09-26-2020, 02:10 PM
(09-25-2020, 11:44 PM)gladiatoratticus Wrote: Chase, your postings are appreciated. Please don't take lack of comments as a sign of disinterest dislike. It's like this on every board or blog I have been on. I for one look at every one of your posts. Tastes vary. Sometimes I see a lot that I like, sometimes I don't see anything I like, but I appreciate the time and effort you have put into your forum.
My personal interests are in naked men fighting or in distress, and it's reflected in my work. I don't care where on the body the blows are struck. I am not fixated on the navel or chest or crotch. My interest is in the contest between naked men.
I post when I can. At first I had dozens of finished pieces, and I posted a lot. Now, everything is original and it takes me about a month to complete a project to my satisfaction. So, I'm posting a new photo composition every four or five weeks.
I know that not everyone on this board is interested in my work. I am grateful to the viewers who check out my forum, and I appreciate any comments that are posted.
Please keep posting.
Thanks. Do you have a link to your forum?