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Knife fight from Murdermayhem
These guys have uploaded a new knife fight video. It's a bit blurry, but it has some good kills.
It's terrible
Yeah pretty worthless.
No Franco…
I appreciate you sharing it, thanks, but damn those YT comments would lead you to believe it was the hottest thing going.

I know we sometimes take the crumbs wherever we can but even I'm gonna have to pass on that mess.
(08-19-2021, 03:02 AM)BearFoot Wrote: I appreciate you sharing it, thanks, but damn those YT comments would lead you to believe it was the hottest thing going.

I know we sometimes take the crumbs wherever we can but even I'm gonna have to pass on that mess.

to be fair, the guys are not bad looking and are built but I don't care for back stabs, neck slits, chest stabs and the smallness of room doesn't help. I also don't like the fake CGI effects of blood, reather use my imagination, it's all over pretty fast, too, I wish muder mayhem would do more knife sword stuff like they used to instead of the easy out of guns and shooting
They have done much better stuff in the past, that's for sure. Still, despite its flaws, this video has a couple of stabs that I like, so I thought it might be worth sharing. Guess not.  Tongue
Guys, this crap was not made BY the MurderMayhem guys, it was some hacks in Indonesia; MM simply edited it together and added their bad animation and sound FX, which really don't help.
I agree - it's a bit of pity that a sharp picture and better-composed shots are not the cases here.
I hope its a temporary thing - this seemed to happen in the past when some simpler video quality footage would co-exist with some of their amazing action-packed short stories involving stunts, drama, nice close-up shots etc Smile

Though, it comes for free to us, and I appreciate they post new stuff. Unfortunately, now it takes 1+ months between uploads now, unlike previous "Seasons" which had a 2-week turnaround rate.
I think some of our criticism is mostly caused by the built-up anticipation partially due to long delays as well as the normal tendency to judge the content makers based on their best works - so it's tougher when a new release comes out sometimes not as refined.

This has a good potential imo, but also ideally could benefit from some corrections/re-shoots to get this looking sharper.
I support and encourage the creators where I can, as I still appreciate them doing this.
Seems unfair to judge the efforts of other harshly.

I know the 'Belly Focus" fetish is prominently what this board is about. Just because something free doesn't 'float your boat', it's sad to see the efforts of others put down.

Sure this isn't a polished 'navel or nothing' product but please consider that Indonesia is in the grip of massive COVID Delta with massive death rates and restrictions. The fact that these guys made anything is a good effort.

The Mayhem guys are in Australia. Much of which has been in lock-down for 3 months and much longer in Victoria, where I believe 'Franco' and his friends live. Lock-down rules restrict people from visiting other people so it's hard to make videos without people in the same place.

The truth is there is no new Derek or Frank producers out there. So maybe a degree of encouragement to these producers will be better than the put downs.

Easy to be critical of those who are creative. If you don't like it, don't watch it. Better still, make stuff yourself.

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