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What was your "first" adventure??
     When I was younger, I had a toy knife that I had always loved to play with. One day, when I was home alone. I decided to "play" an adventure game, fighting bad guys around the house.

     I had taken off my shirt (because the hero did in every adventure was shirtless).

     I started on the small back porch area and entered the enemy's base (aka, the house). I used the knife to stab the two guards who were guarding the door I slit one's throat and stabbed the other in the gut. I then entered the kitchen of the home. After killing the five soldiers in there, (using the knife on three, snapping the neck of one and drowning the last one in the sink), I had to decide.

     The basement door was there, or I could go into the dining room. I had already previously decided that the girl I was trying to save (yes, there always had to be a damsel in distress) was upstairs in my bedroom, tied to my bed.

     But I decided that would have made it end too quickly and I was having a lot of fun. This was all too exciting for me. I figured it would be an even better adventure if there were some prisoners in the basement as well.

     So, I set out to save them first. I snuck into the basement and killed a couple monsters (Of course there are always monsters in a basement).

     That's when my mind began to turn things. What if not all the good guys survived? I decided that I would play a few of the prisoners who were being freed.

     The first one ran out in a panic, trying to get to the door, when a lizard monster bit him around the waist. Playing this character, I ran towards the stairs, and sucked in my gut, pretending to be bitten on the belly. I fell backwards onto the cold, damp cement floor and jerked my body as the monster began eating me.

     After a few moments of playing dead (which, for some reason, I really enjoyed), I then played another prisoner who jumped on the back of the monster, but the monster flipped him onto the stairs and bit him in neck. I grabbed my throat area and began acting as if I was spitting up blood. I died there, arms spralled out on the stairs.

     Finally, I again played the hero character and killed the monster. But, since I had so much fun dying, I decided to wave the other prisoners past me on the stairs. I then played a couple of the doomed prisoners.

     Playing as the first prisoner to the top, I opened the door and was immediately stabbed in the belly by a bayonette. I fell forward on the kitchen floor, squirming for a few minutes before being shot multiple times and dying.

     After playing dead for a short while. (It was a hot day and the floor felt cool on my bare skin. Plus the beating of my heart from acting like I was dying was kinda rythmically soothing and exciting.)

     I was then the second prisoner and was machine-gunned while standing on the landing of the stairs. I fell against the wall and shook as my body was riddled with bullets. I finally fell on the steps and can remember the feeling of the rough, gritty stair covering against my bare chest.

     It was also at this point that I realized I was hard. (I may have been earlier, but didn't notice. Afterall, I was at the age when it was hard most of the time anyway.)

     I then played the hero and threw the knife, killing the guard by hitting him in the chest. After throwing the knife to the top of the steps and into the kitchen I ran into the kitchen and yanked the knife out of his chest.

     Of course I then decided to play the guard for that one and reenacted the scene from his point of view. I stood at the top of the stairs and hit myself in the center of the chest with the knife. The rubber tip bent a little to one side creating the effect as if it entered into my chest. I gripped the handle and fell to my knees, then backwards onto the floor. This time, I was instantly dead. (no writhing in pain).

     I again played the hero and grabbed the machine gun from the dead guard. I used his machine gun to clean out the guards from the next room. I then rounded the corner of the living room.

     There was a guard with a machine gun, who pumped my bare chest full of lead. I twisted and jerked as the bullets tore through my bare chest. I fell back against the chair and was hit by another barrage of bullets, shredding my young body. (boy was this exhiliarating for me.)

     But, I didn't want it to end there, so I pretended that didn't happen. The stairway was blocked by the guard with a machine gun, Luckily, there was a second way onto the stairs via the laundry room. so I had to sneak around through the laundry room to get behind the stairway guard and kill him. I snuck up behind him, pretended to grab him from behind by the back of the throat and said, “This is for killing my friend.” I pretended to plunge the blade several times into his chest.

     Naturally, excited by this, I had to play the guard. I stood against the banister acting as if I had just shot “the friend” (aka, the me who died when coming around the corner earlier.) After waiting a short while I jerked my head back as if someone had grabbed me from behind.

     I let out a gasped, “No!” and used one hand to ram the blade of the knife all over my chest. (I found it particularly exciting when it hit my nipples.) I then laid dead over the banister. This was so exciting, that I was taking an actual rest while playing dead. My heart was beating so fast.

