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Joined: Oct 2020
Dude, that is fucking awesome!
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Joined: Mar 2020
I would encourage you to keep at this! You show some obvious skill, and it's something you could put to use in other areas of your life as well. I know there are freeware video editing programs around, at least for basics like adding sound. I also recommend soundbible for finding sound effects. Its free, has decent selection, and so far no malware, though I use an ad blocker so I don't know how bad the ads are. There's also footagecrate, where I think you can sign up for a free membership and get 5 free assets each day. They have stuff like gun sounds, laser effects etc if you're into that.
Let me know if I can help! It can be tough starting out with this kind of thing.
Posts: 81
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Joined: Sep 2019
dude that was wicked hot! you got the animations down pretty well!
I have a favor to ask that could help tweak it perfectly for my version of the fantasy... if you could make his facial expression like he's angry or toughing it out... defiant... that'd be sooooo hot...
Seriously that's some really cool work, I echo what others have said and I hope you keep at it!
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Joined: Jul 2019
Beautifully done.
And As Always,
Happy Battlings and a Glorious Death to You All!!!!
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Derek you are amazing!!!!