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An Old American West Story
Hello, this is my first time posting here. This is something I wrote a while back. I appreciate everyone who has taken the time to write & post here. I decided to stop being a "lurker" and contribute, hopefully you like it.......

It was unusual for it to rain in Arizona in the summer at least this heavily. But as so often happens rain accompanied a funeral.
Jeb Adams was a founder of the territory and most of the surrounding county residents turned out to pay their last respects to him. Standing solemnly as the preacher read from the Bible were Jeb’s two sons; 16-year-old Buck and 20-year-old Wayne. They now had the control over the vast ranch that Jeb had built from the ground up.
The rain didn’t last long though but it did make the dirt easier to shovel and the two Adam’s boys remained and watched as their father’s coffin was covered by the red earth. They accepted well wishes from all present. Jeb was a wealthy man but had given back to the community a great deal and he was going to be missed by many.
But even as this era closed the towns’ people looked to the two Adam’s boys with hope that they would carry on where their father had left off.
When the grim task of filling the grave was complete all that remained in the graveyard were Wayne and Buck. They looked at the inscription of the tombstone:
Jeb Adams
Beloved Husband and Father
A Friend to Arizona
1829 – 1880
Wayne placed an arm around the smaller body of his little brother and hugged him. It was going to be difficult to go on but they had loyal ranch hands and money in the bank. They would make it.
But gaining as much power and wealth as Jed Adams had did not come without making a few enemies along the way.
One of those was a neighboring rancher named August McCree. He had coveted the Adams land for years and his own wealth equaled his rival’s. Even with his health failing Jeb had refused to sell out. Now August was laid up stricken by a stroke. He was paralyzed one his left side but still commanded orders from his bed.
This day he had sent his two sons Kevin and Toby to see if the Adams brothers were interested in selling out now that they were on their own.
Buck and Wayne turned to go back to their buckboard when they saw the other two youths standing before them. The rivalry of the fathers had spilled down to the sons and the two sets of brothers despised one another.
“You got some nerve showing up here today of all days McCree!” Wayne said to Kevin who was the same age as himself.
Buck locked eyes with Toby who was 18, two years older than he was but the two had had numerous run ins with each other.
“Just paying our respects is all Adams. Now don’t go gettin all bent out of shape on me.” Said Kevin with more than a little but of sarcasm.
“What is it you want Kevin?” Wayne asked curtly.
“We’re here to give you an offer from our Pa. You know he wants your land and he’s willin to make you an offer fer it. It’s a fair one.”
“More en fair iffen you ask me.” Said Toby snidely
“Not interested!” said Wayne leading Buck away
“One hundred and seventy five thousand dollars Adams, cash money! That interest ya?” Said Kevin stopping the Adams boys in their tracks.
Kevin smiled as Wayne turned. Kevin knew the offer was too good to pass up. But Kevin’s jaw dropped when Wayne simply said, “Go to hell!”
He and Buck climbed into the buckboard and as they drove off Kevin called out, “You’re gonna regret this Adams. You’re gonna regret this a powerful lot!”
As the buckboard faded off in the distance Kevin turned to Toby and said, “Guess we go to plan B.”
The sadistic Toby smiled evilly and drew his Colt revolver and spun the chamber checking its readiness already knowing full well it was already fully loaded and re-holstered it.
“Ready when you are big brother.” He said
Kevin clapped Toby on the back and said, “Tomorrow morning when Wayne goes to his meeting at his lawyers office and the rest of the ranch is off with the herd Buck will be home alone. We’ll just pay him a little visit after which Wayne may just change his mind about sellin.”
Toby looked puzzled and said, “How do you know all that?”
Kevin said, “It’s amazing the amount of information a hundred dollars buys.”
At that the two young men laughed and headed back for their horses to get ready for the following morning.


“Alright Buck I’ll be back a bit after noon. Chase has some papers he wants me to sign so that can’t take too long.” Wayne said mounting his stallion.
“I don’t see why I can’t go along and do some brandin with the rest of the fellas Wayne.” Buck said a little peeved.
“Cause I want you here when I get back. We have some important things to talk over. Now just hang around the house here and don’t go nowhere till I get back.”
