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Zhang's Warrior Life #2
I wanted to add some pictures to the story I made so it's easier to imagine the characters. This is part 2 of the story.





It’s a hot summer day as Zhang walks towards Headwaters, the capital village of his clan. He’s almost arrived there, but only after a long journey where he stabbed and shot a poor man from a different clan, then a while after that brutally gutted two desert bandits who had the misfortune of trying to rob him. Being out in the desert, he hasn’t exactly had the chance to bathe, and now he has the dried blood from three hunks splattered onto various parts of his body, with his knife also having bits of intestine from cutting up these muscle men.

He taps his map glasses in order to pull up the holographic display which tells him that he is only a few hours away from the village. Once he finally gets there, he walks up to the large metal wall and approaches the gates where the AI admission system then recognizes him and lets him into the village.

Headwaters is the largest village in his clan, despite only having about 1200 people and is named for being located at the headwaters of a river that flows through the region. The houses have a brutalist style as they were designed with heavy defense in mind. The village is circular and enclosed by a metal wall that has kept out invaders for over 100 years since the village’s founding.

Inside the village, the people are mainly made up of muscular hunks trained for killing, and women who produce food and train the young children in combat. The people who are not fit for combat upkeep the village as engineers responsible for managing robots that clean and repair structures.

Zhang walks to his house and sees his boyfriend, a sexy, muscly, and highly intelligent Latino man named Pablo, one of the village engineers, sitting outside drinking potato water. When he was young, he never had any combat training and instead wanted to learn how to be an engineer. Pablo runs up to a dusty Zhang and is so excited he hugs him and kisses him anyways.

“Oh my God! I have been so worried about you for weeks!” Pablo exclaims. “but you need a bath…. stinky”

“Thanks, love you too.” Zhang replies.

“That blood on you isn’t yours is it?”

“Nope. I had to rip the guts out of a few bandits in the desert. Nothing more.” Zhang says as he doesn’t want to worry Pablo about a potential northern invasion. He plans to go to the village Chief later instead.

“Well… I wish I was there to watch my boy fuck up a few navels” Pablo says to Zhang as he goes to shower. Pablo gets hard as he imagines his warrior Zhang, with his tan body glistening with sweat, brutally destroying the intestines of other men. “Maybe next time you go hunt the desert bandits you can take these flying micro cameras I made to take some action shots of you.”

Zhang laughs. “Maybe.”


The next day, Zhang talks to the Chief. The Chief is a stocky muscular man with a big belly. Much to his surprise, the Chief already knew about the invaders.

“Why haven’t you told anyone?” Zhang asks.

The Chief responds, “The same reason you didn’t tell Pablo. We don’t need to cause panic. We found out about them when we sent a search party for you a few weeks ago. Luckily, they didn’t detect us.

“I want you and some other warriors to go out and see if you can locate other groups or find information on their movements.”

Zhang doesn’t really want to leave Pablo again, but he has no choice. He and some other warriors, Andre, Hua, Jesse, and Marquez, must go to the last known location of the northern army and try to figure out their movement patterns.

Andre, about 30, is a tall guy, with a shallow navel. He’s one of the most experienced warriors and is a little arrogant.


Marquez is a massive man, about 25. Tall, dark, muscular, with a heavy build. His sexy navel is complimented by his bumpy abs and two large masses of lean meat for pecs. His arm muscles are the size of small melons. He radiates masculinity everywhere he goes, and has some concerning cannibalistic tendencies as he likes to eat the guts of some of his victims.


Hua is a young gentle guy, about 19. His body is small, toned and smooth. He doesn’t have any bulging muscles like Marquez, but instead has a more smooth and slender definition.


Jesse, about 25, has a beautiful muscular body with a six-pack and a neat round navel.

[see first comment below for pictures, i already reached the attachment limit]

They have unique weapons, such as the serrated knife. This knife, like many weapons, have a chip inside that connects to a chip inside everyone’s brain implanted at birth that can let the warrior control some of the weapons functions. For this knife, the blade can get white-hot on command, including when embedded into a juicy navel. This causes the victim to feel unparalleled burning sensations as the metal cuts and cooks their intestines. In some cases, this can be a potential food source when the village runs out of food stocks, which is why some warriors, like Marquez, hunt desert bandits.

The machine gun has special bullets, developed by none other than Pablo, that can detect the navel, or any body part, of the target victim and slam into the right spot, even if the user’s aim is off. The user can also use the brain chips to change what the bullets do inside of the victim. They can heat up inside someone’s guts, they can, on entry, split into many sharp fragments which will instantly shred all of a victim’s lower gut, or they can use mini blades that can protrude from the back of the bullet to swim around the gut while cutting it into a pulp at the same time. These bullets also work with a sniper rifle, but they are much bigger and can instantly turn the intestines into a gut soup on impact.

The spear gun is a large gun that can synthesize a metal spear by rearranging and changing the atoms from the nearby air and eject it at a target. The spear can be any length, and can bend once inside the target due to its structural design. That means that many meters of metal spear can enter a body and it will curve all around the torso, destroying any desired organ, and can exit from anywhere. Zhang likes to use this gun by having a gun continuously make a metal rod as it shoots into a hunk’s navel, so he can feel the vibrations and cutting in his hand as the rod in the hunks body is still connected to the spear gun.

The warrior squad will use these weapons, if necessary, against anyone they come across.

Zhang gives a goodbye kiss to Pablo then walks out of the main gate out into the desert.


“Do you think we’ll actually see anything?” Andre asks.

“Personally, I don’t really think so.” Replies Jesse.

