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Slaves of the Empire
Magnus gathered up his sword and shield: no armor would be worn in the death match.
The Nubian awaited him in the passageway. They exchanged cold stares, then entered the arena together. They marched across the field to the Imperial box and raised their sword to the Emperor. The mob hushed, saving their voices for the violence to follow.
The fight was brief, almost too brief, From the clash of steel, Magnus knew that the Nubian was his. It was bad form to end a match with the first wound.  He would have to toy with the Nubian.  A successful fight was like the act of sex; it was best to hold back, to thrill the crowd as long as possible before the climax.
The energy passed from Magnus's groin into his arm, and through his fingers to his blade. His sword became his erection, hard and gleaming, eager to penetrate, unyielding and sensitive to every touch.
Magnus first deprived the Nubian of his sword, wrenched it from its owner's grasp and sent it skimming through the air. The mob awarded him with a reserved round of applause.  The more experienced spectators knew now that the Nubian would die.  They relaxed in their seats to observe the master's technique as Magnus began the process of paralysing his victim.  He began with a series of superficial wounds - cuts across the Nubian's left shoulder and arm, a slice across the man's taunt belly that brought a thread of blood to the surface.
The Nubian, slashing awkwardly in desperation, drew blood - a glancing oblique scratch across Magnus' thigh. Magnus decided to end the game.
He penetrated the Nubian's defence and landed a deep cutting blow across the biceps of his sword arm, severing the thick muscle.  The Nubian jumped back and transferred his sword clumsily to his left hand, his useless right arm, a burden now, hung limp and bleeding at his side.  His left arm was weaker; in seconds Magnus struck the sword from his grasp.
He made a lunge at the Nubian's lower chest and scored a deep wound.
The Nubian groaned and staggered back but did not fall. Magnus approached him slowly, frowning; he was angry the fight had not been more interesting.
Magnus raised his sword, swung it upward and down, upward and down, marking a crimson X across the Nubian's dark chest.
The mod roared; Still the Nubian did not fall.  Magnus flicked the tip of his blade about the Nubian's skirt and cut the strap that held the man's leather cup.  The garments fell away and the Nubian stood, naked, his arms hanging useless at his sides.
The Nubian's sex was swollen, almost erect; magnus had seen this curious phenomenon before in his victims, the concentration of blood in the sex even as it drained form the rest of the body.  He slid his sword between the man's legs, forcing him ot open his thighs and rise to his toes.  He lifted the Nubian's shaft for display, the fleshy rod lay balanced along the sharp edge of his blade.
The crowd was silent. Magnus looked at the Nubian's face.  His dark eyes begged for an end to the humiliation, for release into death.
Magnus lowered the pommel of his sword and stabbed upwards, entering the Nubian below his testicles and impaling him on the blade. A rain of blood and offal poured hot over Magnus's fist. A thrill like fire ran from the buried steel into Magnus' arm, welling in his chest and filling his leather codpiece.
The Nubian screamed in spastic agony.  The mob roared.  There were shrieks among the crowd, Hysteria filled the coliseum.
Magnus pulled the sword free and stepped back.  The Nubian jerked wildly and collapsed to his knees. Magnus raised this foot to the man's throat and pushed him backward to the ground, He placed his sword to the Nubian's chest and looked at the Imperial box.
The Nubian's performance had been disastrous. There could be have been no reprieve for him, even if there was a chance that he might survive his wounds.  The Emperor extended his arm and made a fist, thumb pointing down.
Magnus drove the sword into the Nubian's heart.  There was no thrill in the penetration. His sword was lifeless again, insensate; the power had returned to his shaft.
(Extract from"Slaves of the Empire" By Aaron Travis)
Great story.
Morituri Te Salutamus - Those about to die salute you. 
I remember coming upon this book in a bookstore in NY.  I read this scene and had to go into the restroom right away and jerk off!  Then I bought it and it was a good friend for many years.  Lost it somewhere.  At first I did not know what offal was, thought it was like cum.  Guess I was confused.  (I was 14.)  Still such a hot scene.
I remember that passage well - thanks for posting!

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