     After that brief bread, I then made my way up the stairs, blasting away at all enemies. There were so many, that I got up close and began stabbing them. I was knocked down a couple of times, but managed to use my mad ninja skills (we all had those when we were younger) to overpower the guards. All of the action negated the effects of my previous break. I was back at peak excitement.

     My heart was racing from all the fighting. I had to catch my breath. I pretended the door to my room was locked. I took a short pause, resting against the door.

     I had to find another way in. Luckily, there was a way through the closet in the other room. It was quiet in there, no guards, so I easily slipped into closet and through the opening into the other closet.

     I was standing against the wall of the closet.I opened the closet door into my room and sprung on the leader of the bad guys. I killed him and freed the girl.

     While this was fun, it really wasn't that satisfying. Sure, it was fun to fight and win, but not quite as fun as pretending to die, so I decided to amend the ending.

     I ran into the room and was immediately gunned down by the villain. I thrust my chest upward with each shot until I fell forward, dead. (this was similar to previous deaths, but it was a quick solution and did get me going.

     This, in turn, sparked my imagination into full bloom. I played out other scenarios.

     I ran into the room and was punched in the face, which spun me around. My enemy then rammed a sword through my back and out of my chest. When I ran in, I spun after being punched. I jerked my shoulders back and thrust my chest forward. Instinctively, my arms went out to my sides with the palms open. The knife dropped from my hand as I made gasping sounds. The villain pushed me off his sword and I fell against the wall, to cool, textured wallpaper rubbed against my bare chest and face as I slid down to the ground.

     Again, I laid there, regaining my composure. Playing the hero and being killed before you could complete your mission was extremely exciting for me.

     I thought of another way. I came into the room from the closet, only this time, the villain was hiding by the door. I didn't even see it coming. I walked in and rammed the knife straight into my gut as if he caught me unaware.

     My jaw gaped wide and I made an “Aagghh!” sound and fell down into a fetal position, gasping for a few minutes on the carpet before dying.

     I had to lay there for a while because me heart was beating so intensely. That's when I remembered the bed and the tied up damsel. What if she really wasn't there? What if, instead, it was me?

     I then replayed the entrance. Instead of being killed when I entered, I was knocked unconscious and carried over to the bed, where I was tied up.  (This was okay, but I wasn't satisfied. Instead, I would enter and be knocked out my gas, that way, I could choke a little and gasp, which was much more exciting.)

     So, I replayed the entry. I walked in the room and over to the bed. I was surprised that the damsel was not there. That's when I realized it was all a trap.  Suddenly the room filled with gas. I dropped the knife and grabbed my throat. I began acting as if I was gasping for air, then collapsed on the bed.

     When I woke up, I was tied to the bed and the villain was lurking over me with my own knife. On the first go, I was able to break the cords, but just as I did so, he rammed the blade into my upper gut.

     To play out the scenario, I was spread eagle on the bed with a feet and hands pointed to the four corners, I acted as if I had broke the cords and reached up, but with one hand (acting as the villain's hand), I rammed the knife into my upper gut. The tip actually left a red mark afterwards (Yes, I was becoming quite liberal with how hard I “stabbed” myself with the toy.) I let out a “Huagh!” and died holding the blade in my belly.

     On the second go around, I decided there should be more of a struggle, so when I broke free, I was able to grab the wrist of the villain, who was slowly able to overpower me and planted the knife into my mid-belly, just above the navel. (I hadn't found that “sweet spot just yet.)

     My heart was racing and pounding in my chest. This was too exciting for me. I couldn't stop now.

     I then decided I would be killed without breaking free. For this one I had to use one free hand (my right) to act as the villain again. I woke up and the villain asked my to join him. I told him, “Fuck You!” and he rammed the blade into my belly, hitting to the side of the navel. I kicked my straight legs and let out a “Aarrgh!” and died.

     On the next go-around, I decided to beg for my life. I pleaded and begged, saying, “No, please, no...” before I would stab myself repeatedly in the belly. My hips and legs jumped with each stab and I twisted and writhed with each stab.

     I couldn't believe how arousing the sensation was, so I decided to take it to the extreme and removed my shorts. I was now lying naked on the bed in full arousal. I held the toy knife over my belly and began squirming as if trying to escape. I pleaded and begged, then began stabbing myself in the belly mercilessly.

     I played out the agony and dying to its fullest. My heart continued pounding and racing. My legs squirmed and my gut muscles flexed with each assault. I stopped for about 3 seconds then commenced stabbing myself again. This was far more exciting than I had ever experienced in my young life.

