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masters show case 1-Mod Gladiators 2 scene 1
I was going to do a retrospective of MODERN GLADIATORS scene by scene. This is the first scene in MODERN GLADIATORS 2. The taller guy is muscled and has a great navel and is totally handsome and attractive. The smaller guy is cute and hasĀ  a great attitude. They both seem to put their all into it as the smaller guy gets the better of the hot guy and plunges that knife into the navel more than a few times and twists a lot, too. I also like the moans. This scene is one of the hottest of the entire series, though there are more! They were also in MODERN GLADIATORS 1 with the smaller guy getting slain and the muscled guy leaning on him, chest to chest and side to side. HOT stuff!

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masters show case 1-Mod Gladiators 2 scene 1 - by CHASE - 06-20-2020, 05:35 PM

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