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Shaka Zulu
Shaka Zulu
From account written by a British Journalist while living with the Zulu's.

The great King Shaka was deeply saddened by the death of his mother. He ordered all the people of his nation to go into mourning like himself. There was to be no social contacts, people were ordered to stay home, be quite, children were not allowed to play. No one was permitted to work. No one was allowed to laugh. And no one was to have sex either alone or with others.

To insure this was obeyed he ordered the men and woman to be separated, to live apart for the peroid of mourning. To test the resolve of his young warriors he decided to parade naked young women in front of the compound were his warriors lived. He placed his spies among the young warriors. Any warrior who exhibited an erection was to be executed. Several dozen young men, still with erections, were quickly dispatched by arrows and achieved orgasm before they expired. Then their penis's were cut off.



Messages In This Thread
Shaka Zulu - by eroticus - 08-30-2019, 01:00 AM
RE: Shaka Zulu - by TakeNoPrizners - 09-08-2019, 09:50 PM

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