     I then used both hands on the toy knife and rammed it full-force into my navel. The tip had little room to bend, so the belly-button took the full-blow of the stab.

     The sensation was electrifying. My abs flexed to their fullest. My chest raised off the bed. My hips lurched upward. My legs tightened and my toes curled. My eyes widened for the shock, while squinting at the sides. My brow raised and I let out a loud. “UUGGHHH!!!”

     I shot my load straight up my belly. My abs jerked as my cock pulsated and shot out load after load. I wasn't sure if it would ever end. (I really didn't want it to anyway.)

     My chest heaved and my face turned red. I fell back down, limp body, except for that one part, which continued throbbing and spewing out lesser amounts until it, too, finally calmed.

     I laid on my bed for a several moments, mesmerized by the whole ordeal. It was the first time that had ever happened and it was amazing.

     After some time, I pulled back on my shorts and headed down to the bathroom for a bath. I examined the red marks on my belly. Nothing to be worried about. And those most definitely were not going to be the last ones on my gut.

     It had indeed been a great adventure which led to the most satisfying of endings. The hero had died and I was spent.  It was the beginning of a great new relationship.
And As Always,
Happy Battlings and a Glorious Death to You All!!!!

Thanks for sharing your fantasy. I wish I could have been your playmate then.
Morituri Te Salutamus - Those about to die salute you. 
Wow, you had a lot of killings that day! And a great ending too. Thank you for writing this down and sharing.
Wow! You had me hard from the time you took off your shirt and dispatched bad guy until you shot your load at the end. Great mental images. Thanks for posting.

As kids we used to play War.

There were always new homes being built on nearby empty lots, and the excavations for the basement always had high mounds of dirt next to them.  These hills were our battlefields. War always had to be played shirtless. I didn't make the rule, but I definitely agreed with it . I liked seeing the bare upper bodies of my friends. I liked the feeling of the breeze and the warm sun against my own skin. In War it was usually the older kids against the younger kids. My brother with with the older kids on top of the hill.

The younger group's job was to take the hill. We would charge up the hill, and either get shot on the way up, or bayoneted if we made it to the top. In either case, everyone in my group always died in the attack. We didn't die in place. We clutched our gut, then rolled down the hill and ended up in a pile with our shirtless buddies.

Some, but not all, of the hill defenders were also killed and they rolled down the hill and landed on the same pile with the rest of us. I really enjoyed being in that heap of shirtless guys. We were all a little sweaty. We were kind of grimy with dirt from rolling down the hill, and our chests were usually heaving a little from the excitement.. I liked the feeling of my bare torso rubbing against another guys'. If I was lucky I would get an armpit or bellybutton in my face.
Wow! Both hot!

I guess I was six? I was Robin the Boy Wonder. This girl pal was Catwoman. Robin always fell into a trap was knocked out on his back or belly. Either way I was turned around and on my back. My shirt was raised to a half shirt. Catwoman used something to recreate claws (possibly a garden tool with at least five claws) and she would scrap the claws from hip to hip and the middle finger claw went into my navel, vibrating through me when it hit that hole! She did this both ways from hip to hip. Later, she did it up and down from lower than navel to upper abs. I pretended to get one hand free and held it in the navel for longer. I didn't understand what was happening but I felt things way down there and possibly even got wet. I also knew somehow I felt I had to hide this from her mom when her mom came into the room.

I had a wet dream, my first, about being stabbed by a young prince. First, before he came in, I was held by two muscled Egygtian dudes with black hair and wearing very little, a thong or loin cloth as I was. I had a washboard stomach even then and in my dream. They held and forced me to my knees.
The young prince, wearing a loin cloth and crown came forward with a sword and slowly stuck me in the belly button. He made the two guys let me go soon after I groaned enough times. He was smiling. He was having fun. I was arching my back and then my back fell over my legs, as I was still kneeling. He pressed it in until it popped out my back. And I felt the pain in the dream and came for the first time. Since that, gladiator movies and Hercules movies,, or any movie that had two guys battling with swords, spears, knives, or other pointed weapons has had the effect of turning me on.
It is just a fantasy as i am really the most peaceful, pacifist ever. I would never harm a fly.
American Indian, pirate, jungle boy, barbarian, gang scenarios filled my imagination. It was a quite struggle accepting this strange side of my self but it is only one side.
And now that I know I am not alone, it is not so bad anymore.

Just remembered, the Fred and Chuck in this story are based on me and my karate kid pal!