Buck waved his brother good-bye. The sun was already hot and Buck stripped his shirt off revealing his thin body with small patch of hair between his nipples and a thick, bushy trail spilling out from under his navel. Buck was one sexy sixteen year old. He headed back inside the impressive looking ranch house. While he did that the recently hired blacksmith in the barn exited out the rear and tipped his hat and wiped his face then continued walking off.
“That’s the signal!” Kevin said excitedly as he and Toby waited for the traitor to the Adams let them know the coast was clear.
Toby was practically salivating, “This is gonna be sweet. You don’t know how long I’ve thought about this. Buck Adams! Shit! I do hate that little cuss!”
“Easy little brother. Just cause he’s alone don’t mean he ain’t dangerous. That house is loaded with guns so don’t go getting reckless on me.”
Toby nodded he understood and they snuck toward the rear of the house each with their revolvers drawn.
Buck was sprawled out shirtless in the front room trying to get himself interested in an action tale and gently tugging on his happy trail when the McCree boys entered in the kitchen. They would have easily snuck up on him had Toby not knocked a frying pan off the stove making a very loud noise.
He had no time to apologize and Kevin gave him a quick glare. Buck sat up and instinctively reached for the Colt on the table beside him knowing that there should be nobody but him in the house.
“Who’s there?” He demanded trying hard not to sound scared
A stairway led down to the front room and a walkway encircled the upper floor where the sleeping quarters were and Buck crept up to it so he could over look whoever came into the front room and hopefully surprise them.
Kevin entered the front room and Buck knew immediately who it was and shouted, “What are you doing in our house McCree?”
Kevin wheeled about and looked up and immediately fired his revolver. The slug hit a support post, which Buck ducked behind.
But Buck returned fire and Kevin felt the bullet whiz past his head as he dove headlong to get behind the fireplace that jutted out from the wall.
Toby had not entered the scene yet. Buck was fixated on the older McCree.
“Is this how you plan to do it McCree? Typical of you and your kin.” Buck shouted
“We gave your brother a chance. We’ll see how he feels about carrying on all by himself.” Kevin yelled as he finished he poked his head out and fired up at the balcony again. This time the bullet zipped past Buck and hit the doorway behind him.
Buck returned fire with the bullet striking the fireplace right beside Kevin’s head causing stone bits to hit him in the face. That was too close for his comfort and he wondered where Toby was.
Kevin looked over and saw his black haired brother had crept into the front room from the far side entrance and was poised to get a shot at the teen on the balcony but Kevin could tell he didn’t have a clear shot. He would have to get it for him.
Kevin kept Buck’s attention on himself and said, “OK Adams. Iffen you want you can make this hard or you can make it easy.”
“Like my brother told you McCree; ‘go to hell’! Buck shouted
Kevin took a deep breath and leapt from his hiding place and did a barrel roll to get behind the sofa.
Buck stepped out to get a shot at his target.
At the same time Kevin yelled, “NOW TOBY!”
Toby stepped out from the doorway and Buck turned and saw him. Both were fully exposed to the other but Buck had been caught unawares and Toby’s shot was accurate as his bullet hit Buck a few inches below his navel neatly parting the teen’s hairy trail and tore through the kid’s bowels.
Buck clasped a hand to his shot gut and staggered backwards falling through a door into his father’s old bedroom.
Kevin had missed the action and Toby gleefully said, “I got him! I got him Kevin! I got him right in the belly!”
“Good shootin!” Kevin said
Slowly the two brothers began climbing the stairs.
Buck still held his Colt with its three bullets in his right hand but pressed his left palm hard against his stomach wound. He felt the hot chunk of lead like a searing ingot deep inside his guts. His blood was spreading hot and slippery over his bare skin and he fell to the floor crawling toward the open window.
At the top of the stairs the McCree boys saw proof that Toby’s aim was true when they saw blood spattered all around leading into a room.
Cautiously they followed the trail and saw even more pooled blood on the floor but no sign of its owner.
“You sure as hell did get him Toby. No doubt about that.” Kevin said
“I got him right in the belly Kevin! It was sweet! But where the fuck is the little whelp?”
