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my last post?
IDK it might be my last post. Maybe the responses I get to being honest and truthful are just the impetus I need to get away from this fetish and forums like this where people are selfish, easily offended and nasty.
Nice bobies to use for fight to death scenarios !!!!
Chase, i love your posts, please don't leave.
[Image: tumblr_nbpbfff8wN1rlvb7yo2_500.jpg]
Please don't leave this site.
Your post à really good and I like to look at theses pictures.
I might not leave but I might just not be posting too much more. I mean I get a kick out of this for some reason, obviously, I mean the fetish, not the drama but people here just aggravate me so much by not participating and when I reveal parts of myself, they use it against me but I TRULY appreciate the kind words. I have to go with the flow and see what happens. I do feel I'm changing a lot so maybe that's to do with it. Maybe it's just part of separating myself from this fetish as I'm too indulged in it. It could be the universe answering my call to not indulge too much in this and not let it control me or mess me up even more! Wink but thank you.
Yikes! You've been around for awhile (Delphi and others?) so yes, you have been exposed to the good, bad and the ugly. Like any other of us that post here, you can't let a negative comment override what you have fun doing. I will be extra vigilant on your future posts to see if negative remarks pop up, and do my best to smash them. This is not the place to be negative. If you don't like a post from anyone, try to find another way to say it isn't necessarily your cup of tea. Slamming one another , some who spend significant time producing content is pointless and completely rude.
Some HOT bods that I'd certainly enjoy seeing offed in the Arena!

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