I have to admit even that young, I had pre cum coming out of me as young as six.

The wet dream was : TRIO: A TENT SHUN

We were in a yellow-tan-brown tent, the one that my elaborate Egyptian
people could make. The flaps of the tent were blowing in the night wind, a
clear, cool night even in this desert. Yet the heat inside the tent and
inside the tomb-pyramid, which was situated just outside the tent, made it
hot enough for us to wear very little and be acceptable.

Loin cloths for all. Bare hips and tummies. A well rounded navel on me. I
was from a lower class servant range. My family made me serve this
prince. It was not that I didn't like him. I did. He was curly haired and
blue eyed, smaller than I and younger at about 18 changes of year. And he
had an infectious, almost innocent smile. Almost. Something in his smile
was mischievous and almost sinister. I looked all around the tent, which
was wide and had many openings, many flaps. I could go in any direction to
escape. The prince didn't like what I had done. He was entering one of the
younger boys and I tried to stop him. The boy was mine. But now he was no
one's for the prince stuck the boy in the stomach, entering the navel as he
had entered the buttox earlier. Servants were lower to be sure but killing
like this was not allowed. The prince's family, if they knew, would have
had him buried alive in the tomb before the tent.

I packed and took a large bag toward the right side of the tent, away from
the tomb-pyramid, but watching the flap in the direction of the massive
obstruction. As I did, I almost ran right into the massive muscle of the
two bodyguards. Body gods. They were massive to me. One named Chadic was
blond haired, found as a baby and raised to be a killer for to guard the
royal heirs, any royal heirs, for the Prince Jasic, was not yet born at the
time of Chadic's finding. Chadic was well over 6 feet and with a muscled
belly, his abs a series of well worked on bumps of hardness. Slick well
oiled body in this heat of the tent. The other was named Blad, he was
shorter than Chadic but taller than I and a bit skinnier than I. In fact,
his stomach was a lot like mine but perhaps more surrounded by his ribs and
his navel...well that was perfect...a perfect rounded hole, the outer ridge
a perfect ring. The interior not too fleshy but not too shallow. Blad was
not as bulky as Chadic but just as hot. His arms, legs, thighs, and chest
were all well developed. He had a smile on his face as he grabbed my upper
left arm. Chad was more serious faced as he grabbed my other arm. "No," I
gulped, "Let me go!" I winced as they roughly moved me back toward the tent
flap nearest the tomb, the wind blowing that flap in and out.

My own abs, if I had bothered to look down, were tight and tense, not bad
to look at, as they struggled against the power of the two boys. Chadic
about 21, Blad a bit older but looking just as young. Smooth and hairless
bodies. Blad had green eyes and a dark tan, more Egyptian look than the
fair Chadic. And his arms, indeed his whole body, had those green veins
that stood out on them, making them look even hotter and stronger. Large
expanses of skin from both guards filled my eyes, when I had my eyes
open. I closed my eyes only as I tried to free my arms but the pair were
forcing me forward.

I felt my knees buckle a bit but I stayed least for a few
minutes. I tried to dig into the ground with my heels first, then my
toes. No avail. I was forced and staggered forward, my stomach out on the
lower belly and inwardly tight on the top of my abs. "Please, you don't
have to do this!" They would say nothing, I knew this. It was not their job
to talk. In fact, I was shocked that they did not have swords stuck in my
stomach by now and that they did not carry any weapons on their
person. Where would they have stuck them--inside their loin cloths? Well
they had those filled to the brim already with thick, large, heavily veined
members. Which seemed to shake out of their bags as we struggled.

My arms hurt as I finally gave in and started to fall to my knees. He came
in the forward flap before I hit my knees to the sandy tarp below me. He
was smiling like a Cheshire Cat and his blue pools of aqua marine shone at
me. They looked, he looked ready for some fun, for some merriment. And he
got it.

"I didn't see anything. I mean..."

"I know what you were planning to do," he came toward me. He had on only a
white bit of cloth tied dangling and tenuously hanging on to his
hips...just. Barely. The two guards were bending over me but soon the
Prince made them stand me up to face him mouth to mouth and he got as close
so as to kiss my lips. They forced me up. "You must be punished," the
beauty boy said, in his hands fondling a plainly handled, steel knife, thin
at the front but a bit wider at the middle. I looked at it and then
down. This gave me a nice view of his boyish stomach, hairless and not as
cut as the other two but a nice slide if a penis were to be put to it. Nice
lines and smooth. He played with me. He put the knife point to chest, my
chest and slide it down and up and didn't cut in at all...yet.

