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Falling on sword
I am negative because this forum has driven me to be so. People come on, share and express that they will share some more and then vanish. I post I like their stuff but it's not enough. I also, maybe you haven't seen all the posts, always tell what I like---and when I do---I sometimes get shot down as evidenced by that guy that posts pics I've posted (I don't care, he can use pics I've posted all he wants because "m generous that way) with text---that when I talk about navels, it offends and upsets him. As for entitled, usually the entitled claim that against those that aren't so maybe you are entitled. You're must mad because I loathe seeing fat unhealthy guys being stabbed and that's you're fetish. If someone asks what I think of something I post what I think. I do admit a lot of your stuff on your blog IS very hot despite the big fat blubber bellies especially the goblin attack and the other vids there. A lot of what is there with guys getting it in the navel is hot and the dialog is very hot. BUT to get back on point so to speak, maybe you're entitled because you can't take others criciticizing anything you like. If you left, because of me, I'm sorry but I can live with that. I've discussed what I like over and over and if someone dodens't know from looking at any five of my posts, they're either illiterate or just not paying attention at all. I'm also not happy...with this site and gee, maybe from my posts, you got that I'm not happy with the fetish either....big of you to use that as a sort of attack againsist me. Those posts by the way were asking for advice and help about that but instead you post what seems like a revenge-hate post for perceived injustices done to you. Also as for entitled: excuse me but I post the most here than anyone COMBINED so sorry if you don't like my posts but I feel others should post more often and SHARE if they have material that others may enjoy. I'll be glad to get over this fetish if only to get away from people like you. And if I never get over it, I'd be lucky to find another site where people who make material, have a huge backlog of material (including you), DO share it. Hopefully I can drive you off for good or at least maybe not come here so much because of people like you.

Messages In This Thread
Falling on sword - by bruffman - 07-27-2020, 11:54 AM
RE: Falling on sword - by Frankobelly - 07-27-2020, 01:55 PM
RE: Falling on sword - by CHASE - 07-27-2020, 02:23 PM
RE: Falling on sword - by bruffman - 07-28-2020, 09:16 AM
RE: Falling on sword - by CHASE - 07-28-2020, 09:28 AM
RE: Falling on sword - by Kthoolfoo - 08-01-2020, 01:17 AM
RE: Falling on sword - by CHASE - 08-01-2020, 04:36 PM

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