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My Gutting
I had nothing to live for anymore. No family, no real relationship, shitty job... The only thing that made me happy anymore was pushing knives and other sharp weapons deep into my belly button. I could always count on that to make me cum.

My apartment was filled with broadswords, katanas and rapiers.  I had longbow arrows hanging on my wall. I just wanted to leave this fucked up world I was in. The question was, how would I do it? 

My mind flashed to a video I'd watched some weeks before of a Japanese man committing hara kiri for bringing dishonor to his family.  I didn't know if I had ever gone so far as to dishonor my family name, but the way he did it looked cool. 

But the poor bastard had cut his stomach open below his navel.  Whatever I was gonna do, I'd want that to be my first point of entry.  I considered setting up my longbow with a remote control to fire the arrow. What if it malfunctioned? Didn't want that.

I looked around the living room, and my eyes settled on an orange dragon headed Japanese tonto, the smallest of the three swords carried by Japanese warriors.  

I walked to the TV cabinet and picked up the weapon, a twelve inch knife with gold inlay around the handle.  I walked to the center of the room and quickly undressed. Now entirely naked, I placed my hands on my hard stomach, the tonto clutched in my right hand.

I sank to my knees and held the sheathed blade up.  I pulled off the scabbard and looked at my reflection in the perfectly polished blade.  Using my left index finger, I began playing with my belly button, arousing myself.  

With my cock thoroughly hardend, I touched the blade tip to my belly button. The prick of the sharp steel made me harder.  I turned the blade so the sharper end was facing my chest.

"Fuck this life," I said aloud, and jammed the blade all the way into my stomach.

I cried out in pain and suddenly felt like my dick would spurt before I was ready.  The pain was nearly intolerable.  But I was so hard now, my dick ached to be released.  I quickly jacked off, spraying jizz all over my belly, and returned my attention to the blade in my body.

I steadied myself, breathing hard.  I began sawing the blade up towards my chest.  Each slice was excruciating. But I kept going.  I felt the sudden release of my bowels as they escaped my body and piled up at my feet.

I thought I might vomit, but my stomach was suddenly cut open by the knife.  Blood raced into my mouth, and I found myself coughing and spitting blood everywhere.  With my insides spread across the floor.

My mind raced, my heart beat like mad, and I felt myself on the verge of blacking out. I looked at the steaming pile of organs at my knees, and forced the knife one last time upwards.  I angled the blade so it would enter my heart.

The sudden and sharp pain of the blade knicking my heart was fleeting.  With blood now pouring from my mouth, my eyes rolled back in my head and the last conscious thing I remember was my head hitting the floor with a resounding THUD. That was it. I was dead.
Damn dude this is hot! Such a manly way to go out trying to tackle that pain. I imagine after taking such torture those minutes you take to die will be pretty painful but then just like falling asleep. Keep it coming!
Yummy! Let me die this way!
Morituri Te Salutamus - Those about to die salute you. 

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