He also lifted it so that I felt it longways on my body, the entire length,
long, cold, steel against my quivering mid-pecs, rounding it on my nips,
and then moving it to my ribs, tickling me at my hips. Erogenous zones were
hit all over the place and each time I bucked, the two holding me tightly
made me move back to position of standing...which made it all the more
hotter. I rose up penis wise. A dry rise. No pre cum yet.

My nips were hard too.

Then he made me relax. How? He tossed the knife away and said, "No."

I went to jelly in the arms of the two luscious boy-men and they held me. I
wanted to sleep then and there. I puffed out, my stomach going in and then
rising out. Then in at almost permanent relaxation. "Thank you my prince,
thank you," I huffed.

"No, thank you," the boy said, his upper arms flexed as he seemed to move
off a bit toward a pile of rugs that lay to my right, to his left. At the
same time, the prince nodded to the two holding me in a muscled grip and
they shoved me down to my knees again.

This made me pre cum and I felt all wet and sticky at my penis head,
splashing it around in my loins. I was at four inches now and popping up
higher all the time.

I was on my knees and the two guards got to their knees also, I could feel
their bodies absently hitting mine from behind. Flesh meeting flesh. The
Prince revealed what he reached for and it was an equally thin pointed
sword, but this was a bit thicker at the middle. The Prince sat with his
legs around my frame and looked at my eyes but spoke to his men, "Hold
him." He said it so quietly but with such confidence and lust that it made
me excited. He was doing this to me. He took the point of the sword and
made sure it was straight on at my navel.

I looked at him, "No," I stated quietly, "No." I moved my stomach in so
that the sword would not hit it. The point was now further away from my
belly button than it had been. Blad looked on, drooling. Chadic smiled
now. His eyes widened at the thought of seeing this over my shoulder.

I looked at my own belly and wondered how long it would be that I could
keep it sucked in like that, my ribs looking like Blad's during one of his
exercise sessions or one of his sexy romps with Chadic and the Prince. My
dick was raging inside, stretching my loin cloth to its limits, red hot,
burning hot, searing like fire. Knives in my dick head. Along my vein and
down to my ball beginnings. Balls filled up. The pre cum seemed to engulf
the full front of my loin cloth. My hands could not go to it to relieve it
cause the two guys were holding my upper arms up and away from anywhere
near my chest and the Prince, who moved in close, real close again. My
stomach went out as I had to breath out. The point was not in there yet but
it was close, so very close. I looked at it, hoping to feel it in my navel,
the thought of it touching there and making my hot belly colder made me
longer in the cloth. The Prince smiled as he looked down at my poking out
dick. The white cloth stuck out.

"Hold him tight now," I heard him say and I looked him in the eyes. As I
did, I felt the point enter the circumference of my belly. I tossed my view
down and saw it go in, just barely saw it. I sucked in again, not as much
as before, for I knew if I sucked in, for every inch I did, I would have to
let it out, too.

"It shant matter," The Prince said, "I will not relent. It will penetrate
you, ever so slowly."

He was right. The sword point went in and devoured the flesh
within. Slowly. Methodically. I tried to buck up, then I knew I was brought
down by the two strong males holding me. I could hardly move an inch and I
struggled to coalesce out of their grip but could not. This made me harder
and feel sweatier and sexier. All four of us dripped with sweat. Blad was
wide eyed and drooling onto my shoulder. Chadic swallowed and I could feel
his dick against my bare lower back, I think it had the cloth still over it
though but the wetness soaked through and onto me. I didn't care. His other
hand was free and on my side for a short time. I squirmed at this touch as
he hit some sensitive area. Then he took it and flung his dick out and
started to throb it up and down, rubbing. Fisting.

The prince looked at his own hand as it slid the sword in. I could feel it
in. An inch. A half inch more than that. Something hardened in my
stomach. I did it purposefully. Then I bucked without trying, an
unconscious move, a reaction. The sword point bit my flesh some more. I had
hard abs and they forced against the point but were no match for it. The
steely pain I felt as it broke past my ab back wall and remained stationary
there for what seemed a long time made me bend forward a bit. My washboards
were flexed to the max and the sword became a part of them but not
really. It was a foreign body finding a way, a route through me. The Prince
kept it sliding and he had to really use some of his strength to direct it
straight on in. I saw his arm flex as it drove the hand which drove the
sword which drove the point through my innards. Straight on in. My body
grabbed up the sword and I bent over and grunted. My hair hung forward. The
two dudes holding me gasped in awe and pleasure.