“Yeah bro probably just some bandits, nothin special to be honest.” Marquez adds.

Hua sheepishly tells everyone, “Well I’m kind of scared…it’s my first time out here since I passed training!”

Marquez laughs, “Hahaha, well watch out and maybe you won’t end up with hot lead in that cute little belly of yours”

Hua gives Marquez a scared look.

Zhang comforts Hua and says, “Don’t listen to him, we’ll make sure you’re safe. It’ll be a good learning experience for you. Besides, like Marquez said we’ll probably just meet some bandits, and they’ve never really been a threat. Just stick em in the navel and you’re done.”

“Yeah bro im just messin with ya. Besides, I kinda like you haha. I’d never let anything happen to you or that little body cutie.” Marquez says as he rubs Hua’s stomach and plays with his navel for a little bit. Hua blushes and quickly feels Marquez’s muscles.

“Yo can y’all save that for later- I see somethin.” Jesse interjects.

Behind a rocky outcropping is a bandit camp with only three people eating by a fire.

Andre snorts and says, “oh it’s only a few bandits. We outnumber them 5 to 3. Me, Jesse, and Marquez can go take them out. Hua you can watch and learn and Zhang can stay and make sure nobody sneaks up on you ok?”

“Hey since when do you call the shots?” Marquez asks jokingly

“Ugh just shut up man and do it.” Andre replies.

The three boys go to sneak up on the bandits as they enjoy their meal, distracted. Meanwhile, Hua and Zhang watch.

“I’m excited! I’ve never seen actual action before. I’ve always imagined what it’s like, you know? To actually take the life from another man, and to see him experience his guts getting obliterated…must be hot.” Hua tells Zhang.

“If I’m being honest, its much better than you can imagine. You won’t know until you’re the one doing it. Maybe next time you can get the chance to stick your first man.” Zhang replies

The three boys are within striking distance. After waiting for the right moment, they strike at the same time.

Andre got the first bandit, a fat man with an enormous innie. He pumped his belly with so much lead that you can hear the bullets hitting each other inside his gut. The bandit screams as steam and blood leave his navel. His fat belly moves all around as the force from the bullets slamming into his navel travels throughout his whole body.

Meanwhile, Jesse gets the second bandit from behind, and uses his spear gun to shoot a sharp metal rod through the back of the skinny bandit and it exits through his navel. The bandit’s little body was obliterated as Jesse shot another spear through his lower guts and one through his chest. The little bandit’s body didn’t give much resistance and each spear easily sailed completely through him, leaving 3 huge holes in his torso with his organs hanging out. He didn’t even have time to scream or moan as the third spear ripped through his lungs and his heart, and almost instantly dropped dead.

Marquez, knowing Hua was watching, wanted to take a more hands-on approach. He faced a muscular bandit head on, getting his knife and trying to plunge it into his belly. The bandit dodges a few times, and almost sticks Marquez once. However, Marquez finally lands the knife inside the bandit’s innie navel. Marquez smiles as he moves the knife back and forth. The squishing and ripping sounds are very audible and thick dark red blood starts leaking from his navel. He rips the knife out and holds the body of the bandit with just one arm. He caresses the bandit and comforts him as the bandit suffers his horrible navel and intestine destruction. Marquez then looks at Hua directly in the eye and sticks the knife into the bandit’s lower abs below his navel, causing the bandit to moan loudly as his pain gets worse and worse. Marquez rips the knife out again, and stabs him again in the navel, then in the lower guts, then in his upper guts over and over again. The bandit moans each time the knife penetrates his body. He’s too muscular to die so quickly. Marquez wants the bandit to suffer so throws him on the ground to let him bleed out from his multiple deep wounds and walks away.

“That’s how you do it little man.” Marquez tells Hua. Hua blushes and says, “That was really hot Marq…I kinda wish I could see that again. You’re so…masculine and dominating. Seeing you crush the life out of that bandit made me feel things I’ve never felt before”
Marquez puts his hand on Hua’s shoulder and says, “Well, I can show you some more masculinity right now” and then grabs his own bulge with his erect dick.

“Oh my god, can’t you wait until we get back to the village.” Zhang pleads. “Besides, Hua, Marquez is just a meathead… get you a real man.”

“Oh yeah like you’re one to talk. Pablo isn’t even a real man…he just stays in the village all day making dumb gadgets. He can’t even fight! Little guy won’t even last 10 minutes out in the desert.” Retorts Marquez.

“…” Zhang looks at Marquez. “You are so stupid! I mean, god, how do you expect the city to run, or new weapons to be made dumbass. Everyone contributes. Don’t drag MY MAN just because he can’t gut men for a living”


Andre suddenly spots a group of about 20 people from a northern clan. “Wait! Look over there!”

“HAHA” Marquez laughs. “Only 20?! We could take em out right now, cook up their fuckin intestines and eat good for the next few days.”

“uhhhhhh no” Zhang replies. “We don’t know if this is the only tribe here, or if this is even the whole tribe’s army, or if there are other tribes here. We need to silently observe them and see where they go”

“uhm- guys…” Hua can be heard saying from behind them, in an almost crying voice.

The group turns around to see one northern clan army member holding Hua by the neck from behind with one massive muscular arm, and shoving the muzzle of a pistol into Hua’s navel with the other arm. “None of you move or I’ll turn this little fucker’s guts into a burning pulp.”



Bandit #1:


Bandit #2:


Bandit #3:

Loving this! You got a way with words Wink
(11-18-2020, 06:01 AM)timgotshot Wrote: Loving this! You got a way with words Wink
Thank you :)i dont have time to write anymore because of my classes lol but maybe i will have time eventually

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