It was then Kevin saw the open window and pointed, “He got out but he ain’t getting far.”
Toby rushed toward the open window before Kevin grabbed him and pulled him back.
“Ya darn fool! Don’t you know no better than to go sticking your head out when you don’t know what’s out there. The little varmit ain’t dead and could be lying and waitin for you to do just that so in he can blow it right off.”
With his back pressed against the wall just outside the window Buck stood hoping for exactly what Kevin warned. But Toby was spared by the quick thinking of his older brother.
Suspecting just what Buck had done Kevin motioned for Toby to be silent and they hurriedly left the upstairs and headed outside.
Still on the roof outside the window Buck stood. His left hand still pressed deeply into the gunshot wound on his lower belly. His blood now soaked his trousers and he felt himself growing lightheaded and nauseous. But the intrepid son of Jeb Adams fought off the effects of the bullet sunk in his guts still hoping for his enemies to show their heads.
 The roof sloped downward as it covered the first floor kitchen and Buck had to concentrate on maintaining his footing as well as the location of the McCree boys. But when they failed to appear Buck knew his plan was a failure and now found himself totally exposed on the roof.
Just as he was going to slip back inside Toby and Kevin stepped around the side of the house. Their guns were drawn and Toby acted like the happiest of kids on Christmas morning when he saw his quarry right where Kevin thought he might be.
Toby’s shots peppered the wall beside Buck who was caught off guard. He only had two shots left and had to make at least one count to allow himself to get back inside.
With his guts afire he raised his arm to shoot back but found his arm trembling and his shot went askew. Kevin and Toby opened up with guns blazing and a hail of lead streaked toward the teenaged cowboy.
More bullets blasted the wood to his sides but several more bullets found their mark and punched through Buck’s lean belly to join their counterpart deep inside the boy’s abdomen.
His stomach on either side of his navel was hit and another slug ripped into his lower gut puncturing his bladder going straight through his thick bush of pubes.
Buck dropped his Colt and it clattered down the slanted roof to the dusty ground. He clasped both hands to his belly now with four chunks of lead in it. He tossed his head backward with teeth clenched and fell.
Buck’s body rolled down the roof much like his revolver did till he reached the edge and with a dull flopping noise his gut shot body flopped over the edge to land on his back at the McCree boys’ feet.
His bare skinned torso was smeared with his blood and his stomach with four bullets in it heaved in and out as Buck gasped for air. He was so thin that when his stomach deflated it made a deep chasm in his midsection that seemed to be a pooling point for his blood.
“WOOOO HOOO!” Exclaimed Toby as he slapped his Stetson against his thigh making some dust fly.
“Did you get a load of that Kevin? Huh? Did ya? Brother we filled his belly full-a-lead!” Toby was more than pleased with their work and bent down and poked the muzzle of his Colt into Buck’s shot stomach counting the wounds.
“One, two, three, four; four times we got him Kevin! Four times!”
He squatted down next to Buck then looked at the gasping boy whose slender stomach still pitched in and out with deep undulations, “How’s it feel Bucky Boy? How’s it feel to have a belly full of lead?”
Buck knew he was dying but reacted defiantly and spat into Toby’s face. The saliva now tinted red from internal hemorrhaging dribbled down Toby’s cheek and the nasty 18 year old stood up and put a boot into Buck’s side breaking a rib. The pain was nothing compared to what Buck was already feeling.
Toby drew his Colt and Kevin eased it back into his holster and squatted down next to Buck.
“It didn’t have to be this way Buck. I can’t say I’m happy about all this. You and Wayne could have been wealthy men. Me and Toby here could have had the biggest ranch in the territory. We all could have come out on top.”
Buck panted as he listened to Kevin make his pitch while dealing with the agony of four bullets in his belly.
“You ain’t a gonna get away with this McCree. You may have kilt me but Wayne’ll hunt you down and shoot you like a damn coyote.” Buck panted out defiantly.
Kevin lowered his head and nodded in agreement and said, “I agree with you half way. Not that part about your big brother shooting us down but I do agree I kilt ya.”
