06-20-2021, 04:32 AM
It took me several viewings to realize that the first Japanese guy to get it is making a pass at the Chinese spy. He comes on to the guy suggestively, and the guy sticks a gun in his gut, smiles at him, then pumps a slug up through his guts and belly, sending him flying. Then he shoots all the other naked Japanese guys, even giving one a shot in the dickhead! There are all sorts of homoerotic elements to this scene, too much to be coincidental or accidental. The way the Chinese guy comes in in full uniform and just sits and watched for a few minutes suggests voyeurism. The first guy coming on to him and general hijinks going on in the spa infer that the whole thing is going to turn into a big gay orgy in a second. As it's a Chinese film, it suggests to me that the Chinese wanted to portray the Japanese soldiers as perverse and feminine, surely an insult in those cultures. Definitely adds a lot of subtle levels to the scene.
- Derek
- Derek