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No Orchids For Miss Blandish - James Hadley Chase
So this is an excerpt from a gangster book that appearred when i was googling the words  "navel" and "knife" couple of years ago. I clicked on the linked but BOY did it get my motor running. To me it was very hot. This is what i can copy and pase, ill link to the book on Google so you can read the whole relevant part.

”Slim, still grinning, held the knife-point just below Riley’s navel and put his weight on the handle. The knife went in slowly as if it were going into butter. Riley drew his lips back. HIs mouth opened. There was a long hiss of expelled breath as he stood there. Tears sprang from his eyes. Slim stepped back, leaving the black hilt of the knife growing out of Riley like a horrible malformation. Riley began to give low, quavering cries. His knees were buckling but the cord held him up. His weight on the ropes pushed the knife handle up so that the blade slowly cut deeper inside him.
Slim sat on the grass a few feet away and gave himself a cigarette. He pushed his hat over his eyes and squinted at Riley.
‘Take your time, Pal, We ain’t in a hurry.’ He gave him a crooked smile as his fingers traced the sky. ‘Ain’t them clouds pretty?’

This is the whole paragraph:
[Image: tumblr_nbpbfff8wN1rlvb7yo2_500.jpg]
Wow, what a great passage. Thanks for sharing it!
Read my stories at Sweat, Steel & Glory:
Any time! 
I have memorised this passage and it still works great for me. 
And yes, there is a movie made based on the book, but unfortunately the gut stabbing scene is not included....
[Image: tumblr_nbpbfff8wN1rlvb7yo2_500.jpg]

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