As soon as he finished speaking he placed the barrel of his Colt right into Buck’s tender belly button and said, “Good-bye Buck.”
The smoke wafted upwards as Kevin’s two shots tore right through Buck’s navel obliterating it and destroying the internal organs below it.
Buck screamed and arched his body upward and clawed madly at the two new wounds in his stomach then collapsed limply back to the dusty ground.
“Ya done got me good that time McCree.” Buck panted out as he lay near death, “Course you… sure had to get close enough not to miss.”
Kevin raised his gun to shoot Buck again for the insult but found it unnecessary as Buck went limp and closed his eyes with his head lolling off to the side.
“Come on Toby. Lets head into town for a drink.” Said Kevin standing up having finished their murderous chore.

 Toby kicked a wad of dirt into Buck’s face following his brother to their horses. But as they left they didn’t notice that Buck had resumed breathing. It was shallow and labored but the tough young cowboy still clung to life.
An hour or so later when the older Adams son returned his headed to the barn but caught sight of something horrible. He saw his little brother Buck sitting with his back propped up against the kitchen door.
Despite his horrific wounds the skinny little cowboy pulled himself that far before tiring out.
As Wayne rushed to his side he saw the blood and the bullet holes in Buck’s stomach and was filled with dread.
Buck seemed happy to see him and even managed a slight grin then it faded as he apologized.
“I’m sorry Wayne I’m powerful sorry. I got me a belly full a lead.”
Wayne did his best to sooth his dying, nearly hysterical brother and finally got out of him who had shot him though in the back of his mind he already knew.
“The McCree boys done it. Kevin and Toby.” Buck panted out “Oh dammit Wayne I hate to leave ya.”
“What are you talking about?” Wayne said as he tried in vane to stop the bleeding by pressing cloths of his own torn up shirt into all of Buck’s weeping belly wounds, “You ain’t a going nowhere ya little runt. So just get that through your head. Besides who would I have to be pestering me all the time? Hell Buck, I’d be lost without you. Don’t you know that?”
Buck didn’t answer and Wayne stopped his frantic bandaging and looked up and saw Buck’s chin resting on his young, lightly hairy chest. His breathing had stopped and this time permanently.
The loss of his father just two days ago had racked the tough Wayne but now he had to cope with his brother’s murder. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he hugged Buck’s body into his own. Deep within a searing rage built and already Wayne was making plans for getting even with the murderous McCree boys.
Kevin and Toby McCree were celebrating though they dared not tell why. Toby had already had seven shots of liquor and was feeling loose and free. He even contemplated on approaching the handsome young cowboy in the corner and seeing if the young man would be interested in some “manly release” but he never got the chance too.
A barmaid screamed as she saw the figure of Wayne Adams holding the bloody body of his brother in his arms.
Diego was Wayne’s long time lover and practically feinted when he saw Buck’s dead body. The two had become close and indeed were as close as natural siblings.
Kevin and Toby saw the horrible site too but didn’t seem as bewildered as the rest of the patrons.
“What happened Adams? Have bit of an accident?” Kevin asked which made Toby practically fall over with laughter.
“Wayne laid the corpse on a table and stood erect with his bare muscular torso glistening with sweat.
“I know you killed my brother Kevin. You and that little cuss Toby.” Wayne snarled.
Kevin turned and said, “And ahhhhh…just how do you know it were us that done in the little whelp?”
“He told me so before he died” Was Wayne’s calm reply.
Toby was still laughing his drunk ass off over Kevin’s opening comment and said with a slur, “He couldn’t have told ya you darn fool cause he was dead when we left him!”
A hush fell over the bar and Kevin cursed himself for allowing Toby to drink. Whiskey and lack of brains was a dangerous combination and now he had a real problem.
“I’m calling you out Kevin. I’m calling you out for being a murdering, yellow bellied, sheep fucker! I’ll be outside waiting for ya.”
Wayne turned and let the swinging doors go behind him.
Diego stood up from Buck’s body and followed after his secret lover placing a hand on his shoulder.
“Wayne don’t do it. Let the law handle it. Hell we all heard that dumb ass Toby confess in there.”