"Release him now. Let him go. It is all right, okay," he told the two, who
were displeased to let go but were pleased to be able to grip their dicks
more harshly. "I can totally handle him from here as my handle goes in to
greet his abdominals."

They let go of me and I felt good about that but not that good, for I
teetered a bit and this made me stick myself more onto the
sword. "Nunnnnnguh!" I was making sounds I didn't think capable of. I then
used the sword as a pivot to hold me up. I hated the sword and the feel in
me from it, I loved the sword and the feel in me from it. I hated this
fucker Prince for stickin it in me, I loved this cute Prince for stickin
me, for having the balls to drive it home to my spot.

The thing about the sword is, and the thing about the belly button
is...they kind of complement each other. Here you have this ready made hole
that seemed like it should allow access for the sword point easily but
fuck, it doesn't. I looked down, then up to the ceiling of the tent, then
into the eyes of the Prince. The sword should slip in easily but it
doesn't, it goes to the hole but the hole ends and there is stuff behind
it. Stuff that the sword vanquishes easily and crushes and takes along with
it. The hardness of the behind my navel was being squished back with the
point, some of it stayed, just slit and just cut. I tried to hold the sword
and for a bit I did. I managed to still the thrust inward. The Prince found
this annoying at first but then, amused by it, he taunted me, played a
little game. As if he really could not match my waning strength. He stopped
the plunge. Looked at me as if it were my magnificent strength and then
said something like, "Nahhhhh." He continued.

I bent as far as I could down over the sword. Were there some guys pin
pricking my prick cause it felt like it was being stuck with thousands of
points, burning, heating, sizzling, stirring, jerking. Bending forward felt
good if only to feel the Prince's free hand on my back as he used that to
hold me, he also touched, at various times, my chest to give some force,
and my side, below my hip, above my hip, on my hip. All of which I
favored. The bend forward lost its value as stopping the pain for it
increased it. It never could stop it. I then knew the fucking sword was
close to shitting out my bare vee back, just about a foot above my anus. I
jerked and through it, I moved backward, my head moving back, my body
arching back, my stomach expanding and stretching back. The two guards
behind me, cumming all over the fucking place, made several moves to try to
catch me or push me up but the Prince snapped a quiet, "No, let him die in
throes of his own making. It pleases me."

The sword felt just as bad-good with me tossing my belly to a full stretch,
the sinewy muscles along my entire frame, hosting it now. The burning
sensation in my navel heated up the entire area even more. I seared like a
thousand knives in my belly button, straight on in, and at the rocket of
pain and blasts that was my penis-dick. The fire rose up and up and up
along the shaft until it gathered all momentum and fuel at the dick head,
round the mushroom and the sword was driving in at full plunge and

And I let loose...I shot a load that blasted the loin cloth off myself and
a huge cum ball hit the Prince in his own belly button which he rubbed all
around, lather gooing all over...

The two guards behind me awed and ohhheed and oooeed.

I shot again and a goop of goope jisimed up over the sword and entered some
of the hole it had made at my former belly button, now a larger one. The
sword was being withdrawn and just as slowly as it was put in. I jerked and
jerked and flew more projectiles over the Prince and my own body. Cum flung
over my head, over my shoulder to land squarely on Chadic's chest, dripping
down his flanks and his pec middle. Blad moved in for some too and got some
right in his ridge. He fingered it and a large dose squashed out of his
belly button as he suction cupped it with his finger and sent small
splashes jutting out. He stabbed his belly button with his other finger and
Chadic, in his moment, found the knife the Prince had thrown down and with
a quick in and a quicker out, and a hand motion that left his hand in the
air with the knife, stabbed Blad in that perfect navel. Both didn't realize
it. When Blad did, he put his hands around his navel but refused to cover
it up. The dangling mutant meat there made both he and Chadic cum again!
And again. Blad smiled at Chadic, who was shocked at his own move. He then
stuck himself and deeper than Blad was stuck. The two jumped on each other,
more for sex than for violence but it didn't matter. They ended up behind
me pumping to their deaths with two large poles between them showering them
with a fountain between mass muscle, white foam overflowing horizontally.

The Prince didn't care to watch them. He was watching me as he slowly
ejected the sword, gore and all on its long and slender body. My body
quivered and my muscles, most of them surrounding my navel, were not
affected by the sword but were tensed and ready for death. I cam more and
more and the Prince lapped it up.

