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Currently obsessed with this ship to ship battle  at 10:37. There's so much going on that in over little over 1 and a half minutes, some ten to 20 guys get stabbed in the gut or kilt! If you watch in the background, one guy gets stabbed in the belly and then runs onto and hugs his slayer so that another guy, his comrade can run the guy that stabbed him, through!

There's also those hold the guy's wrist and jab it in there. And lots of fighting. Reminds me of REVENG OF THE GLADIATORS where at the end, there's about five guys slaying five guys!
(08-05-2019, 06:57 AM)CHASE Wrote: Currently obsessed with this ship to ship battle  at 10:37. There's so much going on that in over little over 1 and a half minutes, some ten to 20 guys get stabbed in the gut or kilt! If you watch in the background, one guy gets stabbed in the belly and then runs onto and hugs his slayer so that another guy, his comrade can run the guy that stabbed him, through!
Thank you for this link to the movie. Definitely worth to create an edit from. So much action!
As someone who watches this far too much...the ship scene has a guy stab another but he doesn't fall but lurches over in pain. The winner goes on to face another who seems destined to lose, too but the guy already stabbed lurches into the killer and hugs him from one side so that the ally of his stabs the killer and the one who was not stabbed moves on leaving his ally to slowly fall and die while the other guy falls right away. Those older movies had a lot going on in the background. I have screen grabs from this movie. I can't tell where the hot young guys all die on the ship but I believe they all do. Some are just seen laying belly up and some are not seen. Some fall and are stabed. It all happens fast.
Thanks for queuing up a hot battle. You're right, this cannot have been an easy scene to choreograph. Many of the barechested fighters are beautiful sword fodder. It's hot how the body count of dead studs lying on the deck in the background increases as the combat progresses, and of course a bunch of them have been chucked over the railing to become shark food. As true warriors they engaged in battle expecting massive casualties, and that's what they got. After so much went into creating a complex but brief fight scene, it's almost a shame that audiences who could see it only once could not have fully appreciated the intricate action. Having it as a video file to view and re-view brings the detail to life. The production may have skimped on stage blood to save money. A fight that ferocious should result in a lot more bloody wounds than are shown. I'm attaching a still shot that includes one of my favorite deck fighters, on the left. It would be hot to see him take a blade, but he's one of the guys who ends up in the drink.

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"Ready your breakfast and eat hearty, for tonight we dine in hell!" -- Leonidas at Thermopylae
I for one, am totally glad for the lack of blood In fact, the more blood the less stimulating the scenes are for me. I like it the way it is!

I had more scrdeen shots from this but none would post, they're too large.

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