Wayne knew Diego meant well but was not about to be put off now not even by his best friend and lover.
“I can’t Diego. I got to do this.” Wayne gripped Diego’s hand and held it to his heart. “If something happens. Always know I love you.”
Just then Kevin emerged from the saloon. His shirt was unbuttoned to his waistline and he adjusted his holster saying, “OK What’s say we break up the queer shit and get on with this. Say your prayers Wayne cause you’re about to join that sack of shit brother of yours.”
Toby laughed again from the wood plank sidewalk as he watched the two 20 year olds face off.
The sun was still high and hot in the clear sky and the two bodies of the young men shown with sweat. Wayne was shirtless with strips of his shirt still stuffed into Buck’s wounds. His beautiful abs seemed to glisten with sweat and sunlight and tiny beads of sweat clung to the thick patch of hair under his belly button.
Kevin looked equally as impressive as his lean yet muscular torso covered with thick dark hair seemed to shimmer too.
All the bystanders held their breath.
Kevin made a move first to his gun.
Wayne’s response was blazing fast and his shot was fired before Kevin cleared leather.
“Unnnhhhh!” went Kevin as the bullet hit him dead center of his muscle hardened abs a few inches above his navel.
Kevin cupped his hand to the spot then pulled it away staring at his new orifice as it squirted blood. Yet Kevin went once again to draw his gun.
A second bullet ripped into Kevin. This one hit him squarely in his hairy right pectoral just below his nipple.
“Ah Shit!” he said through clenched teeth that were slowly turning from white to red as blood coursed into his mouth.
Yet Kevin still went for his Colt and Wayne answered a third time as he sent his third bullet right into Kevin’s sternum.
Kevin swayed for a moment then fell straight forward like a tree that had been chopped down. Dust rose when his body hit the street and it was over.
At least Wayne thought it was but he was wrong.

 “BASTARD!” screamed Toby. The drunken teenager drew his revolver to back shoot Wayne but never got too.
Across the street Diego had drawn on him and saved his love by firing three slugs into Toby’s lean, moderately hairy, exposed stomach.
One shot hit Toby just above the navel and one to the right of it while a third went into his upper abs blowing a hole in the lining of his stomach organ.
Toby screamed a high pitched wail and clawed at his wounded belly. The copious amounts of whiskey he had drunk were gushing from his stomach almost as quickly as his blood.
“OH god! God help me. I’ve been gut shot!” Toby screamed but nobody seemed to care.
Toby had forgot all about his dead brother and focused on his own impending death as he staggered through the streets screaming, crying and begging for help. Yet none came his way.
They all watched as the boy nobody had ever really liked got his just desserts. Toby stumbled over to Wayne and clutched Wayne’s biceps.
“Please Wayne. Please help me. I didn’t mean nothing by it. I swear it was all Kevin. I never hurt Buck.”
Wayne shucked Toby’s grip off him and watched as Toby fell to his knees sobbing and hugging his stomach.
“Oh shit it hurts. It hurts to get shot in the belly! Please me..”
Diego took Wayne’s arm and said, “Come on Wayne. Its over lets get Buck go home.”
Wayne turned away with Diego as Toby’s cries still echoed in the background.
Toby had asked Buck what it felt like to get a belly full of lead. Well he got his answer as he lived the next 11 hours in pure agony till he finally died in the back room of the town doctor’s office.
Wayne and Diego buried Buck next to his father and mother.
A few weeks later August McCree died and it was Wayne Adams that ended up taking over that ranch instead.
He and Diego lived together and were comfortable in their life even if it was frowned upon by some. But with a draw as fast as both of them had it was not surprising nobody ever said a word about the two gay cowboys.
Excellent writing .... the accuracy of the bullets in certain areas of the belly was hot ...;-)
Hey man, well written exciting narrative.
Good story. Cowboys & indians would be good too.
Glad to see you have found your way here, Jim. We used to speak before Yahoo Messenger was discontinued, lost a lot of contacts with that, you included. You shared that story with me then and it was good then and is good now! I'm glad you have allowed the community to appreciate your work as well and I hope you will share or write more!

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