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Jungle Outpost #8
Fighting Back
 Sergeant Daniel and Private Cody had been resting in jeep when the ambush began.  Lucky for them, they were closer to weapons than the others.  They commenced opening fire on any enemy that they could see.  The jeep offered great protection against enemy arrows.
Private Cody grabbed a weapon and just began firing wantonly into the forest and grasses.  Sergeant Daniel, having been seasoned in combat, was much more conservative with his ammunition.  The young private quickly went through his magazines.  Once he ran out, he panicked, looking for another weapon.   
Not too far away, he spotted a the body of the corporal, lying about 20 yards away with a sword sticking out of his body.  Since the private had already killed the assassin that was standing near the corporal, he knew that area was mostly cleared of enemy.  
"Cover me!!"  He yelled to Sergeant Daniel and ran towards the corporal's body.  The Sergeant, being low on ammo, wanted to stop him, but he had already made a dash before the he could respond.  A couple of arrows flew by him, but the Sergeant was quick to take out the attackers as quickly as they revealed their positions.  
Private Cody dropped down by the corporal's body and pulled the sword from the young man's dead body.  He kept an eye out looking for the few remaining enemy soldiers.  
"Oh, crap,  I'm almost out."  The sergeant said, tossing his rifle down and pulling his side arm from its holster.  
One assassin jumped out of the grasses near Private Cody, but Sergeant Daniel was able to hop out of the jeep and shoot him.  Cody immediately saw the injured assassin just feet from him and rose up.  He swung the sword and with a single swing, deprived the would-be assassin of his head. 
The young private let out a loud battle cry, over-thrilled with his first kill.  As he bellowed out his echoing voice, a second assassin quickly rose in front of the private.  Sergeant Daniel saw the enemy arise from the grasses, but the young private was in the way of his shot.
The assassin  rammed his spear into the young private's pale, bare gut, piercing him just above the navel.  The young man's face grimaced from the pain of the sharp spear tip deep in his gut.  He let out a deafening yell as the assassin ripped the spear from his gut, causing him to take a couple steps forward and fall to his knees.
Private Cody heard a shot ring out and the assassin fell dead in front of him, but it was too late for the young private.  He knelt there, holding his gut and breathing heavily until he was unable to breath no more and fell limp on the sands of the beach.

[Image: 30%2Bpale%2Bwarrior.jpg]

Sergeant Daniels had watched in horror as the young private fell dead.  He had stepped out into the open to try to save the young man, but, before he could get back to the cover of the jeep, two arrows rammed straight into his upper abs.  The Sergeant stumbled back from the blow of the arrows.  
He sent out a couple more rounds from his sidearm, killing one of his assailants, but a third arrow ran fiercely into his navel.  The muscular sergeant tried to keep his balance, but fell down to his knees.  He could feel a sickening sensation in his stomach from the  arrows sticking out of his gut.  He quickly changed the clip in his gun.  He was breathing slow and heavy, trying to ease the pain in his abs and keep himself calm.
Another enemy arose with a crossbow, but the sergeant was quick to put a bullet in the assassin's head before he could fire.   A fourth arrow came from another location, nailing the sergeant in the left side of his chest.  The blow from the arrow knocked the wind out of him.  
He tried desperately to regain his breath while firing randomly in the direction from which the arrow came.  After several shots, his sidearm began clicking.  Completely out of ammo.  He lowered his gun and waited for the final arrow, which came all to quickly, nailing him in the center of the chest, knocking the wind out of him again.  Except this time, he couldn't take another breath.
He knelt there for about thirty seconds, staring into the grasses while his attackers slowly approached.  Finally, he could hold himself up no more and his muscular body collapsed.

[Image: 10%2Bbringing%2Ba%2Bpistol%2Bto%2Ba%2Bbow%2Bfight.jpg]
And As Always,
Happy Battlings and a Glorious Death to You All!!!!

right inthe bellly button!

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