Hans landed perfectly and with a few brutal thrusts had driven his cock all the way to the balls in Paulus’ ass. This rude awakening at first seemed to Paulus that Viktor had come back to fuck him again, but suddenly a muscular arm wrapped around his neck and he realized that this was not the case. Hans, in his roused state of sexual lust, had quickly decided that he would kill his prey while his cock was fully embedded thus adding to his lust for killing. He would then have the double excitement of filling his victim with his cum at the same moment that he strangled him to death.

But Paulus was young and lean and his body could make violent contortions, twisting at unbelievable angles, and slipping out of seemingly inescapable holds. Though he was still impaled on Hans’ cock he was able to wriggle out of Hans’ strangle hold and roll over.. Then with a vicious side punch he drove his fist into Hans’ kidney area and then lifted himself off of Hans’ cock. He then quickly flipped Hans over and rammed his own mammoth cock into Hans’ asshole and at the same time locked Hans in a full nelson. But the minute that he did this Hans reared up and threw him over his head, ripping Paulus’ cock out of his asshole in doing so. The struggle then continued as two rolled together on the ground, each seeking a killing hold. At one point Paulus had Hans in a brutal neck scissor which Paulus finally broke, and at another time Hans had Paulus in a double crab hold that nearly snapped Paulus’ spine. But the fight came down to a face to face body bear hug type hold just after Hans had retrieved his steel wire and Paulus his knife.  As they clinched their engorged cock had a wrestling match of their own and they had a mutual explosion as Hans wound the wire around Paulus’ neck and snapped it tight bringing instant blood where it bit into the neck flesh. But at the same moment Paulus rammed his knife into Hans’ belly from the side. Though mortally wounded Hans continued to tighten the wire until the wire disappeared into the flesh and strangled Paulus. Hans then let Paulus’ body drop and he wrenched out the knife from his side. He staggered a few feet away from his victim but the knife had penetrated a vital organ and in moments he too fell dead. Now the attack was down to four Germans and four Russians.

While their comrades in arms were involved in deadly fights the two pair of Russians had been wrestling. For them wrestling was an outlet and a way of keeping fighting skills, but it was also a lust for man to man physical and sexual dominance. Their matches always ended with the winner taking his prize either orally or anally. During the lethal struggles that their comrades were involved in the four wrestlers were busy fulfilling their lusts. Ivan had Boris in a brutal grapevine hold and was spreading his legs so far apart that Boris was about to submit. Both Ivan and Boris were stripped naked by the ferocious wrestling action and their cocks were at full mast. Just six feet away from them Petra was mounted on Viktor’s back and plunging his mammoth cock in and out of Viktor’s ass after a long grueling match that ended when Petra got Viktor in a combination body stretch and dragon head lock. As Petra pounded away at Viktor’s ass Ivan mounted Boris’ chest and rammed his cock into Boris’ mouth forcing him to lick and suck it. Then, as if on a mutual signal, Petra exploded and filled Viktor’s ass with cum and Ivan unloaded his juice into Boris’ throat. It was at this point that Rolf’s squad made their presence known.

Immediately the Russians sprang up and took defensive positions. For a brief moment the two sides looked at each other without moving. Each side sized up the other then moved slowly into individual attack mode. Emil aligned himself with Ivan, Karl and Boris faced each other, Erik shifted to face Petra, and Rolf confronted Viktor. Still they did not make any attempt to attack, but rather measured up their opposition. As they stared at each other they knew that this was not just an ordinary fight, not just a wrestling match like that which the Russians had been doing, but a lethal death struggle. The Germans wore only shorts, having removed their combat boots to sneak up on their enemy, while the Russians wore only their army issue jock strap that was twisted around from the wrestling action and had cock, balls, and pubic hair spilling out of them also from the fucking they had just been interrupted from completing. The sight of the Russian’s so exposed cock, balls, and muscles triggered the lust for man to man fights so much that the Germans were sexually roused. If this was to be a death match for each then it was going to be cock to cock, balls to balls, and muscle to muscle. At a signal from Rolf the Germans stripped to their own jocks as the Russians waited with just as much lust for the deadly encounter. Just before anyone made a move there were eight fully engorged cocks and straining balls.

Then like gladiators hailing the emperor to those about to die they attacked each other. Emil and Ivan met each other with slashing knives. Each made a swipe and both drew blood. They then circled each other looking for another vital spot to sink their knife into. Ivan made a cut that left a gash in Emil’s arm but Emil struck back and opened a cut on Ivan’s thigh. After a few more near miss slashes they closed hand to hand, each grabbing the other’s knife hand. For the next two minutes they strained against each other with thighs and biceps bulging. First one, then the other, seemed to gain the advantage only to be beaten back. There was no talking, only groans of strenuous effort.

As the deadly struggle went on with Emil and Ivan, Karl closed with Boris. Just before they clinched in a tight embrace both threw their knives down in preparation for a primeval hand to hand fight. They met in a mutual front bear hug that immediately became a test of muscle strength. The two pair of wrapped arms grew in size as each tried
to squeeze his opponent into submission so that ribs would be crushed or a spine snapped. But they were equal to each other and finally realized it so Boris tripped Karl up and threw him to the ground and instantly straddled Karl’s back and secured him in a brutal double crab hold that bent Karl’s back very near the breaking point.