After an eternity, the sword parted from my belly button and I looked down
again, bending to stoop to see it again. It parted my flesh before it left
my button, for the deepness of the hole in my belly was such that the flesh
it left was far back in me. I saw and felt the air as the sword parted and
moved out, not touching me again that moment.

The prince looked at what he had done and smiled, "It's good." He had this
quiet calm throughout the whole ordeal and this struck me as sexy. He
switched the sword handle to his other hand and with a jerk from his elbow,
he plunged the sword back in the very hole he tore it from. It deepened me
some more and I sucked air in as far as I could and it stuck in my
throat. The air I mean. The sword was in my belly's throat, my guts, my
interior center. The prince moved the fucker around every which way and I
saw the handle move up,felt the point go down; saw the handle go down, felt
the point go up, smashing against my upper abs from underneath. The kid
made like a pilot using a stick shift and moved it all over. Out. Again. In
again. He stabbed and stabbed and I remained where I was on my knees even
after I died. Finally he had a shot that made my upper body fall over my
stiff legs. My motion back shot a last lasting and life giving cum bullet
of piercing rocketness into the Prince's chest and he moved his mouth down
to catch it there.

He laughed after he swallowed. Then he saw all of us enjoying ourselves in
death and he propped his sword up under his ample belly button hole and
fell onto the point so that it went through his upper back, into his lower
stomach from a below position. "Gaaaaaaagawk!"

I burned all over. My penis was on fire. I woke up and saw a gang of cum
blobs all over my belly button, burying it in a lake of gelatinous
yellow-white goo that looked like it had some of my scrotum in there as
well. "A dream," I gasped. "What is this?"

It was my first wet dream.

I heaved my head up to move my hand and vision to my belly button. The
beauty mark in my navel surfaced as I moved some of the cum aside. It
looked like the Loch Ness monster coming out of the Loch on a particularly
foamy night.

"A dream, what the fuck..." I sat up. Cum dripped and waded down my lower
boy belly to my shaved off pube area.


I knelt upward but the door to my bedroom opened up. "Time," Jason said,
holding a knife in one hand and a sword in another. Like the ones in my
dream. Chad was behind him, naked fully and it was obvious he had just
unplugged his dick from Jase's butt, strings of cum giving tell tale
signs. Blade was there too and he looked full of himself with a large
bayonet poised at his own navel and in his hand.

"Time for what?"

"It's time for your said you wanted it just like in your dreams
and yo gonna git it!"

"No, no, please, let me go, I didn't see anything," I said....

I enjoyed what was to cum...

I also seem to remember my dick rose up between my nips, so large it was at my chest and I cam over my head and the bed, my dick thick and long! That burning sensation and that first cum was amazing, large chunks all over, and at least nine blasts I think. Cum covered the wall behind me, my chest, my hair, and above all a large shot in my navel which made my navel seem to vanish under a lake of gel! It was so hot! I think in some way I keep trying to recreate that experience!
(08-23-2019, 08:47 PM)bellyboy Wrote: I used to role play getting it in the belly before I shot a load. I would have an orgasm, but no cum. Then finally one day I was a young cowboy in a gunfight and I was gut shot. As I crawled along the carpet in agony it "happened" and my first load shot out over the carpet. Later I would masturbate as I came close to dying because I wanted my cum to mix with the blood and guts on my belly.
So very hot. The idea of crawling along with the pain, sometimes your belly maybe hitting the ground and causing more pain...maybe a jagged rock or two pointing up, too! Hawt!
These early experience stories are great. Everyone remembers their first orgasm.

Mine was when I was around 12 or 13 years old. My buddy and I were down his grandmothers basement. He suggested we take a nap on a cot she had there. He also insisted that we strip down to our jockey shorts. Then I felt his had slipping into my shorts and playing with my cock. Soon we were completely naked and he continued to stroke my dick. This was all completely new to me . I had no idea why, but I knew it felt good. When I shot my load for the first time in my life, it was the most sensational feeling I ever had.

