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What type of weapon and where?
I'd like to invite any warriors out there to pick your favourite target(s) out of these hot hunks (1 to 14). If you'd like to imagine facing them in combat, what type of weapon would you choose to have in your hand, and where exactly on their fine bodies would you be aiming it?

1.     2.    
3.     4.    
5.     6.    
7.     8.    
9.     10.    
11.     12.    
13.     14.    

I'm looking forward to your thoughts on this, and to see if my own preferences are anything like yours. I'll then let you know, for comparison.


I would start with number 6. After he removes his shirt we will both be completely naked and march into the full arena together. I would aim for a point a couple inches above his navel. In the heat of combat I would settle for any spot on the torso, and of course he has the same idea about where his blade should land on me. If I am successful, they wilt then send out number 3. He will also be completely naked and without armor, The process will be repeated until I am the one being dragged out of the arena. The show must go on.
1---For this dude, I'd get on top of him and place the blade on an angle with the point upwards and the hilt downward near the base of our cocks but the point definitely upward into that heavy thick upper ridge which I'd cut into and under. Then I'd bring the point back out a bit and swivel the point to completely cut up the upper ridge like the thick tie hole on a balloon! Then maybe arc it from where it was cutting and deep, curving it to the center of the navel and jab it in deep while twisting it in a new and quicker fashion.

2----For this mammoth of a man, I'd jab it in quick and leave it there for a few seconds for him to realize it and not move it much yet. Then I would drag it from side to side and up and down and then twist all around moving the hilt sideways and up and down while the point rends tight muscle in the other. I'd remove it quickly after maybe three min of that and hold it up over my head and then jab it down deep and quick through navel and back and hold it like a stick shift until he arched upward, causing me to ride his hips, maybe stuck on his dick!

for 12 I'd rip it downward through his upper navel ridge and down into the curved under navel and twist and churn.

9 would get it with the blade vertically placed into his lower ridge, cutting it from each other and then surging beyond the navel and the wall in back of the navel and then twisting it horizontally. I'd move it around itself so that it was then horizontally placed and then vertically. For good measure I'd scoop it from inside so that it scooped up to his upper navel wall and then scoop it in the opposite direction downward, fully massacring that lower ridge and twisting it around the blade. For good measure I'd jab it sideways into the side of his navel and repeat from the other side so that left and right were fully holed as well. I'd probably cum up so much white would fill his hole and then for good measure I'd unstick the muscle stud and then stick him again, causing the cum to fly out of the navel everywhere!
i would put my sword in a fire until it gets red hot, then plug it into number 2s navel, and move around the blade so he can feel his guts getting burned and cut up, then id just leave the sword in him, then grab his sword and impale him a few inches below his navel and kick him to the ground and watch him suffer
#7 - I would thrust my gladius is through his navel until it punched out his back, pull him close to me and give him a deep kiss as I pull my sword free. He will drop to his knees, clutching his belly. He looks up at me holding a sword smeared with his guts, and knows his time has come. He lets go of his wound and leans back, throws his head back exposing his body to, waiting for death. I thrust my sword into his left pec. He falls back. I leave the sword in his chest, and watch his death cum. The crowd screams their approval.
Morituri Te Salutamus - Those about to die salute you. 
I'd face down 11 & 13 in combat, with Gladius swords. My first target would be their sexy belly buttons, and then I'd proceed to gut them right after

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