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Past Lives
Not sure where I should post this but:

In the past I believe I might have been:

-a caveman, either Cro Magnon or Neanderthal and going for the "party line" I think I fought someone with some kind of spear in South Africa and we slew each other. I think this theme of listening to your leaders getting me killed and making me kill (almost as bad as getting killed) started here (or maybe I was someone even earlier than 500,000 BC? or so?). Of course we aimed for the natural target: the belly button. Both kills were spears held in the hand and not thrown.

-Sometime before the birth of Jesus (maybe 4BC or 3BC?) I was a gladiator, a boy raised by a proud father who taught him to fight and knock down even boys bigger than he. Unfortunately, father saw how sexually aroused I was when beating on other boys, sometimes two or three at a time, he offered me to the (possibly not yet Roman) arena slave masters. Somehow (sketchy details) I ended up a slave master as I got older after slaying many gladiators in the arena, trying to earn my freedom. My main thrust, with sword and knife and sometimes trident, was, of course, the belly button. Somehow or other they never wanted to lose me from the arena and I came to be master over many Christians. It seems that I may or may not have been one back then. Also, mostly all of them were mad at me because in order to save some I had to let some others die. Again sketchy. On my death bed, the remaining Christians vowed to forgive me, some that day. Not sure how I died. It seemed like old age or maybe one last fight?

-Not sure if any in between lives happened but in about 1300 or so, I was a Native American. I'm not sure what tribe: there were many more back then. Possibly: 
The Algonquians (Mohican) and Iroquois (Mohawk) who were enemies or Apache, which seems more in what I felt. So I feel I was more Apache. My slightly older brother (I was maybe between 13 and 15; so he was probably either 14,15, or 16) was slain in his navel in some battle. I was to be forced to marry his wife. I knew then I was more into males than not and this was frowned upon by my tribe...greatly. Not sure how it happened but again, I was in line with the "party line" thing to do and had the ceremony where they suspended me by my nipple skin to become a man. Possibly this means that I was none of the three tribes mentioned above but some other tribe, possibly Mandan or Sioux? In any case, since it was a Vow to the Sun, I since avoided the sun until recently. In addition, I was on a raid and I was young and while I knew the Great Spirit was not what our leaders told us and did not approve, I killed another enemy warrior in battle hand to hand with knives, both knives of ours ended up in your belly buttons. We died basically in a hugging pose leaning on each other until we fell over and embraced, kissing. 

More later as I have to go. 
Very nice writing !!!

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