He then had me jack him off. It quickly became something we did regularly all through high school. He was a jock and I was a nerd, but we had a real connection. I lost track of him after high school, but I often think back to that first time down his grandmothers basement.
(08-23-2019, 11:10 PM)bellyboy Wrote: When I was a senior in high school (Mater Dei) I had done some sexual acts with a friend. But for spring break I got to go to Hawaii. I couldn't get a hotel room, but friends of my parents had a condo in Honolulu and I spent the week there. On the beach I met this U of H student and we ended up in the condo and we did everything sexually. Lots of experimenting which was fantastic. It was so hot being naked together. Fucking and sucking. I know when we were laying there naked together I told him that I bet he was good with the girls too. He looked at me and said, I just like to do it. Hard smooth bod, blond and blue.
You hit the jackpot. It doesn't get any better than hard, smooth, blond and blue.
Back in Junior High, I had a friend, Randy. He was red-haired, very light skinned. The veins on his chest stood out like blue lines on a road-map. He was lean, and a bit smaller than me. One day, at his place, he took off his shirt and held his hands over his head. At his lower left pec, right next to his sternum, I could see a pulsing, his heartbeat. He took my hand and placed it on his chest. I could feel his chest rise and fall as he breathed, I could feel his ribs under his skin. But mostly, I could feel his heart beating. After a couple of visits, he started slipping his hand under my shirt, to feel my heartbeat. I started to take off my shirt and laying down on his bed so he could lay his ear on my chest and listen to my heartbeat. I liked the smell of his hair. He would trace the edges of my outie belly-button as he lay on my chest. One day, he brought out one of them toy retractable knifes. He wanted me to wrestle him down and stab him through his heart. He took off his shirt, and went outside. As he walked back in, I came up from behind him, and we started to wrestle. It didn't take long for me to get behind him, and pinned his arms behind his back. I placed my hand on the forceful pounding at his chest, his heart pounding like a mule-kick at his sternum. His slim chest heaving, his lean belly trembling and tense. I took the toy-knife from my back pocket, and held the tip of the blade to the visible pulsing on his chest. His chest started heaving even more rapidly, and he'd struggle to get free. He'd say, "No, Don't Kill Me. Don't Stab My Heart. ". I'd tighten the grip on the toy-knife, and jam it onto his chest. He'd let out a low groan, and tighten his lean body. He'd grab my wrists as I'd twist the blade over his chest. He'd hold his breath. and start to pant and breathe erratically. He'd start to slide down and I'd lower him to the floor. His grip on my wrists would weaken and his arms would fall to his side. I'd lay him on the floor, and stab his still chest a few more times to be sure he was dead. Then, I'd place my ear to his chest, as he instructed, to be sure his heart was not beating.
We made up quite a few games after that in which one or both of us were shot, stabbed through the heart.
(08-23-2019, 11:28 PM)gladiatoratticus Wrote:
(08-23-2019, 11:10 PM)bellyboy Wrote: When I was a senior in high school (Mater Dei) I had done some sexual acts with a friend. But for spring break I got to go to Hawaii. I couldn't get a hotel room, but friends of my parents had a condo in Honolulu and I spent the week there. On the beach I met this U of H student and we ended up in the condo and we did everything sexually. Lots of experimenting which was fantastic. It was so hot being naked together. Fucking and sucking. I know when we were laying there naked together I told him that I bet he was good with the girls too. He looked at me and said, I just like to do it. Hard smooth bod, blond and blue.
You hit the jackpot. It doesn't get any better than hard, smooth, blond and blue.

You hit the nail on the head with that one Smile  Ugh I got to have some amazing fun with a blond/blue/hardbodied guy last December.  We were playing around in a hotel room for a couple days just visiting each other and there was a LOT of fucking... I always used to play with his bellybutton and I'd have him play with mine, especially just before getting off, but it had always been this unspoken thing that I never really talked about... but on our last morning we were laying in bed kinda talking and fucking around... just kinda goofing off.  I was inside him from behind but not pumping or anything, we were just kinda laying there on our backs and he was half laying on top of me and half on the pillows, and while I was inside him and just rubbing my hand on his abs I started playing around with his bellybutton, and I started talking about it... I was like "in case you haven't figured it out I'm really into guys bellybuttons" and I think he said something like "yeah I noticed"... and I started swirling my finger around in it, feeling the back of it, and I was like "just doing this can get me hard" and I did that hard-dick-flex thing where you just kinda do one of those kegel exercises and flex your hardon, and he could feel it flex inside him and he kinda let out this hot gasp/grunt thing... and he said "what do you think of mine?  I always kinda thought i had a cool bellybutton" and I was like "fuck yeah...".  I just started slowly pumping from there and we sucked face while I slow fucked him, it was soooooo hot... *sigh* fuck I'm hard just writing about it Smile

That's one of my more recent real-world experiences Smile

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