Meanwhile Erik and Petra went after each other. Petra sent a karate kick at Erik that just missed the mark and in return took a sharp kick to his knee. This buckled him up for a moment and left him vulnerable to a karate kick from Erik that knocked him off his feet. Erik jumped into the air and came down full force on Petra’s stomach knocking the wind out of him. Erik then sent a vicious kick to Petra’s head but Petra grabbed the ankle and flipped Erik over with it. As Erik rose Petra sent a punch to Erik’s head that rocked him back and followed that with a karate kick to the midsection that doubled Erik up. As Erik bent over with agony Petra came down with a double fist smash to the back of Erik’s head sending him face down to the ground.

On the far right of the area Rolf and Viktor were engaged in a series of high flying maneuvers. Rolf came in with a flying drop kick that hit Viktor dead center in the chest and nearly knocked him over. But when Rolf tried to follow this up he was met with a head hold that Viktor used to flip Rolf over. The struggled continued with more flips, body slams, and a suplex. Then both fighters were on their feet trading brutal punches to the face and knees to the groin. At one point Rolf had Viktor staggered but he missed with a vicious punch to the head which Viktor sidestepped and responded with a punch that caught Rolf directly in the abs. This punching continued back and forth until both fighters were bloodied in the face.

Back over where Emil and Ivan were locked in a brutal struggle both had lost their knives and the fight was now with arms, legs, and bare hands. Both cocks were throbbing with lust of battle and slammed into each other from time to time as the tide of battle swung from side to side. Then Ivan was able to clamp on a thigh bulging abdominal scissor on Emil. With his opponent locked in the hold Ivan reached down and tore at Emil’s cock. Emil arched up in agony from the compression around his middle and the steel vise clamped around his cock. With superhuman effort Emil broke loose and reversed the hold on Ivan and now attacked Ivan’s cock. Now it was Ivan’s turn to arch up in agony. But Emil knew he could not finish Ivan off with the scissor so he quickly shifted and caught Ivan trying to get up with a dragon headlock. He placed a knee behind Ivan’s back and bent Ivan brutally backwards over it. He then spotted one of the dropped knives and picked it up with his free hand. His final move was to bend Ivan even more brutally back and at the same time plunge the knife into Ivan’s heart. At the exact moment that the knife struck his body Ivan’s cock spurted his death cum that showered over his upper body to mix with the blood that spurted from his heart.

As Emil was locking Ivan in the dragon head lock Erik and Petra were trading lethal holds. It turned out to be a “chain fight” where one got the hold only to have the other reverse it, this happening three times in a row. Erik got the first hold, a hammer lock and after the three exchanges, the hold was shifted to a brutal body stretch, and finally afte this had been exchanged three time, the full nelson came next. During all of these holds the cocks of both were swinging wildly and throbbing with the lust of combat. The nelson was put on so hard that two times it nearly snapped the neck of the wrestler clamped in it, but finally Erik broke loose and took Petra down and into a figure four neck scissor. Petra went into a frenzy of thrashing but could not escape. Slowly, relentlessly Erik squeezed down until Petra’s body ceased to give resistance. Then Erik shifted around and sat on Petra’s shoulders pinning him to the ground helpless. He then pried  Petra’s mouth open and rammed his throbbing, fully engorged cock deep into Petra’s throat suffocating and strangling him to death.

At the same time Viktor had succeeded in clamping Rolf in a camel clutch/chin lock combo and was close to snapping Rolf’s spine. But Rolf was able to claw Viktor’s fingers from his chin and then reach up and grab Viktor’s head and flip him over. Before Viktor could recover Rolf was on him with a reverse head scissor facing Viktor’s feet. Using all of his massive thighs muscles Rolf crushed Viktor’s skull in the deadly vise and at the same time lay down so that his mouth could reach Viktor’s cock. This throbbing, steel rod cock was then taken in Rolf’s teeth and after vicious chewing was severed off. By this time Viktor was nearly unconscious from the brutal head scissor and was easy prey for Rolf to lift up into an over the knee back breaker. The lust that filled Rolf when he finally broke Viktor’s back almost caused Rolf to explode but with effort he held it back so that he could enjoy the final humiliation of his enemy later.

Now only one fight was still on, that between Karl and Boris. As the other three Germans left their killed opponents and sat down to watch Karl escaped the hold that Boris had on him and deftly secured an arm lock on Boris that was so vicious that there was no way that Boris could escape from it. Locking the arm out straight Karl braced it with his own arm behind Boris’elbow and pushed. Boris’ body arched high in the air and a scream of pain burst from his mouth as the elbow snapped. Karl then swiftly dropped the broken arm and slid around behind Boris to clamp him in a sleeper hold. Boris’ body struggled against the hold, becoming weaker and weaker by the minute, until finally there was on an occasional spasm of jerks. Then Karl shifted the hold into a strangle and killed Boris in his muscular arms. Boris, just like Ivan before him, ejaculated his pent up cum in his death throes.

Then, with their sexual lust still strong and unsatisfied, Emil fucked Boris, Erik fucked Viktor, Karl fucked Ivan, and Rolf fucked Petra. Their lust finally sated the Germans left the encampment and the corpses for the wolves to find. That night, back at their own encampment, they enjoyed an orgy of fucking between themselves.

                                                            The End




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Brutal Ambush - by traxxgalaxy - 07-17-2019, 09:38 PM
RE: Brutal Ambush - by lthrwrstlr - 08-30-2019, 03:44 AM
RE: Brutal Ambush - by romanhero - 04-30-2020, 12:53 PM
RE: Brutal Ambush - by bare chested warrior - 05-02-2020, 06:11 AM
RE: Brutal Ambush - by WHS - 07-03-2020, 11:34 AM
RE: Brutal Ambush - by WHS - 07-03-2020, 03:19 PM

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